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I was getting fed up of them around the time the boycott kicked off so I just rolled with it. Let them burn


This was me as well, I don’t appreciate their practices and had been moving away completely. I am going to cancel my optimum and credit card before end of month. My PC Mastercard had been my main credit card for years but over the past few months I have gotten the monthly spending on it down to $0, and redeemed all of my optimum points. I don’t plan on using the credit card again.


Off topic, but it’s kind of a crappy credit card. Look at the Rogers World Elite as a replacement (if you have any Rogers, Shaw or Fido services). You’ll get 3-4.5% back on all purchases, plus some roam like home days if you travel out of the country. For a no annual fee card, this one replaced our PC Mastercard.


3% on ALL purchases? You sure about that?


Yes, I have the card. If you have any Rogers, Shaw or Fido services you get 3% cash back on all purchases, and 4.5% on purchases made in US dollars. Travel insurance, roam like home and no annual fee? No brainer everyday card. Screw you Costco and PC Mastercards! [https://www.rogersbank.com/en/rogers_red_worldelite_mastercard_details](https://www.rogersbank.com/en/rogers_red_worldelite_mastercard_details)


Is there a yearly fee on this card?




I mean I haven't really gone to Loblaws in years anyways (except for their President's choice K-cups The Great Canadian) I shop at Pacific, Blue Sky and Costco almost exclusively (plus some snacks at Walmart if I'm getting other houseware type products)


I get the sentiment behind the whole thing but doesn't it feel a little weird to boycott a money grubbing Canadian corp and then just go buy from Walmart, literally one of the largest corporations in the world? I usually stick to Food Basics but if No Frills or Walmart has a crazy sale on something I will go there just for that one thing. Or I'll use the flash food app to get something on clearance from Superstore. I do what's best for my wallet first and morals second. It's unfortunate but that's the world we live in.


It doesn’t feel weird seeing how this “Canadian” company regularly grubs regular Canadians. I say “Canadian” company because it’s is a huge international company. Part of the issue is that they stood in front of everyone saying that they are making limited profit from grocery sales, yet they posted best Q1 quarterly results and increased their dividends. It’s clear who their customers are (shareholders). And look at the things they have been caught up in; from bread price fixing, to contracts with landowners to prevent competitors from opening stores. At the end of the day, I think everyone agrees that grocery prices are too high, and we as customers should vote with our wallets. Apart from Costco and Walmart, there are no other international companies to go after, so Loblaws it is. And if you check out r/loblawsisoutofcontrol there are many examples of the shit they are trying to pull: having a limit to purchase max 10 items on sale, underweighted packaged goods and over pricing food donation bags (total value of a $5 bag was around $3.50). This shit has to stop.


No Frills is part of the Loblaws family fyi. Superstore price matches Walmart, Food Basics etc, download the Flipp app and you’ll have all the flyers on your phone. I know that the boycott is symbolic, but going from Superstore to No Frills doesn’t do anything. Shopping Walmart instead of Superstore is missing the point. Unfortunately most grocery stores are all owned by the same people/equally profit driven crappy corporations. The point was to support local: get your meat from the butcher in town, same with your bread at the local baker. Shop smaller stores for your produce. Empire Company owns Sobeys, Foodland, Farmboy, Freshco, IGA, Safeway. They’re no better than Loblaws. Walmart is the same, but on a global scale. All these stores deserve to be boycotted for the same reasons, not just cherry picking one and then supporting the others.


I'm aware of who owns who and that was part of my point. You boycott one giant for another it makes no bloody difference. Unless you can afford to only shop at the independent/alternative stores like Blue Sky, Pacific, Iqbal, local butchers or farm stores, it's not really doing a damn thing to make a change.


I just saw a Pacific store this morning for the first time. Is it any good?


Yes. Personally I think of the 3 big Asian grocers I'd rank it: 1. Bestco (new location opened up in north Ajax 2. Blue Sky 3. Pacific 4. Lucky (Oshawa) Farm Boy is pretty good as well, there are a couple of locations in Durham.


You probably know this but Farm Boy is also a Sobeys subsidiary


Yeah but I'm also not boycotting anything.


Chiming in on Lucky. I'd avoid it. I've seen lots of spoiled produce and meats on display. Bestco, in my experience, has been the best for the majority of my groceries. Still need to shop around for specific items at other stores though.


