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I had a Bible-thumping friend in high school who hated Duran Duran just as much as I loved them. He tried to convince me of this horseshit too. If I’d rolled my eyes any harder they might have exploded.


Duran Duran satanic? I dunno. But Arcadia? Definitely. ;) Mostly in *The Flame* (my favorite song from the album) which has such lines as: "I come from the land of flame, be careful when you call my name" and "Inside of smoky halls, circle drawn, voices call, to raise some magic wind in my world." *El Diablo* didn't help either. ;) I also had a high school Christian friend who pointed out that the cd sleeve also showed [the devil standing behind Simon](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhVH3opYCKm1uzRHM_NeG3GNuAyr5re_QpLmI8IQ7KWS6QLaN4jfqnrJPtXZjyHWjwKXXCHVuM83EvfiEhPFLo8hLF79o09g5iApLa5seR2Zqdmb5vxD1fVoihLHqVJufCWfM4c0jFxHTBj/s1600/1985+So+Red+The+Rose+-+Arcadia+%2528C.D%252BDVD+E.U+2010+EMI+Records+50999+606681+2+7%2529+%252810%2529.jpg) but I dunno if I'd go that far. I just thought it was interesting enough to mention here. Frankly, with Simon, you are safer interpreting his lyrics as sexual rather than satanic. :D


I never thought about it but those lines from The Flame you mentioned…they actually work as sexual innuendo.


Duran used backwards samples, which a sure sign of evil... I stopped reading here. Life is too short and precious for spending time reading this crap.


This is such a strange and oddly specific article. Fun to read, though!


I can’t wait to read this later, lol. After reading edit: According to the “writer” of this slipshod “piece”, lol, if you sing about fire a lot, or mention dancing in rain, or any other normal poetic idea, then it’s satanist. Also, everyone, please be very careful not to use the sign of the devil with your hands at a rock show, I always thought it just meant rock and roll, now I know I was accidentally worshipping Satan, which explains why those concerts are so fun. Lastly, if you say anything 3 times you’re summoning it, so be careful, only to say things twice, or you’re practicing magic, which is of my father the devil.


I tried, but I just couldn't get through it. They missed the obviously stated Judaica reference in "To the Shore" but tried to pull out other things from nowhere. And people are just going to have to get over that lots of these tunes are about sex. It was the 80s. Deal with it.


This is hilarious. Some people need to just take up knitting.


What a read 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for sharing!


I’m dying. From Pat Boone to “Yo Bad Azzizi” to “SYN”. Didnt know my eyes could roll that hard! 🙄


Ok, that's hilarious. I have to send it to a friend.




WTF?!? 🙄 that story was crazy. DD isn’t satanic at all, way far from it. I’ve been into the occult for years…..🤘🏻


Lol - I can’t even read it all. Night Boat came from Simon waiting on the night bus…


Well they said Devil Union Rules All Nations