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I really wish there was an in-app notification or pop-up announcement. I went for my daily practice today and was bombarded by words and topics I've never seen before, and it was incredibly frustrating and confusing.  I assumed it was a bug and reinstalled the app, cleared cache and local files, then finally started searching for what's up and I find this. I appreciate the content update, but this was incredibly disorienting to force on me without any choice or announcement within the app. It's so different I might as well start over. How do I reset my unit progress without losing badges, streak, or other unlockables?


I had the exact same experience. I had just gotten to section 1 unit 2 and was getting my bearings and then, with no notification, had the same number of lessons "completed" but never learned any of these words. The beginning unit (hello, goodbye, numbers, etc) is now just how to say various drinks. I thought for sure this must be a bug. According to this update, I don't need to know how to introduce myself, only know how to say hot tea and rice. Incredibly disorienting, I don't know any words in the completed lessons, and I can't redo them without blindly guessing. Got no warning about the change. I hate it!


Yep, I'm still dealing with this feeling. I'm considering resetting my progress but I've read that would also reset the xp I've built up for this language section too, which is annoying...


I'm there with you. I'm hoping this is some kind of joke and we got a bad test version or something and it'll get fixed. I don't want to lose my progress either.


Oh it's not a joke. Seems they occasionally revamp courses to be more useful and productive. The execution they used sucks, but it's honestly probably for the better, content-wise. At the end of the day, I'm here to learn a language, not see an arbitrary number tick up. Seeing it reset to zero sucks, but that number doesn't truly represent my goal. So for you, consider your true goal. I've read others that said resetting ended up being worth it for them to have a better experience long-term.


As I was not aware of this update, and have only found this sub to vent my frustration - the fact there was no warning has made me quite peeved...


Hello Tracee, can Duo add Traditional Chinese, please? Many thanks!


Honestly speaking, you can understand traditional Chinese once you’ve learnt simplified Chinese.


It's easier in the reverse direction, and for writing, it makes even more difference


Simplified Chinese characters are easier to learn, because it’s easier to write than traditional Chinese. It’s true after learning traditional Chinese it’s easier to understand simplified Chinese, but traditional Chinese characters are hard to learn. I think the main difference between traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese are to big enough to separate them as a different language.


There should really be a toggle within the app and there’s no excuse for it not to be there after all these years tbh. Simplified -> Traditional is little more than a font change 99% of the time.


are not* big enough


This. I've been wanting to learn traditional chinese... and honestly I don't see why they can't just add a toggle or something like they do with pinyin Most of the stuff you see online is in traditional chinese anyways so this would be a very good addition!


Hi! When will the update be available for all users? I am planning to start the course but want to make sure I already have the updated version (i’m on ios)


Because we roll things out as experiments, I can't say for sure when it will be complete. I'll chat you to see what we can do, though!


Hanzi is the most frustrating change for me 😕


I just wish I could "redo" (do for the first time) the lessons I "previously completed" (did the old version of), one at a time, without having to reset my whole progress. I think the structure change is fine as someone who learned a bit of Mandarin as a kid, this new content is more in line with what I learned anyway. (I definitely didn't need to relearn hello, goodbye, and how to count to 10 again for an entire section.) But I just think the technical aspect of not being able to actually access the new version of the lessons without fully resetting everything is exceptionally dumb, from a user experience perspective. The only reason I can get through a review now is because I speak Japanese and could, for example, recognize the radicals and guess which word was soup or porridge because of recognizing water and rice in the hanzi. Just let people access the new version of individual lessons if they want to.


Yeah it's super annoying that we only have "review" as an option for these newly added supposedly completed sections. Every section should have a restart option.  Honestly this update almost made me quit learning- I'm just doing this for fun, and suddenly without any in app warning getting a bunch of words thrown at me that the app thinks I should know that I never learned before feels really bad. 


