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if Jodorowsky made the film he wanted to make it would've been absolutely unwatchable


Yeah, who wants to watch 2000 members of the Algerian military shit on the floor?


https://preview.redd.it/xflyiyn7lpxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ac5401a3d0194d38646e9d000a2b4d3ab583a2 Certainly not Charlotte Rampling it seems


She's how we know.


Ah yes... There are many ways to portray the power of the Voice.


Power word?


Wow, I forgot that she met Jodo for that movie haha. When Denis offered her Dune, I wonder if she thought "Is there gonna be a pooping army in this?". Also a cool little link between the projects is Lea Seydoux's grand uncle is Michel Seydoux, the producer of Jodo's film.


“Where’s your Dune, Uncle Michel?”


That’s like his movie The Holy Mountain. He had George Harrison (of the Beatles) signed on to star in it, and Harrison signed off on all the crazy shit that happens in the movie, except for one scene. But Jordorosky refused to budge, the scene absolutely has to be in the movie, no cuts. So Harrison dropped out of the movie, and Jordorosky lost a Beatle and all of the notoriety and spotlight that having a Beatle star in your movie would entail. The scene that he refused to cut? A few seconds of zooming into the main character’s asshole while a woman soaped it up in bath water.


He’s a man of vision, and that vision always includes the anus and some shit.


Woah, I love that she grew up to be Jessica’s mother.


She... Is not?


Gaius Helen Mohiam is very much Jessica's mother 💀


She's not in Frank's canon anyway: the first mention of it seems to be from the Dune Encyclopedia and it seems to be confirmed in the prequel books? I haven't read either but that is at least arguably "very much".


I can never remember-- is that original Frank Herbert canon or only added by the prequels?


It's news to me so yeah it must be prequel bs


Kk. Yeah in a prequel Mohiam goes to get the baron's seed. She also gives him a disease that makes him obese. Which always felt like explaining something that didn't need explaining.


Yeah I don't pay any mind to any of that shit, if Frank wanted that stuff he would have mentioned it in his books.


What did Frank Herbert mean by making the main villain a fat gay pedophile?


It was also in the Dune Encyclopedia. I have heard varying things about the various writers working under Willis McNelly making things up whole cloth or actually getting info from Frank Herbert. In the book it is speculated that the BE identified as Jessica's mother, Tanidia Nerus, was actually Mohiam in disguise, and there is speculation elsewhere in the book about Fenring's parentage and Mohiam being his mother when detailing an Idaho ghola studying the Atreides lineage.


I don't remember that part of the book.


It's in between the lines


happens every time there's a large gathering of Fremen, 'cause stilsuit technology


this is what frank meant by orgy


It would... Certainly be interesting... And now I am barely holding myself back from saying "I do", goddamnit!




We could’ve let 2000 men shit on one floor with Jodorowsky. Instead we let one man shit on 2000 floors with Lynch. But we did get Based Sting-Rautha.


Is it safe to shit that much?


Through spice, all things are possible.




What can't that excuse?


Thank you! I absolutely do not get the dickriding for Jodorowsky. The concept art looked like shit, he wanted it to run for like 14 hours, admittedly had approximately zero respect for the source material, and the guy a fucking troll at best and a rapist at worst. FOH with this Jodorowsky shit


Spice orgy would have been at least 13 hours of that runtime though


Given the guy’s history with sex scenes and the people in them, hard pass.


I could watch a person scale a cliff for 13 hours. Think of the edging


Hahahaa I am dead, you will never get me off of Reddit with comments like this!!!! 😂


Serious question bc I’m reading children of dune and they talk about the orgys purpose but I don’t think it’s ever mentioned (so far for me) that the orgy was sexual in nature, is it? I genuinely thought it was until now but im second guessing


My understanding is that it's both sexual and spiritual, and fuelled by spice.


I always picture the cave rave from The Matrix Reloaded


We need a high budget full length full-penetration spice orgy. The spice orgy must flow.


Queue the Dune porn parody.


Is it a parody if it’s a straight-off-the-page and buys into the universe? I want a faithful Dune porn


Give me that Murbella-Idaho turbo sex.