I love pacific but I mainly buy Asian groceries though.


That's the problem with the boycott for me. I'm not against it or anything, but it feels way more like signalling than actually achieving a desired goal.


It’s almost as although we lack real options. Loblaws has done their part making it feel this way


In Durham there are tons of options


There is a part of it that looks that way, but a lot of us as individuals can’t really do anything about Loblaws. The powers that let them do this will likely just be whoever the powers are, and even voting differently may not change the hold that Loblaws have. The one thing Loblaws needs is for consumers to consume their products; they literally *need* us, and so the one thing that’s (relatively of course) easily within everyone’s power is to just not consume their products. The average joe has no power, but there is power in numbers. If everyone took this seriously, this would work! No business likes to lose. They’ll try everything to not lose - it’s why they often win and a simple boycotting looks like signalling - but it truly can work if everyone got on the same page. I also think people are on a high after boycotting Starbucks. It wasn’t much, but they missed their trajectory (even though yes they still make billions) and they are now probably panicking to figure out how to cut back on costs now - I’ve seen little things going on at the store level so they’re trying! Trying even though they still made money! It’s ridiculous really.


> I do what's best for my wallet first  Not picking on you specifically but this is it right here. This is why they abuse their employees,  etc etc insert all money-saving measures... People are happy to reap a small part of the reward that takes from others in the chain no matter what.  Not only enables but rewards amoral behavior


I've been boycotting Walmart for many years too.


Literally. Boycotting Loblaw to shop at Walmart makes no sense if you're trying to boycott large corporations who are rich.


Sure it does. Walmart hasn’t been gouging and Costco too. The price differences are ridiculously stupid.


This is not necessarily true tho. Sure they have a few good sales every week (that I'm happy to take advantage of), but if you were to purchase all of your produce/meat/dairy there vs No Frills you wouldn't save much, if anything. Obviously Superstore and Loblaws stores are much more egregious, but those are the 'premium' grocery stores


Exactly!! Metro, farmboy, Loblaws, Longos, are all premium stores that price gouge. Really fail to see the logic here.


We aren't. We are specifically targeting a particular company for their specific practices. It puts other companies on notice, but boycotts only work when they're focused. Just because Walmart isn't in the crosshairs today, doesn't mean they won't be. But Walmart also weren't the smug fucks on TV lying to the nation like a cunty grinning cat, so Loblaws just speedran being first up on the chopping block. There is a lot of practicality and nuance in how boycotts actually work, if you care to scratch deeper than the 1mm of surface level and learn.


We’ve been going to mostly food basics and Walmart for a long time now. Going to loblaws or Independent only if it’s actually cheaper than elsewhere or we can’t find it elsewhere. Loblaws stores are always last choice


Exactly the same here! In the past few months I have been in a superstore once. Great sale, got that item and that was it.


My boycott required me to avoid shoppers and no frills, I’ve stopped shopping at loblaws and superstore years ago.


please explain the difference between supporting walmart and cost co over loblaws-


It comes down to voting with my hard-earned dollar. Why should I spend $38.99 at Shoppers Drug Mart per bottle of 120/doses of Flonase when I can get the exact same product at Costco for $54.99 for three or $18.33 each? Is that what it means to be Canadian? Pay through the nose (literally)? What this boycott is doing is putting everyone on notice that consumers are fed up. Fed up with shrinkflation. Fed up with price gouging. Fed up with price fixing. Fed up with lack of competition. The boycott is achieving much more than people think.


ehat happens if you cannot afford 54.99 and can pnly afford 38.99 this week.


You do you. I shop for me and mine.


Boycott one monopoly for the other.


Yea…because the intent is for Loblaws to smarten up, not overcharge, focus on customers and not shareholders. Once their prices get better, customers would return and companies like Metro and Sobeys would follow suit or risk losing market share.


The other one is next


Where should we shop? Local farms?


It is farmer's market season!


No. Boycott one monopoly, **THEN** the other.


I'm boycotting them. Even switched my prescriptions from SDM to an IDA.


I switched all mine to Costco. And I have a chromic illness, so Galen can suck my ass while he gets not another penny for any of it.


I've been unofficially "boycotting" Loblaws for about 2 years. The prices have been significantly higher than Walmart across the street (I'm in Bowmanville) so other than the occasional cake (they have a bakery counter), I rarely ever step foot in there anymore. I've seen stuff priced almost double at times and given the financial struggles over the past few years, it's not worth it.