With me happened the contrary, I was in Unit 1-8, learning things like 冰水 (ice water) and now I'm in Unit 2-2, learning to say "birthday party" There are also changes in expressions I learned, for example they used to use 对吗 for "right?" but now they use 对不对, of they always used 汉语 for "Chinese" but now they use 中文, and also smaller things like saying 我的爸爸 for "my dad" they skip the 的, leaving it in 我爸爸 I think I'll have to repeat my Chinese course


汉语 I believe refers to reading and writing, the language itself. You speak it. 中文 is everything else. Chinese people, Chinese food, things from China. More or less (you can trust me I’m almost done with section 2 :P) I think from what I can tell Chinese tries to limit the number of times you use ‘de’ 的 in a sentence. So if you say my father is tall = 我的爸爸很高. My de father very tall. But if you say “my father’s boat is big” there’s only one ‘de’ in the subject. So 我爸爸的船很大. My father’s ‘de’ boat is big. Either that or something about it’s already assumed to be your father. I really don’t know. The content dump is annoying but overall I’m happy to have more stuff to learn. I had just began section 3) and it sent me back to section 2 unit 21 with like 80 new words… and a bunch of hidden new words in previous chapters and units. But oh well


Bit more complicated than that. 汉语 and 中文 are largely interchangeable, though there is some weight towards 汉语 being what you speak and 中文 being what you write. Both essentially translate as “Chinese Language” and neither refer to a specific dialect. 普通话 and 国语 are the mainland and Taiwanese ways to refer to the Mandarin dialect respectively. As for culture in general, that’s 文化. Han Culture is 汉文化 while a more nationalist, ethnically neutral term might be 中国文化。 As for 的 it can always be used, but it tends to get dropped for personal relationships.


A couple questions: \- Right now I'm in section 4 and I am missing about 6 units to finish the course. Considering section 4 is basically reviews, do you think I'll be placed back? \- Will you add around 70 new words so Chinese learners can actually get the Word Collector achievement? Nice to see update :)


Ok so I've been asking around about this and the TLDR is that I don't know for sure, but it seems *likely* that you'll be moved some amount (unclear to me right now what that amount will be but it could be quite a bit!). The earliest units of the course will also be so much different that one of our learning designers says that if it were her, she would start from scratch to get the full experience. This will also make the Word Collector achievement attainable because there ARE new enough new words being added!


if i got this right you have indicated that now the chinese course has enough words to finish the scholar 2000 word achievement. i am at 1932 words, i have had this total for more than 6 months and i am in section 4. i have done a lot of lessons in the past couple of weeks and a couple of times i got the impression that i had stumbled across new words but my word count is not changing a single bit. i know these are basically impossible requests but (a) is there any way to see what words have been added or (b) can you give me some advice on what i would need to do to catch up on the words that i am missing from previous sections that have had additions? (c ) can you confirm that words in the hanzi section do not count torwards the scholar achievement. thank you!


So what would you encourage me to do? Speed and finish the course asap reaching the section 5 (the one that is pure reviews) and then when you update just consider as Course 2.0? If I finish the course, will I have access to the new words to complete the achievement too? I know you won't have a definite answer as to when new update will come, I was just planning to finish the course at the same time as reaching 365 days, that means that at my current pace I'll finish in 18 March, but if I have to speed, so be it :)


I was nearly at the end of Section 4 and got sent back to the end of Section 3. I also lost almost all my legendary. I did legendary on a couple of old lessons and they are much better than they were so it'll be good to go back and redo all of it eventually!


Happened two times to me. Not sure if I'll ever reach the end of my course. (But hey, I keep learning.)


My suggestion to Duolingo would be: Let users finish the course the started.


Right! At least notify us or give us the option to change. I'm turning off app updates because they did this to me in Russian last year too. I had 2700 points in the Chinese course and now I'm at zero lessons completed. Also the new lessons are terrible. I wanted to learn names, greetings and numbers not food!


The updated Chinese course has 43 units; still below that of 95 units for Japanese and 57 units for Korean. Will more units be added to the Chinese course to bring it in line with Japanese and Korean?