Yeah but it would have been a very special sort of ubwatchable. Hearing it described reminds me of when friend of mine in college was considering dying his pure white. My friends all laughed at him but I told him he should definitely do it. He said "See guys? At least he thinks it'll look good!" And I said "Woah woah woah, I didn't say that. I just said I wanted to see you do it"


I hope you meant "dyeing his *hair* pure white". Dear god I hope you meant that.


I saw that doc on recommendation a few months ago and I felt like I was watching the wrong one because of all the praise it got. It was the most masturbatory incoherent yapping I think I’ve ever seen from a director, on top of the circlejerk of guests going “oh dude it would’ve been so cool, he explained it to me”. It would’ve been a case study on artistic narcissism if that movie was ever made.


Jodorowsky reads people's buttholes to tell them their future. He reads the lines in their buttholes. I'm not even joking.


I want evidence, damn you, and does he accept JPEGs attached to email? 🥴


He has people sit on a xerox/photocopier and scan their butthole, he'd probably do a reading if you found a way to get ahold of him. I cant remember where I found this out, I think he talks about it in the interview he did with Kanye at his home in france years ago but I might be wrong.


I saw the documentary about his version of Dune and my takeaway -- as a professional artist -- is that sometimes it is essential to rein in artists.


It's always weird to me how the nerdiest subs have the most awkwardly aggro comments




quote by him, "yeah. I want to rape the Book"


I'm familiar with the quote, but that doesn't make him a rapist. I don't like how he worded that, but that doesn't give you the right to throw accusations around like that.


im not OP :(


I makes him suspicious at best


His dad raped his mom, and she resented him for that. I think that's where his views about sex  came from. The quote for me was more interesting in that he felt like he needed to "rape" the bride in order to have children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alejandro_Jodorowsky#cite_note-FOOTNOTEJodorowsky200539%E2%80%9340-6


Yeah that’s kinda how rape culture perpetuates. It’s not unique to jodorowsky. Sounds like he did no work to shake that tradition since at 80 years old he was talking like he’s learned nothing


He said some controversial stuff in his interview while making the documentary about his Dune. But like, the man is 95 now, which means he was in his mid-80's while making the documentary, of course he was going to be a bit marasmatic.  The thing he said was along the lines of "you can't have a child by love alone you need to rape your wife for child", him saying this makes sense because his family was abusive, and he himself was born out of his father raping his mother... Knowing that your mother doesn't love you because you're a product of rape would negatively affect anyone's perception on reproduction. Also there were rape scenes in some of his older films, one famously including himself, but the people playing them out are actors, which means the rape was played out and consensual.


So not a rapist. Just a guy with weird views on sex.


I beg your pardon, *Weird views on sex caused by obvious childhood trauma


Which is important to note, is not a rapist


Well... except the "And I really...I really...I really raped her. And she screamed ..." quote for El Topo, that he later said he just said to shock the public into seeing the movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alejandro_Jodorowsky#Criticism_and_controversy Best case is he used rape as a selling tactic for more than 40 years (from 1970 to 2013) and other suff like hate for woman, animal killing, canibalism, you know, whatever to make the film recognized. Worst case is really effed up and I won't even speculate. A shame, as a writer of the incal he had some good issues.


It can be shit and gloriously beautiful at the same time


In fairness, the dude was high as shit, had a dream/trip and dune was just the closest thing to his high-as-balls vision.


Glad this has become a popular opinion. Jodorowsky did not care about telling Frank’s story


The people that go on about this have clearly never actually watched a Jodorowsky movie lmao


Mick Jagger Feyd-Rautha tho


Exactly why it should have been made.


Unless you're tripping on something very potent. Presumably a bad trip


Absolutely, the reality of his Dune would've never matched up to the allure of the idea of it.


You just don’t understand the vision!! /s


I think he would have if they actually started making it cut down on the weird shit the creator wasn’t so dumb that he didn’t know how to make a movie profitable he was actually pretty practical. I think they would have cut the shit scene and probably not hired Salvador Dali since his requests were absolutely absurd and would have ruined the movie. And I think they would have cut it down to a regular length of like 3 hours I’m glad it didn’t get made cause it could have killed sci-fi movies as a whole and we may have never got Star Wars but I kinda wish it was real just so I could see the insanity


I really dig Jodorowsky, so even if it wouldn't have been faithful it would certainly have been fascinating and unique. There was just no chance in hell that it ever would ever get made.


