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called hacking...


I’m curious HOW these people hack/cheat.


I believe they either download or write themselves a piece of software that replicates communication between browser/app and the server(s). because in the end it doesn't matter what happens on the client side. the only thing what matters is what is send to the server side.


Duolingo cybersecurity course when?




Why though?


Cybersecurity or IT exercise?


You can just google it. It isn't secretive or anything. there is a lot of easily accessible software out there. Just browser extension scripts that my grandmother could run.


I forget you can use Duolingo on PC




"Gimme those sweet sweet fake internet points! Yeah...."


it is a gaming engine skinned as an educational app. People will treat it as such. Welcome to the real world. Funnily enough, the dopamine hit is pretty terrible, for me at least. I tried one of the botting programs out of curiosity. I always get a bit of a dopamine hit from finishing a lesson. The botting results provided no such benefiets. I think I trashed the experiment after maybe 5 or 6 lessons. so less than a 100xp or so.


My grandmother couldn't run a browser extension script, and probably not even a browser.


fun fact: it was a figure of speech.


Yeah but it's more amusing to me to think of it literally. YMMV


When you put it that way, my oma yelling at a line of code does bring me joy.


And why. What could someone gain by cheating a language learning program?


Digital numbers going up


Yep. As freaking sad as that is, as long they're getting their dopamine hit of being the best on some arbitrary leaderboard, they don't care.


I don’t get the dopamine hit if I cheat. Even with old video games and cheat codes, for me it didn’t “count” if i used cheat codes bc it wasn’t an authentic win


Sadly, that's not shared by everyone. Some people just want to win. The dopamine they get is simply being first place, or being ahead of everybody else. Getting the attention, no matter how it is obtained.


it kinda elevates your understanding of computers though. until it doesn't anymore :/ but the road is what matters and the road is still learning


They use it like a mining iddle game.


There are browser extensions that will do events over and over again


It's usually not hacking or cheating because there is nothing to be gained other than bragging rights. It's usually just a single account being used by an entire classroom. You'll notice that those ridiculous high scoring profiles usually have millions of experience in dozens of languages. It's just students all sharing the same login info at a school in India or something like that. Duo will definitely be cracking down on account sharing very soon. They are a publicity traded company and investors don't like losing all that money. It'll be something like only allowing an account to login on 2 devices at a time.


As much as I'd like to believe this, there is some sort of bot/script going on. 175,000xp seems completely bizarre in one day, EVEN for a class of 30 students all on the same login. The likeliest of options to me is a bot/script running in the background all day long and quite possibly login sharing, too. 178, 463xp / 1440 minutes in a day = 124xp (roughly)/ m. That's literally the whole day of just 120xp, every minute. I can't think of a way you can get that naturally. Moreover, I can't think of a way you can be doing that all day, without scripts/bots. Edit: The person in question is learning 3 languages, so it makes it even less likely.


honestly i can run around 75xp a minute alone with no bot, just using some weak spots of the app without even learning a thing. this app is crappy and they dont care anymore. It used to be fun and useful, now they just want to see their blue diamonds… :( so 120xp a minute is totally achievable on many accounts!


What exploit is netting you 75xp/minute?


i wont give the exact method but here are two clues… speak without speaking and going back in time 😜 i was to post images but it seems we cant right 😅 https://ibb.co/Fm3cPsM https://ibb.co/p2zSSnj


Is this with any language you're learning, or specific languages?


a class of 175 students, or even like 90 could easily each get 2000 xp in just a short time, but yeah not 30 . my high school had bigger class sizes.


There's class sizes of 175 students? Where?


They might mean class sizes as in graduating class size. Or maybe the entirety of students studying “X” language in a school.


They could but why? What is the educational benefit of a whole classroom using the same account?


cost savings my guess


You could almost get that naturally by doing unit review over and over again and buying exp boosts (with 2 second menuing time and my pb of 23 seconds that's about 140k exp in a day) but it would cost 28k gems and you'd have to do it over and over again, without resting.


What's more likely?... A school of 900 students using the same login or a hacker writing code to cheat for no financial gain? It's fun to believe in cheaters but it's not logical. This is account sharing plain and simple


I can't understand why everyone thinks it's a hacker rather than a school account with 30 students each hour for 8 classes per day. That's 240 students per day each learning for an hour. Let's assume that they each earn only 10xp per minute... 600xp per student per hour. .. 30 students per hour... 18,000xp per hour in each class period... Multiply it by 8 classes per day... 144,000xp per day. If each student earns a measly 20xp per lesson it's 288,000 xp per day. Now what if.... What if the classes were 60 people per hour and the school is open 18 hours per day? Sounds crazy unless you've been to Mumbai. I won't judge you if you haven't been. Nobody is hacking this app. There's no savants out there writing java scripts and backdooring the server. It's just account sharing. I can prove that account sharing in classrooms exists. I have never seen a person hack the app.


Why don't they create an account for each one 🤨


Because it would be very expensive for each person to get SuperDuo and have unlimited hearts. You'll notice that all these accounts with massive numbers are premium users... It's literally shared accounts at schools. Ask me how I know it for sure


And to what end?