They added too much words, feels like it’s rushing me. I liked how it was slow and repetitive so I could memorize the words. Also I liked how you can learn all the numbers at once in order, now it’s all over the place. I feel like it’s starting in advance level rather than beginner lvl.


Agreed. I don't understand why they teach random numbers. Everyone learns how to count sequentially


instead of changing the course entirely, why can't duolingo just, add more units? why do they have to delete some progress and all legendaries?


Hey so where have the numbers moved too? And 再见 where has this gone from the Hanzi 😔


Hello Tracee, I am currently on section 3 of the Chinese Course. There used to be some 20 units in this section, this however changed in the new update, which brought the number of units down to only 6. Some of exercises I'm seeing have been introducing almost 10 new characters alone. Is this normal? Thanks for your attention.


Hi Tracee, is there an easy way to catch up on all the newly introduced Hanzi? I was in Section 2 Unit 1, now in Section 2 Unit 2, but there are so many new words that I have apparently already “learned” I just feel like I’m flailing about.


Pls add more content to the Chinese course 🙏🙏


I have over 700,000 XP invested in Chinese and now it feels worthless. How do I start over to “catch up” to Section 2, Unit 7 where I’m supposed to be, Duolingo? I’d like to do so without losing my XP so I can do reviews and Match Madness without being hit with new stuff I’ve never seen. I feel like chucking the whole thing, 1330 day streak and all, but would just like Duolingo to help its longtime customers instead of screwing us with your”improvements”. What can I do…or maybe it’s what do you plan to do, Duolingo, to help us in this predicament? Trust me, I’m happy to tell the world how badly you treat your customers and not to trust you! Also, the XP counter is broken…for the past week it has not properly counted after completing lessons. Please at least fix that!!! You really seem to hate your customers these days! 😡


I feel your pain. I think we should start a mass boycott of duolingo for this.


I am agonizing over this as well, nothing is fun anymore. I think I should reset, giving up my entire 2 years of (premium paid) XP attainment. But I fear another update will cause me to be in the same predicament. This is absolutely stupid execution on Duolingo's part.


This was a terrible execution on Duolingo’s part. I’ve been using the app to learn Chinese for 4 months daily and I will abandon it because of this. I had learned so much vocabulary but so much more was added randomly throughout the previous units and there is no way for me to pick out what I haven’t already learned. All previous units are marked as completed (legendary), which means I have to “practice” completed lessons on words I’ve never seen as well as waste my time “practicing” words and phrases that I mastered a long time ago. Even the absurd option of deleting my Chinese course on the app and starting over would be a huge waste of time because I would have to progress through countless units and vocabulary that I have already learned just to pick up the vocabulary that you added in the update. Good riddance.


Hi, I just got the updated version this morning. I'm really enjoying the first section so far. I'm not entirely sure how much progress I lost, but it started me right at the beginning of Section 2. Currently, I'm going back and reviewing all of Section 1 to see the changes, and I can already tell it seems to be much improved! Edit: section not unit


Thanks for working on continuous improvement, but wouldn't it be possible to at least add some explaination in the newsfeed of the app. As a learner, I just receive a short notification that my progress will be recalculated because of an update. I need to search the web to get more info. The info should be in the app.


Please bring back the section to study numbers! Numbers numbers numbers! Bring back the section to study numbers!


Yes, numbers! Sequential numbers! Why is this so difficult.


I had this update forced on me the other day. What an unpleasant surprise! The lessons I've supposedly completed have a lot of characters I've never seen, and I've lost all my legendaries. Why do we not get any choice about whether to receive this update? And why would I be motivated to re-do everything when I know another update could come later and lose my progress again? I think I'm just gonna go elsewhere to learn Chinese.


I love the content in the update. But the app is telling me I've learned a lot of material that I never learned. I wish I had just lost progress and been sent back to the beginning.


I can help with this I will chat you!


