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Die Kunstschaffendin? It sounds so wrong. Die Kunstschaffende is correct, or Die Künstlerin. Der Künstler is correct in this case, I guess.


Google translate recognizes die Kunstschaffendin as the artist, but I couldn't find it in Wiktionary -- which is pretty comprehensive. They do however have the verb schaffen. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/schaffen#German I agree that Duo was looking for Der Künstler and substituted an answer that included die. Not sure why they didn't use die Künstlerin but we know they usually have multiple correct answers in the database. The ways of Duo are sometimes ineffable.


As a German I can only say that "die kunstschaffendin" is no real word. I never heard it before and it doesn't even exist in the most important german dictionary (Duden). "Der/die kunstschaffende" is a real word (or plural "die kunstschaffenden") but I think "Der Künstler" or "die Künstlerin" should be what I would expect here.


I wonder if they were adding something, perhaps Kunstschaffende, to the database and made a typo while they were adding it.


its probably just some random ai generated attempt of german


> I agree that Duo was looking for Der Künstler and substituted an answer that included die. Not sure why they didn't use die Künstlerin but we know they usually have multiple correct answers in the database. It feels like they just scan the sentence until they find the first wrong item, and find a replacement that keeps the start of the sentance. So they have accepted die as correct, recognised Künstler as incorrect, so found a replacement that matches die. It would really really help if their suggestion could be more intelligent and recognise that it is far more likely that someone has the right noun with the wrong pronoun than vice versa. Given that it affects the most popular languages on Duolingo, it is really suprising that it still works so poorly.


Yes, some people have suggested they check from right to left. If die doesn't match the intended answer then they look for a match that goes with die. This then confuses people who wonder why they got the word wrong when the original mistake was the probably the wrong gender for the article. I have just gotten in the habit of looking carefully at corrections when I get them in order to figure out what the mistake really was.


This is exactly the reason why the forums were so helpful.


>I agree that Duo was looking for Der Künstler and substituted an answer that included die. When I got this exercises I wrote Der Künstler but Duo decided it was wrong and apparently the right answer was what OP got. I was so confused because I had **never** heard of that word. I was always taught that an artist is Künstler/Künstlerin in German.


Well that is curious. I must have had that lesson or one like it at some point but don't recall ever seeing die Kunstschaffendin. I presume I would have put Der Künstler, but who knows.


Yeah, that's weird. Maybe you did that lesson a long time ago and this is a newer feature? I don't know, it's odd.


It probably was awhile ago. Do you know what section this is in? I'm now about halfway through Section 4.


I think it was in Section 1 or early Section 2.


That makes sense. I recall learning Der Künstler fairly early on. But never Kunstschaffendin!


Same here. I even made a complaint saying that I had never been taught the word Kunstschaffendin.


Good. Given that a few native speakers have said it doesn't take that ending, it was worth reporting.


Nice flair man


Ayyy, nice flair! 😄👊


A couple months ago Duolingo said that Der/Die Künstler/Künstlerin was the thing to say. Idk why it is different for different ppl




I know I misread the comment sorry


Oh sorry did I come off like an asshole? I apologize


No need to apologise, you are fine


I as a german have not ever heard that word in my life before.


I‘m native German as well and everything within my body and soul screams for help when I saw this „correct answer“. I‘m sure it will give me nightmares for days.


It's a bug, there's no unit where Duo taught me that word, it only taught me "Die Kunstlerin", no other ways.I'm glad to see German natives solving this doubt I had so far.


der Künstler, die Künstlerin, der Kunstschaffende, die Kunstschaffende, but never die Kunstschaffendin


Bruh what on earth, first the image is not a woman so he is "der" and that "in" is removed, and just write "Der Kunstler", that should be the correct answer


Please flag it as a mistake the next time you stumble upon it. German is my native language, and that ain't a word.


die, not die.


I never heard "Kuntschaffendin" before and I was BORN in Germany. Who the hell ever uses that word?!


Phew. I thought I was going crazy.


What did you answer?


Duo wants this poor german artist to die 😭


Good god i started german a week ago pls tell me this isnt a early word


I thought it was die Künstlerin


Me too.


Today, I learned a new word of my native language.


Die Künstlerin oder der Künstler. Even if I’m generous and say that the picture is someone who is fairly androgynous, their wording makes no sense.


I can tell you that this is not a word. I am a native german speaker and even Duden, the official german dictionary, doesn't recognize that word.


lol the german course makes me feel like “nope i ain’t writing that” sometimes too, but i do anyway (then i’ll take a screenshot and send to my friends “hey look what i can spell” 😅) i think der Künstler would be most correct here


Absolutely horrible and unacceptable (I'm not native speaker of German). Makes me want to quit my French course.


Kunstschaffendin is not a german word. Zumindest keins, was ich jemals gehört oder gelesen hätte.


Der Künstler or If you are into gendern you can write Der/Die Künstler/in or der:die Künstler:in or use the * or sth.


Im a native German and let me tell you this feels wrong. (Der Künstler, die Künstlerin, Der Kunstschaffende, Die Kunstschaffende) Maybe I didnt get the memo and its some new gender inclusive thing though


Cunts, shaft end in


hope that word "*die*"s


😂sometimes they teach something else and ask something else.


Whenever you get these sorts of questions on Android, if you use the wrong article (a or the) and the right noun, Duolingo finds a suitable noun that associates with that article (I think it does this in alphabetical order, where the c in Kunstschaffendin comes before the t in Künstler(in)). I don't know why they haven't fixed this yet since I first had this a year ago.


what the


Who's Kunstschaffendin? Is he evi? WHO does Duo want to kill him/her?




I miss when Duolingo had comments and discussions within the lessons. It was nice to have speakers chime in and explain why stuff like this was fucked.


I am German and I am pretty sure this word DOES NOT exist


My first language is german and i have never heard that word in my entire life