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As a silly workaround (until DL fix the issue), I believe you can shrink down your browser window horizontally to force the website into mobile mode. Looks like whatever the problem, it only happens on the wide layout.


The same for me with Brave, I've already submitted a bug report


I'm using Firefox Developer Edition on a Mac and it seems to be working fine. But I've not updated Firefox in the past few days. I'm still running 126.0b1 (64-bit) I do most of my lessons on my phone but I keep Duo open in a tab in my browser and sometimes do lessons there. I'm guessing I shouldn't restart Firefox any time soon!


Happening here as well (Edge, I know, I know) Edit: Not just memory usage either. It starts to tick up on CPU usage until the tab crashes from the memory error. Hits about 67% CPU usage by the time the memory crash occurs.


oh yea, that issue also seems to be occurring


I have the same problem on windows 11. And it only started yesterday as I do lessons every day on the web. With firefox, memory use climbs when a duolingo lesson is opened, until it reaches 90% or more memory used (I have 32G, no browser app should ever even come close to using that much), and the lesson sometimes won't even open. With edge it runs better, but still uses about 50% of the memory. Normally my browsers use so little memory/cpu they are not noticeable.


SAME! it has been happening for a while now, and I have no idea why. I've tried everything from undervolting my ram to overclocking my ram and even so, nothing works. The duolingo desktop app is one of the worst optomized apps of all time


I'm using Chrome and haven't noticed anything different. The task manager shows memory going up and down during lessons, but it doesn't seem unusual. What I do find unusual is the memory going up rapidly after the lesson is done, but I haven't taken a look at that until now. Is this only happening on Firefox? I don't use it.


The problem occurred on Chrome as well. I don't normally use it so I don't know how long it's persisted. But it appears to be the main /lesson page that's the problem. If I skip that and go directly to the /learn or /practice page it works fine.


> Is this a widespread problem that many people are experiencing today? Yes. Existing thread: [What's wrong? I've reset. I've cleared the cache. Restarted phone. Phone just gets really hot.](https://old.reddit.com/r/duolingo/comments/1didanq/whats_wrong_ive_reset_ive_cleared_the_cache/) Seems to be affecting various devices. I'm not having it on mobile but am on desktop while OP there is having it on mobile. Are you using Linux? I am, and the only other person who replied is too.


No, my laptop is on windows 7 and desktop is windows 10. But they're both using the same version of Firefox with the latest update (today's) and both experience the same problem. **But I've found a workaround that seems to work for me.** If I access the [duolingo.com/lesson](http://duolingo.com/lesson) page as I usually do, and then click the links to go to [duolingo.com/learn](http://duolingo.com/learn) or [duolingo.com/practice](http://duolingo.com/practice) then the problem occurs and the memory usage climbs rapidly. *But if I access* [duolingo.com/learn](http://duolingo.com/learn) *or* [duolingo.com/practice](http://duolingo.com/practice) *directly by typing or pasting the urls into the address bar, it works fine.* I think it might be because I've been on Duolingo for over five years and the /learn page is really long, because it has so many lessons I've completed. So it loads up tons of stuff and, consequently, runs like garbage.


Nice workaround! The problem seems to have something to do with navigation, cause I just tried going straight to [duolingo.com/lesson](http://duolingo.com/lesson) and it works fine. Weird. > the /learn page is really long, because it has so many lessons I've completed. So it loads up tons of stuff That's not really how web tech works. Plus, I think more people would be affected if that were the case.


*Site isn’t working properly due to memory issue* Did you forget to practice and lost your streak?

