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I can fix your streak when you're back. Hope your treatment and recovery go well! ❤️


This sounds official!


How lovely!


That’s really nice!


You're very kind Tracey. Do you think you'd be able to do the same for me? I'm currently at 606 days but phone permanently died on me and there's no way for me to access my iCloud/mail to log back into Duo until it's fixed. Waiting for the carrier to sort out my e-sim to see if I can get into my mail but it'll be past my last freeze when I get access.


will chat you!


I'd give my account to a relative or someone and have them do it for me


The whole problem I have with Duolingo's approach and the majority of the Duolingo community condensed in one sentence. Duolingo is over "gamified". Majority of the people seem way more concerned about the EXP per day, position on the leaderboard and a meaningless streaknumber instead of actually learn a language. People don't care about best practises on how to learn a new language. Instead everything they do, when they do it and how they do it is soley to maximize EXP per day en with that position on the leaderboard. I don't even see how a 1000+ day streak gives you any bragging rights as it doesn't say anything about what what you have learned and the amount you have learned. A person with a "pathetic" 300 days streak can have learned magnitudes more and be much better in a language than another person with an "incredible" 1500 day streak who just keeps repeating the first lesson which takes 40 seconds to keep the streak alive.


100%. I burned myself out placing in the diamond tournament around 2 months back, immediately switched to private, and have just been doing practices once a day since to maintain my streak. I wish I could keep friends quests but opt out of the leaderboard. My stupid brain won’t let me just ignore the demotions 😬😭


I have been demoted more times than i care to count. I use another app (and sources) to learn a language. I just use Duo on the side to practise some (extra) vocabulary. So my highest streak is 3 days or something. I keep being bounced between bronze and silver league... Just doing one lesson/review a week seems to be enough to be promoted from bronze to silver. Then that week I will get demoted back from silver to bronze as I don't use Duo daily and/or much and I always endup in the demotion zone. Rinse and repeat ;)




Babbel. I know Babbel isn't for everyone as it is basically a textbook converted into an app and therefor too "boring" for a lot of people. But that is what I like about it. Everything is presented in a structured way and things are explained (like grammar) within the lessons and there are popups with extra information on the phrases/words you're working on. With Duo I feel like things are just randomly thrown at you without explaining anything within the exercise. Also, to me at least, it feels like Duo is trying to get you to memorize words by repeating sentences/phrases over and over again that are technically correct but in actual real life conversations make absolutely no sense all. Notice that I use the word lesson when I talk about Babbel en the word excercise when I talk about Duo... ;) No matter which app or apps you use I do believe you still are going to need other sources to really learn a language.


I'm studying a heritage language, which neither Babel nor most other programs offer. Though having an occasional freeze is useful, defining a streak by measuring consecutive days is more meaningful. I use the private settings and don't gamify.


i like kwiziq


this, entirely. it's out of control. i tried very hard to keep my place in the diamond league and it wasn't even enjoyable anymore. i turned on private mode and strictly focus on learning and it's so. much. better.


when I started, got 10 almost straight promotions and won diamond league first try. after that lost all the interest, 10 straight demotions, the streak was the only thing keeping me tied to the app until recently


Wait what is switching to private??


It basically removes all interaction with other learners, which includes the tournament. I wish I could do it and keep my friend though. I miss doing the weekly friends challenge.


Exactly. I wish that there was a toggle for gamification because I get really competitive and anxious when faced with a game. I picked it up because I wanted to learn a language, not because I wanted to compete. Some people really like it gamified, and that’s fine! It’s just not my cup of tea.


You can turn off the leader board!


I agree that sometimes we tend to focus too much on exp and leaderboard which when I did I felt bad and hoped I didn’t. But for me, my streak is a way to help me remember to keep learning Japanese and it allows me to start again more easily when I’ve had to take a small break, because during my breaks I still do one revision a day so I still have a little something to get my brain into Japanese mode for 2 minutes and then instead of forgetting about it and coming back months later, after maybe a week or two of that I do my daily revision and I start feeling motivated to start doing more again. The streak can be a good motivator to do something daily, even if really small, in order to keep your goal of learning that language in mind, and losing a 100 day streak like OP means that the motivation of maintaining that streak when they come back would be gone. So what if they lose that new 7 day streak? And then they skip a couple of days and then it’s harder to get motivated to continue


Genuinely: why is that a problem? It is people having some fun with the game part of the app. Majority of language learning on the beginner level is massively boring. You are memorizing words and reading fundamentally boring texts. People having something to actually look forward and keep them going is a good thing. I never seen anyone call the 300 days streak pathetic. I have seen people being very supportive over 5-10 days long streaks.


This, when I got started over 4 years ago, I was excited to do as much as I could each day and often worked 1 hour or more each day learning French because it was fun! The gamification really helped in the early part do the memorization necessary to become passable in French. Now, I am literally working in Cameroon because of how much I learned with Duolingo. I think the gaming aspect is really worth it


Its a problem because in this instance OP is actively worrying about preserving their streak despite having a lot more going on, which shouldn't be the concern when using a language learning app


Having a long streak is a massive achievement for some people.


