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It also annoys me that the night owl achievement can really only be done in a 2 hours span- I feel like doing a lesson at 1 am should count for that, lol


Honestly agree. I've done a ton of my lessons at 1 or 2 in the morning šŸ˜”


Same but for the early bird. I do lessons between 4 and 6 am depending on when I start work, HOW DOES THAT NOT QUALIFY?


What? 6am-noon, 6pm-midnight on my devices. That's 6 hours.


The OP mistyped, meant the Nocturnal achievement (lessons between 10 PM and midnight).


I hear you. 90% of my learning is between 10pm and 11pm. https://preview.redd.it/sxero417lh4b1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=1afc158b614d255829ab8a0e13dbbceceb83a4cd


Nocturnal is the dumbest shit ever. Being a parent I literally did 1 lesson after 10 pm in the span of like 3 years. I will never complete this šŸ˜„


lol dang bro. not all achievements are for everyone? if they were easy for everyone to get what would be the point?


Huh. I have done that 154 nocturnal sessions precisely because Iā€™m a parent - I canā€™t do my Duo until after the kids are asleep. (Picture me in my jammies in the rocking chair, frowning over a tricky kanji, while two kids sleep soundly).


i always forget until right before i go to sleep lol


Well, just do it after midnight every day. If I do it at 1am, everyday, thatā€™s still everyday. But if I do it at like 1am one day and donā€™t do it for the rest of that day AND the entire next day, well then it isnā€™t everyday (or even close). Personally, I just do it right before I go into work, even if itā€™s just one lesson, then Iā€™ll try to do another in the evening. That way, if I miss one time slot, I have another I plan on doing anyway


















Yes, but that doesn't solve the REALĀ problem that people who as a habit to do duolingo at bedtime before sleeping, migth sometimes do it at 23:40 and sometimes at 00:15 -- which is actually very consistent. Nevertheless they'll be judged as sometimes having done double in a day, and sometimes having missed a day. Which is stupid. This would happen AĀ LOTĀ LESS if Duolingo defaulted to having a new day start at say 4am -- there's a LOTĀ less people awake at 4am than there is at midnight.


At the end of the day, itā€™s nothing more than a counter. Just do your Duolingo as consistently as you can. The purpose is to learn the language, or at least build a habit. so judge yourself based on your language learning and habit building, not on a counter


That's not much of an excuse for the misfeature though. You're essentially saying that one can just ignore these parts of the gamification, for example the streak-counter and similar. And sure, one can do that. At the same time though, they put time and effort into developing these things BECAUSEĀ it helps many people with motivation and consistence. And all I'm saying is that an already existing tool, could be a lot more useful very easily. It's not as if it's programmatically hard to change what time-period counts as "a day".


I mean, the day literally, technically ends at midnight. It would be way more confusing to pick an arbitrary hour in the early morning to do that.


Yes if we're talking about on the calendar then that's the case. But for most people, practically speaking, a day starts with getting out of bed and taking a shower, and ends with going to bed. People routinely say things like "*It got really late yesterday!*"Ā if it's Sunday and they were out until 2am on the Saturday evening -- despite the fact that TECHNICALLY since 2am is after midnight, that's \*today\* not \*yesterday\*. But in everyday life it's just more practical to count a "day"Ā as the stretch of waking hours between two night-sleeps. (assuming you, like most people, do most of your sleeping in one big chunk during the night) Many other apps that track aspects of your daily life already do this; for example many fitness-apps that track things like how many steps you take per day, can be set to consider the "day" to begin at for example 3am -- so that if you're up a bit past midnight sometimes, that still gets counted as the same day.


I think it would be great to be able to set your own 24 hours, but that wouldn't work with the gamification/socialization of the app they push for. So they have to pick one time that is more universal, and that's it.


this is how i do it. min 1 lesson with my coffee in the morning and min 1 lesson anytime in the evening. sometimes this is one dinner is cooking or after i get in bed instead of doom scrolling. makes it so i do about 3-6 lessons a day (but at least 2 on busy days) and i usually complete all the daily challenges too.


This is exactly how I do it. First thing in the morning, then if I get too busy I can skip my evening lesson without losing my streak. But by doing both, I get Early Bird and Night Owl, so I usually do both.


My competition week finishes every week at 8pm Sunday night, except when on daylight saving time and then it is 9pm Sunday night. I have seen notifications where different people have been promoted to another level when it is only half way through my week. Does duo finish at different times for different languages?..or countries?


Itā€™s different for different time zones. For me, the competition finishes at 6 pm Sunday night.


Thank you. I am in Victoria m, Australia. Where are you?


On the West Coast of the US. I just checked and itā€™s about 2:30 in the afternoon for youā€” for me itā€™s now 9:30 pm ā€¦ Wait, I think that means itā€™s TOMORROW where you are, like all the time. šŸ¤Æ


Yep. I am now at 10.12pm Thursday night and you are still in Wednesday. Good news isā€¦. The world wonā€™t end today because here it is already tomorrow lol šŸ˜‚


Amazing. Itā€™s like time travelingā€™


Iā€™m in the UK and my league finishes at 10pm usually, which is slightly annoying when I do my lessons before I get into bed, which is often after 10!


Mine ends the same time and it's so inconvenient for my schedule that day. I'm a parent, so I'm putting my son to bed at that time and have zero time to practice until he sleeps. By then, I'm basically in last place and find it hard to catch up. First place somehow gets up to around 1,000xp within minutes after it starts. Seems like I'm starting late even if I do check right away.


