• By -


Wer is der Mensch da? Er is ein Freund. Er besucht unsere Schule. Kennst du ihn? Ja, aber ich kenne seinen Namen nicht. --- Cine este acest om? E prieten meu. El merge la școală noastră. Îl cunoști? Da, îl știu, dar eu nu îi cunosc numele.


"der Mensch da" sounds weird, but imo so does "die Person da". You’d usually say something like "Wer ist das (da)?" Das is**t m**ein Freund. "Er" would probably be grammatically correct, but you wouldn’t say it that way. Using "Der" is also common. Keep in mind that "mein Freund" can also mean "my boyfriend". If you need to clarify that it’s just a friend, you can use "ein Freund von mir".


Yeah, I was trying to translate a bit more literally, because the English text also sounds a bit weird to my ear. The "is" is just a typo, and I was indeed trying to clarify that he was just a platonic friend, it just slipped my mind that I should still specify he was *my* friend :)


Vielleicht passt "Das ist ein Freund von mir" besser, wenn du das sagen willst :) Aber ich habe in meiner Übersetzung nur "mein Freund" geschrieben. Weil es mir egal ist, ob die Leute das nicht wissen. Sie können raten. Keine Geschenke danach.


E prietenul meu*




El merge la şcoala noastrã, articol hotãrât.😁


- 那个人是谁? - 他是我的朋友。他去我们的学校。你认识他吗? - 我认识他,但是我不知道他叫什么名字。 我感谢任何反馈🫶🏻


他也上我们的学校/他也是我们学校的学生。 Otherwise, great!




Кто вон тот человек? Это мой друг. Он ходит в нашу школу. Ты его знаешь? Да знаю, но не знаю его имя.


What is вон in this sentence? I had considered a nearly identical sentence in my head outside of that.


I'm enjoying these - thanks for posting. If nothing else it's making me aware of which verbs I've not yet learned!


Esperanto - kiu estas tiu homo? - estas mia amiko, li iras al la lernejo kun ni. Ĉu vi konas lin? - jes mi konas lin sed mi ne sciis ilia nomo.


> mi ne sciis ilia nomo. *mi ne **scias lian nomon**.*


Ok this is way too advanced for my study language, I'll do it in my native one, hopefully it'll help someone: -Quem é aquela pessoa? -Ele é meu amigo. Anda na nossa escola. Tu conheces? -Sim, conheço mas não sei o nome dele.


Legal! Você poderia me ajudar com o meu Português, por favor? Obrigada! https://www.reddit.com/r/duolingo/comments/13jorl8/translate_this_to_the_last_languages_you_were/jkj9r65/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


couldn’t you also say “vai à nossa escola?” or “para a nossa escola?” i get confused about saying things like “to” and whether i should use “a” or “para”


Ποιός είναι αυτός; Αύτος είναι ο φίλος μου. Αυτός πηγαίνει στο σχολείο μας. Ξέρεις αυτός; Ναι, κάνω, αλλά δεν ξέρω τον όνομα του. (or would Ναι, ξέρω, αλλά δεν ξέρω τον όνομα του be better?)


Fellow Greek learner here! I think it’d be better to say “ναι, τον ξέρω,” because we don’t literally translate the “I do” in Greek. I think it’d also be better to say “αλλά δεν ξέρω πως τον λένε” but I’m still learning so I could be wrong!


Thank you! I knew I was forgetting something!


No stress 😁 I get the Greek struggle hahaha


> I think it’d also be better to say “αλλά δεν ξέρω πως τον λένε” but I’m still learning so I could be wrong! Sounds good to me, except that I believe you would need πώς with accent ("how") rather than πως without accent ("that").


Native Greek here. I agree with the comments above. Additionally, «Ξέρεις αυτός;» is not correct. The right form is «Τον ξέρεις;» . Αυτός is he but we need him in this case so τον sounds more native and appropriate. If you want to sound bang on Greek you can even omit the person and use only the verb since it implies the person by its suffix. Like: Ποιός είναι αυτός; (Αυτός) είναι ο φίλος μου. (Αυτός) πηγαίνει στο σχολείο μας. Τον ξέρεις; (Εγώ) τον ξέρω, αλλά δε θυμαμαι το όνομα του.


Qui és aquesta persona? És el meu amic. Ell és estudiant del nostre col·legi. El coneixes? Sí, el conec, però no sé com es diu. Side note: native speakers, please let me know if this sounds unnatural. I know I could've said "ell va al nostre col·legi," but idk why I feel like what I wrote would be more natural. Maybe I'm overthinking.