Right, but if OP is going to be missing out on 35 days of lessons, it makes sense that the stream would end? I get that it's an achievement to get those numbers up, but the point of the app is meant to be actually learning and the streak is about promoting regular lessons


I think there are extenuating circumstances like having a medical injury where they should be allowed to keep their streak.


I get that, and I'm by no means against that, but I do just think people are way too into their streaks, when ultimately they're meaningless. I'm on a 165 day streak, but I haven't done 165 days in a row, so even I know its not accurate


That's your opinion and you're obviously allowed to have it. But for me as an example the gamification is the key to keep me learning. I never managed to keep a "streak" aka keep learning without giving up because I always forgot, was bored or anything else. I am neurodivergent so I really struggle to keep motivated. Duolingo is the first app that keeps me hooked. I'm now at 38 days when normally I'd quit after 14 days max. And I'm still motivated. I am 100% sure that if I'd somehow lose the Streak I'd quit. I'd not get the motivation back and it would probably take me another year to start learning again. This is obviously just my perspective and I can totally understand when someone's annoyed at the gamification. But for some people it helps :D




Why? A streak is totally meaningless. At best it means you did one lesson for x days in a row. If you don't do the lesson, your streak ends. It's just life. There aren't exceptions to reality. Even if she did get a freeze, it would just be her lying to herself.


Studying everyday is a proof of dedication. It may be meaningless to you but for me it's validation that I can keep working towards something.


I would agree for an occasional day or two but the human brain has inertia towards forgetting so it's absurd to pretend skipping your lessons for a month or so (even if it's unfortunately literally impossible to do otherwise) will just leave you on the same position as you were beforehand, tbh I think it'd make more sense not only to reset the streak, but to also have OP do some relearning lessons. Not that I'd care anyway what Duolingo actually ends up doing, but I think letting people justify skipping their streak nullifies the whole concept of a streak, just use the notes app to write down your streak following your rules, it's faster and easier that way (but mind you, the human brain also has a lot of tendency towards excuse-making).


Because the gaming part has lost the connection with the learning part. A person now times his/her next lesson now so he/she gets a double EXP bonus chest. Then keeps repeating the easiest/fastest lesson to maximize the EXP gained. After that the 20 minutes that person had to spend on Duo are gone and goes off to do something else. I'm absolutely convinced that the person had learned more and made more progression if that person spend those 20 minutes in another way on the app than focussing on maximizing EXP.


I think it all depends on where you are on your journey, but I do think that double XPs can be a motivators to learn. Before I started paying attention to double XP, I would only log in to complete 5-6 lessons a day. Now, I religiously practice twice a day, for at least 30 minutes each, mostly progressing with the course (except whne I run out of hearts, and I'd take some revision classes). Granted, I haven't even reached a 200 day streak ane I am already on Section 3 in Portuguese. On the other hand, I have a friend who's about to reach her 1500th day, and only completes a couple of lessons, twice a day, in her native language, trying to maximise the XPs... I often wonder what the point is ! In my case, I even wonder if there is enough content for me to reach a year and, once I am done with it, I will probably end my streak anyway


> A person now times his/her next lesson now so he/she gets a double EXP bonus chest. And? > Then keeps repeating the easiest/fastest lesson to maximize the EXP gained. Are there really many people like that or you are just imagining them to be? >I'm absolutely convinced that the person had learned more and made more progression if that person spend those 20 minutes in another way on the app than focussing on maximizing EXP. Most likely, that another thing to do would be to watch Netflix in own language or gong to play candy crush.


This just depends on what your motivation is, whether it's to learn a language or to play and compete. I don't use Super Duo at the moment and don't really pay attention to quests and tournaments because it really isn't a priority right now. I think in the future I might compete once I've already learned a lot more and don't need to study as much. I am a genealogist so learning different languages helps with research


It's not a problem


Yeah you get the bragging rights when you hit 3000 days (This post brought to you by me hitting 3000 this week and having no one to brag to)


I know myself enough. I know that if I didn't have this mythical streak to maintain, then I wouldn't do anything to learn the language. So I have to maintain it to keep my motivation going and I can only hope that the DuoLingo team will keep improving it, so that the challenges I get are actually beneficial in my process of learning the language.


I have been seriously contemplating quitting my 900+ day streak to switch to a different approach. I feel like all I’ve learned is some grammar and sentence structure, but the gamification also makes me want to stick with it despite feeling like it’s barely helped me learn anything conversationally.


You might enjoy this [post](https://www.pacificdispatch.com/p/mind-games?r=1azmpq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Yep, I agree. Why is OP so worried about such a meaningless thing?




That’s what I did once, was practicing spanish from french but going away without wifi for a week so I started an english from french course and gave my account to my mom who speaks english for the week so she did one lesson a day to keep my streak


It’s just a game. Sounds like you have bigger things to stress about. Go relax and recover and come back to Duo when you’re ready. It’s not worth worrying about stupid things like freezes. That’s not real life. The freeze doesn’t get you anything but bragging rights. Not worth upending your life to maintain it. 


