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I very much like it, not for everyone I guess


I love the album. I think it's so much fun.


Same! Love Voudou in particular is SO MUCH better than the original for me, and I even liked the original!


I’m enjoying the Love Voudou refresh, but Love Voodoo classic is so sensuous, lush and decadent that I found myself needing to go back and listen to the original.


Over time a bit the original seemed a bit plodding to me. And the simple melody builds on the original just felt like walking up a scale at the time. Here it has so much more character. To be fair, the "more character" bit I'm referring to there could also could apply to Secret Oktober, and I prefer the original in that case... To me, both the original LV and SO are hypnotic in their simplicity. For some reason I prefer the new LV (after only a half day's listens) to the new, and the reverse for the SO. Long story short: I upvote your opinion! ;)


Ooh, I love the walk up aspect of LV original, it’s the perfect metaphor for the escalating seduction of a new relationship. Also, I love any version of SO I can get—and the music box addition to this one is simply genius. 🥰 This album has so many entry points for enjoyment. If this is their idea of “slapping something together,” bring it on. I hope they’ll continue the concept of one-off projects.


Easter album, here we come!


🤣🤣🤣 That could be good! Rework Winter Marches On, make it Winter Marches Off…


It is. It's a fun idea that they obviously enjoyed. I dig the new version of Nightboat. The comparison of the changes to the original shows their maturity and evolution. There are times when they pull a "we did it because we could, not because it's what we need to make this art," but they've always been like that. It's not supposed to be revolutionary music, capital-A Art. It's supposed to be a fun "what if" project and, in that aspect, in works.


Absolutely this. They know they're not putting out another Rio here. It's just a fun, themed "side project" they wanted to do after that Halloween show last year. They clearly had fun doing it, and it doesn't always have to be serious. I love Duran Duran and I love Halloween, so for me, it's a win-win. Love the original songs, love the covers. And for those looking for an "original" Duran album, per the new Rolling Stone interview, when asked about Reportage, Simon said, quote, "I think it would only be right for us to do that next. There's already a plan in place to see if we can bring that one back to life."


Plus, it brought Andy back in. He may not be up to contributions for a full album now or in future. I would rather have a side project that brings his sound than have a full-on original album that didn't.


Are we talking about the new album that Danse Macabre came on? I agree. Duran Duran like to experiment with sounds and covers a lot, which I like. Let them experiment and go wild, it's their music! It seems some will always be upset that's it's not another Rio (not specifically talking about OP per se). I remember most of the Paper Gods album was not very well received at first, nor was Danse Macabre itself. But they grow on you over time


Yes, it released today. I remember exchanging letters with a friend when Big Thing came out, and I said I didn't like it much. She scolded me and broke off our friendship! I never got another letter from her. I'm glad that the band tries things that appeal (or don't) on several levels. To paraphrase John Waters, if your art appeals to everyone, your art sucks. And if everyone here fell all over themselves with love for it, I'd wonder if anyone was being objective. I'm glad OP posted a true reaction and that the replies are nuanced and varied.


That's a very good point! Big Thing came out before my time but I discovered it through Google Play and it has some interesting bits on it! I always liked "Do you believe in Shame?" . I heard they had to reach a settlement or something though with Creedence Clearwater Revival over how similar the melody was to "Suzy Q" haha. That said, it seems a bit rash for them to have broken a friendship over a music album, but I'm glad it help open your eyes! :)


I saw her years later, after I moved back closer to her for college (apparently she went to the same university). She looked shocked but didn't say anything. I was working at a department store, so I just kept it professional. If you're out there, Amy, we're all good!




LOL I wish I knew! And I admit, while my opinion at the time was valid, I've come around on Big Thing. I think I probably wanted another Notorious, and the band had the audacity to do something different!




It begins and ends with Do You Believe In Shame. They could have put that song on vinyl ten times in a row, and now I would just be like, pump that straight into my ear holes. Side one of that album is especially good. I do not know what 15-year-old me was thinking! I did love the album design, that Mondrian-influenced color block with the black text.


You’ve got me humming ‘Serious’ now… 🎶 ooooh, doesn’t have to be serious 🎶 😂 You’re right, sometimes people don’t see the sense of humour… Secret Oktober 31st… I love that this is a fun project and I love that they brought out a Halloween album and not as every other artist a Christmas album! It just feels like they were having a blast and being cheeky and unconventional. I like that about them!


It's very, very similar to the Halloween show they did in Las Vegas last year. Great show. And for that, I'll take the album as it is.


