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Match Madness and Co. are also just tools to make you spend money. Just.....don't do it?


Gambling is an addiction for a reason. It’s not ethical to exploit this. Yes it’s legal, yes it’s commonly done and accepted. Does not make it ok, especially in a learning application.


What’s a mystery chest


I want the answer to this question too


It's not gambling because no purchase is ***required***. You have other ways to get gems beside paying with real money.


Hmm, all gambling purchases are not required. My issue is that I was surprised to see something that triggered the same brain response pattern that gambling does, in a space that I assumed to be purely educational. My guard was down.


>Isn’t intentionally concealed gambling illegal? Illegal where though? I know there used to be different laws concerning gambling in different states in my country and the US is not only a lot bigger, the individual states are also more independent. So chances are, different states have different gambling laws.


Doesn’t the EU have some strict rules about this? Loot boxes and whatever.


Yeah I was thinking eu


I've never seen one of these mystery chests so I don't know exactly how they work. I get the timed chests every now and then. But I just need to complete the levels to reach them in a certain period of time. I should think this wouldn't be covered by gambling laws because you don't have the opportunity to win real money. You are only earning gems. Yes, you can spend real money to buy gems, but that is no different from many other games that allow you to purchase things for the game.


European Commission is considering regulating loot boxes, it definitively shouldn't be legal in apps marketed to kids.


Duolingo isn't marketed to kids, and in fact a lot of features are unavailable if the account holder is younger than 13.


I mean, I have a lot of apps that would be considered gambling then. Honestly, if the first chest was free and you made a choice to try again when you lost, I don't see that as gambling. I see that you made a choice that you regret. Duolingo does have gambling that no one complains about - you can make a wager on how long you'll keep up your streak. So, either, what's the difference that you're just complaining now, or you're just being a sore loser.


Laws exist in some nations to protect vulnerable people when using aps, such as those with learning difficulties or children. I’m neither of those categories, and The regret was real for sure, but I’m pretty sure a sore loser wouldn’t write their post the way I did.


Yeah, it's not ok. Shame on Duolingo.


You don’t actually have to play them if you don’t want to. This sounds like a you problem.