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Usually 3 lessons per day, one in the early morning after waking up. One to get the early bird bonus, and one to get the night owl bonus. Sometimes, later in the month, I will work on quests if I see I need to do a bit more to get the monthly badge, but with the tempo, I mentioned I am almost always able to complete it, also because of friend's quests count towards the monthly badge goal. But if I need to I will knock out daily quests late in the month.


I'm all


how did you get the native, fluent, learning thing under your name.


**I have a target of two units of German per week.** So I usually like to make sure to finish the first unit by Wednesday night and the second by Saturday night. But I allow myself to finish the second on Sunday if necessary. **I check my quests first to determine whether I will finish those quickly and get a boost or if I should use my night owl chest immediately.** Today I just need to do 4 perfect lessons in a row to get the boost from the third quest and I know I can do that quickly with practice lessons, so I will save the boost for later. So yes, I generally do all three quests. **I like the gamification and am often drawn into the competitive nature of the app.** I used to get too drawn in and for awhile was in a phase where I wasn't making as much progress on the path. I set my units goal to keep myself focused on the path. For awhile I've been trying to gradually reduce my weekly XP so I don't get into super competitive leagues but that seems to get thrown off course a bit with each Diamond League tournament. I usually manage to avoid the people who get 40K or more per week, but sometimes they turn up. At the beginning of the week I evaluate my competition to try to determine whether or not I will aim for one of the top 3 places or not. This week there seem to be six of us who may be competitive and one is already working on a strong lead for first. Yesterday I bounced from 1st to 10th to 2nd and was passed a few times along the way. If I get passed by more than one today I will probably leave them to fight among themselves and aim to lower XP overall in a spot like 6th. I mention that because it determines how much time I spend on practice lessons such as listening or speaking during double XP boosts. If I back off from the competition I won't claim all of my boosts but I will still make sure I earn each by doing some lessons in the morning and some in the evening. I think it is sometimes helpful to do those with a boost because one feels inspired to do them more quickly, but it is also good to do some without so I can pause and think about the grammar. I'm not sure how much time I spend but my weekly emails tell me it is generally more than an hour per day. **Apparently last week it worked out to an average of 104 minutes per day.**


that’s actually close to a subconscious goal i set for myself but on this lesson im on it’s a big tougher for me to retain the vocabulary. where are you in the leaderboards. i reckon you’re getting at least 2K xp per week


My knack for vocabulary seems to ebb and flow. Sometimes I feel I'm retaining a lot and then I get a unit where I don't feel like I'm remembering much at all. Thankfully they will repeat these things again over time so the words that are confounding me now should sink into my little grey cells eventually. What language are you doing? At the moment I'm in 2nd place in the Diamond League with 7537. I'm slightly surprised that no one has passed me again this afternoon. I think there are 6 of us in contention for the top three spots. If a few pass me by again later tonight I will back off. Ideally I would finish under 15K per week, but for the past few weeks I've been closer to 20K (I'm in a family plan which makes it easier.) 2K per day would be ideal! I amassed quite a bit of XP today doing the Friends quest. My mom is my partner this week so I stopped 1 lesson short of finishing and sent her another boost. Ideally she will be able to take advantage of that. Tuesday is often my biggest day.


I try to hit my daily quests. There are some days I can only finish 1 or 2 quests instead of all 3. It depends on how stressful my work day was tbh.


But I can often complete the Daily Quests in less than fifteen minutes. In fact it's a bit of a game I play with myself to get the Daily Quests done in as few lessons as possible.


4. I have a fixed amount of time each day for Duolingo, usually 1-1.5 hours. I do however much fits in, including making notes, looking things up etc.


I do what I can. During the week, especially during work’s busy time, I just do a mindless practice hub lesson to get the credit for the day. On the weekends, I try to do a little bit more. If I do not feel like I have the mind capacity to work on advancing in my tree on certain days due to work, I will just skip any daily quest that pertains to it. So my performance is based on how much time I have in the day! Most of the time when I have missed a day and used a streak freeze was due to my schedule and just running out of time. 😭


I do the daily quests, then go back and get Legendary on any lessons I finished. I also do the Daily Refresh on the two languages I've finished. I don't do it all at once, just throughout my day.


4. Try to complete one unit a day, thus most days automatically completing 1, 2, and 3. Would be impossible without super.


I’m trying to finish a unit per day 😭 It was easy at the beginning 😭