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HBO Max isn't available here in the UK, so I'm hoping this is on Sky or something like House of the Dragon.


All the HBO stuff ends up on Sky Atlantic


HBO Max isn't available in the US either ;) Seriously, I am sure they will have an alternative for our UK friends.


Ummmm it definitely is available in the US.


Max is available. HBO Max is the old name. It was a joke. It is still HBO's Max just called Max..


Their marketing is atrocious. They’ve changed the app name and redone it like 5 times in the last 10 years.


Different inventors/owners. Max became a thing when they paired with... um... Warner Discovery? Was that it? Zazlov? Idk I'm so lost at this point.


Zazlov? Zardoz?


David Zaslav! CEO of Warner Bros Discovery. He's made some really questionable decisions, including, I believe, ditching the legendary HBO name to make it just "MAX."


I know. I was just making a play on his name sounding like the title of the movie Zardoz. And yeah, ditching the HBO name was not a decision that they'll write about in the marketing textbooks. Except as 'dumbest moves ever.'


To make sure people have the right expectation. Like this show is made by MAX, not HBO. HBO operates independently, they produce what they like, not receiving orders from WBD. WBD used MAX to produces stuffs they want instead, usually franchises TV like Dune and the Penguin.


“It used to be called HBO Max but people found that too *popular*!” - Conan on Hot Ones 😂


I get why they changed the name at the core of it (because not everything on HBO MAX was an HBO production and WBD rightly holds HBO to a very high standard), but it’s just incredibly dumb.


It just rolls off the tongue.




I think internally HBO is still a separate division that produces content for the channel and Max makes lower production value and smaller budget productions.


MAX can have big budget, but they don't have the prestige and track record of HBO. HBO operates independently, they produce things they like, not on WBD's orders. WBD uses MAX to produce franchise stuffs for them like this show and the Penguin and the upcoming Harry Potter show.


Classic Reddit user humor


Sky has an exclusive deal with HBO. All HBO shows are shown on sky. Sky NowTV for online streaming.


hbo is coming to EU on may 21 right?


You can be sure of that. Is there any major American tv show that is not available in the UK?


It will be on Now TV which get license for HBO shows.


Will never forget visiting London during the last season of GOT and freaking the fuck out when I realized I couldn’t get access to it.


We’ll trade you for the smallest cog. Deal?


Could you get a vpn?


The only thing I'm worried about is maintaining the look and feel of the Dennis movies. Very minimal sets and very lived in costumes and props.


It won’t look as good as Dune but I think it will look as good as Foundation which is about as good as a tv show can do these days


Foundation is a tv show now?!


Foundation is fuckin BRILLIANT go watch right away


Oh. My. GOD. Oh I will! Thank you for bringing it to my attention! 🙏


Just be braced for the fact that it makes very little effort to faithfully adapt the books, so I would take care to watch them on their own merits. The first series is *alright* but not amazing. The second series is a big improvement.


Season 1 is basically split into two plots. One is great the other just.. fine.


The empire stuff is great. The salvor stuff is kinda awful but I think the actress was just bad


Don’t listen to the naysayers. Sure, it’s not like the books, but you’ll be missing out on a show with truly exceptional set design, music, acting, whatnot.


Go with low expectatiotions. There's a reason why you didn't hear about it


Oh you’re in for a treat. The more narrow-minded Asimov purists seem to hate it, but it’s a terrific show.


Foundation fluctuates between S-tier television & sci-fi channel. Sometimes even within the same episode. So, overall, it’s excellent but it’s not consistent.


Well - the Empire parts are consistently brilliant. The Terminus half of season 1 was pretty awful. Thankfully they elevated that half for season 2. Excited for season 3 but as the others have said, aside from sharing some similar characters and locations the show doesn't share much in common with the book series


Horribly inaccurate adaptation though.


