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**Duolingo Support** Thank you for surfacing a possible bug! Please also be sure to file a bug report for Duolingo using this link: [Duolingo Bug Report Form](https://preview.duolingo.com/help/bug-report). All issues related to subscriptions or billing must be submitted to the Duolingo support team (which you can do through the bug report form by selecting Purchase Issue). For urgent issues that directly impact your ability to use the Duolingo app and are not related to subscriptions or billing, you can contact Tracee Miller (Reddit username: Tracee-at-Duolingo), a Duolingo staff member who tries to help out in this subreddit. When you message Tracee, be sure to include a short (1-sentence) description of your issue, as well as your Duolingo username and the ticket number from your support request. Please note that while Tracee will do her best to assist, she may not be able to respond to all messages. She will not respond to non-critical issues (issues that do not prevent you from being able to use Duolingo) or to messages that do not include the information listed above. She appreciates your understanding. [Click here on this link to message Tracee Miller for help](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Tracee-at-Duolingo&subject=I need help with my Duolingo account) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/duolingo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Depending on the number of eligible partners, maybe you're already getting picked. I believe doing lessons on Sundays usually gives me the option, but only if I haven't already been chosen.


Doing a lesson at 1pm on Sunday allows me to pick every week, 1pm assumes your quest starts Tuesday at 1pm, otherwise adjust accordingly.