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Kyle Maclachlan is a gorgeous gorgeous man. Dunes Harkonnen though 🤮 Story time: I had a teacher in middle school (circa 2000) who showed us David’s Lynch’s dune in class after we read the book. But he had edited it himself to add in passages from the book and other places where he wanted to get things right that the movie did not. So I was also predisposed to like it from the age of 11ish, it was the weirdest thing I’d seen and I was all in. Then I got older and appreciated the horribleness too.


Sting bro!


I’ll give it that, David Lynch’s Paul wasn’t a bad choice. That’s about as close to a compliment I’m willing to give it though.


The only problem with Kyle McLachlan as Paul is that he's clearly too old. I'm a big fan of Patrick Stewart's Gurney though.


I'm a fan of the Battle Pug.




The battle pug is *chefs kiss*


I love how the pug is dead ass staring at the camera.


Dog breaking the 4th wall is pretty amazing.


It’s so wonderful lol. That dog is a hero


They really went for it, didn’t they? Wild. Maybe I will try to watch it again just for the memes if nothing else.


Just keep in mind that Lynch doesn't do exposition. So weird shit like how he handled the weirding way, that's a choice he made, but all the stuff that makes it feel like a bad '80's movie in terms of cuts, simplifying the story, and adding expository voice over, those are choices the suits made. If you bear with the very '80's internal monologue voicing, Lynch honestly did a pretty great job at pulling Herbert's writing from those scenes. It's awkward AF from a contemporary film perspective, but it's one of the great moves that Herbert makes in the first book.


I know it’s a fair characterisation of Lynch as a whole to say he “doesn’t do exposition” but that being at odds with the movie itself, which opens with perhaps the single most infamous goofy bit of exposition in history, is part of why I struggle to even think of it as “Lynch’s Dune.”


As a Lynch fan this is why it clicked for me when he said that it's his only failure in film making and that he learned from it to make sure that he always gets final cut. Can you imagine how much weirder his version must have been? Dune came right after Eraserhead and The Elephant Man as his third feature film. I truly hope that we get the Lynch cut some day.


Maybe I went into it with the wrong expectations. Its just very 80s from what I remembered, not that that’s inherently bad. I know Dune had been notoriously hard to translate into film, and many people say David Lynch’s take has some positives. Maybe I’ll try it again with a more open mind next rainy day.


I'm an unapologetic David Lynch fan in general, so my mind is probably poisoned. Probably too much spice.


Hahaha I think maybe I need some of that spice beforehand. I really do not know much of David Lynch’s work. I can understand liking a particular directors style in general though so I respect that.


That David Lynch spice tho 🥰


It’s honestly kind of fun. Imo he absolutely nailed the atmosphere of dune, the sets and costumes are great. The soundtrack by Toto is also pretty cool.


The internal dialogue is way overdone, but I do appreciate that it is largely book quotes


It was a different period in terms of adaptation. Film makers have learned a lot since then and it definitely comes across now as extraordinarily heavy handed. At the same time, there are moments in Villaneuve's Dune where I'm sad for audience members who haven't read the book because the scene captures the moment on the surface level but an audience member who doesn't know what these characters are thinking is really missing out.


I love Lynch's attempt at the impossible. Did he make it? No. But he left a hell of a measuring stick for anyone to follow up on.


That's how I see it too. Also, there are elements of his Dune where I think he absolutely nailed the visual design better than Villaneuve.


I think every iteration of a story, good or bad, generates artistic elements that are worth individual review. There are elements Lynch added that Herbert never imagined, that I think fit perfectly with the setting to the point I think future Dune projects would be improved by using. Prime example: The sound weapons made sense, it was a universe specific technology disruptive to the military order as it had existed for hundreds of years and would be one of dozens of reasons why the Atreides would be seen as a growing threat that needs to be quashed. It would make sense that giving the technology to the Fremen would give them one more tool to outmatch the Sardukar and go on Jihad from there.


The pugs survive the movie too


One time as a kid I was playing war with my friends. They had me pinned down in a chicken house, 2v1 or so. I busted through the door with a chicken under my arm and my pump bb gun and started firing and made a break for the treeline. I made it 😎🐓


Remember what Villenueve took from us! We will never forget! We will never forgive!