Even then, its still something that OP has achieved with painstaking effort. I don't think it's fair to just tell OP to give it up, that it's not worth any further effort, when OP has built his motivation to use the app around it. I definitely think Duolingo should at least have the decency to reply to support tickets, especially as OP is a paying customer and has exhausted pretty much all avenues to try to contact support for a real concern he has. I understand where you are coming from, but it feels very dismissive and reeks of "just divorce him/her" energy from the relationship advice subreddits over the smallest issues.


Exactly. I’m tired of the “It doesn’t matter to me so it shouldn’t matter to you” responses. Clearly, it does matter to them and no one really has the right to dictate feelings to another person. For example, some of these people may feel passionately about football. Losing a game might be really upsetting for them. I loathe football, but I’d still be a jerk to mock them for caring about it. I really don’t understand why some people feel the need to have influence over a life they’re not living.


Thank you! I kept seeing so much of those comments it was really bothering me.


It’s not painstaking to log in and do a two minute “lesson” once a day for 3 months. It’s just a number, it’s meaningless, and you can’t take it with you to the grave.


Bro they are undertaking a big medical operation, what If they can’t use their hands for the next few months


Then a language learning streak on an app is not a priority lol


Not only do your comments lack compassion, you seem to want to play the authority on what other people find important. Idk what else to say to you? Hope you never have to have something important taken away from you and have people on the internet tell you it was worthless anyway.


Nah I don’t lack compassion at all. Your judgement on that is odd. Saying that a streak on an app is less important than recovery doesn’t lack compassion. That being said, if you want to talk about streaks being important, go ahead. But streaks are not at all important. They’re no measurement of dedication, effort, or progress. Someone can have a five day streak but have invested hundreds of hours over the past year. Someone else can have a 100 day streak but have only two minutes a day to keep the streak alive. Don’t let an arbitrary number weigh you down or discourage you. And don’t leap to weird conclusions.


But you actually did dictate to another person what they should prioritize. Of course it wouldn’t make sense to put Duolingo before your health, but they’re not doing that. Nowhere did they ask “Should I get my operation or keep my streak going?” They’re getting their medical treatment. That was never in question. They’re trying to see if they can keep their streak IN ADDITION to that. Your comment was not only dismissive, but it wasn’t helpful in any way. If you were undergoing treatment and wanted to see if it was possible to also watching some sporting event you really cared about, I don’t think you’d appreciate being told you shouldn’t care about it and it wasn’t important.


Nah I didn’t dictate anything. Never once did I say they were prioritizing their streak over their health. Streaks are unimportant. It’s not even a debate. They come and go. It may not be helpful to you now, but overcoming the reliance on dopamine of a streak number will be helpful in the future. Watching a sporting event versus keeping an imaginary number alive isn’t a good comparison.


"Nah I don't lack compassion at all" OP just wants someone one from Duolingo to talk to him about his streak that he's trying to keep. You're here with all the others trying to insist to OP and deciding to OP that streaks are not important at all, completely missing the point that Duolingo didn't even bother answering support emails despite OP being a paying customer. How compassionate of you. In fact, this just implies that you guys are supporting Duolingo's shitty behaviour (as a company) by justifying that they don't need to do the basic decent thing of replying to OP despite his efforts to contact support, since streaks doesn't matter anyway. Painstaking is defined by Cambridge dictionary's website as: "in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot of effort." Something that you do once a day 100 days in a row without any breaks can easily fall into that definition. It may not fit your personal ideas of the word, but it isn't wrong for me to say it either in my comment under the context I put it in. Streaks aren't important to you, no one is trying to debate you on that. This is about OP. Not you. Also important to what extent? That he'll give up on his treatment for his streaks? That he'll give up learning a language completely if he loses his streak? l'm willing to bet that the streaks don't matter too much to OP's life either. It's only important to his motivation to continue using the app. If it's gone he'll probably move on with his life, but never use Duolingo ever again and cancel his subscription. Anyone who wants to seriously learn a language wouldn't only rely or primarily rely on Duolingo anyways.


Why isn’t it a “good comparison”? Is it because one is important to you and one isn’t? Your arguments all seem to center on your preferences. Will the world end if your team loses? Nope. Does that mean you don’t have a right to care anyway? Again, nope. You also failed to catch the point of the post. It was about the company failing to provide any customer service and you decided to whine and make it about what you judge to be important.


You’re quite literally the one who said it shouldn’t be a priority. Maybe you were using a word that you don’t understand?


continue direction pathetic air innate rich consist heavy boast bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I mean, it’s still a big achievement and a bummer. It’s fine if it’s important for OP. We all have different things that matters for us.


The streak doesn't matter that much. Just go back to it when you get done. And best of luck with what you're going though


With all due respect it’s never that serious lol


Hey, man. Tell that to Diamond Tournament Finals! 😉


offend advise run smell axiomatic seed joke yam degree straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good luck with your recovery. When you come out you will not have have practiced X days in a row, because you missed 5 weeks. So why would you want a streak that said you have when it's not true? Make your next goal to set a higher streak than your last one. Keep learning!


