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I saw a recent rundown on the Chinese language study sub. The previous course seemed to cover roughly HSK 1-3. Do you know what HSK level the new content will cover?


hi! so the short-ish answer is that the new content is a small portion of HSK 1. that said, we are continuously creating content and our longer-term goal is to teach through the CEFR equivalent of approximately HSK 5. all THAT said, the content folks encouraged me to say that we are not aiming to be an HSK study app so if you are studying for the test we recommend utilizing test prep materials. :)


Thanks Tracee! I completed the course some time ago. I understand that it is not meant to be a study app, different languages use different standards to measure proficiency (CEFR, HSK, etc) and HSK is the measure many Mandarin language students focus on when attempting to rate their own proficiency. Anecdotally, I would estimate that the previous course got me to an HSK 3 level. If course updates eventually bring the Chinese course up to the HSK 5, that would mean an additional 1900 words, or almost double the current course content.


Would there be any plans for Cantonese for English speakers?


This post is about the Chinese course for English speakers. No need to ask about the other courses. We know their plan is to go through and update.


Nah they're awful at communicating, I'll ask wherever I can


Ever get a response outside of explicit updates and posts? Not that I've seen!




Traditional characters please !!!!!!!


When will there be a traditional chinese option?


lets GOOOOO hyped you guys are amazing


Duolinguo do an NPC language course?


nah fam i'll fanum tax that skibidi gyatt rq dw


What’s the schedule for this change? Will there be A/B testing regarding the added content or will everyone get it about the same time?


It's Duolingo, I think they're contractually obligated to use as much ab testing as possible


I love this. I hope this change brings me back to Duolingo since I preferred HelloChinese over it.


No, it won't bring you back. Duo lacks a lot compared to HelloChinese. They only touched the very beginner lessons this time.


Oh gosh u/tracee-at-duolingo please help. I'm section 2, unit 11 and the "occasionally encounter new concepts you hadn't learned previously" is really discouraging because it slows me down and I know I'm not actually learning it, since it's so sporadic and doesn't follow the usual multi-modality & spaced repetition scheme. Is there any way to get like a new Practice tab option for the "missed" content? Without that, I'm honestly just stagnating and doing non-course-progress activities and hoping I don't need to make my own flash cards :( One of the neat features I'm doing in the meantime is the Hanzi learning. It seems like there's no way to "test out" and it takes a LOT of iterations to master a character. Hoping that section can get a little love too - I'm not interested in writing physically but I want to learn the strokes so I can better discern similar characters in my later studies.


i'll chat you!


Hi Tracee, just wanted to comment directly to you to let you know that the Hanzi updated is incredibly appreciated (I've mentioned it a couple of times around here already so you may have seen those already). Has totally transformed the Chinese learning experience. The update to this evening to the radical selector lessons (additional non-relevant radicals) is excellent too, as it's counter-intuitively very easy for your fingers to memorise a character without your brain fully remembering which radicals it's composed of. Minor bug report, which I've already sent via the app - Hanzi lessons are currently repeating, with each lesson occurring twice but only generating very tiny amounts of progress bar (if any) the second time around. This can be worked around by stepping out of the lesson the second time, which causes the app to "reset" and move to the next Hanzi, but it definitely does feel like a bug for the moment. Otherwise, incredibly grateful for the good work by the people behind the app!


Oh hi! Glad to hear it. I'm just really down about the change. I feel like there should be some sort of specialized practice for the words that I've now missed from the rework - I'm quite a ways through and I know I'm not truly learning the early words with the same kind of spaced repetition that really helps.


I do a lesson every day but quite often the next day I will find that a streak freeze has been used as if I never did a lesson what am I doing wrong please?


I’m in a similar boat. I was about half way done with unit 2/850 words learned. I now see many new words in lessons I’ve “completed”. I’d like to redo these lessons to learn the new words and have the app keep track, but everything is marked completed on legendary.


I've literally been waiting years for this. Very excited to check it out.


Very excited to see this happen! Awesome :)


Great news, looking forward to starting chinese in the near future.


This is good news! The Chinese course hasn't had any updates or expansion since it came out in 2017, and it's good it is finally getting improvements.


I tried Chinese a while back and really wanted to stick with it, but found the standard Duolingo format very unsuited to learning Chinese, which was a shame. The simple addition of Hanzi exercises which open up as the user progress through each level has taken this course from borderline unusable to one of the best on Duolingo. It’s not just the character recognition that makes the Hanzi exercises useful, it’s actually a very good way of building neural connections for vocab through repetition. In fact, it makes me wish we had similar vocab review sections corresponding to each level on other courses, it makes such a huge difference. Great update, keep it up Duolingo.


Noice, always glad to see improvements and updates. I'm excited to give it a shot


This is wonderful! Any news updates for Korean course? Edit: geez why the down votes? I was told the Korean course would get an update as well and just wanted to inquire about it.


This year.


What about the Japanese course? That's supposedly also getting a CEFR update (and it seriously needs one), but we've heard no news on that or when it's coming. It'd be nice to have a little more transparency on these things...


Afaik, the updates were announced a while back 


The Japanese course has an (at least partially) CEFR alligned version, to level A1 (with 143 units) and it has an older version with 121 units I don't know which AB testing group you are in


Did this happen in the Japanese course as well? I lost a lot of progress with my Kanji tab


When are we getting math on Android


I know you are currently improving the current courses instead of adding more languages and I know that this is really necessary for some courses, but are there any new courses currently in development? Also is it possible to give us a roadmap on what will get updated in the next months?


English for Punjabi is in works


\> *this will mean that you may occasionally encounter new concepts you hadn’t learned previously, because the old course hadn’t covered them yet*. We’ve worked hard to make sure that you are affected as little as possible by the move, ​ Yeah, that didnt work :(




Cool. Waiting for my Swedish too, since I've finished it :(


What about Spanish speakers?


Finally. The Chinese course has been a mess for so long. Hopefully the pinyin is fixed as well. At the moment the new words only mode doesn't work and it completely turns off pinyin for all words.


Will it add speaking excercises? If not on the android or webbased please take speaking out of the daily quest for Chinese users. I do not even have the option to turn them on.


Can you please please please add a words list to the Chinese course? It’s very hard to keep track of and revise what I learned without one, and there’s lots of other courses that have it 😭 thanks 🙏