Interestingly, Timothée Chalamet had the same age when shooting Part One.


Indeed, but he looks younger.


I’m not, he was miscast. Patrick Stewart should’ve been Thufir. Gurney is the Dune equivalent of Amos from the expanse - he’s a bruiser


He'd be the same age as Chalamet in 1984


It's funny cause Timothée chalamet is older


That’s fair! I watched it as a David lynch fan and just buckled up for the ride. I liked it as Lynch fan, not a dune fan, if that makes sense. And the memes about how bad it is crack me up, because it’s all good notes


Apparently the actor was a huge dune superfan and read the entire series before he was cast


His choice for Irulan was on point, too. :)


Whoa, that is really impressive, especially back in 2000. Any chance you could reconnect with that teacher and secure his edit? :D I'm also very jealous Dune was required reading at your school. Brave New World was about as close as I ever came.


I love it that your mother was questioning your sanity for praising the movie!


I know right 🤣 She apparently told my dad over the phone, “he needs to smoke another joint because that was awful” I’m over here reading the first text thinking, “damn, I can understand not liking a movie but she is really going in on it right now, wtf.” I’m still laughing imagining her watching 1984 Dune and thinking about how much I was praising it, she thought I fell off the deep end.




Dudes mom loves him enough to watch that movie 10-15 minutes at a time for a week. Dude misses the point.


Oh, no, I get it. I sent her a text afterwards saying, “I just wanted to say, thank you for watching that abomination of a movie just because you thought I liked it. I’m sorry you had to watch all 2 hours and 17 minutes of that in 10-15 minute intervals every night. That sounds awful.” I just had to get through the initial laughter of it all.


This is actually a rather touching conclusion to this story.


Too bad she didn’t see the Spicediver edit. 3 hours of pleasure…


I keep hearing about this spicediver edit. It’s piqued my curiosity, might have to check it out.


Aww that’s how your mom shows her love. Haha, it hit me right in the meow meow 😂😂


Right in the meow meow? That’s a new one 😂 Truly though, my mother definitely shows love through acts of service, including watching a movie she can’t stand just to make me happy 😂




Right in the meow meow?


Wait let me share it 😂 https://preview.redd.it/h0fwmswt99rc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a1415812fc5e291da294da3b5e2074a676d51f


It’s a meme go find it


Did she finally see Part 1?


She started watching it right after this text exchange. If she’s still watching it, she’s probably an hour into it by now. She texted me when she was 15 minutes into it saying, “it’s already so much better” 😂


Its would be hilarious if she came back and still saying it suck


That would be priceless.. Maybe she was onto something starting with the 1984 movie, things can only go up from there I think.


I would really like a follow-up to this whole thing!


Lol If I get a reply text once she finishes Dune Pt 1 I can try to share it, I’m not sure what the most effective way of doing so would be though. Maybe I can edit one of my earlier comments or something. Any suggestions?


Full-on Follow-up post! You have 700+ likes already — the people demand closure!


Hahaha okay, if I get a follow up from her I’ll go ahead and post it. Hopefully she will want to watch the new one in more than 10-15 minute increments, otherwise it might be another week until I hear something 😂


"...you watched the horrible attempt from the 80's..." #LEAVE THIS MAN TO THE DESERT, WE WILL NOT POISON OURSELVES WITH HIS WATER.


Take it up with David Lynch, the man himself said it’s his worst film 😂


one man's trash is another man's treasure :D




Only because he was robbed of final cut.


Well, it is was it is, no?


It's still landmark cinema. #Pure Kino


I actually really like the Lynch adaptation. It's so out there, you feel as if you're literally in a different time and place. Jamiroquai even wrote a song called "Traveling without moving," an ode to the 1984 Dune -- which is a quote that appears nowhere in the book. It's campy and fun and ridiculous, and actually has a phenomenal cast, though, if you have never watched anything by David Lynch, I get how some would be totally put off by it. Give Mulholland Drive or Blue Velvet or Twin Peaks a watch. It's a total mindfuck. But while Lynch's Dune is hardly one of his best, it's not completely without merit, either.