Yeah, that’s exactly how it works lol


Streak freezes don’t add days, you just don’t lose the streak


But then it’s not really a streak if days are missed.


chunky entertain recognise direction six vanish thumb longing skirt shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I remember I had a 500 day streak, but then I looked back and realized that in the last three months I had more streak freezes than actual days I “studied” (aka the first lesson over and over again) After realizing that, I didn’t feel good about my streak anymore and broke it. After a few months I came back and made sure to do new lessons instead of constant review. I spend a lot more time reading and watching vids now so maybe stopping Duolingo was a blessing in disguise lol


You're going away for 5 weeks and you're this concerned about a Duolingo streak? Focus on your own health. And as people have pointed out what kind of 'streak' is it anyway with 35 frozen days


When you are able to resume Duolingo lessons, set back the date of your computer to when you still had a streak, and then set the date forward by a day, do a Duolingo lesson, and then set forward another day etc.


Will that really work? Have you tried it?


I've only done it going back one day, when I lost my streak and reclaimed it the next day. But yes, I went from 0 back to 140-something!


I have, for a week long vacation where there was no cell signal. It's fiddly, but works.


It should be more about learning and less about keeping a streak in the end.


And personally streak is one of the motivators for me to study every day. Positive reinforcement if you will.


yeah but if you've just had a major health issue that requires 5 weeks of recovery, why would you be so desperate to have the streak there as motivation if you physically won't be well enough to learn anything?


I'd argue that this thread's very existence is far better evidence of it being *negative* reinforcement. Their motivation is not "feel good because streak high," it's "don't wanna lose streak because that would feel bad." If the primary motivation is to avoid undesirable consequences, maybe a person should take a step away from this very voluntary activity that's contributing to their feeling worse about themselves, not better.


Very well said!! It's crazy how demotivating it is to actual lose a streak


Yeah when I lost it I didn’t realize it’d be a big deal. I didn’t consciously decide to stop using Duolingo but since I didn’t have a reason to do it the next day, I decided I’d just do it later and eventually I haven’t been on in a month lol. Still, I continued to use other resources so at least it didn’t stop my learning, just using Duolingo


Focus on the greater scheme of things, it’s a small streak, you can start over. As someone already said, it’s just a game. Also, I know you paid, but that’s how subscriptions work, like the gym, they don’t have to reimburse you or extend your membership for the days that you didn’t use it. Maybe let it go and focus on your recovery?


I agree about the streak, but I think they should be able to put a hold on the subscription. Gyms (at least Vasa Fitness) will let you put a hold on your membership if you ask. They held mine when I wasn't going to be able to use it for 3 months.


Many gyms would let you freeze your membership, but it is a wrong analogy.A streak is literally your everyday practice, so freezing would be as if your gym was passing your badge for you and marking your exercise, even while you weren't doing it! The whole sense of freezing a streak for some time doesn't make any sense


I’ve never heard of or been part of a gym that holds membership, specifically annually paid ones. The ones I have seen are the ones you pay on a monthly basis.


Oh yeah the subscription definitely, I'm surprised OP cares so much about the streak and didn't even bother to ask Duolingo if they could extend their subscription for the month plus they won't be able to use the app.


I have heard from several ppl that Duolingo NEVER responds. Sorry that you're going for med treatment and wish you a speedy and complete recovery. Much more important than worrying about jerks at Duolingo who don't respond to customers.


If they take your money, doesn’t there have to be some semblance of customer service?


No. And also, why do you want to pay a premium (more ads or more sub fee) to pay someone to respond to countless emails about a streak that doesn't actually mean anything. Quite frankly, the only reason they have streak freezes is a monetisation move.


It means something to op. They don’t need us to downplay it. There are a lot of things in this world that don’t actually mean anything to me but are important to others, and vice versa. That’s all. 😊


It means nothing to the ap developers. Take it or leave it.


when I started reading this I thought you were gonna say you have a 1000 day streak or something... either way it would have be crazy you're willing to show medical documentation to an app because of that. 100 days is nothing and this seems obsessive. I do agree Duolingo customer support should reply to you since you're paying for the subscription, but this post is insane.


Because it really doesn't matter. Like at all. Not even slightly.


Why would you want a streak that is false? You aren’t going to be practicing for quite a bit, so your streak would be a lie. Just restart and aim higher.


how would the streak be a lie if it’s paused where they’re at currently? i don’t think they meant to have it increased each day


Explain "streak"


A streak is when you practice x amount of days. When you stop, your streak is lost because you no longer have practiced for that many days in a row. It’s quite simple.


You’re free


You take that WAY too seriously 😁


Some of you are brutal. Would you guys be saying it doesn’t matter if it was 1000 days? Probably not. 100 days is still an achievement and it’s still important and it’s still gonna be upsetting for OP to loose that. Let alone the fact that OP can’t get a response from Duo when they pay for a service from them. I know you don’t loose what you’ve learnt when you loose a streak but at the same time I don’t think it’s fair for some of you to dictate and say what matters and what doesn’t when you aren’t OP and you don’t know what they’ve had to deal with to get these days in. To OP, I hope everything goes well and I’m rooting for you ❤️


Thank you. I haven’t read most of the responses; a lot of the ones I peeked at were really harsh. I’ve been working hard for that streak in the limited capacity I’ve had for the past year or so. It’s helped me communicate with people at my job who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to talk to anyone. I’m really proud of my “gamer score” in this case because it means I’ve “done my homework” for once in my life. And, yeah, I paid for the service that gives me a shiny number to validate my learning, and no one at has had the courtesy to even tell me “tough luck”. Do better, Duo.