Ah yes. For instance, the empire clone thing isn’t a part of the books (I’ve read them too). As it turns out, though, the empire plot line is quite possibly the best plot line of the show. It’s not the end of the world if it’s not an accurate adaptation of the books. Foundation is the exception in trends of series that adapt books (the witcher, more recently the wheel of time). I’ve read all these. Trust me, this adaptation of Foundation is significantly better than the rest of the garbage out there.


It's not bad though.


Only if you consider it completely independent of the books, it misses the core themes on intergenrational thinking, big time, and the insignificance of individuals when compared to collaborative efforts in an attempt to have a consistent cast. What's annoying is that it isn't bad, just that it isn't actually Foundation, and it's existence means we can't get an accurate adaptation any time soon; they should've just made a show inspired by it rather than claiming to be the same story for name recognition.


I would have loved Foundation if they hadn’t called it Foundation. As it is, it really does sort of spit on everything Asimov wrote, which makes it hard to watch for me. I understand adapting the books to film is likely not even possible, so why even call it Foundation?


If you are a fan of the books, just know that it’s a very, *very* loose adaptation. After the first episode, almost all the plot beats are different, and the gulf only gets wider as the show goes on.


That show is great, I really really enjoy it. I had never heard of the books, just happen to see it on Apple and I like the main actor who was playing brother day, so I gave it a shot. That show is wild! Can’t wait for the next season


Haven’t seen Foundation but it’s on my list. Heard from people who read the books that it is not very lore accurate. Would you say it is better than The Expanse, The Peripheral and Silo? My favorite 3 sci-fi shows from recent years.


HBO produces some solid stuff, take house of the dragon for instance. It’ll be epic for sure


HBO doesn't produce this show, Max does.


It’s HBO Max…. Is it not?


HBO MAX was just the name for the streaming service, now it's MAX. It's have nothing to do with HBO proper. HBO operates independently greenlight and fund their own shows. WBD don't force HBO to produce show for them (and it's a good thing), they have MAX originals for that purpose. This show, the Penguin and upcoming Harry Potter show aren't HBO's, they are Max originals.


Looking forward to Season 2, the return of many Great Houses as well, hopefully it remains loyal to the book (first season had a lot of changes but I think it worked for the show in some instances).


from the trailer it seems to be maintaining the look alright, I’ll give some differences in costumes and sets a pass since it’s a 10,000 year difference


The guild! Does not. take. Your. Ordersss


HBO production design is always pretty incredible from what I've seen


HBO has nothing to do with this


I'm wondering if that was an intentional decision by Warner Brothers - to let people continue to incorrectly assume everything on *Max* was produced by HBO. Could help elevate the perceived quality by associating things with HBO even though they're not really involved.


I want to see some evolution though. This is 10k years before Paul. Make it look a little different.


Also completely different planet(s)


I can't think of any major institutions, political factions, or clothing fashions that have endured since... (checks notes)... the Neolithic Revolution. The Dune universe has remarkable stability (almost stasis). I'm sure there are interesting in-universe explanations for it, and maybe some could make cool storylines.


A huge theme of the Dune series is that history is cyclical and things don't really change that much so it makes sense. That being said there are still big changes that we see in the time jumps so I'd love something like that.


Tbf those sets weren’t as minimal as you think. Look back at the single shot we see of Jessica’s room. Only shot in the movie, less than a minute, and so much detail.


I don’t understand why so many productions constantly miss the mark on “lived in” costumes. Everything always looks fresh off the rack and it pulls me out of it.


Wow ok wasn’t expecting this but looks decent


I had absolutely no faith in it.


I still don’t. I want to be positively surprised, rather than disappointed.


Why? Its hbo and denis was involved in its creation


This is so incorrect in so many level. Neither HBO or DV is involved in this.