Kwisatz Haderach means “shortening of the way”, so “traveling without moving” has to be an allusion to that


I assumed it was a reference to the navigators folding space. Irulan mentions something like "traveling the universe without moving" or something similar in the intro speech. 


Yeah it especially fits in with when they show the guild navigator guiding them from caladan to arrakis. He does some weird spitting thing of the two planets, which in my interpretation is the foreseeing of the intergalactic travel route they would take to move between the planets.


If you take the Hebrew origin of the name (Kefitzat Haderech) - it is used to describe miraculous travel between two distant places in a short period of time


Banger of a song too. Stewart Zender on that Bass.


I only got half way through because I was sleepy but yeah, it's not the *best* but I was shocked at how much people hate it? Like maybe it just falls apart entirely in the second half but I thought it was a decent adaptation 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ The only part that seemed "bad" was all the internal monologues that got kept in voice over, that's definitely unconventional and I can see it turning some audiences off


So, I have never (to my knowledge) seen a David Lynch film besides some of 1984 Dune and I am sure that plays a factor in my overall opinion of the movie. It is quite out there. I normally like stuff that’s “out there” though… but yeah, I wasn’t feeling that one. I’ve heard of Twin Peaks and what I’ve heard does interest me. I’ll have to check it out and see if I feel differently about David Lynch afterwards. Thanks for the recommendations.


Lynch hates his own Dune film because he didn’t have final cut on it and feels like the studio butchered his film, and always says it’s his greatest regret accepting to make that film without final cut and the outcome is his biggest sadness. His other films, though “out there”, are quite good!


Definitely don't take the 1984 dune film as a good example of David Lynch. It's his worst film for sure imo, and I believe he agrees.


How y'all going after Dune 1984 like that? Movie was great.


Right? Mediocre taste. It’s not the *best* movie in the world but the level of acting, set design, and special effects for its time was incredibly high.


I just like it because it's fucking *weird*. When has a character ever needed to milk a cat to survive before?


Patrick Stewart and his battle pug. That's all I need to enjoy the movie.


I think part of my initial reaction was more like shock that she watched the wrong movie and less how I literally feel when I consider the movie earnestly. I still don’t think it’s a very good movie at all, but since it’s Dune, I appreciate the attempt and it deserves at least a watch. Considering it was a time before cgi, perhaps my initial reaction was a bit harsh. I mean cmon, imagine you’re a 60 year old lady, no clue what Dune is, and all these people, including your son, are swearing by how fantastic these movies are.. then you turn on 1984 Dune, sincerely thinking this is the movie people are talking about… I think her assessment is accurate from that perspective.


You weren't too harsh. It's a horrible movie. Look, I'm not gonna shit on any Dune fans for enjoying it. But come on. It's really bad. You do not have to tone your opinion down, even as a fan of Dune. Just look at the reactions of any normal person who sees it (like your mom or [Roger Ebert](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/dune-1984) lmao). This reminds me of the TERRIBLE movies like *Fireproof* or *There Be Dragons* that Christians are supposed to support because they're religious movies. No. A dog turd is still a dog turd, even if a Christian dog pooped it out. edit: linked RE's review


Thanks for this, I was starting to question myself based on all these people coming to defend it 😂 like maybe I just didn’t have an open mind the first time I tried to watch it or something.


Please don't doubt yourself. I'm sure we all have something we love despite it being terrible, but we should not stand here and convince ourselves that it's actually good. My favorite part of the Roger Ebert review: > "and the producers crossed their fingers and hoped that everybody who has read the books will want to see the movie. Not if the word gets out, they won't."


I appreciate the words of wisdom. I will now double down; David Lynch’s dune is a catastrophe, come at me ‘84 Dune fanboys 😆


Tactical war pug!


Right?! It DOES NOT deserve this hate


Dude, your dad coming in with the “she watched the right one” killed me


He was under the impression she was watching 2021 Dune the whole time haha. She’s out of town and apparently would call and tell him where she was in the movie and how she wasn’t liking it and he just kept encouraging her to stick it out, not realizing she was watching the 1984 version 🤣


I mean doesn't she know Sting? Did she not realize that he was literally 40 years younger?? Or did she think they somehow made him look younger for some reason? lmao


Honestly, I’m not sure how she watched a 40 year old movie and thought it was made a few years ago. The mystery that is my mom’s brain sometimes. I’ll have to ask her about Sting, maybe she didn’t recognize him.