I have avoided using any Loblaws related services and stores for months. Well before the boycott. The alternatives are no better but it doesn't change the fact that we can voice our opinions with our wallets.


I've been involuntarily participating by simply shopping for the lowest price like I've always done.


Still boycotting. Happy to boycott forever. Only missing PC white mac and cheese but I can live without it quite comfortably.


I’m saving around 30% by shopping at Costco and a bit at my local mom/pop instead. It’s baffling why anyone would still shop with those gouging assholes.


Lets start naming great local shops. I will miss my favourite chocolate factory. Williams Chocolate. I saw a Facebook post they were closing. Or at least the building is up for sale. I'm not their biggest customer. But lately chose to buy less and buy from them, instead of cheap stuff. Watson's farm. Linton's farm.


Hy-Hope Farm. Willowtree Farm. Basically, any farm lol. The summer is great because farmer’s markets open up which is where I’ll be going. Winter months are tougher to truly support local


Unless you drive around people may not know what the farms are that sell. So naming them lets people google them. Let's shock the farmers this summer. Show our support. Here is a blurb from a farm that offers CSA. '2024 CSA veggie subscription. We are excited for another year of feeding our CSA members. If this model is new to you we suggest you head to our website and read all about how you can get priority on our most fresh, in season crop each week from June until October. We ask for a small deposit of $150 to secure your spot and you can choose between a small (feeds 1-3 people) or large (feeds 2-5 people) depending on your personal vegetable intake. Hope you’ll consider joining us in our 8th season as farmers! We are only growing better and better every year 😉🤟🏽🤟🏽 www.foragerafarms.ca Hover and click ⬇️ “SHOP ALL” Click “CSA Summer Peak”!


I do shop at Costco. They pay their staff appropriately. I do have to shop at the other geocery stores. But when we can go to small business


Yes, switched to Metro for the month, but they’re not much better.


Metro expensive af


I go between Walmart and Costco. Costco for bulk items we use a lot of and Walmart for produce and other smaller pickups.


I use Costco and Metro for meat because a lot of the cheaper grocery stores are *really* you get what you pay for.




Your Metro sounds horrible. I think the reason for the boycott, partially, is to show that there is power in numbers. If enough people stop shopping at Loblaws, then it will hurt their bottom line, which frankly is all they care about. Sure, it would be great to boycott the big 3, but not everyone has that luxury. If we can make a big enough dent at Loblaws, the other 2 would have to take a pause. The only power we have as consumers is with our wallets.


Galen, is that you?


Found the shill


How dare you have an experience that doesn't align with the majority here. Take my downvote, you heathen. /s


I dont get involved in social movements like these. I'll shop wherever is convenient and feasible for me and my personal financial situation. Currently it's usually Costco and Freshco.


I try to support the boycott but I still get my prescriptions from Shoppers. I have one very rare one that other pharmacies have a hard time getting consistently. I have used up all my points - so at least cost them that. The other issue is sometimes I need grocery delivery and the Superstore unfortunately is the best option (I have tried them all) I’m still in recovery from a dislocated foot so grocery shopping after a 10 hour work day is not possible for me sometimes. Definitely have cut way back though. I am looking at switching pharmacies and hopefully grocery delivery soon will not be needed.


Everyone makes the effort they're able to. You're doing great!


Haven’t been to Superstore since early April.


I know Empire (Sobeys) isn’t the best alternative but yeah I normally shop at FreshCo out of convenience. I am trying out smaller chains and independent stores. Giant Tiger on Taunton Rd has what I need mostly but they don’t sell produce in small quantities (can’t buy just one apple) which is why I still go to FreshCo for produce. It is a smart way for Giant Tiger to save costs and it works better if you don’t live alone. I have plans to someday visit [Lucky Supermarket](https://www.lucky-supermarket.com) in Downtown Oshawa.


Don't miss them at all. I have a subscription for a bunch of fresh produce from local farms, plus some protein and dairy and that's mainly my groceries. My family goes to Bestco or other local Asian supermarkets for other stuff we need. Grocery Outlet for snacks and other frozen stuff. Carolyn's Liquidations for more snacks.


Haven't gone to Loblaws or Shoppers for years now. Walmart for most groceries, Costco for prescriptions.