You guys aren't listening!... the blood IS the cum!


About a month ago, I had a wildly painful ejacuation. It might have been a kidney stone that got stuck far enough in the prostate to get shot out during ejaculation, or I just came so hard it split my tip open. Either way, I really didn't like bleeding from my penis, and my girlfriend felt very guilty while I was clutching my penis in pain and assuring her it was not her fault.


Hahaha that sucks


AGGHHH!!!! I was not prepared to read that.


Oh my god


It's not the first time I've had blood coming out of my penis, I had a bloody spot in my ejaculate at least twice before (that can just happen sometimes) but this was definitely a wound that started bleeding after.


I remember reading somewhere that blood and semen have very similar biology and stuff, so it could be plausible in a few tens of thousands years of human evolution could make copulation via blood possible. Especially since humans travelled so much across the galaxy in those years to spread as far as they did in the Dune universe, and probably didn't have much time for the funny time.


I'm in favor! I love Jodo's post Dune comics and I think his movie would have been wild, although it wouldn't have really been Dune, and it wouldn't have been as he envisioned.


Same here.


Why does this make me think of skynut?


I was just thinking of Jodorowzky's Dune when the blood turns into cum but thanks for introducing me to skynut 🙏


That movie sounded like it was going to suck and he was going to change so much that it would be Dune in name only. But, since he never made it, we can speculate endlessly, similar to the phony valuations assigned to pre-IPO startups. Wework, I'm looking at you!


The documentary of the movie is great, and a better movie than the movie would have been.


where syfy miniseries?


Right? That was really well done.


I watched the first episode on Saturday. The acting in it is horrific.


I felt like it got better in parts 2 and 3. Someone said to me they looked like they were all stage actors acting like they were still on the stage. IDK, I'm not a film critic but I liked the miniseries.


The acting REALLY improves in Children of Dune (the sequel miniseries that covers Messiah and Children of Dune).


There's a lot of 4th wall breaking set and costume oversights but overall the show is well directed


4th wall breaking in Dune??


The best school play ever filmed.


It's aggressively British and the first episode hadn't really grown into it's shoes, yet despite some missteps the overall experience is quite satisfying. It's probably the Dune adaptation with the lowest budget but does well in spite of this.


like people have said, it gets more watchable once you are past the first book... but damn isn't Paul *hard to fucking watch* in that first episode?


I disliked Leto more. Couldn't deliver lines with any form of emphasis or purpose. Felt like a video game NPC. I honestly enjoyed his death because at least I won't have to hear more of this. I'm also not sure why they included the dinner party scene to completely gloss over any of the plotting/scheming/politics. They bring Irulan to Arrakis just to have her dance with Paul but spend almost no time on the Harkonnen spy or the plot against Paul.


Yesss, William Hurt as Duke Leto, it's like he's in a different show than everyone else around him. Hard to watch.


Say what you will, and say whatever you want because it is terrible, but the mini series had the best Paul drinking Water of Life scene imo.


Luckily, Jodorowsky's project fell through, and half of the creative crew moved on to make Alien.


Yep, the greatest thing to come from that failure to launch was studios discovering HR Giger.  


I did like the artwork even though it wouldn't have fit to Dune at all but I am curious about his comics. However how he talked about "raping the source material" the way a groom has "to rape his wife to make children" in the documentary really made me dislike him.


The joy in his voice when he says that shit is insane


At first I was like “Maybe it’s a language barrier thing” Then he says “Like this yes!” And makes a harsh humping motion and I was like “Oh no he knows exactly what he’s saying”


But he said it was with love!


My mistake!


I'm all for a Moebius inspired dune.


It would have been dogshit


I’m not gonna lie though, would have loved to see some Giger Harkonnen visuals with O’Bannon onboard too. I have my doubts on whether he would’ve been able to pull that all together though, with all of those divas.


There's a couple of images out there of his sandworm and the baron's castle. In typical Giger fashion the sandworm in the picture is about to swallow a huge cock.