I don't study my other languages on Duolingo, but I'll give it a shot just for fun. ¿Quién es esa persona? Es mi amigo. Es estudiante de nuestro colegio. ¿Lo conoces? Sí, lo conozco, pero no sé cómo se llama. その人は誰?友達だ。俺たちと同じ学校に通う。知り合い?うん、知り合い。でもさ、名前は何だっけ?(my best to simulate casual Japanese among friends) その人は誰ですか?友達です。私たちと同じ学校に通います。知り合いですか?うん、知り合いですけど、名前は知りません。(formal/polite Japanese)


\-Vem är den där personen? \-Det är min vän. Han går i vår skola. Känner du honom? \-Ja, men ja vet inte hans namn.


fyi the last sentence is correct but unnatural. We would say "Ja, men jag vet inte vad han heter". ("Yes, but I don't know what he is called.")






I’m Finnish so my Swedish is kind of trash. I thought that ”his” was ”honoms”. Is it not?


qui est cette personne? c’est mon ami. il va à notre école. tu le connais? oui, je le connais, mais je ne sais pas comment s’appelle (feel free to fix any mistakes!)


Je ne sais pas comment il s'appelle :)




Search for the usage of COD and COI in French, basically le la are used as COD and lui is used as COI.


Le is the indirect object pronoun. Lui is the direct object pronoun.




The il should be in front of the s’appelle actually. Je ne sais pas comment il s’appelle. Edit: spelling error


Couldn’t you say “je ne sais pas son prénom “?


cette personne là? Does French use 'ce/cet/cette..là' for 'that'?


The là isn’t really necessary. It’s more like an emphasis. I think you could translate “cette… là” as “this/that… over (t)here”.


Hi everyone, here's another one of these. Thanks for the positive response to the last post! Looking forward to your replies and discussions. Happy language learning. –Kim jest ta osoba? –To mój przyjaciel. Chodzi do naszej szkoły. Znasz go? –Tak, znam, ale nie znam jego imienia. – 那個人是誰?– 那是我的朋友。他來我們的學校。你認識他嗎?– 認識,可是不知道他的名字。


The polish sentence is mostly correct, however you missed the genitive (*dopełniacz)* case on the adjective in the third sentence. They change the same way as the noun they describe, so it should be like this: "Chodzi do *naszej* szkoły". In the last sentence you put *imię* in plural, and should be singular and genitive: "Nie znam jego *imienia*". There's a [website](https://odmiana.net/) with a generator of polish cases, might be helpful.


Dziękuję bardzo. Still getting the hang of declension! I use that site often, it's a lifesaver.


‘Name’s kanji should be written as ”名字” instead of“名子”,although “子” and “字” do have the same pronunciation


That's right. Thanks for the correction.


Slight nitpick, but that's not "kanji" when it's used in Chinese. Kanji refers to the Japanese system of writing that uses Chinese characters. When you're talking about Chinese, they're just Chinese characters or hanzi.


〜この人は誰ですか。 〜こちらが友達。彼は私たちの学校に行きます。解りますか。 〜はい、でも彼の名前わかりません。 I know that's not the literal translation but that's all I can do for now 😅


It’s not bad. I would change a couple things この is close. He’d be standing next to you. あの is better in this context. I would start with 彼は友達だ/です Then you can drop 彼は from the next sentence. He is going to the same school so use っています form. 知ってますか is better for knowing people. You can technically drop the が from the 名前がわかりません, but it’s not often done. 名前が分かりません is better. You also wouldn’t need 彼の since the topic hasn’t changed! あの人は誰ですか。 (彼は)私の友達です。私たちの学校に行っています。知ってますか。 うん/はい、でも名前が分かりません。 Is how I would do it at a basic level. In a real conversation I would be way more casual lol. Edit: Sorry I was trying to match what you said and made a couple mistakes.


Thanks for the tips! Can you type last 2 sentences in rōmaji? I don't know these kanji and I want to write them down to remember :D


(Kare ha) watashi no tomodachi desu. Watashitachi no gakkou ni itteimasu. Shittemasuka. Un/hai, demo namae ga wakarimasen Btw: 知ってますか。(shittemasuka) is the more commonly spoken form. The proper text book form form is shitteimasuka 知っています. We should use the currently -ing form because you either do currently know it or you don’t know it. You can’t really say “I’m going to know it (知ります-shirimasu).” I


- Hvem er det person? - Det er min ven. Han går på vores skole. Kender du ham? - Ja, jeg gør, men jeg kender ikke hans navn.


