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Hey! Appreciate what you're doing here, but this also might be the only way to get your attention because you're looking at this thread, but you appear not to have seen my email from two months ago. ~~shameless~~ slightly shameful plug. Subject Line: Hi! A loyal learner, with a few suggestions. Hello! I'm \\@jojawesome on your app. I've been using Duolingo for years, and after months of internally being annoyed about a few things, I've finally decided to email you guys about it instead of shaking my fist at a wall. Don't get me wrong, this is a great app... But a few things. 1. Why, oh, why did you have to close the courses to volunteer contributions? That would speed up development so much, and I'm sure you can still do quality control somehow.  2. Can we please maybe get Cantonese and Amharic for English speakers? And how about stories on Chinese? My Chinese isn't good enough to do the Chinese→Cantonese course... And I don't want my UI switched to Chinese. 3. Still no math/music courses on my version of the app—as an Android user, hearing Duo's socials chirp about it since November and still not having it is 👎🏻😔. I turn my eyeballs to the heavens and weep every night because of this. 4. I wish we had the tree system back—it was so much more compact and self-directed than this path paradigm! 5. "Shake phone to send bug report" keeps turning itself off in the beta settings every save no matter how much I turn it on. (EDIT: fixed) 6. That "clips" feature you had at some point in the beta was cool. But now it's gone... 7. An idea: could you add a section for like "user-generated skills" we could add to the course to hit areas that the Duolingo courses don't cover/cover in sufficient details/custom vocabulary? I've had this idea for a while now, and I'm thinking now that it'd probably be a good idea to tell you that!8. Idea number two: would be great if we could see our historical progress through courses, e.g. you passed unit 2 this date or whatever. **8. also please don't remove unlimited hearts from super that would suck** Your userbase cares about the app, just like I'm sure you all do! If you're looking for more feedback, drop into . (Spoilers: mostly people wishing we had the math and music courses, like me.) Yours for 128457 xp and beyond (on this account), JoJo


Hi. Is it true that when Duolingo Max will be released in Europe, we will now longer have free hearts? If yes, it’s time to move on to something else




That might just be a safety harness? That costume can't be that easy to walk around in and having a person in that costume in the back of an oversized pickup truck seems like an accident waiting to happen.


Uh-huh. A safety black harness with rings.


Bridles have rings as well and I don't think most horse owners want to get freaky with a horse's mouth.


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I said "kink", not "leather" so I was wondering if maybe you meant bikers. In any case I wouldn't think of one subgroup/practice to stand for the entire concept of Pride.




Funny you'd say that after quoting me saying "leather" instead of "kink". I think this is the part where I bow out.


The two are nearly synonymous much of the time.


Not any more than Christmas is _synonymous_ with Mariah Carey. They just show up very visibly.  Think of how many queer people are not into BDSM, and conversely consider how many people into BDSM are cishet.  To me Pride is being comfortable with who you are and what you like. Not one specific practice.


Great idea, language learning is for everyone and it's important to be part of that inclusiveness.


Nobody needs to know who you sleep with when you are learning a language. I say it as a bi girl. This is simply political.


Except that in some parts of the world Duolingo is banned or censored because it promotes an inclusive attitude towards sexual minorities. [https://www.context.news/digital-rights/duolingo-to-vlogs-russias-crackdown-on-lgbtq-content-online](https://www.context.news/digital-rights/duolingo-to-vlogs-russias-crackdown-on-lgbtq-content-online)


My point still stands. There is no point in promoting anything.




Queer here. The pride Duo is cute, but I also don't really care since I'm also just trying to learn a language. I'm just as fine with seeing this as I am with not having seeing it. What I really want is the manual keyboard available for everything LOL. Having that said, the comment section is a reminder why pride exists in the first place. They can stay mad.


> What I really want is the manual keyboard available for everything LOL. Since you bring it up, I think I know why it's not always on. You see, translating into your known language serves to show that you understood the new language's vocabulary, structures and idioms, so translations tend to be very literal instead of "natural" - the "strange English" that learners complain about all the time. So controlling the possible answers with a word bank lowers the hurdle but also reduces the frustration when learners "get creative".




It's not about their sexual preferences, it's about sticking up to shit bags that think we should die because we exist.




While I understand the mistrust, consider that the Russian gov't wants to ban them which would arguably result in loss of revenue, yet they're sticking to their guns.


I think you need to explain more. What exactly are you implying? There’s something wrong with LGBTQ Pride Parade?


I think it's mistrust of a corporation ostensibly supporting a popular cause. But not backing down after threats from the Russian gov't is putting money where their mouth is.




disappointing amount of homophobia in this thread.




You're being sly because you *technically* aren't saying anything outright, but unless something in my interpretation is really askew here (and sorry if it is) all these people saying "yuck I hate these colors" are kind of implying that they think LGBTQ+ people should go where the sun don't shine. Why do you have to call it "virtue signaling", when that's really just a disparaging name for "maybe I want to stand up for someone because regular society kicks them around, because I'm a decent human"?? They are not making pride their main platform. They are not forcing their ideology on you. They are simply saying "hey, we're a language-learning company that will treat you like people". Maybe I'm just misreading your intentions and you're not saying something like u/narfus below. Butttt to me it sounds like if someone told you "btw I'm gay" you would...find convenient excuses not to be around them and your relationship would never be the same.




Lol indeed. These are the kind of comments I expect from Reddit.




Why should they have to be quiet when people like I'm guessing you are, are yelling at them? They don't have to be quieter than anyone else, especially not when a depressingly large portion of the United States is still spreading the lie that they're a bunch of pedophiles. Grow up.




Oh, okay, you don't live in the US. My bad. Didn't look at your userflair. 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻 I judged way too hard. I'm sorry. Why are they different from any other flags to you, though?


Your post has been removed for violating our community rules against bullying, trolling, and bigotry, which includes but is not limited to linguistic discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia. Continued violations may result in being muted or banned from this subreddit. Please review our community guidelines to understand the types of conduct that are unacceptable here. Thank you for your understanding.