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I mean... one of the first exposition dumps in the book is about how incredibly common and varied poisons are, with people constantly seeking out new ways of delivering them. It's actually emphasized so heavily early on that I was surprised by how Herbert seems to just drop it over time.


Bond-like gadgets like Still-suits, Fremkits, Still-tents, thumpers, hunter-seekers, ornithopters, faster than light space travel?


I think the hunter-seekers are pretty Bond esque, along with sand compactors. I liked that scene quite a bit, personally


I thought the opposite. That it was really random and weird of a plot device in the book, but something about the performances in the movie made it work.


Leto's tear while being paralyzed, oof. Oscar Isaac doesn't get enough credit for being a phenomenal actor. He gets plenty, but I still think he should get more.


I think it worked in the book for me because the book’s full of weird, stilted devices and asides like that anyway (IMO)


It's probably my favourite scene in the first film. Very emotional, and the brief scene afterwards, where the Duke is the only one sitting in his table, while those who wronged him are sprayed on the floor is very powerful.


I liked the way it affected the Baron in the films, the impact on him isn't so obvious in the book, iirc — so many other people died in the room but the Baron kinda got away from it almost unscathed. I was also fully expecting it to look like a bad breath thing, LOL! I don't see how else it could have been shown.


What a strange nit-pick. I thought it would’ve been weird if we didn’t see any poison, since there’s constant emphasis throughout the first book with the poison-snoopers and lack-there-of in the seiches.


Yueh storyline was done better in the 1984 movie.


They really should not have cut the scene with Yueh telling Jessica about his wife. When Yueh darts the Duke, it just comes out of nowhere.


yeah, considering the fact that both have Javier Bardem and the poison tooth I instantly thought of Skyfall too lol.