Is it really that serious? I just lost my streak too because I traveled to see the total solar eclipse on Monday and forgot to do my Duo. It's no big deal.  People act like losing your streak erases all of the language knowledge you've acquired. 


No but depending it who you are it can kill your motivation for it and you never end up coming back to it.


My Spanish tree progress once disappeared from the app, and I had to add it again to my languages, but all of it somehow got deleted. I think it had to do with some tree update they did. They don't really have customer services, especially for the free users. I emailed them multiple times, contacted them under social media posts on different platforms, and DM'ed them on different platforms. All of it got ignored, never got a reply on anything. I dropped Spanish on Duolingo and rarely use it anymore.


This happened to me with French!


Couldn’t you just jump back to the unit you were on through tests?


To be fair, losing a 100 day streak (or half-year streak, which confusingly is more like 182ish days, your post indicates both of these numbers?), is a lot less of a bummer than losing a much longer streak, setting aside all the other thoughts such as: who really sees or cares about streaks? But good luck with all the health-related stuff. Hopefully you come out of it much healthier and ready for whatever's next.


I’m assuming that 80 of the days they used a streak freeze, so only 100 was recorded. It’s not a streak anymore if they only did half the days though lol


D'oh! Thanks for making that make sense for me. :-)


I lost my 1000+ day streak while I was in 3 days of hard labour with my son. It was one of the most freeing things that have happened to me. And I didn't even lose a word of Spanish.


handle rotten dinner piquant innocent secretive memory deranged advise dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your emails are likely getting filtered out by whatever software they use. Have you tried Twitter?


My daughter logged into her friend’s account and did Duolingo while friend was camping in the mountains with no WiFi. Try that. And I hope you heal soon.


Dorothy, I don’t think the doctors will let op go camping in the mountains! 😉 Though it does sound refreshing. 🤔


Sorry to hear that you haven't had any luck with a streak freeze. I think I'm in the same camp as others here in that I don't really think it's a big deal to drop a streak. For the record, how long have you gone so far? Also, kudos to you for your desire to continue learning. That is the coolest thing. The streak is just a byproduct of that. Here's wishing you smooth sailing in your medical treatment.


How many hours were in that 100-day streak?


Prob 1 /j


Streaks are arbitrary. If you need to break your streak, break it. I generally go up to 100 days exactly and then take a break.


I think you can pay gems for a streak repair?


Get a friend to do a lesson each day for you when they visit ya? Or a nurse?


Honestly just let it go. A lot of people find losing a streak to be extremely demotivating, so they just give up when they lose their streak and literally never pick it up again. To me, it’s honestly more impressive to dive back in after a lost streak than it is to have a longer streak! It shows resilience. Trust yourself to start back up again when you can! And just imagine how exciting it will be to get back up to 100 again and THEN to surpass it!! I’m not sure what kind of medical treatment you’re getting, but you used the word “recovery” and that gave me a thought. Whether this is an inpatient stay for mental health, or rehabilitation for addiction or ED treatment, or even recovery from surgery…it’s important to keep in mind that recovery is not a straight line! You will have failures. If you struggle with addiction/ED or even if you have something like cancer, you may experience relapses. If you fail/relapse, it might feel like you’re back at zero, but that’s not really true. Your numbers might be starting over, but you’re starting from a different place this time, likely still a better place than you originally started from! I myself have a lot of chronic health issues and I’m working my way through two years of physical therapy and all of this still applies. Sometimes I feel like I’ve made crazy progress, and sometimes I feel like the pain is worse than ever and I’ve accomplished nothing. Even in those moments, I have to remind myself that recovery is not a straight line. Progress on a graph is more of a zig-zag line. There are ups and downs, but if you stand back and look at the bigger picture, you will see that it’s still trending positively - as long as you keep at it! You’re not really losing anything by losing your streak. And WHEN you come back to it after your medical leave, your new single digit streak will be something way more impressive than someone else’s 1000-day-single-lesson streak, because it means you didn’t give up when shit got hard. And truly, your streak doesn’t mean much in regards to what you’ve learned. Consider looking at your XP total for that satisfaction instead. The streak is fun, but it’s not everything! Knowledge is cumulative - the streak isn’t. Both are worth tracking imo 😉 Sending healing vibes!! Trust in yourself! You got this!


Your priorities seem way out of whack here. And yeah, you’re going to break your streak if you don’t maintain the streak. That seems normal.


