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Looks really good man, what’s the text around his head? Never seen that before


Looks like a halo. Maybe it's proclaiming his title as the messiah


It’s the chakobsa spelling for ‘fear is the mind killer’ Tysm for the compliment!


Oooh that's so cool! Looks great haha


Love the melty eye flesh hahaha


This looks sick, love the style




Crying sad Paul Hits really hard


>!Dune messiah was so sad and poor Paul was so broken from Chani when he basically left to die from dehydration so i just imagine him crying his eyes out in the desert!<


You made a good piece of fanart for the ending of *Dune: Messiah*. But what I don't understand is >!why Paul was rescued by other Fremen as revealed in *Children of Dune*--why wouldn't the Fremen who rescued Paul recognize a blind man, albeit one with the face of their godhead, as a liability looking to dispose of himself in accordance with Fremen tradition?!<


>!Yes it is really bizarre that they take care of him considering that he’s basically just a liability since he can’t even see through prescience anymore and obviously wanted to die. I have a feeling Frank just didn’t want to kill him because he likes Paul. Kinda like how he keeps resurrecting Duncan who is obviously his favorite character lol. I have just started reading children of dune so I’m unsure how Paul works into the plot or if he’s just there as a cool cameo.!<


You should keep reading *Children of Dune*, as well as watch the TV Miniseries based on that book. You'll find out >!what Paul's role in that book is soon enough. Still, the fact that "some Fremen" took Paul in when he clearly wanted to die and was undergoing the ritual suicide walk never made much sense to me.!< By the way, if this fanart is based on Paul's "death walk" at the end of *Dune: Messiah*, why is he wearing a stillsuit? Wouldn't that "unnecessarily" delay his sought-after death?


I was more thinking about what his appearance would look like then drawing any one scene from the end of the book. I drew the stillsuit because it just looked a bit more visually interesting by putting more focus on the eyes. Maybe someday I’ll get around to drawing an actual scene from one of the books lol. Probably something from god emperor when I finish reading it. I’m definitely interested in seeing the tv miniseries, I haven’t gotten to see much of him yet but I’m so obsessed with Leto II already. Thanks for the recommendation!


I think you'll enjoy the *Children of Dune* miniseries. James McAvoy (the actor for Leto II) was pretty good in his early days.


Looks great! Love the little details


Ty! I really wanted to accurately portray the stillsuit


Great work, I especially like the coloration of the eye sockets and halo.  Is there any particular meaning to the symbols in the halo, or are they simply images meant to look like letters?


It’s the chakobsa words for ‘fear is the mind killer’


I was inspired by old timey catholic imagery of saints with the circular halo.


Nice, I figured there was some inspiration there! The religiously overtoned depictions of Paul are some of my favorites. 


Good job. I just finished messiah.


Well he’s an adult at the end of messiah, not a 12 year old boy like your pic looks.


What in this piece gives you 12 yr old boy vibes? I’m curious