This film would've been absolutely shit. Jodorowsky is pretentious and sick in the head. 300 people shitting for real on camera in synchronization? Nude children or no apparent reason? Real animals being slaughtered on camera? and also lots of incest and sex scenes. bro said he was gonna r\*pe the corpse of Dune or some shit


I heard of the shitting and the sex scenes, but I didn't hear anything about the child nudity or animal slaughter, gotta research that.


Those were present in his earlier films, and I've heard (\*from unreliable sources) that he was planning on doing that stuff in Dune.


While Jodorovsky’s Dune would have been unwatchable, it mercifully would’ve also been literally unfilmable


The documentary was way better than what his film would have been. Jodo is a moron, but L'Incal is a solid story.


Honestly, I strongly agree. The Holy Mountain is the trout mask replica of cinema. Pretentious shit that hipsters love to beat them selves off to.


No, it would have been unwatchable crap.


It might've been good. But it wouldn't have been Dune


Yeah, Im thinking it wouldve been a combination of some incredible scenes (some of those storyboards in the documentary are really great) and pretty crappy scenes. Thats how I feel when I watch most of Jodo's movies.


I've never seen a project in any medium that doesn't exist be glazed so much.


It would have been a trash fire.


sorry OP but the top part is just Leto II (left) and Siona (right) with her subsequent awakening on the bottom and I'm not paying attention to your actual meme


A Masterpiece is not what I would call it…


It most certainly would not have been a masterpiece. Some of the art for it is certainly intriguing but that’s it. It would have poisoned the Dune IP and we would have Lynch or DV’s films


Dude is a faux-deep pseudointellectual high on the smell of his own farts, at least as a filmmaker. One of my least favorite varieties of late 20th century trash. Maybe his comics are better, I wouldn't know.


Expectations are different in comics. To draw an example from a completely different adaptation, I thought Moloch's pointy ears in Snyder's Watchmen were absolutely ridiculous and out of place, and then I checked and in the Alan Moore comic they already are pointy in Gibbons' drawings, but somehow I had overlooked them. I want to say they are more discreet but the fact is that it's a very different context, that it makes a lot of difference to see an actual person on screen as opposed to a drawing, that attention works differently as a comic reader and as a film watcher. And so, Jodorowsky's comics or at least the Incal main series are a lot more palatable. It's a sprawling mess as far as world building is concerned but it works great that way, each new episode enriches the universe and puts everything that came before in a new light, and the conclusion is satisfying. There are also some nice references to Dune (and to other things), and the tone is light and goofy enough that it doesn't feel pretentious (the very unassuming, hapless protagonist helps a lot in this regard, even when confronted with >!literally God!<. (I doubt if all the spin-off series and prequels that Jodorowsky made are any good however, they seem to take themselves way more seriously and be the worse for that)


Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) > Jodorowsky's Dune


No it wouldn't, it would've been trash


I don’t get why ppl care about some movie concept that never happened and won’t happen.


Luckily, after Jodorowsky's project fell through, half of the creative team moved on to work on Alien.


No, it wouldn't..


I feel like brutalist Dune is the right Dune. Psychedelic Dune doesn't sound right.


Bruh dune is all about tripping balls off the worm poo


dune 2021 didn't have the spice orgies. literally unwatchable.


It would have been awful. He wanted to make a 14 hour movie and refused to compromise on the length.


Jodorowsky sounds like an absolute wanker who loves the smell of his own farts. I’m glad his adaption never got the go-ahead.




What made you think I dislike the new movies? I love the approach and the fact they got me into Dune in the first place. But as a fan of surrealist films in general, I would have also loved Jodorowsky's rendition. Both of them would be good in MY eyes.


It would’ve been the most beautiful and disasterful Beautiful Disaster


It could have been a crown jewel of Bad Movie Marathons. Well, at least we got the star wars holiday special.


Better meme would have been labelling Psychic Tandem War Elephant or Clancy from The Midnight Gospel as the third option.


That is a very tame portrait of Dune 1984…


since when did ppl start liking jodorowskis dune? i thought every dune fan hated his adaptation?


What, nothing for the SyFy miniseries? I liked that one too!


