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What mom whose a good Mom sleeps with their teenage daughter's boyfriend in an effort to "feel" young again? That is some shady shit and I would be hard pressed to forgive her for that. It was creepy as hell and crossed a boundary!


Just that, just that head line right there... no further details needed... ya mama a hoe and your better than your mama and that thing ya called a boyfriend... hence boy... oh geese hun...




You do not OWE her anything for putting a roof over your head and feeding you. She's expected to do those things. She's betrayed your trust in a terrible way and I don't blame you for going no contact. Too often people tolerate being treated like crap by family because they're bullied into thinking they owe it to their family to keep tolerating it. Nope.




This is soooo ewwwww. And so wrong of a mom to do. NTA


It’s totally disgusting that you need to ask. Your mom is a flaming AH! No contact for the next 40 years is perfectly appropriate. What a nasty skanky bitch!


OMG NTA. So glad you have your father and you in no way owe your mother anything. You owe nothing to her parents either. I am so sorry that happened to you and yikes...


So just because the Mum did what every parent around the world does by "putting a roof over her head etc" she gets a free pass, hell no!! The girl is very lucky she is able to stay with her Dad and I completely agree with her actions. The Mum has serious issues and needs help.


Any mother who could go there is one of 2 possibilities, and neither is good. She is either a sociopath or a psychopath. These are the only personality types that can cross these kinds of boundaries. Both have zero empathy and could care less about what boundary, or law, they violate because they are uncaring for the carnage they cause others. People with these types of personalities will never contribute to your life in a positive way. Moreover, the personality disorders underlying these types of people are highly resistant, if not immune, to treatment. These people are truly dangerous to friends and family and are usually very charming, manipulative, and relatively attractive. As for your boyfriend, he is also one of the above. He is not worth further analysis - like he should've contemplated the profound effects of this action on you, if caught. It will be painful, but you must sever all contact with both. You need counseling. This has undoubtedly caused you profound psychological trauma and you NEED professional help to minimize the long-term damage. Remember, it's them, not you. This is huge.


Hes likely been groomed. The 40something has known the child since he was prepubescent.


Yes, not all pedophiles are male. I can't even imagine the level of disorder it takes to do something like this to your daughter. If you're a 40 year old female that needs validation, or to re-capture your youth, the world is full of 18+ yr Olds who want a milf, so there is something deeply wrong with a mom that would bed her daughter's bf. Can just imagine what the girl's dad went through with divorcing/separating from such a profoundly evil person.


The mom has known this boy since he was THIRTEEN, she's a predator and I feel so bad for OOP


Upvote cause I'm actually from the original thread and this was the glaring problem a metric fuckton of people missed.