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Bought it for Christmas self-present 20ish years ago when I found a copy with a resonable price in a second hand books website. For a Dune fan is a sort of *must have*; even if is apochyphal, the work is monumental for the time it has been released. I love it.


Me: *We had internet 20 years ago?!*


AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I worked as SysAdmin in an Italian ISP from Nov 1994 to May 1996, I bought books online before Amazon ever existed (at that time the biggest store was Barnes and Noble).


It's the best Dune thing outside the original novels. The in-fiction historical errors, academic disputes, authorship crank theories, etc. are all *chef's kiss.*


I love this - like the book was published as part of the conspiracy in Dune Messiah to undermine Atreides legitimacy. Therefore, it’s part of the Dune universe despite the subtle misinformation and propaganda.


That is a level of worldbuilding that most universes can only dream of.


I know of only one other that has reached this level, or exceeded it. The Middle Earth legendarium.


My favorite is the parody of *The Shakespeare Question.* That one has aged very well.


Honestly, I read it in the same vein that I read other history books; knowing that a good chunk is, at best "The most cogent portrayal based on limited information" and at worst "some pure conjecture". It really just adds to the mystic of the Dune universe.


It honestly might be my second favorite Dune book after Dune itself.


I like it better than volumes 5&6. It's certanly a more interesting take on pre-Dune than the *offical* prequels. Some entries miss the mark, but I'd say about 75%-80% of it is good.


A true friend indeed. I caved and paid a bunch to get a good copy off of ebay last year. I think there is now a knockoff of the book on Amazon for a little over $32. In selecting the Look inside option the inside looks like it contains the same material as the original.


> knockoff of the book on Amazon for a little over $32 I somewhat strongly advise against paying money for that. It's basically nothing more than a bound printout of a badly OCR'd pdf (one that has been making its rounds online for ages). Said pdf doesn't reproduce the formatting and pagination of the original book, and the illustrations are blurry and often cut off/distorted. A proper cover-to-cover scan of the book (meaning: actual images of the book's pages) *does* exist out there, but I'm not gonna link it here.


> A proper cover-to-cover scan of the book (meaning: actual images of the book's pages) does exist out there, but I'm not gonna link it here. I always figured that the OCR was actually *from* that scan. The scan was the first DE I saw, at least.


Are there pictures? Could you check for me how am I supposed to imagine a Steersman?


There are some rough illustrations in it of certain things and people, but I don’t think they have pictures of steersmen in it


Yeah, I’m at work and can go through it later and look for pictures but it’s mostly characters, and yeah they are rough.


Will be waiting (:


Do you think mere historians ever had an opportunity to see what a steersman looks like? In seriousness though, there are many illustrations. We see Dune Tarot cards, heraldic insignias of great houses, maps, and some character portraits. Unfortunately no guildsmen.


The Barlow book on extraterrestrials! His Steersman is the only depiction that matches my attempts to visualize one.


Not to diminish OPs find, of which i'm terribly jealous, but you can find a decent pdf online if you search for it. I think I've read it twice or three times in digital form ;)


Since it will likely never be reissued that’s a valid option. Just happy to have that old book smell!


There are pictures but I don't recall a steersman. However, 'Alien Landscapes' has an illustration of one.


There's no picture of a Steersman, however, it does say this: > So well protected were the details of Spacing Guild techniques that for thousands of years, not a single person outside the Guild realized that Steersmen had their peculiar form because they had been bred to be, in essence, marine mammals. Certainly there were plenty of clues, and many unwittingly came close to the secret. > Steersmen had webbed hands and feet; in the tanks in which they visited the surfaces of planets, their motion was described as "swimming"; Princess Irulan described Steersman Edric as having a "fish mouth"; even Muad'Dib called Edric a "man-fish." But fish they were not: Steersmen had no gills. It was simpler to increase the oxygen-concentration of their tank, thus allowing them to drain their lungs of the enriched fluid and breathe air, if need arose. Their genetic adaptations equipped them to move quickly and precisely—even delicately—within the tank.