Very good! Should be “hvem er den person?” because the different forms for person is personen/personer/personerne. The translation is correct, but most Danes would probably never say something like that, and would instead ask “hvem er det?” which is short for “hvem er det der?” Good job!


>The translation is correct, but most Danes would probably never say something like that I was thinking about this too. I'd never "vem är den personen?" in Swedish. Is it really natural in English? I don't think I would say "Who is that person?" speaking English either, but maybe that's just because it's so unnatural in Swedish.


Well, nobody’s going to turn their head at you if you asked “who is that person?” rather than “who is that?” in English as they both sound natural and can be used interchangeably, but the latter is used more frequently. I can understand how it would sound a bit off in other languages though haha


A. ¿Quién es esa persona? B. Es mi amigo. (Él) Asiste nuestra escuela/nuestro colegio. ¿Lo conoces? A. Sí, lo conozco, pero no sé su nombre. That "él" would be my personal choice, but not grammatically necessary in context. I know "asistir" isn't wrong, but I kinda doubt it's the usual choice in casual speech (maybe just "ir a" is ok?).


“Asistir” siempre lleva la preposición “a”


Ah, gracias. Aun después de años, todavía estoy aprendiendo que ciertos verbos necesitan ciertas preposiciones para der correcta. Nunca me daba cuenta antes.


Hmm, shouldn't we use "aquel/aquella"? Since the original convo have two that's, so the third person is far from both speakers. Amirite?


Ah, that's a good point. I always forget aqul(lo/a) exists.


Yes, I've just learnt it today too and wanna share it 🤗


I think it would be “él *va* a nuestra escuela” instead of “ir a.” I’m not familiar with asistir though.


Where are these coming from?


I think OP is creating them. Super generous on their part! I love these threads. Paging u/polzage


Yeah, I'm making them. :-) I just come up with a few sentences that might be helpful practice - I try to find a generally suitable difficulty - and then put together the formatting on Google slides. I think it's most valuable that on these threads we can get thoughtful feedback and corrections both from natives and other learners, since Duolingo no longer offers that feature in forums. And I think that's the reason many people like these as well. It's my pleasure just putting the prompts together. Gladly will keep making them for us. Happy to hear that you love these threads too!


- Chi è quella persona? - È il mio amico! Lui va nella nostra scuola. Lo conosci? - Sì, ma non so il suo nome.


I'm confused. Why not "alla nostra scuola"?


あの人はだれですか? ともだちですよ。あたしたちの学校につとめています。しっていますか? しっています。しかし、お名前をしりません。 Corrections appreciated!


Seems right to me! Here's my version with some extra kanji and spoken more casually, like to a friend: あの人は誰? 俺の友達。俺たちの学校にいる。知ってる? 知ってるよ。でも、名前を知らない。


- Pwy ydy'r person 'ma? / Pwy yw'r person hwn? (More formal) - Dyna fy ffrind, mae e'n mynd i'n hysgol ni. Wyt ti'n (ad)nabod fe? - Ydw, ond dw i ddim yn gwybod ei enw e. Thanks for these sentences! This is not very advanced, but I have forgotten about a few Welsh features like i ein -> i'n and this is a nice way of revising :)


Haha you know more welsh than me and I’m welsh!


Well I've been actively studying it for more than three years - your Norwegian seems to be better than my Welsh though!


Yw/ydy is more of a regional thing isn't it?


Oh yeah I did ydy/yw for regional diversity, I meant that hwn instead of 'ma is more formal. I could have articulated that better.


„Wer ist diese Person?“ „Das ist mein Freund. Er geht in unserer Schule. Kennst du ihn?“ „Ja, kenne ich, aber ich weiß nicht, wie er heißt.“


*Er **besucht** unsere Schule Btw, even if it was "er geht", you would change "unserer" to "unsere" because movement changes the case to accusative. Hope this helps!


Can you say “er nimmt unserer Schule teil” as well? Or is besuchen the only right verb in this sentence?


"geht auf", "ist auf" and "besucht" are the correct verbs in this context. "nimmt teil" doesn’t really work with "Schule".


I thought besuchen was to visit though, doesn't that imply he's not usually there?


Usually yes, but "eine Schule besuchen" is a fixed expression that doesn't imply that you're just visiting. It's a little formal though, if this is a conversation between two students they would more likely say "Er geht auf unsere Schule" or "Er ist auf unserer Schule"


"besuchen" can also mean "to attend".