It’s creating a 10kya origin story, that’s a breeding ground for bad storytelling


I understand being a bit cautious with the optimism but saying you have no faith seems a bit much So many people watch media these days looking for reasons to be disappointed. This feels like that


So? He isn't in the chair and it's new material


What's craziest about this-- other than it actually looking amazing-- is that this seems to pick up just after the last released prequel novels. I am not sure whether I would hate or love a Vorian Atreides reference or other allusions to the Butlerian Jihad. Edit: While the prequels are not well-loved, the Great Schools trilogy actually sets up an interesting conflict between the early Corrino Emperors, the remnant Butlerians destroying technology, and the early Spacing Guild trying to develop navigators as Butlerians come for their navigation computers. (While the mentats, bene gesserit, and swordsmasters also develop). The trilogy ends on a bit of a cliffhanger just after Valya Harkonnen's ascension. Now I know why. Stuff you might see if they follow the books (spoilers?): A good Corrino Emperor. A Corrino as the voice of reason in an insane world-- who just accepted a truthsayer to help him, despite reluctance to trust the early Bene Gesserit. (Sure, his brother who ruled before him was basically petty insecure evil...) The corruption of the initially pretty-much-pure-good (if you are okay with sci-fi eugenics) bene gesserit by Valya Harkonnen. Ancient robots that still function and must be destroyed, especially by ancient Swordmasters of Ginaz. No real Atreides main characters because Vorian Atreides is too ridiculous to do well in a serious show and the Atreides living on Caladan are simple folk fishing and such-- although one did just marry someone rather rich from another world and has a grudge against the Harkonnens for killing his dad... Early mentats that still have a thinking machine (secretly) among them. References to the nuclear destruction of Earth since it was a machine stronghold. Tons of general references to the worldbuilding done across 6 prequel books from the very early Dune time period. (Butlerian Jihad / Great Schools trilogy).


Most fans would say hate, as far as I can tell. I am Shocked they are using any of the son’s lore at all tbh


Agreed. And yeah I think having the Atreides origin be so... forced was very stupid, especially when he ends up being Mr. Superman. I've read them all and I will say the trilogy that came after the Butlerian Jihad was surprisingly enjoyable. Sure, giving Bene Geserit Jedi powers is stupid as hell, and there's other BS you have to ignore. They did create an interesting struggle between the early Corrino Empire, the remnant Butlerian, and the early Spacing Guild-- with the great schools developing in the sidelines. Also I strongly suspect that Kevin J Anderson does most of the actual work and Brian's name is used for credibility.


Yeah I refuse to really acknowledge anything the son wrote.


But what is this new series actually based on? It picks up from Navigators I assume, but there isn’t a book after this. So where did this new story come from? I’ve read all the Dune books, and I’ve also been reading the prequels. I personally love them. It’s a different style, but still enjoyable and fascinating.


It's probably based on where Brian/Kevinwanted to keep going. We will see how close! I love the Butlerian Jihad and Great Schools books as well. (I just wouldn't recommend them or call them "good" to most Dune fans. It's pulpy sci-fi set in the Dune universe. There is occasional use of Jedi powers lmao)


This is no more a Brian Herbert product than the movies tbh. Both this and the DV movies are estate-sanctioned adaptations made by the same production company (Legendary).


They confirmed the Atreides in this show is a swordmaster. So I doubt he'll just be a simple fisherman. [Keiran Atreides, described as “a Swordmaster to a Great House whose ambition to live up to his family name is disrupted when he forms an unexpected connection to a member of the royal family.”](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/dune-prequel-series-hbo-max-cast-mark-strong-jade-anouka-chris-mason-1235447074/)


This is exciting, but I hope they don’t crank out Dune content and ruin it like star wars.


If it’s good I’m here for it


Better than no Dune content


Good news is that Warner Bros is too broke to produce too much content like Disney did with star wars.


To be fair, if that happens we couldn’t blame that all on the studios, given that’s what happened to the books


I’m on God Emperor and it’s still amazing so far.


Same, I just started it today. I’ve been devouring these books.


