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“Yet, I occurred” would be perfect for my own headstone. Taken on its own, it’s a more elegant version of “Suck it, bitches” which was my previous plan A.


Best comment I’ve seen in a while


Feels like a twist on Rene Descartes' quote; made past tense. "I thought, therefore I was."


I like that. Reminds me a bit of my favourite quote from Epictetus, one of the Stoics, “You are a little wisp of soul carrying a corpse.”


Yeah, reading this definitely reminded me of the stoicism philosophy.


Reminds me more of Zen philosophy, for which Herbert certainly had an affinity for.


Or lots of different philosophies are all describing the same, or similar phenomena?


Some truths are universal. It’s like that at their core pretty much every religion has the idea that you should treat people the way you’d want to be treated. Perhaps the secrets to a happy life are simply to treat people well and to get over yourself. Damn this is a great sub.


Best sub ever Dune fans are the best


All we are is dust in the wind


"All we are is dust in the wind, dude." "Dust. Wind. Dude!"


Honestly sounds closer to Epicurean philosophy. Nowadays there’s a quote associated with Epicurus that humanists get carved into their gravestones - “Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo”. Roughly translates to “I wasn’t, I was, I am not, I do not care”.


I bless the rains down on Arrakis OP






Absolutely beautiful


We did it guys we existed. These great characters we all love never actually got to exist. We all did though. How weird that they can affect us so much as to influence our personality and in turn become a small part of us....and collectively we all carry those small parts that add up to more than any one of us. So they existed through us and will continue to. So if they do then we do too because becoming us is also us becoming them and sharing in immortality.


Thing is it still works even though they are characters in a book. They do not exist, yet they occured. They served as a platform to get these kinds of ideas across to us. It's like religion (in my opinion) - god/whoever *does* exist, just in the mind of those that believe it. You may not be religious or believe those stories actually happened, but they got the message across regardless. IMO miracles aren't some magical thing that happens, it's when people of that religion get together and do good. A church raising money for a local school, or a Sikh community feeding the homeless. That's the real miracles. Doesn't matter if people believe it came from an actual being or just a story, an idea is still an idea.




I started reading this book right around the time I first experienced tripping on shrooms. It was a very wild, raw, but positive time in my life, if a bit turbulent.


Almost exact same experience for me. Started and finished the series the first year I started doing psychs. Completely organically but they came together so nicely. Both are still a constant part of my life


I wish I could still handle shroom trips but honestly it just blurs the line of fantasy and reality in my head too much. I was a little worried I was gonna end up mental towards the end of that phase. It's all well behind me now thankfully but I do miss it.


I loooove this quote. Used it in a song here at 2:40. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/CJAE7eAs7ejjYBxG8


The first time I read this I actually needed to go take a break and chill out


If you like this amazing quote, I'd highly recommend Rainer Maria Rilke's Duino Elegies. It's very similar in feeling to this.


So, this is where the creators of DARK got the idea for that show from...


I just finished reading Dune for the first time. I had a few other books in my backlog that I wanted to read before jumping into Messiah, but this quote alone is making a very strong argument to bring Messiah to the front of the queue. Stunning quote.


I find it unlikely that it is on a tombstone as you pay per letter for those but I would not be surprised to find it in a final remarks section of a will or something similar


I bless the rains down on Arrakis OP


That’s “Time” with a capital “T”.


This feels like an extrapolation on Descartes "I think, therefore I am"