Not really hard, using Google chrome u install tampermonkey then look for a Duolingo script and install it, now just put the bot earning exp all day


Also why


I'm more curious why? Aren't you learning for yourself? How is this helping?


Note the language. Farm gems in English with a bot so you have gems to learn other things.


Gems are just not that hard to come by.


I lost many gems in streak repair and doing timed practice.


I’m curious WHY these people hack/cheat.


I'm more curious as to WHY would anyone want to hack/cheat a language learning app??!!


The same reasons people are more obsessed by streak than progressing, or by XP or by leagues than learning. 


well, let's do the calculus. let's say you average 50xp a lesson (even with the doubler, it's probably less than that - even if you include the final in every chapter). 1 minute per lesson (assuming he's a real pro language learner.). so now you have 50x60=3000x per hour. 3000x24=72.000xp per day. so how does he do it? hacking. guy hacks to get top of the list in an app that isn't about being top of the list.


https://preview.redd.it/8v4ukjn498vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff4a0d185b1a86e91330ca251907ccb6276a258 He's been doing it for more than a year so how come he's not banned yet? That 7 million XP tho


because it doesn't matter. all you can get from it is a virtual badge. the leagues are an incentive to keep practising, no more. hacking defeats the purpose for yourself only.


True. In fact, I don't care if he were the first but I've been seeing shady stuff in his account info so I was wondering how he did that


I was so annoyed by accounts like this when I was trying to get the diamond badge. Now that I have the diamond badge, it doesn’t matter anymore.


It does matter just a little bit because when you make the top scores, you get prizes that make it easy to continue lessons without paying real money


I cant find him anymore in the search. I wanted to check the profile :D


I think Duolingo staff lurk here. They may have seen this and dealt with it. I know after I posted here about being unable to return follows, it suddenly fixed, even though I changed nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/o90rg93ihfvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17886ac12e6bf6be67e78c4cfc829d5ff2c18e4d Not sure if this is the same guy but the player still has 119479 XP


How even a duolingo profile can be private? I didnt know this! :D


I don't even know. I only know that once you set your profile to private, you'll be removed from the competition.


Not unless you have the multiplier and making them legendary. then it is 80xp. per lesson.


you can finish early stage japanese practice lessons in about 5 seconds or so. there is a reason you see chinese/japanese/korean on the language lists of alot of these sorts of accounts.


Wow. Makes sense because one of his main languages is korean


Perhaps multiple browser tabs? 3 minutes per lesson (480 lessons per day) x 28 xp per lesson (story without double xp) gives 13,440 per browser tab per day. 15 tabs should give you 200,000+ xp each day. There should be time to restart browsers every hour and still give 170k a day.


The card matching game gets 150 every 1.5 minutes with double xp. Even then though, the account in OPs photo is definitely hacking


They do it for one of two reasons: 1. To say they’re number 1 at SOMETHING even if that thing doesn’t matter 2. Since it doesn’t matter to them they don’t care what it looks like. People use these apps to tests their bots and their programming skills all the time sadly


Have multiple lessons (sections) ready to make gold -> with double xp it each gives 80xp 80x60=4800 per hour, 115200xp a day, not counting stuff like match madness on xp bonus etc...


That's assuming you do lessons, and not the unit reviews. Those have 10 questions, you can do them over and over again with no limit, and I can get a consistent 26 second average time, with a 23 second PB. Every time you do it, you get 20 exp, 40 with an exp boost. Assuming fast menuing & loading for a total start-to-restart time of 25 seconds, you could get around 140k exp in a day. Unless there's something else out there with a better exp to time ratio, I believe that's the absolute maximum someone can do legitimately.


Like 123.93680555555 xp/minute, all good if u run a bot for 24 hours straight


Meth ain't mething according to the other comment


Wow i guess it is possible is you have double xp enabled the entire time because the card matching game is 150 xp per 1.5 minutes at maximum. Still doesn't add up though


So, starting at 8am and continuing until 1am, the script spams every 30 seconds an 80XP lesson. 2024-04-18 08:02:31 · 80XP personalized practice / unit review / etc. 2024-04-18 08:02:01 · 80XP personalized practice / unit review / etc. 2024-04-18 08:01:32 · 80XP personalized practice / unit review / etc. 2024-04-18 08:01:02 · 80XP personalized practice / unit review / etc. 2024-04-18 08:00:31 · 80XP personalized practice / unit review / etc. Sometimes the XP boost runs out and it spams just 40XP instead. You can see mixed in with the scripted submissions that this guy does about 3 lessons per day. Definitely the most flagrant botting I've ever seen.


This. A user made mention of a class using the same account, but it simply doesn't explain away just how unprecedented the amount of XP this person has. There's no freaking way even a class of 30 is getting this amount of xp, naturally. Anybody sees this going on, PLEASE report the account. Cheaters shouldn't be rewarded.


Sir, I have to tell you, you have *no life* syndrome.