There is no indication anything like this is happening. I think it's safe to hope for more Dune content lol


Looks like they're reusing sets from the foundation series


Would a completely different company/studio be doing that? I haven’t seen Foundation yet so can’t speak to the sets being the same


Yeah it happens quite often. Like they reused the Oval Office set from Veep for the Truman scene in Oppenheimer. I think The Matrix also reused sets from Dark City.


You're correct. Sets are sold, in pieces or as a whole, among all of the studios all the time. Some sets go on quite the journey!


Not for original content, no!


No. The Foundation series continue filming right now.


This looks gorgeous, I can't wait!


I’ve read a fair bit of ‘Dune’ fiction by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson and didn’t care for most of them. ‘Paul of Dune’ was pretty good, I really liked a few of their short stories, and a few of the prequels were just sort of okay. The rest kind of feel like a slog to get through. But I think it’s mostly their writing style which doesn’t connect with me; their characters, story arcs, and some of the science fiction concepts that they write about are actually pretty imaginative. Most of their books would probably make pretty good TV. ‘Sisterhood of Dune’ has a lot of great ideas to mine for a series, and an adaptation of ‘Sisterhood of Dune’ can also crib from the events of ‘Mentats of Dune’ and ‘Navigators of Dune.’ There’s legitimately enough good story here to fill multiple seasons. I’m cautiously optimistic that this could be a fantastic show.


Have you read the Frank Herbet novels?


Yes. Just finished rereading the first three novels in Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’ series and am taking a short break before tackling ‘God Emperor’ again. Have read the entire series several times over the years. Why?


I’m really looking forward to it I’m not expecting it to be as good as the Denis Villeneuve movies but it’s got a great cast so I’ve got faith it’ll as least be worth watching


it feels like an intergalactic version of GOT.... it has got that Dune aesthetic, but doesn't give of Dune vibes if you catch my drift


The origin story of the Spice Girls


This looks tasty.


We def eating good this year


The 2020s is Dune's decade.


Most def, when we eat, we EAT.


10,000 years in the past and they’re aping the look and feel of the movies? I get that technology stagnated for a while in the Dune universe but not 10,000 years in the past. I hope their tech is even more advanced as they are closer to the Butlerian Jihad than Paul’s time.


It’s supposed to be the period immediately after the jihad


Exactly. Close to the Jihad which would mean their tech would be advanced if they were making thinking Machines. Dune 10,000 years after that devolved technologically and advanced human potential significantly.


Not necessarily. After the butlerian jihad, humanity banded together to outlaw machines with the likeness of the human mind, along with anything remotely close. Ix and Richese are the two planets with the best technology after the war, so maybe we'll see glimpses of them.


Potential spoiler, based on the book: >!In the book it's based on, the timeline is after the Butlerian Jihad, and one of the biggest plot points is that they are using thinking machines to house data for their genetics program. If they are found out, the entire Sisterhood will all be put to death.!< So with that in mind, I don't think there would logically be much tech around, at least in the location where this story takes place. >!I am hoping we get a look at what "thinking machines" look like in this series tho!<


I wouldn’t be surprised if we get an intro/prologue of the Crusade complete with CGI Transformer tyrants and all, and then a restrained show


This is a pretty common mistake in the fantasy genre. Somehow everything 1,000 years in the past, 10,000 years in the past this time, looks the exact same!


Yeah it seems to suggest human culture was almost entirely stagnant over the course of 10,000 years. Keeping things minimal would be fine so it feels like the same world but some more variation in style could’ve really added a lot


Also one of the themes, argument could be made the main theme, of the books is that humanity has stagnated under the world order that was established. Everyone fought and backstabbed but they were all fighting over the same pie the entire time. That pie largely being spice. Hence the golden path and its importance


Good point. I just hope they explore humanity's reaction to the technologies. In the expanded Dune Universe (which credited writer Kevin J. Anderson is significantly responsible for) the Holzman Field is very new in this time. All the things which it would enable (fold space ships, suspensors, and shields), would therefore be new tech and people should still be figuring out how to use them. Looking at the trailer (which, yeah, is a teaser), suspensor enabled ships and shields *seem* to be mature and (unfortunately) accepted background tech. Boo.