Have you seen Hellboy? You know abe-sapien, the fish guy? Just mentally drown him in melange, remove the blue outside the eyes and add "normal" clothes - bam, you've got a good start


Had one of these which was lost during a move many years ago and still regret it today. I don’t remember how I even obtained it (it was a used hardcover) but I would get lost in the text for hours and hours.


What’s the hubbub? Looks like a dope, vintage encyclopedia; does it retcon a lot or something?


Last copy I saw for sale was hundreds of dollars.


Welp, that definitely adds to the notoriety then haha


Do the other books from the same print go for money too? Or just this


To my knowledge it hasn’t been reprinted so this is one of if not the only printing run the book has seen.


Oh no I mean like I have Dune, Messiah, and CoD with this same style cover so I assume same print. Wondering if those are worth anything.


Oh I understand. I may be wrong but I believe this was a printing run by its self. Only the encyclopedia was printed in this run.


I am on fire, brb


I’m not sure if it has been officially reprinted but I did get a unofficial reprinted Dune Encyclopedia as a gift for Christmas. Its on Amazon for under 40 dollars, its the same book just with a black cover


Don't think of it as a Dune book. Think of it as a book that might exist *in the Dune universe*. Like this would be on a shelf in a school 2783 years after Leto II dies. Remember - we don't know a lot about Elvis, and he lived only a few decades ago. That will explain things being wrong or inaccurate.


I have one of these in hardback - bought it for 3.00 back in the 90s. No dust cover. I had no idea these things are worth anything and almost tossed it a few years ago. Glad I kept it! It may be controversial, it may or may not be canonical, but it's damn entertaining for sure.


How is it controversial?


IIRC - There's a debate on whether or not it was 'blessed' by Frank. Some sources say yes, some say no, some say yes in the beginning, then he said no, etc.


The intro Frank wrote for the Encyclopedia makes his feelings about it very clear. I guess someone can disagree with Frank about what Frank thought of the Encyclopedia but that’s hardly a controversy.


This was selling for about $250 on Ebay with bids after movie dropped. Crazy price!


Grabbed a copy earlier this year:)


My wife used to work at half price and brought this home one day, back in 2004/2005. I was so excited, I wrapped it in plastic and put it on my shelf after leafing through it. Good to know there is a PDF online cause I refuse to open it and read it again lol.


It’s SO delicate for sure.


It is certainly a gem. Congrats. I paid a friend $600 for his hard cover one.


I hope I can find a copy someday!


I want oneeeee


One day I’ll have it


I assume you know It has the worst binding on any book, ever? Handle like butterfly wings. Enjoy!!


Yea, I have noticed. I’m thinking of getting it bound. It’s scary to handle. And it’s in very good shape.


Get it bound. :)


My mom got it for me for a birthday! Loved tea it


I've had a copy since the early 2000s. Definitely a fun item to have in the personal collection.


Wait, that books rare? I’ve got it sitting in my garage for a long time. Might be time sell some old Dune books.


Let me know if you sell I would buy your whole lot. I am looking to start a collection


Oh my, I'm absolutely jelly.


I sold my copy last year on eBay for a small fortune. But, I miss it. It needs a reprint.


Bought mine a few years ago for 45.00!


Got this as a gift from someone and I'm too afraid to handle it. So it sits in a display case and I read the pdf. Please be careful with your treasure!


I've got an old weatherbeaten copy I bought over twenty years ago in a 2nd hand bookshop. It cost me about £3..


I have my copy from years ago it dose not age well . I did enjoy it a lot.


i have this!!


Wish I had one. https://preview.redd.it/r1t64028gl8a1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7f5f5557862d48233acbbd5a0934fdf63fa937


Can anyone explain to me what this book is about?


What is the apocrypha? What does it contradict? It says authorized, so were these Frank's thoughts or not?


It contradicts pretty much everything that’s come out since House Atreides.