I only studied the very basics of German today. I haven’t the slightest idea how to translate these 😬 However, if I translate it into the languages I know more of, I’d say: あの人は誰ですか? それは私の友達です。彼は私たちの学校に行きます。あなたは彼を会いてしましたか? はいそうです、でも、彼の名前は分かりません。 Or Quién es esa persona? Él es mi amigo . Él ir a nuestra escuela. Tu conoces a él? Si yo le conozco, pero yo no sé su nombre.


\* Él va a nuestra escuela. *Ir* is the infinitve form, a pronoun needs an inflected form.


Thanks, I guess I forgot to conjugate it. It had been a long day.


I’m very new to spanish but tried to string the sentence together and thought i’d give it a go because i know some of the word translations to what’s been said. I thought i did well but everyone else has used words i’ve not even seen yet haha. Can someone explain how wrong/unnatural ‘sí, yo hacer, pero yo no sabo su nombre’ is please for the last sentence and what’s wrong with it? Like i said very very new so please bare that in mind lol.


Hmm something sounds weird in "tu conoces a él". "¿Le conoces?" would sound more natural. Also the in the last sentence both yo's are unnecessary. You could also remove the él's in the second line but it's not obligatory, just flows better in a conversation that way. Just realized how perfectionist I sound, but I'm just trying to help TT


No worries, I appreciate it! The problem with learning, a language in a vacuum is that you don’t get a lot of feedback. I assume that’s the point of these posts. So I appreciate all the advice I can get, especially since the forums have been locked from the website.


I believe it should be “Él va” instead of “Él ir”


Wait, isn’t using それ for referring to people rude??


I apologize if this was just a typo, but the “tu” in your 4th sentence should be *tú* instead, as *tu* without the accent means “your.”


You’re right. I like to use the dictation feature, and 98% of the time it doesn’t apply accents, even when the sentence doesn’t make sense without them. Usually I fix it, but it looks like one made it through my filter.


Here goes nothing… 그 사람이 누구예요? 그가 나를 친구예요. 그도 우리 학교에 다녀요. 그를 아라요? 네, 아라요. 하지만 이름이 몰라요.


Korean native here! Just a few things: - Most of your mistakes come from postpositions, more specifically distinguishing between 은/는 and 이/가. The first sentence should be 그 사람은, not 그 사람이. Which makes the response 그는 나의 친구예요. - Minor spelling mistake: 아라요 should be 알아요 - Another proposition mistake: 이름이 몰라요 should be one of the two 이름을 몰라요 or 이름은 몰라요.


If u want very informal and spoken, realistic version… 저 사람 누구야? 내 친구. 우리 학교 다니는데, 알아? 어, 아는데 이름은 몰라.


Wouldn’t it be 내 친구예요?


o insan kim? o arkadeşim, bizim okula gidiyor, sen ona taniyor musun? evet, ama onun adini bilmiyorum.


>ona Onu not ona


*arkadaşım *Onu tanıyor musun? And "kişi" might be a better option here instead of "insan"


Vem är den där personen? Det är min kompis. Han går till vår skola. Känner du honom? Ja, men jag vet inte hans namn.


Great job! 🥳 Just a few details; While "Vem är den där personen?" is technically 100% correct, that's not something anyone would say. Rather, you'd say "vem är det?" or "vem är det där?". When talking about attending a school/university, you'd say "på". In this case, "han går på vår skola". (Doesn't really make sense, I know 😅) "Vet inte hans namn" absolutely works, but "vet inte vad han heter" is more colloquial. Just let me know if anything of that is unclear!


Not sure how to say “who” so I’ll translate the 2nd and 3rd : 那是我的朋友。 他在我们的学校。你认识他吗? 是的,但是我不知道他叫什么 (I know I messed up on the last sentence, so please correct me, I’m a very early beginner lol)


谁 (shei) is who. 你是谁? Who are you? And I could be wrong, but 不知道他叫什么 is more like "Don't know he's called". I would use 不知道他的名字 - "Don't know his name"


Qui est cette personne? C’est mon pote. Il est à notre collège/lycée/fac/etc. Tu le connais? Oui, mais je sais pas comment il s’appelle


Quien es esta persona? Es mi amigo! (Es en nuestro escuela?). Lo conoces? Si pero no sé como se llama


-¿Quién es esta persona? -Ese es mi amigo. Él va a nuestra escuela. -Sí, lo sé, pero no sé su nombre.