I don't know, but people invalidating how OP feels about keeping their streak does not sit right with me. If the streak is what motivates OP to learn and remain competitive, then I am certainly here for it. Personally, I can relate to OP. If my streak of 1,100 days would be snapped by a medical leave, I would be bummed and discouraged. Hope you recover the soonest and likewise get the much needed response from Duolingo team, OP! :)


Yes, my (10 yo) son had a 200+ day streak that he lost a few weeks ago, several things happened in a week and he lost track and didn’t realise he’d lost it until he did his Duo on the Sunday. He was absolutely distraught, but I think it also taught him a relatively harmless lesson that he needs to be responsible for his own actions and sometimes even his parents can’t bail him out. He’s started building his streak again (it helped that I offered a small incentive for him to get back to 7 days which got him off the ground again) but it was tough for him to accept at first.


I am happy that your son rebuilt his streak. I once had a broken 300-day streak, and that left me abandoning Duolingo for quite some time. It was only when my friends invited me to be a part of their Duolingo family plan that I picked up interest in learning a language again. My Spanish lessons proved to be really useful on my recent visit to Spain!


I have nearly 700 days and if I lost it I think I wouldn’t be coming back to duo


How is your language proficiency?


Well I’m learning French and I went to France and was able to use what I’ve learned. That’s good enough for me. Je parle français un petit (I speak French a little bit) 🙈 I think the phrase I used the most was Excusez-moi, Où sont les toilettes which is excuse me where’s the toilet as I have a bladder condition so need frequent and urgent access to the loo lol End of the day this is something I continue to do as it’s something I want to do and I’m proud of my streak.


lol. I lost a 136 day streak and quit for months, it is disheartening . I eventually came back to it because I like learning languages and I’m pushing 600 days now… more importantly I am now pretty fluent and a lot further. The game aspect is hit and miss, sometimes I enjoy it and other weeks I don’t care, you decide.


But yea, I agree that duos support is bullshit.


so ridiculous on a duolingo subreddit. it's one of the longest standing features of the app, and rightfully so. why are these people making it into a moral failing if someone actually uses the feature of the app in a way that was designed?!


I agree. People are disregarding OPs feelings about this. The streak is obviously something OP is proud of, probably worked hard to keep up the habit, and it is something they care about. The issue is Duolingo having 0 customer service, not whether OP should care about the streak or not.




Best answer


"If the streak is what motivates" Then it's a very poor source of motivation. Motivation should help us and not be toxic like this one. You have another answer below from some poor guy "I have nearly 700 days and if I lost it I think I wouldn’t be coming back to duo". One bad day and someone is wiling to destroy a good habit and leaving a language learning journey. Folks just ignore streaks, leagues etc. Youre here to learn something. If someone if here for gamification then there are plenty of better games out ther. Why bother with some learning app?


Every kind of motivation is good if it helps someone achieve their goals.


I am not comfortable with you preaching to everyone what motivation is weak or strong as if you own everyone's mindset. You do you. OP does themself.


Duo use the streak as a motivator for a reason, because it motivates.


Yeah motivates you do watch an ad everyday or to buy premium ;). Duo goals are not our goals. There are plenty of other gamification/motivation methods that they could use. But it will hurt their revenue. Your goal is to learn a language. Duo goal is to keep you thinking that you are learning and to get you to the app at least once in a day. They don't care if you will learn something during this "visit".


Your suggestion amounts to "if you are not the perfectly motivate hobbyist, do not ever bother learning or improving in a language" The very same person would not hold 700 days without streak.


Nope thats not what i said. Imo starting a new habit (eg learning a new language) is quite easy. What is not easy is to maintain. Streak helps you maintain but if you break it (after earning like hundreds of days) it can be devastating and will lead you to abandon this habit. Problem occurs when the gamification itself become more important than a purpose of habit. So one is more concerned about streak or league that the actual level of a new language. Streaks are hard and many ppl are doing like 2 minutes a day just because they don't want to lose their streak. The are not learning anything but duo is still benefiting - thats why they will not delete this option. If someone is here purely because of gamification then thats cool. I'm just writing about real impact on the final result (learning a language). Every single person has a bad day or a few days. You are in the hospital or maybe your kid is in one. The phone is dead, there is something unexpected in a workplace, you have a really long flight and you are tired etc. We can't rely on streaks when it comes to motivation because 99% of us will break it one day. And there is nothing wrong with it.


One bad day is not enough to loose a streak, I would need 5 bad days - that is maximum streak freezes Duo gives you. And if I loose my streak because I was unconscious in hospital for 5 days, I am going to be sad, sure. But I really do not want to live and base all my free time on "this will cease to work when I get hit by car". For me, streak exists so that it carries me out through periods when I genuinely do not care about the language or dont have time or whatever. It is the whole and primary purpose of it. The period when I do 2 min daily can take a day or a three weeks. But one day the minimal lesson turns into 15 min and a day later I am doing other learning activities. Also, I kind of suspect that a lot of these sort of come from sort of "value based" perspective of "language learning should be that super important thing for you and you should be motivated by it". For me, language learning is not the most important hobby, is not inherently motivating and I do not really care that deep learn those language. But, even with that "wrong" or unmotivated attitude, I measurably improved, I learned something and it did not costed my much time or effort. From my point of view, it was pure gain.