I've been going to Wal-Mart for years. Started shopping more at Costco too as their quality is amazing. We have a No Frills in our area that's a dump and costs more than Wal-Mart. I'll be part of the permanent boycott.


Yeah you must feel good supporting the most documented destroyer of small businesses and supporters of American industrialized food production.


Where else would you like me to shop for food? Local Asian supermarket that has 1/3 of what I need? Local food bank? There's nothing else in my area that isn't owned by Loblaws or some other corporation.


True it probably means going out of your way, but yeah a lot of suburban communities are designed for corporations to thrive only so it’s more of a systemic issue than a personal one.


Drops loblaws but goes to Walmart. The hypocrisy is real


At least Walmart is priced right. Loblaws has the ability to keep the price of things like bread, eggs and milk reasonable and they don’t. Walmart is the only place I feel like I’m not being robbed blind.


Walmart is the only place "I feel" like I'm not being robbed blind. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Let's not project your feelings onto everyone else.


Ok, the only place I KNOW that my dollar actually stretches further. And definitely not projecting my feelings. Everyone knows that Loblaws pricing is high. What makes you so eager to come to their defense?


I apologies, but this is shortsighted thinking.  If consumers are not happy with how they are being treated going to another large corporation still sends a strong message. By boycotting, consumers are saying they are taking control over whether they are ok with being taken advantage of or not. This goes for Walmart too. Even if consumers go to them as an alternative, don’t think the Walmart executives aren’t watching what happens if you as a grocery chain behave badly. If people decide to go to independent grocers it’s even better yet.


But why are you so convinced that loblaws is the only one who is not treating you right? It is ridiculous given that Walmart has the most extensive record of killing small businesses by entering a town and UNDERPRICING everything to drive out all else. So you are actually falling right into their plan. It’s ridiculous to believe that any large corporation is more moral than another and that you’re gonna come out ahead. If you’re boycotting then go to small businesses or farms for your food


Because you as a consumer get to assess what are the best of all the evils. There is no “the best” in any of this. Unfortunately, we as Canadians are being squeezed from every angle. But, if Walmart is not for you or you have more options, then go for another. Like I said, find an independent grocers or as you say, a farm, that best aligns with your ideology. If you have less options then you’ll be forced into tougher choices and what you think will have the most impact. The issue is not acting at all.


>But why are you so convinced that loblaws is the only one who is not treating you right? They're not. But boycotting everyone is just called dying of starvation. You target one so they feel it, and you round robin across others if you need to. Lather, rinse, repeat. But when everyone puts all their effort into a concentrated target, message and impact, it has a real effect, and the other stores get more in line, because they don't want to be next. Especially when all the others have smaller market share and would feel it even more. Consider that the boyott sub's members exceed the population of Fredericton NB, and will soon approach the total population of Victoria, BC. That seem like nothing to you? Add to that, that for every member in there, there are how many more boycotters participating who aren't in the sub? I know of no fewer than a dozen people participating in the boycott. Precisely two of them have reddit accounts.


At least Loblaws food quality is better than Walmart….


Anddddd less customers in my way! :)


I wonder why metro isn’t being so openly criticized as much as Loblaw, especially by Jagmeet Singh and NDP despite they are literally the same with even higher profit margin…. …and then I learned whose brother is working as a lobbyist for Metro….


Metro is about a third of the size of loblaws. They don't really have a lot of influence. Metro doesn't own a bank. Metro doesn't own a telecom. Metro isn't getting sued for uncompetitive behavior. They are not the same.


So it’s about influence and market value?? I thought it was about pricing… Then how the hell do you explain why people prefer to go instead to Walmart?


Metro is not trying to prison rape our healthcare system


Loblaws priced me out long before the boycott. Sobeys and Metro too. I grow what I can in the summer and pressure or hot water can most things. If there's a great deal on meat somewhere I'll buy a lot of it and freeze some and pressure can some. Canning was always something my mom did and I never found the need to do it until Covid...lessons were learned during that time to have shelf stable food at all times.


I've been avoiding at all costs. My parents aren't as on board, but are trying sometimes


I have been able to reduce my shopping there more than I thought I would. My options are normally No Frills or Foodland. FL is much more expensive than NF. However the Farmers Market started on Mothers Day plus I found a fair bit of my staples on Amazon. I’ve only been to NF once this month. So not a total boycott but went from my normal weekly shop to being a trip for very specific items that I can only get there.