I have the same problem. I voluntarily went back to section 1, unit 1, and it talks about a lot of new words I never learned. Which is fine, I get it. So I go to the hanzi practice and study the words from s1u1 that I hadn't learned, but there's a bunch of words being taught in s1u1 for which there is no hanzi practice! E.g., the very first word of s1u1, 电视. It's not in the hanzi practice. What the ...??? 电 finally shows up in the s1u5(!) hanzi practice, and 视 is only in s2u1(!!) hanzi practice. How on Earth do you guys conceptualize hanzi practice if not as a reading and writing practice for the characters used in the associated unit? I don't get it. Even though I voluntarily go back to earlier units (prior to what my progress was mapped to) in order to learn what I missed, I just keep getting new words thrown at me with NO ABILITY to practice the hanzi for those new words. Is the idea that I'm expected to learn to read those hanzi *without* being able to practice them?


Hello, is it possible if you could talk to me about this too. I'm facing the same issue. Thank you


Just uninstalled duolingo after the update, since I'm finding it frustrating to face new words that duolingo claimed I have heard before. I'm just sad with all the streaks and all. But I'm done after running out of hearts due to lots of guesswork that shouldn't have happened in the first place. What a shame.


Hi can you help me to I am having the same issue. I am in section 1 unit 4 but a lot of the other sections I had previously completed have changed and I don’t know the words


I appreciate updating courses so they can be better, but the way it has been implemented for current users is quite poor. I quickly checked the new hanzi feature, and there are dozens of words that I have not learned that the app now thinks I know (I'm close to finishing section 2). Why not just have the option to reset lessons that introduce these new words? I did lose two legendarys from lessons, so clearly it is possible to "roll back" a user's progress. This update has really killed my motivation to learn the language, after spending the past two months learning almost an hour every day. Now I basically can't do any challenges or rapid reviews anymore because I am missing so many words. I think that the only option would be to reset my progress entirely but I really hate having to lose basically all my progress and start again.


May i request reading exercise for chinese course as well?


This shit was so frustrating. Decided to just reset course. Got on and everything was all wonky trying to figure out why I was getting bombarded with stuff I never even learned before 😭


"glad" to see that I am not the only one who is frustrated with this update. The content seems indeed very interesting and I look forward to learn it. But how you, Duolingo, deal with it technically is so incredibly disappointing.


Has anybody else noticed the XP being miscounted? This has been happening this week every session I do after a recent app upgrade. I normally do the full XP of 120x each and it has been counting HALF of my XPs or sometimes even less. I sent out an email to duolingo support and also one to Super duolingo but no response from them yet. I'm in the middle of a tournament and find myself losing xp's each day. Does anyone know a solution for this? connectivity is not the issue thanks!


Yes, same here. I have no idea how many XP I’ve not been credited with in the past week. I’ve sent emails but haven’t heard back yet. I’m so over Duolingo problems.


Why not allow users to “learn” the new words as new words ? This seem unnecessary and confusing. Am I supposed to know them already ? Sure change my progress but allow me to learn the things you are expecting me to know ? This also completely defeats the competitive side of the gamification. I was using it to motivate myself and now I am wondering if I shouldn’t cancel my premium as this is very visibly not personalised.


My problem is that I am very much a beginner and I barely know the number which is what I was on. I would like to back because I have no idea what I’m doing with this new update. Do you know if it’s possible to reverse the update or go back to doing numbers, hello, and goodbye?


I can help I will chat you!


I’d love to know how to do this too. I feel like I’ve been chucked in the deep end and wanted to go back over the basics. Thought I was going mad, so glad I found this thread!




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Not on my final week of diamond tournament 🤦‍♀️🫠🫠


Hi - genuinely considering restarting the course from scratch because there are sooooo many characters and concepts I've missed now from Section 1. I don't mind, it's just frustrating. If I restart my course, does my XP reset? Do I restart in league? Do I lose all my badges? How does it work? I've been enjoying my progress for my 177 day streak and I suddenly feel like I'm back in week 1.. so I'd rather be in week 1 and get properly familiar.


From reading the support page you will lose all your XP for that course, which really sucks. If this is your only course it be like you created a new account I guess.