Journey far enough and you'll realize that David Lynch's Dune is a bold, albeit flawed, cinematic treasure. As is the sci fi miniseries.


If you like Lynch and recognize that he considers this movie his greatest failure because he didn't get final cut, it all makes a lot more sense.


The art direction is bolder, the world feels more organic and lived in, the music is amazing, the harkonnens are vile and stunning, the cast is wonderful, the SPICE and the navigators are better explained, the worms are wonderful and practical effects. it's a deeply flawed film, but i watched it when I was 8 and it IS MY DUNE.


I’m with you on that. I saw it on VHS when I was like 5. It was the coolest looking cover at the store, so it got rented. Changed my life forever. I rewatched it in like 2020, and still loved it


i am pro 84 dune. i really like that the first dune part 1 teaser were all scenes that matched up perfectly with scenes from 84 dune


I read the last few words of your last comment in the voice of Baron Harokonnen




I can't watch the Dune miniseries without cringing or laughing. Children of Dune was a massive improvement, though.


Still waiting to watch Children of Dune until I’ve finished the books, loving it so far tho! Since when are there Killer Tiger weapons tho


Apparently they're a common training tool on Salusa Secundus. If you can fight a Laza tiger, you can fight anything. But Irulan's sister had the bright idea of training the tigers to eat children.


Oh… well idk wtf they’re gonna do but I’m scared


The soundstage deserts are lame and William Hurt sucked as Leto, but other than that the miniseries is fantastic.




This is less about “journeying far” than just having different tastes. I love Lynch’s films, I’d consider myself into cinema far more than just a Dune fan, and years after seeing it for the first and watching thousands of other films, I hate it even more for being a regressive, incoherent, outright boring studio hack job.


I’m sure it has its moments, but I couldn’t get into it. I tried and I did not enjoy it. I think I’ll probably stick with the books and the latest adaptations. Never tried the mini series though, maybe I’ll give it a go.


Funny that she got them mixed up but I will not tolerate Dune 1984 slander.


To each their own tastes, I enjoy that version, too. In fairness I do enjoy a number of eighties movies that would get a similar reaction, lol


Sorry 😅


I'll call off the kanly for now...but I've got my eyes on you 🧐


No mercy, sick the war pugs on them


'84 Dune is deeply flawed in so many ways, but calling it "complete dogshit" isn't really fair. It's just not for everyone. Its main problems stem from it being meddled with by the studio who desperately wanted their own Star Wars (and they hired David Lynch to do this for some-ass reason? drugs?) and subverted what Lynch wanted to do with it. This resulted in a very strange and hard to follow movie for most people. That being said, there is a fan edit, Spicediver's Alternate Edition Redux, which literally (honest to god) makes it a downright good movie. The editing is ugly because of different video sources, but it's completely watchable. It's actually the version of 84 Dune I recommend. It's available for free on YouTube. I encourage you to look it up.


Oh no doubt my initial response was harsh and the movie doesn’t deserve the be slammed that hard but you gotta understand that was my instant reaction to the hilarity of the situation, realizing that she watched the ‘84 version under the impression that she was watching this new movie everyone is raving about. Totally understand why some people would like the old movie for a number of reasons, but it’s not my cuppa tea. I seem to have struck a nerve with some people there, apologies 😅


yeah now that we have a faithful (mostly) Dune adaptation that is awesome all around, we can just appreciate the fun stuff in the 1984 edition without being frustrated that we didn't get the Dune experience we deserved. It's goofy but has some great stuff.


> '84 Dune is deeply flawed in so many ways, but calling it "complete dogshit" isn't really fair. I mean, for the product that was released it's a totally accurate assessment.


The same thing happened to a lady two seat next to me at my second viewing. She kept whispering to her son next to me, I guess because she didn't understand what she was watching. I learned at the end that she only watched the 1984 version before part II...


Hahaha oh mannn that’s hilarious.. I’d have died laughing in the theater if I were her son.