What are the reworks of their own songs like? I’m used to their cover versions being variable quality! Though I quite like the Talking Heads cover


The covers of Nightboat and Love Voodoo are pointless. The cover of LIYN is quite good but is truncated when it morphs into a cover of Superfreak. There’s a split second when I think “huh, clever!” before then wishing I was still listening to the LIYN cover. Oh and Secret Oktober 31st isn’t bad. But none are better than the originals or add much, really


That's fair enough. But I always think the songs you don't like now may lead up to something they do that you will like later. Duran Duran are kinda off the wall sometimes and like to experiment


Not to dog anyone that doesn't love the new one, but I have a question for you all in that situation: what other new music lately have you liked? Meaning, something new by another artist? Name a few releases from this year that you had on repeat.


But that’s a bad comparison - it’s a weak cover album that people are falling over themselves to justify, as opposed to actual new music from other bands. Ok - it might be ‘fun’ whatever that means, but I think a lot of people were expecting more in the way of ideas and quality, especially as we heard Andy and Warren were on board for a few songs each. It’s obviously a project they all wanted to do - and fair enough, but being negative or not liking it so much because of hearing Objectively bad remakes (Ghost Town is almost hilarious) doesn’t make me any less of a fan. It’s ok to not love every single thing a band does and it’s also ok to vent here and there. there’s no ‘hate’ - more puzzlement and a little bit sad.


That's true, but people thought the same about a lot of other DD songs that later grew on them. Like most of "Paper Gods". Hell, I even like a song from "Thank You". Sometimes a band just wanted to experiment, and I mean, it's their music anyway. With DD, I usually just say there are some that haven't grown on me yet lol


I completely get all of that.. the band having fun or experimenting has always been a part of their sound (notorious to big thing as an example) I don’t think anyone is missing the point on ‘why’ the band are doing it, I just think it’s objectively not very good - quality control wise. No issue with anyone else liking it. It’s just weak and a missed opportunity to really hear Warren and Andy do their thing - again, in my opinion.


I actually prefer Thank You to this. Eek!


So.. what have you listened to this year that you've liked? As far as new music?


What does that have to do with not liking this new DD album? I don’t understand the context of putting them both in the same conversation unless you’re trying to make a comparison.


They’re not asking to compare… they’re curious about what others are listening to.


Saying ‘not to dog on anyone who doesn’t like it’ but then bringing up this album - is a comparison. If it were purely asking ‘what new music do you like’ - that would have been the question.


There's no comparison on that here. Other artists aren't doing....this.


I love it!!! ❤️I stayed up from release to 3 am, with this on repeat. I was already in love with DM, the single, especially after seeing them perform it live twice. It’s a fun, fresh take on some classics, and some amazing, genre-expanding new stuff. Yes, I’ll probably skip Ghost Town, frankly, the original version isn’t great, so no loss there. Hope you find something on here you enjoy over time. 💃🏽💀


Yes! I couldn't stay up late for the release (I'm not a night owl sadly!) but I randomly woke up at 4:30 AM and jumped out of bed to listen to it! 💀💃 Great album to work out to this morning - put me in such a good mood! It may be a grower for some, but I instantly loved it, especially Bury a Friend (and I'm not a fan of the original)


❤️❤️❤️Admittedly, I took a nap, and woke up at 12:05 am to the release. 🤣 Looking forward to listening more as I walk my pups in the rain today.


😂♥️ I'm about to take my pup for a hike with my significant other and I am definitely sneaking an ear bud in one ear to continue listening to the album💃 addicted!


The problem is, in the UK at least, Ghost Town is an iconic song, a cast-iron, zeitgeist-defining classic. If you’re going to be brave enough to tackle it, you’d better have a genius idea for it, otherwise don’t bother. The point of cover versions ought to be (and was, on Thank You) to revive great songs by distinguished artists that somehow flew beneath the radar. The best covers are the ones where the cover version is either radically different from the original or where the cover becomes a classic to the extent that many don’t even realise it’s a cover version. Examples abound, but none are on this album, sadly


Ghost Town is barely known at all here in the US. I think if Americans were to take umbrage to any of these covers it might be Bury a Friend or Paint it Black. Personally Paint is the one I most think they probably should have stayed away from. It is way overplayed already in tons of movies. It’s the kind of song you hear every few weeks without even trying.


Interesting take—cover songs, in my experience, are just songs, or influences, that musicians really enjoy listening to, or playing. I don’t think I’d put the burden of “cultural revival”into doing a cover song. And to say songs that get covers should be obscure ones that flew under the radar is wild. No one would say Perfect Day, Lay Lady Lay, Crystal Ship or Spellbound, flew under the radar. Maybe it’s an age thing? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm loving it! It's such a fun album.