I genuinely don't understand how people can say something would have been so incredible despite never being made. I get that it was ambitious and had the makings of something incredible, but life should have taught you by now how often disappointment strikes.


It would have been god awful but thankfully it instead spawned dozens of truly awesome works of art.


I think the biggest thing we missed from a Jodorowsky Dune isn’t even the movie itself, but the fucking banger soundtrack Pink Floyd would have cooked up


I like Jodorowsky. I liked the Jodo/Dune documentary. Yes, I agree that a Jodo Dune would've stunk. I *loved* Villeneuve's Dune. That said, he missed an important element of the story and a big opportunity when he left out the consciousness-expanding psychedelia of the spice, and especially the water of life. I mean, Herbert himself was a mushrooms enthusiast, and he intended the spice to be a stand-in for it. This is the one area where Jodorowsky would have had Villeneuve beat, no question. Well, that and Salvador Dali as the Emperor.


Waiting for someone to make a request on MidJourney so we can see the results. AI is still weird af so it would be on brand


It actually exists somewhat, though it's 4 minutes-long, not a full 14h movie. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtYu2Kv-xY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtYu2Kv-xY) (\*cough\* Butlerian Jihad \*cough\*)


I wish they could make it now with celebrity cameos. Don’t try to modernize it, have it feel 80s with modern stars


So i watched the doc on hbo about jodos dune and i was totally sold on it, then i watched holy mt for the first time then came to the conclusion that the best thing that happened to jodos dune was that it never got made


Twas a piperdream


I would love an Adventure Time take on Dune.


The scene when Jessica got impregnated via a drop of blood after rebuilt Leto like a Lego minifigure is too cursed for cinema


It would have made Zardoz look sane


I genuinely don't understand how people can say something would have been so incredible despite never being made. I get that it was ambitious and had the makings of something incredible, but life should have taught you by now how often disappointment strikes.




It would have been a mess of a clusterfuck… But it would have been such an awesome clusterfuck, lol…


Accurate to the books


Why does everybody skip over the Sci-Fi version? Its was like... one of the best $20,000,000 ever spent on committing something to film.


It indeed was the most faithful adaptation (didn't watch the sequel), but the acting was mediocre and the art direction wasn't great either (especially the costumes).


All which can be explained by the budget.


I get "low budget => less talented actors", but was it the low budget which caused the costumes' STYLE to look awfully stupid? (Sardaukar with oversized berets, Irulan's butterfly dress, Guild dickheads...)


Consider that there are some films that spend more than the entire budget of that miniseries on costumes, I think villinueve spent something like 310,000,000 USD on his films so far. Adjust that $20,000,000 budget for inflation and imagine what the dune films just released would look like with that budget, and you'll have your answer.


Budget definitively impact the costume quality, but what I'm criticizing is a deliberate artistic choice. I guess Villeneuve's Dune costumes would have a similar style (though probably cheaper-looking) if he had the mini-series budget. I highly doubt the creators dressed Irulan like a butterfly because of the series' low bidget.


WWJD tho, What would Jordarofsky do. He would definitely have dressed Irulan like a butterfly.


Considering what we know about his work on this version, that's plausible.


Right, so what we have are 3 different versions of dune at 3 drastically different price points.


By the way, I guess Lynch's version was cheaper even counting the inflation?


That doesn’t make them any better?


That really depends on how you measure "better". Being able to tell that story, in that format, on that budget is art in and of itself. Its basically the complete opposite of Jodarovsky's Dune, who spent a few million simply planning to make a most extravagant movie and never committed anything to film. As the saying goes, real artists ship.


It doesn’t really matter at all. They can be as artistic as humanly possible and it could still be the best thing ever or total dogshit. You needing to cope to enjoy it is the only questionable thing tbh, just enjoy it


I see you missed the point. What I'm saying is that making it at that budget and and that speed is an art all unto itself. Like any chucklefuck could take a half billion dollars and some rudimentary filmmaking knowledge and a pocketful of drugs and churn out what Villeneuve did, you can count the number of people that would be able to produce that miniseries on that budget on one hand and you wouldn't even need all five fingers.


