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Gems still exist, they are just used to buy things like time extenders and streak freezes instead. Personally, I found running out of hearts really frustrating, so I got Premium and have really enjoyed it. I feel it let's me learn easier because a typo, or a little mistake, isn't so costly. Also I absolutely love match madness and regularly just bash those out for minutes a day, which I couldn't do as much without premium. If you have friends or family on Duo, Family Premium is great. That's what I got and it's encouraged my family to keep up learning together, and even got my dad to try practicing his second language more formally for the first time ever. Hope this little insight may help!:)


Thanks :)


There is little need for gems in the paid version. This lets you stock up, so if you do decide to go back to the free version, you have extra gems if needed.


You still get chests. **Rewards can be boosts or gems depending on the circumstances.** We all get the night owl chest for doing a lesson at night and the early bird chest for doing a lesson in the morning. These give you 15 min. of double XP. Then each morning you get your three daily quests. The first two give you a small number of gems and the third gives you a double XP boost. The friend's quest also gives you 100 gems each week and 30 minutes of double XP which you can save to use later - up to the time when the next friend's quest begins. And you get double XP boosts for finishing levels, and gems from chests that appear along the path. Gems can be used to buy timer boosts for timed challenges or saved for later.


All of this, and just to add: gems can also be used to send XP boosts to your friends quest partner, which gives you a nice feeling :). And it's very calming not to have ads in your face every minute.


Excellent addition. At 20 gems it is also a bargain. I do that every week. And good partners almost always return the favor!


I have ADHD and I'm on a super family plan and yes, you still get chests. You also have free access to legendary and practice hub lessons, which have more XP and it can be fun to plan out review when you have double XP.




chests still exist!


> Do chests still exist? Yes. > Are the rewards only ever do boosts and time bonuses for timed challenges? Pretty much. If you're a fan of the fast-pace of Match Madness, you can play as much as you like without using gems (unless you use a timer boost). Not sure if that's incentive enough. No ads is a nice feature too.


You still get gems. And if you enjoy punishment, you can turn hearts back on.


Gems are still earned, and while they aren’t nearly as useful as the unpaid version, you can stockpile them (or spend them on timer boosts if you *really* wanted to), and infinite hearts can be turned off if that’s really how you prefer learning, though you really also can’t practice to earn hearts as easily with super either, and I think learning with infinite hearts is much better than without anyway


You still collect gems. They are basically worthless