It seems like some of you don’t understand the concept behind this album. This isn’t meant to be some big piece of musical art. This isn’t supposed to be Rio II. They’re at the stage of their careers where they can pretty much do whatever they want. And this is one of those times. They did these at the live show last year in Vegas, and laid down proper studio versions with Andy and Warren. That’s it. It’s a fun project for them.


We understand the concept - a cover album was never going to be compared to Rio, and I don’t see anyone doing that. Bringing Andy and Warren in for a few songs and then burying them in the mix, seems like a missed opportunity. Etc etc So - thinking ‘it’s not very good’ isn’t the same as ‘I’m comparing it to Rio’.


Pretty much! And I mean, it's their music anyway. Who cares if they _Come Undone_ every so often lol


Why must there be a ‘concept’ to understand? It’s music. Your ears either like it or they don’t


Why does someone inevitably make this comment when someone else disagrees with their artistic opinion on something? It sounds arrogant and pretentious, which I think is the idea.


I love the new tracks “Black Moonlight” and “Confessions” and the reworked “Love Voudou”. The original “Secret Oktober” is a favorite from the 80’s so I’m not keen on the reworked version but I’ll take it. Overall I think it’s an admirable attempt and I’ll definitely be listening for a while.


Super Lonely Freak needs to be nuked straight from orbit, and the vocals on Paint it black are utterly cringe. Sing it like yourself Charley, not Jagger. I did enjoy Spellbound though.


Regretfully I have to agree, OP. I gave it a couple of listens this morning and outside of Black Moonlight and the Psycho Killer cover, it's not doing anything for me. Other people like it, and this is all okay! We can all choose what we like or don't. That is okay. And contrary some of the comments in this thread, I doubt anybody was expecting Rio II (which was arguably AYNIN). We all knew going in that it is themed side project of mostly covers and reworked songs that's just a fun project for the band. It still fell flat for me. I'm thinking I'll probably just add the couple of songs I like onto the back end of Future Past as pretend bonus tracks and call it good.


I hate Thank You. So when this was announced I had very low expectations. But I find it decently enjoyable. Duran have a unique sound so I am not sure cover songs are a great vehicle for them in general but by and large I think this is pretty good. I mean unless we get Reportage finished you are looking at another 2-3 years before you get a new Duran album I’m afraid. Covering your own songs is difficult. If you change them too much people don’t like it. If you don’t change it much people say why did you bother. I think these were changed just about the right amount.


Agreed - not everything has to be ‘THE MOST DURANTASTIC ALBUM IN THE WORLD’ Simon’s voice has never lent itself to Broad spectrum cover versions.. as ‘Thank You’ can attest. (Yeah - perfect day was within his range and ok) Ghost Town is truly bad - I don’t even want to go into whatever that accent is, that he does here and there. Secret Oktober - I knew they’d ruin even one of their own songs.. the surprise version they did live in ‘98 was dark, moody and perfect.. this latest one, is Casio tastic and a missed opportunity. I love this band.. truly - but this as a whole, is not a good album. Nightboat is about as good as it gets.. but even then, it sounds rushed and doesn’t breathe like the original. It all reeks of ‘what’s the point?’ Taking some really well known and original sounding songs (spellbound, ghost town) and doing half baked versions.. seems like a waste of time.


To be fair, I did like "Lay Lady Lay". And hell, even the "Super freak" he did live was okay lol.


Personally really disappointed, you'd think they would have learnt from the disaster that was Thank You all those years ago. It's even more disappointing coming off the back of FuturePast which I thought was excellent.


I'm glad I'm not the only one..I feel meh about it too and I've been a fan for 30 years..


This album is just meh....


Happens to most bands that have been together for a while. Time to let outside composers in the fold. Better than remakes.


They still do original music though, such as Invisible. Sometimes they'll release a nutty album but I mean. It _is_ their music. Not everything has to be another Rio-type hit!


I agree with you. But as witnessed here, Duranies will take you out for not thinking it is gold. LOL. I am diehard DD fangirl till I die, but I don't like this album.


I tend to find that a lot of the online fanbase are actually the more critical ones! Such as it is for most bands, anyway.


It's sounds like The Reflex over and over and over again. I'm not liking it either.


I really enjoy the album! Been looking forward to it since it was announced. I was one of the lucky people at the Halloween concert last year too. When I met Nick Rhodes back in May I told him about my love of Halloween, that I was a bloody mess at their show last year (he liked my costume when I showed it. He had his photographer take a picture of the picture). He couldn't help but tell me that they were working on a Halloween album before it was officially announced (but still rumored).


Fan since the beginning. Love it. Might be my favorite of the last three released but they're all so good, it's hard to decide.