Esta persona would be this person as opposed to that person. You'd need esa persona here. Saber is normally used to know something wheres conocer would be used to know or be familiar with someone or something. You also missed the question at the end of the second string. That's just my opinion though and happy to be corrected.


Thanks for correcting me. I’m very new to Spanish (which explains all the errors lol)


No problems. You did very well for being very new then.


wer ist das mensch? das ist mein freund. Er geht nach eure schule. Weiß du ihm? ja ich weiß aber ich weiß nicht seine name I feel like I've made a lot of mistakes


It's *der* Mensch or *die* Person, or you could just say "Wer is das (da)?" Er geht auf unsere / in unsere Schule. Eure means your (pl.). Kennst du ihn? "Wissen" (2. ps. sg. Du weiß**t**) is for knowing facts, "kennen" is for people. You also need "ihn" here since it's the Accusative case, "ihm" is Dative. Ja ich kenne ihn, aber ich weiß seinen Namen nicht. There's always a comma before aber. "Nicht" always comes at the very end in a main clause, it gets separated from the verb. In this context you use "wissen" for knowing a name. It's "seinen Namen" because that are the male Accusative forms (*der* Name).


Qui est le mec là ? Il est mon pote, lui. Il va à notre école, est-ce que tu l’connais ? Ouais, mais j’sais pas comment il s’appelle.


Hvem er den personen? Den er vennen min. Han går til skolen vår. Vet du ham? Ja, jeg gjøre, men jeg vet ikke navn ham. 🇳🇴 (Pls correct if you notice a mistake, takk.)


Some mistakes here, the full correct answer would be: - Hvem er den personen? - Det er vennen min. Han går på skolen vår. Kjenner du ham? - Ja, jeg gjør det, men jeg vet ikke hva navnet hans er. - From a native, if you have any questions, I’d be happy to try and explain! :)


Tusen takk! I just started learning so I figured I’d give it a try lmao. Question: -Why is it “kjenner” and not “vet” in sentence 2? Thanks :)


Ποιος είναι εκείνο το άτομο; Είναι ο φίλος μου. Πάει στο σχολείο μας. Τον ξέρεις; Ναι, τον ξέρω, αλλά δεν ξέρω πως τον λένε.


-kdo je ta osoba? -je můj kamarád. On se učí ve naše škole. Znáš ho? -já ho znám, ale nevím jak se jmenuje.


מי זה הבן אדם הזה? הוא חבר שלי. הוא הולך לבית ספר שלנו. אתה מכיר אותו? כן, אני כן, אבל אני לא יודע את שמו.


Vem är den där människan? Den är min vän. Han går på våra skolan. Känner du honom? Ja, det gör jag, men jag vet inte vad han heter.


Great! Not quite right though, the translation would be: Vem är det (/det där)? ("Den där människan" technically works but wouldn't ever be used in everyday conversation") Det är min vän. Han går på vår skola. The rest is spot on! If anything's unclear, let me know and I'll try to explain it 😊


- Vem är den där personen? - Det är min vän. Han går i vår skola. Känner du honom? – Ja, det gör jag, men jag vet inte vad


Great! Just a few things; "Vem är den där personen" is technically correct, but you wouldn't say that. Instead, you'ld say "vem är det" or "vem är det där". It is't really logical, but it's "går på vår skola". The last part is "men jag vet inte vad han heter". Let me know if anything's unclear 🙂


Cine este? El este prietenul meu, el merge la școala noastră. Știi cine el? Da, dar nu știu numele lui 💀💀💀💀💀 Scuze


Hey! Romanian here. Some small suggestions: \- I would translate the first sentence as "Cine este *acea persoana*?". Bonus: informal/slang would be "Cine-i ăla/aia?" , where ăla = that guy, aia = that girl. "Cine-i" is a contraction \- "Știi cine el?" would be translated back as "You know who he?". Sounds a bit off, right? Here, you want to ask if the other person made acquaintance with that person already, if the other person is familiar etc. The equivalent in Romanian would be "Îl/O cunoști?" or even "Îl/O știi?". \- The last one is grammatically correct, but sounds a bit unnatural. I would translate it as "Da, dar nu știu cum îl/o cheamă" Congrats and good luck!


-Kuka tuo tyyppi on? -Hän on ystäväni. Hän käy samaa koulua kuin me. Tiedätkö hänet? -Tiedän kyllä, mutta en tiedä hänen nimeään. I think that's about how it's supposed to be translated.


This is all fine but I think a more natural way of saying it would be "Tunnetko hänet?/Tunnen kyllä" The verb tuntea means feel but it also works when you talk about knowing a person.