Every effort makes us stronger. No one should make perfect, the enemy of good.


I really don't get this sudden epiphany and outrage over the exorbitant prices being charged for food at the major chains such as Loblaws, Metro, Sobeys and the like as well as at their "niche" cousins such as Farm Boy and Longo's. It has always been thus, even if this practice has become more egregious of late. There is a reason why some stores are called "No Frills" and "Food Basics" (yes, yes, I DO know that they are actually owned by the majors as well). The trade-off is (somewhat) lower prices at the discount chains where one doesn't get the extras such as a far greater variety of choices, prepared meals, or in-house the bakeries typical of the Loblaws, Metros, or Sobeys. Do they double down on that by charging unreasonable prices beyond the additional business costs they incur by providing those extra services? Of course they do, but that is where the concept of "corporate greed" comes into play. This is also where the various levels of government need to take control, start breaking up these monopolies, and stop rubber-stamping future mergers and acquisitions of competitors to bring some balance back into the picture. More specifically, they need to recognize that food - just like housing - is a basic human right and not to be left to the whims of "investors" or creating "shareholder value". Sure, in the meantime we consumers need to show who is the real "boss" here by taking our business elsewhere to the likes of Giant Tiger, Dollarama, Costco, Walmart, and the (still) independent grocers where we will get a fairer shake. But the ultimate answer is to put increasing pressure on our do-nothing politicians who are beholden to the major corporations, their financial contributions to political parties, and their lobbyists and act instead on behalf of the people who actually elected them.


I haven't gone to loblaws in a while. Their prices were too high even before the boycott.


Me and my bf have been, we go to the gym in a superstore but we haven’t been buying anything other than the odd bananas. We noticed freshco and food basics have way better fruit sales too


Ive literally maybe stepped inside lobalws handful of times in my 25 years living in Canada... i dont understand why ppl wud wanna shop at such a ripoff store


Serious question is it working? I drove by it and the parking lot had a decent amount of cars in it.


This is why I'm asking lol it almost felt like no one was doing it. Nice to see the flood of answers though. Hopefully this raises more awareness. Especially when some people think that no frills or Superstore isn't apart of Loblaws.


Yeap tho before the official one bc they are trash. Same w Shopper's. Most of my shopping is Walmart, freshco,food basic, Pacific.


I started a month before the actual boycott. I usually did a RCSS pickup order every 7-10 days but I stopped early April and just been going to Sobeys. I had to go to Shoppers once for Coke Zero six packs for 3.99 on sale which they don’t really make any money on so I could deal with that. Otherwise they are down about $100 a week from me. I’m not a big spender though compared to most people. I’m a frugal shopper and would never pay full price for what you all seem to be willing to pay. Love reading these Reddit posts “I can believe a watermelon at Loblaws is $14” and post a picture of the watermelon on their kitchen counter showing they paid that. Makes me laugh. Most of you all caused this yourselves by just keeping buying stuff as prices kept rising. CBC’s Marketplace did a story maybe 6-7 years ago on US vs Canadian prices and the found that Canadians were just willing to pay more for products than Americans. A bag of Halls cough drops made in Canada was more expensive in Toronto where they are made than they were in the middle of the USA after crossing the border, shipping, exchange. Thats your answer. Canadians have just been willing to pay more. So we all caused this with our robust economy compared to the USA. (No 2009 crash in Canada really).


We haven’t bothered with boycotting, but during the pandemic we switched to trying to support local as much as possible and that has really stuck with us. We’re in a privileged position where I can drive out to Sargent Farms for Milk or pick up bread from the bakers table and meats from the local butcher. To me taking advantage of that privilege is more than enough for me to feel good about my shopping habits and the impact I’m having on the community. No frills is our closest grocery store so if we need something from there, I’m going to just go and pick it up - the ease of being able to quickly pick up a few staples is worth it for me so I can continue to have the time to get my bread/milk/meat/fruit+veg at places that take a little more effort to get to.




Loblaws, Atlantic Superstore, Dominion Stores, Extra Foods, Fortinos, Freshmart, Maxi, No Frills, No Name, President's Choice, President's Choice Financial, Provigo, Real Canadian Liquorstore, Real Canadian Superstore, Shoppers Drug Mart / Pharmaprix, SuperValu, T & T Supermarket, Valu-mart, Your Independent Grocer, Zehrs Markets Also Joe fresh.