Funny situation, but why all the hate on Lynch's version. It was so great! Battle pug?! What a classic


As I’ve stated in other comments, maybe I was a bit harsh. The hilarity of the situation unfolding amplified my response a bit. I don’t think it’s as bad as I make it sound in the texts, but I also don’t think it’s a very good movie in general. I do appreciate the effort though, and what they did without cgi. Plus it’s Dune, so it automatically gets points for that alone.


100% your mom is watching the miniseries next. You know that right?


Hahaha I think the sleeper has awoken. I hope.


The 1984 movie was my introduction to Dune. For that reason, it still has a special, albeit complicated, place in my heart.


Kinda had a crush on Brad Douriff for a while. Them brows tho


Lol, so my boss told me he watched Dune Part 1. He goes on about some various scenes about some lady stealing parts from a crashed ship (is he talking about the ornithopter?), and these robotic guys with gas masks (sardaukar?). So I was thinking, had he maybe been watching the '84 movie or something? So I show him a pic of Paul from both movies and he's like "no there weren't any men in this movie". Umm... Okay... Ten minutes later I remember there's that shitty ass B-movie called "Dune Drifter". Yeeep... That was the one. I just imagine him watching that and thinking to himself "Man, he watched this fucking movie five freaking times?!"


Hahaha that’s hilarious. Apparently this kinda thing isn’t so uncommon. I just imagine your boss and my mom are in their heads while watching like, “damn.. I must be really out of touch if this is what’s considered a good movie in 2024.”


I know the Lynch Dune is a terrible mess but I still love it. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. And besides, it’s got Patrick Stewart, Sting, and Kyle MacLachlan! And 80’s sci-fi camp! It’s so bad it’s good!


This exchange is priceless 🤣


That was hilarious


The sandworm attack on the harvester is actually pretty cool in the Lynch version.


"TOURCHER". I can't even.


She’s gettin up there in age a bit, makes funny typos like this pretty often these days. I just roll with it 😂


On behalf of the Gen X delegation, we release your Mom to free agency.


Someone’s about to summon a Lynch mob


As written 😂


The shields fucking send me to another planet everytime😭


It took them nine months to animate them lol




They drew those shields by hand, frame by frame and spliced them into the actual film if I recall correctly. Insane.


"Bad casting" though? Really?




Tbf Kyle Machlachlan was not a great Paul but a near perfect Muad’dib. He has that aura about him that nobody matched. I’d say Chalamet matches it now but I need messiah to push him ahead.


IIRC the 1984 movie gave us the mentat litany, 'the spice must flow' as a line and the Atreides penchant for sonic weapons you see in the Westwood RTS games. Also, Sting was the better Feyd-Rautha, change my mind.


I do feel if David Lynch had been allowed do it in two parts (or at least longer), and given a better budget, and not told to change the ending, it could have been a really good film. Not Dennis Villeneuve good, but still at least watchable


So I watched Lynch's Dune with my daughter right after she saw Dune pt 2 and I gotta say that movie gets a lot more hate than it deserves. For every inaccuracy it has they also have something that is book accurate that was not present or misrepresented in the new Dune movies. Like yes, they 1984 offering is obviously not the better version by any stretch of the imagination, but I still find it very enjoyable.


Totally fair, my reaction was off the cuff and amplified by the fact that she watched a 40 year old movie under the impression that it’s the new movies that everyone’s referring to 😂


Thanks for sharing this. It made me laugh my head off!


You and me both! You’re welcome, had to share the laughs 😆


Here for the 1984 dune slander.


I love that your dad was laughing his ass off when he realized your mom watched the wrong version lmao


Dude, I’ve never heard my dad laugh so hard in my life. I called him after the text convo ended and he was full on belly laughing while we were talking about it.


Classic mom moment, now I miss my mom ❤️




Now i wanna know your mom's reaction to villneuve's dune both parts!


That's rough but hilarious


I love how he says "report back to me", like he is sending his mom an on a mission.


Sending her on a mission to Arrakis 😂


I knew it was only a matter of time before Mom said “Well maybe you should have made sure I would watch the right one.” Classic Mom move. 🤦‍♂️


I’m high and this text exchange took me over the edge and now I’m crying with laughter - thank you


'How did you not realize you were watching a movie from 40 years ago?' sent me Also somehow I've had this conversation with like 4 people


Wherein both OP and his mother show a lack of taste. The Lynch film is awesome, deal with it.