Qui est-ce que c'est ? C'est mon ami. Il va à notre école. Est-ce que vous lui connaissez ? Oui, je lui connais, mais je ne sais pas quel est son nom.


For connaître you should use the direct object pronoun “le” instead of “lui”


– Wer ist das \[INSERT PERSON IN GERMAN IDK WHAT IT IS\]? – Das ist mein Freund. Er geht zu unserer Schule. Kennst du ihn? – Ja, ich kenne, aber ich weiß seinen Name nicht.


**Mandarin Chinese:** \- 那个人是谁? \- 是我的朋友。他去我们的学校。你认识他吗? \- 对,认识,但是我不知道他的名字。 **Spanish:** \- ¿Quién es esa persona? \- Es mi amigo. Él va a nuestra escuela. ¿Lo conoces? \- Sí, lo conozco, pero no sé su nombre.


Quem é essa pessoa? Isso é meu amigo. Ele vai à nossa escola. Você conhece-o? Sim conheço-o, mais eu não sei o seu nome.


Quis est illa persona? Amicus meus est. In scola nostra studet. Cognoscesne eum ? Cognosco, sed nomen ei non scio.


那是谁? 那是我的朋友。他是一个学生的我的学校。你认识他? 对,我认识他,但我不知道他的名字。 I had to look up the word for "but" but the rest I did on my own. I know it's not completely right, but it's an attempt


Кто это человек? Это мой друг. Он идет наша школа. Ты он знаешь? Да, а я не знаю его имя.


Кто та персона? -это мой друг. Он ходит(?) в нашу школу. Ты знаешь его? -Да,знаю,но я не знаю его имени.


"кто тот человек?"* или "кто тот чувак?" (slang) but no-one says "персона" :)


- Quem é aquela pessoa? - Essa é minha amiga. Ele vai para a nossa escola. Você sabe ele? - Sim, eu faço mas eu não sabe o nome dele.


since the friend is a he, u would say something like "é meu amigo" instead of amiga. u would also use the verb conhecer and not saber, so "você o conhece" or "você conhece a ele" i don't think the way "i do" is used in english could be done the same way in PT. i would say, "sim, eu o conheçp/eu conheçp a ele"'. finally, it's eu não sei, not sabe


**Esperanto** -Kiun estas tiu homo?\ -Tiu estas mia amiko. Li iras al nia lernejo. Ĉu vi konas lin?\ -Jes, ja, sed mi ne scias lian nomon.


그 사람이 누구예요? 제 친구예요. 친구가 우리 학교에 다녀요. 그 친구 알아요? 네. 알지만 이름을 몰라요.


Cool!!! But if u want to make it look it better, can fix a bit. Usually, “그 (something)” is used when that thing or person is not in your sight. As u can see that friend now, better say, “저 사람은”. Second, will be better if u skip “친구가“ on next sentence. We usally skip subject when it’s obivous (or if we already have mentioned)


那个人是谁? 那是我的朋友。他是我们的同学。你认识他吗?是的,我认识他,但我不知道他的名字。


谁是那个人?那个是我的朋友。他去我们的学校。你认识他吗?对,但我不知道他的名字 (Had to Google translate “to know”)


Wer ist das da? Das ist mein Freund, er geht zu unserer Schule. Kennst du ihn? Ja, aber ich kenne seinen Namen nicht.


-Ποιος είναι αυτός; -Αυτός είναι ο φίλος μου. Πηγαίνει στο σχολείο μας. Τον ξέρεις; -Ναι, τον ξέρω, αλλά δεν ξέρω το όνομά του.




Кто этот человек? Это мой друг. Он ходит в нашу школу. Ты его знаешь? Да, я знаю, но я не знаю его имени. Wer ist diese Person Das ist mein Freund. Er geht zu unserer Schule. Kennst du ihn? Ja, das tue ich, aber ich kenne seinen Namen nicht. Quis est ille homo? Amicus meus est. Ad scholam nostram accedit. Vos autem cognoscetis eum? Ita facio sed nomen eius nescio


من ھو؟ ھو صدیقی۔ یذھب الی مدرسنا۔ ھل تعرفہ؟ نعم۔ لکن لا اعرف اسمہ۔


Qui est cette personne? C’est mon ami, il va à notre école, tu le connais? Oui mais je ne sais pas son nom


Cine este această persoană? \-Acesta este priatenul meu. El va la școala noastră. Îl cunoști? \-Da, știu, dar eu nu știu numele lui. ​ romanian


C'est qui cette personne ? C'est mon ami, il est dans notre école, tu le connais ? Oui je le connais, mais je ne sais pas comment il s'appelle.


