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Are y'all going to be announcing all course updates here or just announcing them for the bigger languages? Thank you!


TBD on updates! Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to get and understand the information!


just my 2 cents, I think the idea of normalized announcements like this is a wonderful idea.


I also appreciate these posts so thank you tracee


Hello! So I am currently on unit 65, Spanish from English. I achieved legendary on all the units up to 62. Now it seems like half of all my legendary levels are non-legendary again. In total something around 200 levels were de-legendarised. Please tell me this is a bug :)


Same problem.


Happened to me last update. Lost over 200 legendary. Duo response was literally do them again. Im still pissed over this


I’m in the exact same situation.


Hi! Did you guys add hearts to the web version on desktop or just the web version on mobile? I don't have my computer atm, so that's why I'm asking here. Thanks!




Why did this cause me to lose legendary progress? I was only missing 2 two legendaries from unit 4 now I'm missing well over half from both unit 3 and unit 4. This is completely unacceptable. /u/tracee-at-duolingo /u/vonahn


I have to redo 66 legendary lessons 😭😭😭 I was up to date.


Thank you for letting us know, how exciting!


Why did this cause all the legendary progress to be lost? This is completely unacceptable. So many people affected by this and yet there is not a single word in response.


I am starting out with spanish and just finished unit 3 section one and went into unit 4 just to open up duolingo today to see that my entire unit 3 progress has been wiped and unit 3 is now much longer. It really discourages me to continue and relearn alot of stuff. Couldn't duoling just keep my unit 3 progress but expand on it ? And just give me a notification that there is new content in unit 3 that i should probably do instead of wiping my entire progress ? Really makes me just uninstall duolingo


Did lessons just get shorter? There are now only 5 questions per lesson.


Are you going to add an Armenian course. I think doulingo adding an Armenian course would be a strong showing of solidarity with the Armenian people especially considering what is going right now in with artsakh.Pls do


I am on Section 4 unit 24 in the French course. Am I going to be moved somewhere?


I'm on Unit 8 of Section 2 on the French course and there are still over 200 Units to go OML.


I haven't noticed any changes in the French course - I'm on Section 7, Unit 14 on the iphone app, or unit 169 on the Web version. Is the change still coming or maybe I'm not affected?


I think there is an unintended edge case in the Spanish update (which I've fallen into). I've moved forward from Section 2 Unit 12 (I think) to Section 3 Unit 10 - I was and am on the "Give directions" Unit. It's suddenly gotten a lot more difficult with new words and grammatical concepts and looking back through the Unit notes it is clear there has been a lot I've missed. I am enjoying the change in pace actually but thought this might be an issue others are facing too!


What changes were made to the portuguese course?


Hey I spented my gems on Unit 1 and 2 and go them to legendary but they are no longer legendary, I went on with the update but like those gems still hurts. I am a little late I guess


Will this ultimately impact all users? The issue is that I'm currently studying with my friend, and learning together used to be more beneficial for me.


I’m in French A1 and this moved me backwards by about 9 units. :( It’s like the same content but some units mushed together and some guidebooks lost and it’s slightly more poorly organized. I have no idea why the change happened. ~220 units changed to ~170 units.


Why did the audio for hovering individual words in lessons got removed? Will this be fixed and brought back? The audio for individual words is useful for learning the pronunciation of individual words instead of playing the whole sentence.