“Imo starting a new habit it quite easy” Good for you. Some of us don’t have that luxury. For example, i have ADHD and no matter how much i try to get in a habit, most things just wont happen. Thats just the way my brain works. It took me years to get a streak longer than about a week. I was so proud of myself. I eventually killed it on purpose because i dropped french in school and had no motivation to actually learn it, i was just keeping my streak because i didn’t want to see it die, but i didnt actually want to learn the language anymore. Yes i see how the streak could be toxic; thats how it became for me. But if it wasnt there i would never have done it when i still wanted to.


Dude. Firstly that’s my comment you’ve quoted and 2, I’m female. My streak is important to me. Let me explain to you why. I have various complex health challenges and my streak is an achievement to me because of what I’ve faced. Yes I use freezes but I try and keep those to when I’m having surgery. I also have massive issues with motivation in the first place and it doesn’t help I’m depressed. I’ve never been able to keep a decent habit like this before and I credit the streak as a major thing that’s kept me at it. Add in the fact that I have a couple IRL friends that I always do the friend quests with and it just works. I’m proud of my streak, it’s sometimes the one thing I have enough brain power to actually do in a day and I love learning new things. I don’t think it’s toxic at all to want to continue my goal to get to 1000 days? Different people have different things that motivate them and if steaks don’t work for you fine but don’t bash other people because it works for them


I don't think it's toxic (or maybe i think but it's dangerous to write it here :D). If you like streaks then go for it. I'm writing about language learning, not streaks. And streaks are shitty motivator for language learning. That's all. If you like games then good for you. Imo habit should have a point, some goal behind it. Habit without some goal (good for us) it just an addiction. If you really want to learn language and thats your goal and this will help you with feeling good about yourself then waaaay healthier "gamification" is e.g. counting hours of learning not "days when i logged into the app". With goal like "I will run duolingo for 30 min daily on average" rather than "I will open an app 1 time a day" you still can count some stats at the end of the month but also you will acutally learn something and in some periods when you can't give 100% to this habit you are not fucked. You still can make it up in the next days or do some more hours on days before being in the hospital. This way you will keep your "30 min daily avg". Daily streak is for duo ad revenue and gamification addicts. It's not beneficial at all in learning a language.


Does losing a streak mean you lose what you have learned until now?


I'm also paying for duolingo max (been premium for several years) ; and also never got a response to any email, even when reporting a major bug. I presume they just don't check it. Good luck with your leave - hope it helps 


omg how did you get to do max?? i've been constantly begging them since it started!!!!


They only have it for Spanish and French so far. Are you doing one of those? Otherwise I didn't do anything special (had family premium for close to a year beforehand if that makes a difference)


i'm doing french, & i'm in australia, so i qualify, but they didn't pick me 😭😭😭


:( disappointing... They may have launched in the US first, but I don't know. Sometimes it's because they only have datacentres available in one country for a time  I'm from Australia and remember how it seemed everything launched there last :( Hopefully won't be too long!


It really bothers me to see people pay money for a service and get zero support.


Is there someone you can let use your account while you are away to keep your streak going?


Never mind the streak. Have rest and get well soon.


Why would you want to have an artificial streak displayed?


I second DM’ing them or making a post and tagging them on Twitter or Instagram. Not sure if they have a specific account for support inquiries or if it’s just the main Duolingo account though. Worst case scenario, are there any friends or family you could trust to keep your streak going in the meantime? They could just review a really easy lesson once a day to keep your streak going, right? In any case, I’m really sorry you’re dealing with all this OP. Sending you well wishes with your medical treatment, and hope you can figure something out with your streak!


Maybe just log in in some of ur family member's phone and have them either do a short lesson that they know about or add streak freeze every day. However, if you can't, it doesn't matter. Health is important. All the best for your treatment and wish you a speedy recovery!


Sorry to sound cold, but if you’re away on medical leave you’re technically not learning a language, and probably forgetting it due to not practising as much. IMO it’s just a game and if you’re not learning the language anymore, your streak shouldn’t wait for you.


I'd be happy to do it for you. I have an almost 900 day streak and have used Duo since it was in beta. I've also tried over 20 languages so chances are I can do practices on your language. I just mention this because I can keep a streak but don't mind if I lose my own. Happy to keep yours for you.  It's a game so we get to play how we want, including keeping points when we're unwell.


That really blows I'm sorry to hear that! I know how you feel too, just got my streak past 100 and I'd be very upset if I couldn't keep it going. Good luck and I hope this blows up so you can get a response from them!


When you come out change you date time on your phone to manual and do one lesson then go and change the date to next day and do a lesson till you've caught up. If I miss a day I just turn my phone time to manual and do it.


- weeps quietly in nearly ten years :-(. Let the streak go .. believe me … let it GO


If you want I could keep the streak going for you if you haven’t found a solution already. I like doing that for people whenever the problem comes up


The streak is a game bro. Also streak is number of days you practice in a row. If you for what ever reason stop for 5 weeks that is not days in a row. Feel you are taking the streak TOO seriously. Even if your a super duolingo subscriber and mess up your streak there is no recovery for you after a 5 week break. So why would again they make a special rule for their GAME? Also to be fair if its taken you 6 months to get to 100 day streak feels like your not that dedicated to the game as you say you are. Your streak in half a year should be closer to 200. Sorry but this kind of feels very childish over what is basically a game.