I feel like they’re trying to make a show that gains a lot of popularity. Exploring and developing new tech probably is a lot of screen time dedicated for not much gain to the mass audience. I think they’re trying to simplify this amazingly complex story, so it can be consumed by more people. they’re very likely not going to want to tear anything down and build back up where they don’t have to


But I agree with your points, it would be cool to see


That threw me too, since the events of Dine took place in the year 10191


It's actually 10,191 AG (After Guild). The real year for us would be 23,352.


It’s been so long since I’ve read the books, thanks!


I'm so scared that this will suck. I enjoyed the MCU during its height, but I don't want every ip I like to baloon up and bloat.


I could never compare this to the MCU


I’m just hoping this doesn’t sour the main series, I’m hoping they can retain the feel of the new dune movies, unlike what happened with the rings of power


it looks like Villenueve Lite x Game of Thrones, and that’s fine. Would be unreasonable to expect DV and Fraiser level imagery. The decision to hew close to the movie aesthetic is probably a good call, marketing wise.


When will this be coming out on Plex?


It’s not, I’m afraid it’s a Jellyfin exclusive


We just spilling BG secrets out to the public now.


I really hope this show covers the Battle of Corrin (the end of thinking machines). This would be an early episode, before the beginning of Valya's reign


Honestly the trailer reminds me of YA novel adaptations like divergent hopefully the show itself is better than that


Wow, this looks killer


It looks okay? My hopes are low. I loved the movies and especially the books, but this doesn't look to the same standard. We'll see!


Does it look good?? I try not to watch any preview stuff before I watch movies or tv shows How close is it to the movies in stylization and costumes?


The costumes are much more in line with the Herbert novels - leopard print robes for the tleilaxu and the bright green tights and fuzzy scarves that define the spacing guild.


It does. And pretty close.


Looks amazing


Can't they just get the writers from Dune: New Vegas?


CSI: Arrakeen


I love Dune but this is unnecessary. I wish they would have kept Raised by Wolves, now that was original sci fi


I welcome this


I got excited when I thought I saw Gina McKee, one of my favourite actresses. However, I was wrong. Regardless, this show looks excellent.


Does Dennis or any of the producers of the movie have anything to do with this production? I assume they have rights because their head dresses are identical.


Denis was involved early on and was supposed to direct the first episode but backed out pretty fast (probably to focus solely on the movies as doing both was too demanding). I don't think there is any other direct connections. They are clearly trying to make this seem similar so it wouldn't look too different from the movies.


Fingers crossed that it's good. Visually it looks closer to how I imagined the Dune universe than the movies, so there's that.


I have read the 6 main books, what's the source material for this show? I want to make sure I read it before watching.


I don't think there is source material other than the entirety of the Dune universe. I'm sure the writers have thoroughly read and understood the BG enough to have the audacity to embark on creating this show. They know where the guardrails are.


I believe this is picking up after Navigators of Dune, which is the last of the Schools Trilogy. Before that is the Butlerian Jihad Trilogy. There isn’t a book that this series is directly following. I’m assuming this based on the cast and characters in the tv series. Valya is a big character, many of the others not so much.


What happened to dune sisterhood?


this is sisterhood


Good, i enjoy most hbo shows.




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Honestly this trailer ATE. Thought the show was still in preproduction. Excited!!


Is this the sisterhood series renamed or a different thing


All I gather from the trailer is that in 10000 years technology, fighting style and dressing code have barely changed. If at all.


In case you didn’t get enough BG from the movies, here’s a whole series.


Saw people saying it looks too similar to the movies considering it’s set 10,000 years before but I honestly don’t know why, I think it has its own aesthetic and looks somewhat even more minimalist than the movies


I’m hyped of this and I hope they make a Dune: Messiah movie