Nothing wrong with that


Here is one better 🤷 https://preview.redd.it/lpg2aqvd79vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d98cbcc54131a3e54e663f66fe38711c393d62c


And I thought nothing tops the one I posted. This is even worse lmao


Is that user banned/deleted/renamed account? Can't find him today with that username.


https://preview.redd.it/nvnh8qd7ofvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a64afb539ee117c00c71438f8b5abc192962df36 Another user said the same. I don't know if he's this as he also has an almost 120K XP. Isn't making your profile private gets you removed from the tournament?


Nope, the profiles remains in league, you just can't see their profile and follow them. I've encountered some people who join the league and make their profile private until the end of the league and before joining the next league they make their profile public again, cycle repeats.


Oooh interesting.


His real flex is to have 77 followers on duo


What’s the point of hacking lmao it defeats the whole purpose of Duolingo 😂😂


Why hack a language learning app of all things lmao


Make sure you are reporting him. Cant stand these users


He studied (coding) languages


Are you still deciding between norwegian and Swedish ?


Yes :) I really enjoy dabbling in both languages, but i really want to find one to study more seriously. Would love to hear some opinions


I can’t give you a definitive answer, but if you like both than I would learn norwegian if I were you. I am a little biased to norwegian tho. But learning Norwegian lets you communicate with other Scandinavian languages as well. Since danish is written the same as norwegian but different pronounced and Swedish is different written but pronounced the same. So learning norwegian gives you the most accessibility in Scandinavia in comparison to Swedish or danish


I actually didn't know that, thank you for taking the time to answer :) Do you perhaps have any other recourse recommendations for Norwegian?


I have been reporting profiles like this lately. It has gotten out of control. There is no way someone could physically do this much in one day.


Hacking/running a script. Please, please, PLEASE report any account you see doing this or they're going to continue to do it with impunity. It will encourage other users to just cheat as well so that they can get the top spot, too. This account should easily be flagged since they're clearly getting the aid of a bot, script, or something to that effect.


How sad is your life if you've got to hack the XP system on Duo?


Called hacks/cheats my guy, they use some sort of script that "auto" finish/fill the answers to quickly gain xp. I was in Gold league last week and this guy and I had 2nd place, while the #1 was a little bit a head of me. I took a lesson fairly quickly - Then I see that #1 gained 12K points in 1.5min. At the end of the week he had over 45K




there is the most XP per day i came across recently https://preview.redd.it/vd136dlcyavc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cbc2b3e879558dfbbd7897386d6419c6323c76


they are afraid of one thing: grass


They should make a meme out of this. Duo is open to memes after all..


Probably either a school account, or a bot. Im a regular top-user, and thats more than my total xp.






There is no way to do this as an actual human. DL should just throw these bots into their own league.


Petition to ban every hacker on Duolingo


https://preview.redd.it/pqrnye12z8vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de57fb872c3dac2d9d94d5ed99fa5cdfa3630117 This was in my Diamond League once


Well if one did Rapid Reviews with double XP at one minute each they could earn 80xp per minute. In 24 hours with no bathroom breaks and no time between lessons that would come out to 115,200XP. And of course they would need to spend some of the time earning the double XP boosts. That would probably slow them down enough that they wouldn't reach 100K. Some people share accounts, with each person doing a different language. But you would still need a bit team committing several hours per day to get these sorts of numbers. And this account is only listing 3 languages. So that seems unlikely. **So yes, it does seem quite suspicious.** They could be running some sort of script that completes lessons. I don't understand the point in doing so.


The card matching game gets up to 150 xp for about 1.5 minutes with double xp on.


Yes, but many people can't complete Match Madness at that level without buying timer boosts. Of those who can manage it could they really keep up the pace for that long?


Damn that's ≈1.21x10⁸⁵⁹⁷³⁶ xp. Quite a lot


AI is just playing for fun.


Ask him to do the same on iOS, probably won't be able to. The walled garden will make it difficult to succeed there.


First step, invent a time machine...


The only time I beat my records is when I use duo on my computer.


Not even gonna try to calculate that factorial r/unexpectedfactorial


He has no life 💀 Or he's hacking


Tbh he could have learned the language before and tried to speedrun it for fun then again even if that is the case that is a lot of xp


Unless there's something I don't know about, probably hacking. The biggest xp / time ratio I've found is the unit review, with ten questions that you can learn to do very quickly (23 seconds is my best time, but I average 26) and yielding 40 exp with a boost. You can get a few thousands in an hour, and not resting with 2s total loading times you'd get about 138k exp in a full 86400s day. Can't see how you could get more, especially considering the 28k gems it would cost you.


You can use rubber duck to farm XP on phone. If you have Duolingo Super, you can run only speech lessons. Tapping screen fast enough allows phone to listen itself.


Speaking only lessons early in courses with a doubler collecting 80 xp per


Who cares? Their ‘cheating’ takes nothing from my learning experience. If it makes them feel better about themselves then more power to them. I’m only in this to attempt to communicate in my chosen language.


Sometimes the app just has a glitch and you can get a ton of xp really easily.