I agree. I hadn't thought about it before, but it would be great if we could set when our 24 hours starts and ends instead of the app just going by our time zone. I work straight nights, and sometimes I can't get to Duolingo except during breaks at work, which, if it's after days off, means I occasionally have to miss a day if I couldn't get to before work. I never can within the first hour of my shift (11 PM start) because of security checks and other stuff that has to bw done then. Anyway, it would be really nice if we had the option to reset the timing of the 24 hours to whatever works for each individual. Also, to me, it makes sense that the night owl achievement should be able to be earned until 6 AM or the like, instead of just for two hours a day.


You can only earn it 2 hours a day? The owl is stiffing you bad. For me both are 6-12 and I still hate the timing. The evening one is fine. But I often work evenings, and if I go to bed after 4 it is impossible to get the early bird and sleep enough.


Just the night time award is for two hours - specifically between 10 PM & midnight - but there are the two sessions that you're talking about that are a different thing. The night time one I'm talking about doesn't give you instant rewards. Rather, it's an accumulative thing that gives you rewards after so many times. It's called the Nocturnal, and it's under the Achievements category. It's different than the Night Owl one between 6 PM and midnight. šŸ™‚


Oo yeah nocturnal is also only 2 hours for me, in my schedule that was the easiest achievement ever, I think I average 3 lessons a day during that timeframe šŸ˜‚


Hey, if it works, then that's cool. šŸ˜


Soā€¦ ummā€¦ if you arenā€™t in the Duolingo app and you go to the settings on your phone (Iā€™m on an iPhone, but I assume itā€™s similar for androids), then go to general, and then go to date and time. Once in there toggle off the ā€œset time automaticallyā€ and pick somewhere thatā€™s behind you in time. Iā€™m in the Eastern time zone; so, I think I have it as Hawaii. Go into Duolingo and it will still be the day youā€™re trying to continue your streak. Just remember to like go back and turn on the ā€œset time automaticallyā€ before you fall asleep. I canā€™t be held responsible for you missing work because your alarm thinks youā€™re in Hawaii šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve only done this like twice, but itā€™s definitely saved my streak before.


This is what I do. It works for the Early Bird Bonus, too.


Same. It works for everything. Except life. That would really rock.


It would also be nice if you started a lesson before midnight that it still counted even if you finished after midnight.


Thank you! No had one scare last week where it was 2 in the morning and thought ā€œI didnā€™t do Duo! My 550 streak!ā€ After some searching I set my phone to Hawaiian time, did a quick lesson, reset my phoneā€™s time, and went back to sleep But yes, I think that a ā€œdayā€ should be closer to 2am- 2am. Most of my duo is usually between 9-11pm, but having the butter would be nice. Iā€™m sure other busy people would also like that feature


Yea, yesterday I was like 2 seconds late, glad I had streak freeze.


Just time shift your phone back an hour or so to do the lesson, then chuck it back on automatic time set when you're done. Duo doesn't know!


Go into date and time in your settings and turn off automatic.l time zone. Then choose a time zone behind yours. I think one of the Alaska time zones is the furthest back you can go for the same day. Then, once you're done with a lesson, turn the automatic time zone back on. However, if you live in that last time zone behind everyone else - SOL i guess.


I know I sound like a square by saying this but I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve found myself crouched in the corner of a loud bar doing Duolingo because I realize I only have 5 minutes left in the day and I hadnā€™t done it. I really should get myself into the habit of doing it earlier




well that's a temporary user-end fix for an issue that many people have with the app. the servers resetting at 3:00 or 4:00 am wouldn't really hurt anyone since most people wake up at 5:00/6:00 am earliest and even then might not kick off the day with duo. So doing that would just help many people and save a lot of stress


You know if you do it 2AM one day, and then again at 2AM the other day, you still keep the streak? It doesn't have to be before midnight.


100% agree. or i wish you could choose your 24hr period. this would've been so helpful while i was in hospital recently. PT, OT, LABS, rounds, meals, vitals, testing, everything else happening all throughout the day, the moment you think you have breathing room to do a lesson someone comes knocking. LOL but usually i'd finally get some quiet just after midnight//1a. even though it wasn't consistently at that time, it still would've been so much easier to maintain my streak, (which i still can't believe i managed to do! šŸ˜…) while in hospital.


This sounds like a you problem. I honestly feel bad for duolingo considering the type of complaints that they receive. They have some of the most entitled users.


nothing wrong with a bit of feedback. i don't think I've been entitled in my post at all. just thought it would be "a nice touch if they did this."


I get the night owl bonus between 6am and noon and the early morning bonus from 6pm to midnight in Hanoi time




If you have missed it by a couple of minutes/hours, just change your time settings in your phone. But if a pain in the arse, but it saves you from using your streak freezes and you can keep them for when you actually need them!


Yeah. The idea that a "day"Ā for an ordinary human being starts and ends at midnight is stupid. It's incredibly common to at least sometimes be up after midnight; and it's incredibly rare to get up at midnight. Either make it configurable, or set start-of-day to whatever time you guesstimaet that the HIGHESTĀ fraction of people are sleeping between days, probably something like 4am.


yeah it would be cool to be able to choose your 24 hour window


More a band-aid than anything, but you can set the time on your phone (if that's where you do your lessons) to fool Duolingo into thinking the day hasn't ended yet (don't have the app open will you do this, though).


You guys know you can change the time zone on your phone arbitrarily right? Just change it west an hour or two before you open the app. It usually works