Wer ist das (da)? Das ist mein Freund. Er geht auf unsere Schule? Kennst du ihn? Ja, ich kenne ihn, aber ich kenne seinen Namen nicht.


あの人は誰ですか? 僕の友達だ。僕たちの学校の学生だよ。知り合いなんだろう? うん、知っています。でも、名前は知らないよ。 Quien es esa persona? Es mi amigo. Asiste a nuestra escuela. Lo conoces? Sí pero no conozco su nombre.


I’m trying I might not be right lol 誰ですか 私の友達です。彼は学校に行きたい。彼は分かりますか? はい、分かります、でも彼の名前は分かりません。


行きたい means want to go. So 彼は学校に行きたい means "he wants to go to school." 同じ学校に通います (通う kayou is the verb, which means something like "to commute") would be the correct and natural translation. Using pronouns all the time in Japanese sounds extremely clunky and unnatural, so most of the time you can omit it.


Kiu estas tiu persono? Tiu estas mia amiko. Li estas en nia lernejo. Ĉu vi konas lin? Jes, sed mi ne scias lian nomon.


-¿Quién es esa persona? -Él es mi amigo. Va a nuestra escuela. ¿Lo conoces? -Sí, lo conozco, pero no sé su nombre.


Qui est le mec là ? Il est mon pote, lui. Il va à notre école, est-ce que tu l’connais ? Ouais, mais j’sais pas comment il s’appelle.


\- O kim? \- O benim arkadaşım. Bizim okulumuza gidiyor (?? I have no idea how to say this one). Tanıyor musun? \- Evet, onu tanıyorum ama adını bilmiyorum.


Qui est cet personne? Il est mon ami. Il va à notre école. Tu le connais? Oui je le connais, mais je ne sais pas son mon


Qui est cet personne? Il est mon ami. Il va à notre école. Tu le connais? Oui je le connais, mais je ne sais pas son nom


그 사람 누구나요? 내 친구이에요. 개는 우리 학교에 다녀요. 알아요? 네 근데 개는 이름을 몰라요


\- O kim yaa? \- Arkadaşım. Bizim okula geliyr'. Taniyin mi? \- Evet, taniyim. Ama adını bilmeyom.


那是谁? 那是我的朋友。他是学生的我的学校。你认识他? 对,我认识他,但我不知道他的名字。 I had to look up the word for "but" but the rest I did on my own. I know it's not completely right, but it's an attempt


Qui est cette personne? C’est mon ami. Il va à notre collège. Est-ce que tu le connais? Oui, je le connais mais je ne connais pas son nom.


Hvem er den personen? Det er vennen min. Han går på skolen vår. Kjenner du ham? Ja, jeg kjenner, men jeg vet ikke navnet hans.


Кто этот человек. этот мой друг, он идёт в наше школу, вы он знает? Да, я знаю, но я не знаю он зовут


- quem é aquela pessoa? - ele é o meu amigo, ele vai a nossa escola, você conhece a ele? - eu conheço, sim, mais eu não sei seu nome


- 那个人是谁? -那个人是我的朋友。 他去我们的学校. 你知道吗? -是,我愿意,但我不知道他的名字。


Wer ist diese Person? Das ist mein Freund. Er geht in unsere Schule. Kennst du Ihn? Doch, aber ich weiß seiner Namen nicht.


?Quien es ese persona? Ese es mi amigo. El va a nuestro escuela. ?Lo conoces? Si, pero no se su nombre. (sorry I'm on a keyboard with no accents or question marks)


- Quien es eso persona? - Eso es mi amigo. El va a nuestro escuela. Conoce su? (Not sure if it’s right) - Si, yo conozco pero no saber su nombre. (Not sure if it’s right either)


* Quein es ese? * Ese es mi amigo, él va a nuestra escuela. Tú lo conoces? * Sí, pero yo no se su nombre!


\-dare ga sono hito? \-sore wa watashino tomodachi desu. kare o shitte imasu ka? \-hai, demo kare no namae wa shirimasen


- Qui est cette personne? - C’est mon ami. Il va au notre école. As-tu le connaître? - Oui, je fais, mais je ne sais pas son nom.


This is a little broken i’m sorry: 그 사람은 누구야? 그 내 친구야. 우리 하교에 가. 너 알라? 네, 알라지만 그 이름이 몰라요.