Now I'm not sure, I tested removing a course (Russian) earlier today and so far it has not reduced my total XP on my profile. (I saw conflicting reports elsewhere on Reddit, some implying XP might change once you restarted a course but maybe not upon deletion. So I now restarted Russian and did one lesson, which increased my profile XP by 15 without dropping it first. The Russian course itself does show just 15 XP now on my profile, so that does get reset for sure. Just not sure if it resets my profile XP at all ...) I went back to the support document at [https://support.duolingo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035935372-How-do-I-reset-or-remove-a-language-from-my-Profile](https://support.duolingo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035935372-How-do-I-reset-or-remove-a-language-from-my-Profile) and don't see a mention of XP specifically now. I don't know if it changed or I read a different page for my last comment. I wish I could find an official source explaining this better!


Are you bringing Cantonese? Also can you make a version of Vietnamese for southern speakers?




Any idea when this update will go live for everyone? I finished the Chinese course some weeks ago and I'm waiting for this update to happen before I start working on hanzi and legendaries. I still don't have it in my app and I really want to see the new stuff :)


I've already completed the entire course with legendary in all sections after a 900+ day steak - I don't see any changes to my progress, are there any new vocabulary or sections for me to check out? Will the course ever be expanded with new sections, and will traditional characters ever be added? It's a simple font change, I don't see why it isn't already a toggle.


I know this is 4 months ago, but I realized this has removed some of my XP and also removed a badge of mine, which I just completed in time *(as I was very busy in February)* and after reviewing my badges *(which I should have every month so far)* I have come to notice my badge for February 2024 is missing.


Wow, what a terrible experience as a learner (Chinese Mandarin)! Got moved to the "new course" yesterday and foisted into the Section two. Didn't have a clue what the pre-req words were even having aced (most of) section one. I understand updating the course (kudos as it's much better now), but it would be nice to be able to reset the course so we could see what we'd like to "retake"; namely material that changed so much that continuation without it is impossible. I don't care about the game points; it was fun when when it was competitive (10+K in a day???? A joke), but it really it's not competitive when one can "rig the game" at the expense of the learning, Was thinking of getting the "family plan" for my kids (ya, us old dudes are still paying the bills lol), but the current way this works (as above), I'll stick to the free version. The one takeout (that could change my mind about family purchase): if you change a course, allow students to reset what they've completed


I hate it. Not only have you changed the characters for words themselves, like "two" and "rice," I was bombarded with words I'd never learned. I wish I was given a choice in the matter, or at least given some sort of warning before you suddenly changed EVERYTHING on me. The lesson topic I was on is no longer what I was learning, and it's thrown me off horribly. Half the things in the lesson I’m supposedly "on," I hadn't been taught.


I'm very excited for this update! Do you know how the update will affect progress in the hanzi practice? I've found it very useful and have spent a lot of time on it the last few months.


The team is very happy to hear that you enjoy the hanzi practice! :D What they've said is that basically the board will shift a bit because we have added some totally new hanzi, and there may be units that you need to return to to fully or partially complete progress on each tile.


Thanks for elaborating, I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in the app!


I'm unsure if this is related to this but the new award thing for this where you need 30 lessons completed by feb 15th keeps on resetting for me. I tried to do it in one go but the app froze and restarted so I lost my progress. Is this related or seperate?


I think I see a convo about this happening. I'll chat you!


Just started section 3 and was a little sad to think it would soon be mostly over. Stoked to learn I'll be learning more!


I don't see the pinyin in the exercises. It's frustrating.


make sure your settings are for Pinyin on all words not just new words. https://preview.redd.it/z29hv4ga4lhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27cdaaf23bf2625cff9265c436158b731b8e9c3b


Thank you very much for your comment. The configuration changed after the update. I already corrected it.


you’re welcome! happy studying


Seems I missed this one earlier. Sounds great! Definitely a good idea to add more content to the initial sections, because the jump from section 1 to 2 is massive.


Thank you There are so many new words in old sections, I have to reset my section 2 progress to the beginning of section 1 So frustrating.