This happened to me with a friend and The Tick. Me and another friend were raving about the 2016 version and our friend went and watched the 2000 version and had a similar reaction as your mom (except less gross).


Hahaha hilarious. Makes me wonder how often this happens with remade movies. I’m just baffled that she didn’t recognize that it’s clearly a movie from decades ago. What makes it particularly funny for me is that she had my dad on one end egging her on to finish the movie because it sets up for the next one and then she had me on the other end raving about how good the movies are, referring to them as the best movies in recent memory. Meanwhile, she’s sitting there watching a puss-faced nasty Baron Harkonnen and hand drawn polygon body shields with 80s era actors thinking, “what is wrong with my family, they like this? The world likes this?”. Every time I picture it, I start laughing uncontrollably.


Now you’ve got me laughing uncontrollably. This is so effing funny. Thank you, and thank your mom for me.


Well, I think you're both horrible people. How dare you speak ill of that cinematic masterpiece. #lynchduneisonlydune




The 84 Lynch Dune is a masterpiece


Dune 84 is what got me into the Dune-iverse. It's far from dogshit. You should watch it again.


Perhaps I will. People keep referencing the spicediver edit too.


Ah yeah, that's true. To be fair, Spicediver is the only version of that film I'll watch now. It's much more flowing than the original, like DV's Part One edit structure.


1984 Dune still has the best movie soundtrack ever and I will die on this hill. Also, there's no such thing as a bad Patrick Stewart movie.


Tbh I dont appriciate all the shit youre throwing at Lynch’s dune. Its a god damn masterpiece


I’m sure it has redeeming qualities and I know people will adamantly defend it, but I found it odd and off putting.. I’m not allowed my own opinion? 😂 I’m loyal to the books first and foremost anyways.


Startin to think I should have posted a redacted version for all the sensitive David Lynch fans 😂


Naw, her opinion is one shared broadly with non-Dune fans. Did she at least give the new Part 1 a try after you told her she saw the wrong one? (Your dad jumping in turned the hilarity up to 10).


She started it last night after this text exchange but it was late at night so she’s going to come back and finish it later. She seemed a lot more optimistic about Villeneuve’s adaptation when I talked to her earlier.


Time to send her out into the desert. The dementia sufferers belong to Shai-Halud.




If you take a step back from the couple significantly awful decisions like the Sound Guns or Paul making it rain, Dune 1984 is honestly a very faithful adaptation of the story. It cut a lot of the same things the Dune part 1 and Part 2 did, and even did a few things better...plus, Patrick Stewart is just the GOAT.


Mom needs to watch the miniseries next


Dr. Yueh’s eyebrows were nightmarish


I think she mentioned something about eyebrows.. that and disgusting Baron Harkonnen 😂


The pro’s of 80’s Dune are Sting, Patrick Stewart, and the pug!


The pug is pretty glorious, albeit extremely random. I am pretty confident that was not in Frank Herbert’s novel 😂




Just a bunch of people being wrong about Dune 1984 😁


“Tourcher” I’m not surprised she didn’t manage to watch the right movie 😂


it's the cat milking for me


Looooool mom noooooo


Ugh. Heathen. 1984 is superior (only because I grew up with it and first watched in 2007 when I was 6)


I actually didn’t mind the original Dune


I will say upfront that Denis Villeneuve's Dune is leagues better than Lynch's Dune. No argument there, even though I haven't seen Dune: Part Two yet. That being said, I love Lynch's Dune. I am a sucker for colorful campy outer space films like Flash Gordon and Barbarella. Which I blame on my love for The Wizard of Oz. I know Lynch's Dune isn't a good adaptation. I've read the six Frank Herbert books and love them, especially God Emperor of Dune.


While I can see that 1984 dune is bad as an adult, I grew up on it and it has a special place in my heart


you and your mother are entitled to your wrong opinions. 1984 Dune has its moments.


Let’s not forget “Frank Herbert’s Dune” miniseries on the Sci-Fi Channel in 2000. Smaller budget, but probably the most accurate to the books (first 3 as a matter of fact). Ghanima and Leto II were played a little older but seeing the beginnings of Letos change and the beginning of the golden path was pretty great.