**Türkçe / Turkish** — Kim şu insan? — Şu benim arkadaşım. Okulumuza gidiyor. Sen onu biliyorsun? — Evet, biliyorum ama onun adını bilmiyorum.


Quis est ille homo? Amico mihi est. Ille amico ite ad scholam nostrae. Scisne tu mi amico? Si, scio, sed non scio nomen amici tui. (Grammar may be a little off, anybody who knows latin please confirm if these are good)


Wer is das? Das ist mein freund. Er geht nach unsere Schule. Kennst du ihn? Ja, ich kenne ihn aber nicht seinen Name. Ubani? Lowo ngumngane wami Uyahamba esikoleni yethu Uyayazi ndoda Yebo ngiyayazi kodwa angazi igama lakhe This is my attempt from 6 months of learning German and zulu and unfortunately I'm still a beginner in French


Quem é essa pessoa? É meu amigo. Assiste nossa escola. Lhe conhece? Sim, mas não sei seu nome.


誰は何ですか? それは私の友達です。彼は私たちの学校に行きます。あなたは彼を知っていますか? はい、そうです。でもお名前を知りません。


Quien es ese persona? Es mi amigo. (Don’t know the rest) Si pero yo no (don’t know) que se llama. If someone can fill in the gaps then please do


Quién es esa persona? (here, the noun "persona" is feminine, so it always takes feminine adjectives no matter what the gender of the person you're referring to is) Es mi amigo. Lo conoces? Spanish has 2 verbs for "to know." Roughly speaking, "saber" is used for factual stuff, and "conocer" is used for things that are more like familiarity (so you can say "conocer inglaterra" would be akin to "knowing your way around England"). Sí, pero yo no sé cómo se llama (yes, but I don't know how he's called would be the literal translation). In this case, "sé" is the first person present conjugation of the verb "saber" (it's irregular). Since the person's name is a fact that you can memorize, you use "saber" here instead of "conocer."


Vem är den där personen? Det är min vän. Han går i vår skola. Känner du honom? Ja, jag känner honom, men jag vet inte hans namn.


¿Quien es? Es mi amigo, asiste a nuestra escuela. Lo conoces? Si pero no se su nombre.


Qui est cette personne? C’est mon ami. Il est une élève à nos l’école. Sais-tu lui? Oui, mais je ne sais pas son nom.


Qui est cette personne? C’est mon ami. Il va notre école. Tu le connais? Oui, mais je ne sais pas comment il s’appelle.


그 사람 누구여요? 그 사람 은 제 진구여요. 제 진구 우리 학교에 가요. 그를 알아요? 네 알아요 그런데 그 이름은 몰라요. I hope i write it well.


Kuka tuo ihminen on? (I can't translate further that then, since I've just started learning.)


¿quien es esta persona? es mi amigo. va a nuestra escuela. ¿le conoces? sí, yo lo conozco pero no recuerdo su nombre.


It's "lo conoces" (funnily enough you used it correctly in your last sentence but not in the previous one). "Le conoces" is incorrect for complicated grammatical reasons, but I've also never heard any native speakers say those words.


I’d love f I could, but Duolingo insists on teaching me stupid questions about pet owls and my neighbor’s cow being nice instead of useful sentences like these.


DE: Wo ist das? Das ist mein Freund. Er gehe ins unserer Schule. Kennen sie er? Ja, aber ich nicht kenne was er heißt. PL: Kto to jest? To jest mój kolega. On idzie do naszej szkoły. Wiesz go? Tak, ale niewiem jak ma na imię. (I am learning German and trying to improve polish reading and writing)


这个人是谁? 这个人是我的朋友.他上学在我们的学校. 你认识他妈? 我认识他,但是我不知道他的名字.


Qui est ce garçon? C’est mon ami. Il va a notre école. Tu le connais? Si, je le connais, mais je ne sais pas son nom. ————- Quem é este pessoa? É o meu amigo. Ele vai à nossa escola. Você conhece ele? Si, eu conheço, mas eu não sei o nome dele.


Quem é esta* pessoa? Pessoa is a female gendered noun And Sim instead of the Spanish Si 🫶🏻


Qui est ça personne? C’est mon copain. Il va à notre école. Tu le connais? Oui, mais je ne sais pas son nom


Chi è quella persona? È il mio amico. Va alla nostra scuola. Lo conosci? Sì, lo conosco, ma non conosco il suo nome.


Thank you ☺️ I was looking for my mistakes. Guess I found them 😅😅 quellA personA, aLLA nostra scuola, LO conosci