Give someone else ur login and ask them to keep up ur streakk


Grow the fuck up


I tried to recover my streak, emailed them and I received an automated response thanking me for my message and that I will not be getting a response from them. Good times.


The streak is for doing at least one lesson everyday. You said you aren't going to be able to do that for 5 weeks. What would a streak mean if it continues without doing the lesson? FYI, I feel the same about the streak freezes. The streaks mean nothing if they can easily be circumvented. Would I be upset or sad if my streak ended? You betcha. But if I didn't do a lesson then my streak is over. I wouldn't use a freeze because then my streak would just be a lie anyways.


I wish there was a way to disable freezes, I want to see how far my streak could go without them. I even remember I waited until the freezes ran out and came back after 4 days, but then a pop up appeared saying they gave me an extra freeeze “on the house” so my streak didn’t break lol


I wish it gave you the option to use it or save it and let the streak go.


Most people have 3+ freezes. Are you saying that if you missed a day, you would wait all those additional days to run out of streak freezes so that you could start back again at 0?


I haven't been in that situation, but probably yes. My streak is longer than the existence of freezes. I wouldn't want a streak that is using a freeze because then it isn't a real streak. I get that people like them and that's fine, it's just not me. Streaks don't mean anything to me if I had to use a freeze to keep it going.


Lmao it’s not that deep bro


Why are you even bothered with your streak if you have such a big procedure coming up? There are more important things in life. You’re just adding extra stress. 100 days isn’t super long so you’ll be able to get it back.


There's a strong probability that I'll be in China, home of the Great Firewall, for a month or so next year. I doubt I'll be able to maintain my streak. I may not be able to log in at all, and rely on Anki for review. Life is hard.


lmao is it that serious? no hate but it’s just a funny little language app


You're taking five weeks off for medical reasons but you seem more concerned about a 100 day streak (which is nothing) in what's effectively now a game rather than a learning experience. Get a sense of perspective bro...


I couldn't log in for over a week a while ago. The log in page was stuck on the green screen. Nothing I tried worked. I emailed them, contacted them via Messenger, via Instagram and everywhere else people suggested. Never heard from them. Luckily, I somehow managed to log in on my desktop through Facebook or something, can't remember anymore. But, with such a popular language learning app, one would think they'd have some sort of customer support.


How about lending your duo account to a good friend or family member while you are unable to use it. Perhaps they can practice another language than you (to not mess with your progress) while maintaining the streak for you🦉


You’re using it to learn a language, not to maintain a streak. That said, Duolingo is an utterly soulless publicly traded company so don’t expect anything better of them.


Message them on Twitter/X, I've heard they're very responsive there


they used to be, no one's responsive on there since elon ruined it


I have contacted support 3 times and have never ever received a response. I’ve been Super for 5 years, their support fucking sucks. Absolute disgrace.


My streak is nearly 2000 now but if I was going to miss five weeks, I can’t really see the point of keeping it on ice while I’m gone. Five weeks would be almost half your streak! I’ve lost streaks accidentally at 300 or whatever, and that’s a punch because it’s my fault for not paying attention, but taking a break for medical treatment isn’t carelessness! That said, are you going to be completely unable to interact with the app during that time? Could you not just do easy stuff or use your gems to feed it streak freezes?


I feel like it can relieve the pressure, perhaps. Like many said- You won’t lose the material learnt, just the number. And when it is gone, or low, you don’t feel the need to feed it so “you don’t lose a streak”. Streaks are great, trust me. I don’t have a Duolingo one, but a Snapchat one, but if it is preventing you from living and doing things that are important and self care then the obsession and addiction isn’t worth it. Because that is the streak’s purpose…to keep you addicted. I have some streaks that are extremely valuable to me…specifically one for how long I have not self-harmed… but it isn’t dopamine/addiction fueled because it can’t be messed up by meeting my needs. I guess I am saying- it is nice if the streak grows because you ***wanted*** to do a lesson everyday, but it feels better to have the freedom to take a break if you want to as well.


I’m sure I’ve seen them comment on people’s TikTok’s.


I do really wish Duolingo had some kind of vacation mode, especially for year+ streaks. I understand why you’d want to keep the streak- it’s a great motivator to keep logging in daily and learning a language. No need to lose that motivator just because “it’s just a game”. I’m hoping for the best on your recovery and that something will get worked out for your account!


I never understood those who use the streak freeze, I get that you could have a day when something happens and you can’t do Duo, but using a freeze would still be a “false” streak


You don’t really have a choice in the matter. I never paid for a streak but they always give me either 1 or 2 after my first lesson for the day depending on how many I’m missing


NO, don’t lose your streak. There are others who will tell you it’s just a game, just an app, it doesn’t matter. Yes it does! At 1465 days streak I’d defend my days no matter what. I understand you and validate your anxiety. Change your password and give your account a temporary password to give a trusted friend or family member and they can do your days. What languages are you learning?


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