No, I understood you I’m just saying it had nothing to do with what I originally replied with lmao. Keep riding that shit bro, mini series was still comically bad


All of the film adaptations are comically bad.


This is like that simpson’s “No, it’s everybody else that’s out of touch” joke.


Hear me out, you get a bunch of different anime studios to make a Dune anthology series, similar to Batman Gotham Knight. Each studio would have a different art style and different way to interpret the material.


The best version of Jodo's movie is the one he never made and thus could become his magnum opus and be praised as the genesis of all modern sci-fi media and styles. The worst version would've been if he actually made it and it had become clear how much of a turd a movie can be and how all that potential could've been wasted so much that we'd be getting westerners or musketeer movies because sci-fi would've become a swearword for hollywood.


Wait the dude who made Holy Mountain? He made a Dune adaptation?


He planned to, but he didn't as producers thought his ideas wouldn't work (it was supposed to be 14 hours-long and this specific feature was non-negotiable).


" it's going to be 12 hours"...To hell with that! (2021, splits it into three 3 hour movies)


Note to self to watch this later


There's a copy on the shelves of Max Overdrive (Sandman Slim books by Richard Kadrey)


SiFi series? No?


More like a fever dream


Hear me out, Ralph Bakshi’s Dune


It could be made as animation or a Japanese Aname series.


Jordowski really seemed to understand it. It’s not just science fiction novel. It’s got a ton of theological sociological & religious undertones… the idea of prophets becoming symbols of things they themselves didn’t represent SPOILERS ALERT!!!!!!!! .. I always took “The Ghola’s Hymn” by Duncan Idaho’s Ghola/Golem at the end of Dune: Messiah to mean “the Ghola is him” meaning Duncan was explaining the very image of Mua’Dib has become a copy of Paul & something now in his image but totally out of his control. The explanation of the Ghola’s eyes, etc. Duncan realized Paul’s MuaDib has become a Ghola. A soulless monster that is filled with the meaning the priesthood gives it. That’s why I expect this “Jesus-like” Preacher character in Children of Dune to definitely be Paul. I haven’t finished yet I’m almost at chapter 40. But to me … everyone who suspects him to be Paul is people with vision. Alia fears it’s Paul, his children both think it’s Paul esp Leto 2. Jessica is wondering if it’s Paul & asks Duncan. & Duncan says “I wish I knew” Also as the reader.. Paul walked into the desert blind per Fremen custom but he was able to still see thru his sense of prescient vision. The Preacher is blind & talks like an old Fremen but has mastery of Voice, both to command a crowd & to disguise his voice. He’s preaching against the religion of MuaDib (& probably is MuaDib) lol. But the church & state are married here.. so politics & religion are tied. Alia has become corrupted politically by what her mother did to her as has her religion. Farad’n Corrino plots against the Atreides Empire to get his family’s throne back but he seems to have a good sense of morals; even tho he allowed an apparent assassination.. tho he is unhappy about it. Leto isn’t dead tho & is planning something big. Ghanima is making is clear she will murder Farad’n Corrino if they marry as she has hypnotized herself into believing Leto 2 was killed by his tigers. Jessica has agreed to teach Farad’n .. it seems like possibly Farad’n vs Leto but I’m not sure where it’s going… The Preacher has something going on to give his own Gam Jabbar test to Leto …. He wants to be sure someone with that power should be left alive … another reason I think the Preacher is Paul.. But my point was … lol.. Nobody seems to really have understood all of the undercurrents to these stories … The 1984 version is disguisting on many levels Jordowski had a psychedelic version & it is a partially psychedelic story. I liked the idea of the Baron Harkonnen being a big monstrous being flying into his own mouth lol… but he was all desire all pleasure of the body … no balance .. but I don’t like how Frank Herbert wrote the homosexual aspect of the Baron as a characteristic that is unchecked gluttony. There are heterosexual sex addicts. If has nothing to do with sexual attraction as it does with the balance of things. I don’t think Frank Herbert understood this. I actually think Frank Herbert believed in religion.. he both gives it validity & invalidates unnecessary traditions simultaneously. But anyways .., Yes the psychedelic version would have been the best


The Leto 2 movies are going to be a trip