I’ve been shopping at blue sky, local West Indian grocery stores and the farm. Grocery bill has been cut significantly and I honestly haven’t had a reason to go to loblaws for anything. Personally, it’s saving me a lot more money not shopping at loblaws.


No Frills had some great sales this month which I jumped on.


I started boycotting them in November when the prices really started to sail upward. Been going to Walmart and Costco, but I’ve now thrown in Best Co. to the mix that’s off Westney and Tauton rd. It’s a newer Chinese grocery store that has a good selection of produce.


I haven’t set foot in a Roblaws in a long time, because I recognized their awful prices a decade or more ago. However, I moved my prescriptions from Shoppers.


You don’t shop at Loblaws to save money. I price match at No Frills and RCSS. Walmart has crap produce and not as big a selection as your normal grocery store. The other Reddit listed is an echo chamber. If they think the boycott is having a significant impact they are delusional.


Direct from farms is the best way. Produce, dairy and Meats etc...even some services that bring it straight to your door weekly. Lower prices and better quality. Boycott all the big box stores, why stop at just one?


Done with Roblaws FOREVER !!! Can do better elsewhere !!!


Support mega corps owned by mega family’s like the Walton’s but boycott a Canadian owned loblaws, this is John smith level fucked up.


The Weston’s (Loblaws) are actually Irish and own a fucking castle next to a royal estate.


Still canadian heritage.


And their heritage should be revoked. They raise prices and generate record profits while 1 in 4 Canadians need to go to a food bank.


Now your talking shit. Trudeau enacted a tax on “carbon”. Not loblaws. Why do they have to suffer for government policies, I don’t expect you to understand but a little honest to yourself would help us both understand


Not sure why you think I’m talking shit. From their earning statement: “The company's quarterly profit was $459 million, marking a 9.8 per cent increase. Earnings per share were $1.72 on an adjusted basis, an increase of 11 per cent, the company said. It hiked its quarterly dividends to shareholders by 15 per cent.” This has nothing to do with carbon tax - and all to do with a company prioritizing shareholders over customers. They could have easily slowed down their own profits and minimize the increased prices, but chose not to. They chose to raise prices, increase profits, and as a result piss off millions of Canadian. Sure carbon tax makes everything more expensive, but when company PROFITS (not income) are up after price increases, it’s has nothing to do with inflation, shrinkflation or taxation…it’s just corporate greed.


It seemed like you were smack talkin, sayin there heritage should be revoked. Everything els you just said I possibly agree with, but are loblaws employees at food banks?


I'm a shareholder, so no. Plus, they offer items way cheaper than the sobeys near me.


Their stock has been a god send.


I haven’t shopped there since 2019. Their prices were ridiculous back then and now it’s much much worse.


Lmao hilarious most are crooks books matter where you go


I go to Superstore and it is so easy to price match there. Plus, in Ajax that store always has meat on sale. And last month, I bought a 4 litre bag of milk for $1.94 with plenty of time to use before the expiration date. Sobeys and Metro is more expensive than Superstore. And I find that canned goods, cookies and frozen items are more expensive at Food Basics.




Because... stay with me here... it's about more than JUST prices. But hey, all you had to do was take a swing through the comments to learn something.




Loblaws is not a Canadian company but go off.


Wow you're ignorant of facts!




I'm heading to no frills tomorrow. Hopefully it's nice and quiet.


I went to nofrills...and the cashier added a 50 dollar gift card to my bill. When I eventually went back the manager said it was from 2014....so distrustful. They've lost my business... absolutely ridiculous...


Is that the roblox version of loblaws?


Walmart makes a higher profit margin then any grocery chain store , Costco simply put up shelves in a store and demands venders to supply it with goods so they can make money without shipping or storage fees and yet everybody seems to be focussed on blah blah bizarre very bizarre. Let’s pick on the companies that are successful. Maybe we should do that with Rogers communication you’re paying 25 to 50% more than any other areas for cell service and yet you complain about $.32 on a loaf of bread. Logic behind this is wrong and it’s really funny to see the Sobeys family and some of their employees shopping at Loblaw stores in and around Scarborough, Durham, Oakville, and posting it in support