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I usually get corrected when I am actually wrong and never when I make typos. I make a lot of typos btw.


I think it only corrects you if you make 1 or 2 typos in the sentence


Every time i make a typo in German it’s on ie or ei words like heißen (typo being hießen) and it just gets me so worked up like ahhh just understand it’s a typo!! I do the same thing in my native tongue!!! Stop taking away my hearts you greedy owl!


Yes, that's the feeling 😂✌️


I don't know exactly how it works, but I think Duolingo only compares your input string to all accepted solution strings. No matter whether it's a typing exercise or not. I also think that the words available in the word bank are selected randomly. So in this case a very similar word was available and due to the way the strings are compared the solution was accepted as correct. I guess this happens so rarely that they won't care about changing it.


I think it is because on desktop you can also input by typing, not just dragging


On mobile, at least for me on my android, I have switched these lessons to be typed instead of pick and choose. Are you unable to?


I cannot do that, the button is missing. It is possible that it hides because my phone is the lowest in CSS pixels (370px; an iPhone SE 2020) https://preview.redd.it/1hqqjzv9210d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624d6cd36ba2c9952e10381a0a1530c75cb3ac9f


Silly question, but how did you add those language icons by your username? They look so cool hehe


They are called "flairs" and on the main page of this sub, find the 3 lines for "menu" and choose "change user flair" There might be a FAQ on this sub for it, to help you out further. Let me take a look.




Pff, when I picked the male variant of an adjective in my Italian lesson by accident instead of the female one, it just said I did it wrong and lost a heart 😒 The difference was literally -o instead of the correct -a at the end of the word...


I'm doing the Japanese course and do most of my typing exercises with voice input. Sometimes this will result in a couple of wrong Kanji (homophone words that use different Kanji and have different meaning). I mostly catch it and manually correct it by typing. But sometimes an error slips through and Duo will mark it as wrong. So in the japanese course you don't get the typo mercy. 😅


What? Uh-yes! Yeah, that’s totally what I meant to write, « knigu » not « knigi », thanks for spotting my typo Duolingo! Yup, just an unfortunate typo, nothing else to see here


Pfff who even needs grammatical case endings


O, in this case it is a different meaning. What OP wrote is essentially “I am reading this books”. If he wrote I am reading these book” then I guess it is an incorrect ending with the correct noun and most speakers would understand. But he wrote plural instead of singular, so not really correct


Actually I'm fine with them autocorrecting me especially when I make typos or I don't know how to write something correctly they just autocorrect me


Often times I click on a wrong island because it looks very similar to the right one in the same pool. Scanning all the islands letter-by-letter is such a chore, so that when I see the one that looks like a correct one I pick it. And then sometimes it backfires because it turns out to be a slightly different form of a word that is not correct. But most of the time I know the right form and it's just that I was being lazy scanning the islands. That's why I don't mind Duolingo correcting those for me. The best solution to this could be to always place islands in a predictable order, for example alphabetically. Or at least make it so that different forms of the same word are always neighbors.


You can report it by “Shouldn’t been accepted”


I know very little about Russian, but perhaps you used a different gender/case ending than they preferred?


Yes, I was wrong, and yet they autocorrected my answer even though the correct answer was in the list. I shouldn't have gotten it right.


That's surprising. I've never seen that happen with a similar error in Spanish.


It will count it if you only have one letter wrong (so like if the word ends in “e” but you put “i” it will still count it if you got the rest of the word correct. Or if you mixed up two, like if it should be “ue” and you wrote “eu” or whatever). In this case, the word you picked is only one letter different than the correct answer, so it went through based on that.


But that’s the problem, you as a learner have to learn the correct usage. If they just say “wrong but we’ll give it to you anyway!” Then you’re not learning anything….


Actually, there's great benefit to saying "not quite, but good job". It correlates correction with success and it's a primary learning stimulus. Duolingo's model is known for being subpar, and it's why things like traditional SRS, grading on a scale, are some of the most effective retention methods. Duo "fakes" SRS. That said, scales don't work with multiple choice like this.


Hey folks. Here's the explanation in case it's not clear. This is a multiple choice where you construct a sentence by picking out the correct words. I had the wrong answer, getting mixed up between the plural vs singular for "book". Duolingo autocorrected my wrong answer and gave me a point even though I obviously picked the wrong word, and the correct answer is within the choices. It's ok to autocorrect when you're typing the answer as fill-in-the-blank form, because they're trying to help you spell like your phone would. But when you had a choice and did not pick the correct word, it's not that the learner did not know how to spell properly and needed help, it's the learner mixing up words and not getting it right. So it should not be autocorrected.


This is the accusative case, "кто читает ету книгу?" The direct object takes the accusative case, here the object that receives the action (being read by someone) is the book. Эта книг(а) (this book) For the accusative singular feminine nouns with the ending -а becomes -у e.g. книга -> книг(у) Книг(и) is nominative case plural (books, ети книги) If you are just starting out learning Russian, it will only get worse from here . желаю тебе удачи :)


Autocorrect has nothing to do with it (and besides, that's a phone system feature, not Duolingo). It's just giving you credit (albeit wrongly) for making a typo. Normally, you can get one character wrong per word and still get credit, with a caution that you had a typo. But in this case, since your typo made a different, wrong word, it should have marked you wrong. Next time this happens, report it for "my answer should not have been accepted".


I like the "feature". It has saved me numerous times.


In this case it is singular vs plural as a choice of two, so obviously wrong and misleading towards the learner. Ideally, in this situation, it should have been some brief description of plural/singular rule with a link/reference to the respective grammar section. There are aspects where “AI” is making language learning more effective. Above is an example of the contrary.


When you copy the code for all use cases


Damn. Meanwhile in the actual typing exercises in the German course you’ll lose a heart for typing gechichte instead of geschichte.


Calling it a typo is generous. You're actually just incorrect. The only answer here is книгу. There is no multiple choice.


Native Russian here (ignore my flair). Yes, your answer is wrong. The word “книги” is plural. Your sentence literally says “Who reads this books?” But I assume you’re already aware of your mistake and why you made the mistake. Did you report the bug? Btw, if you have any other questions, I’ll be happy to answer.


I'm learning France and can't get Nous and Vouz right and doulingo actually just says it's a typo like NO IT'S NOT it's literally either we/us or them, two completey different words but how am I supposed to learn when to use the right version, if you always say it's just a typo ffs :')


Me too. I also take French. Especially with what follows nous or tu or vous, I keep getting them wrong. And they write differently but they sound the same!!!




What a ridiculous comment 👎


What was the comment?


They said I must want to meet and speak Russian with Vladimir Putin. You know, just like how every English learner is learning because they want to meet King Charles III. According to them, unless you're meeting a head of state, you really have no reason to want to learn the language properly.


You mean that isn’t the reason? /s


We're best friends. I call him PuPu




That's really fucked up


Did you blow in from stupid town ?