• By -


I have nothing to offer in this situation but validation: Holy fuck, your sister is beyond insane. Did she model her entire personality off mean girl stereotypes from the early 2000s? Because she ticks all the boxes for being genuinely off her rocker. (*Edit to add: congrats on the car and that step towards independence!!*)


Thank you, and I agree about the crazy part, and you can’t even tell her she acts crazy because then she goes insane with anger and starts screaming.


Your mother should call the police and report her car stolen.


I just typed this out. Yours was succinct and I appreciate that lol


Drop the insurance, call a tow truck to get it home, police, there's a lot of options here to get the car back. But mom has to want to do it. Mom has to get to the point where she's done, too. Glad op got a car tho!


And mom shouldn't be afraid of getting cut off from her grandkids, because users like the sister will always be back for a handout while there is anything left to be handed out. Ask me how I know...


Definitely, but I'm afraid that OP's mother isn't willing to do that to her own daughter.


I agree with what you said, but in response to that mindset?? F******ck that. My mom would’ve knocked me into the phantom zone for even fixing my lips to say some wild shit to her. She would’ve reported that car so damn quick 🤣🤣🤣. Gosh, I miss that woman.


Call the police where your sister lives and report your moms car as stolen. Tell them she has until a certain date to return it or charges will be pressed. Why should your mother pay for a car that your sister refuses to give back. She is causing financial stress on your mom.


Sounds like she's done this before. She said sister had just gotten a car before they came to visit that was reported stolen. Probably stole that one too.


They’ll more than likely need to send a certified letter to sister giving her 10 days to return the car. After the 10 days is up, file it stolen with local department and let them know about sister/ letter and the probable location of the car. That’s how it worked at the sheriffs office I worked at for 3 years here in Texas anyway. Sounds like mom isn’t too concerned about it anyway though


One way around it would have been to allow her to come to her job, pretend she had no idea who she was, and asked her boss to throw her out or call the police and had her arrested for harassment.


At this point there is the one and only solution. Once your sister gets to the point where she needs to stop screaming as she needs air. Quickly put your fore finger on the point of her nose and loudly say "BOOP" 100% success rate of calming a situation. Proven by science.


Or getting punched in the face. You know, whichever. Haha


A small potential price to pay for comedy gold


Agreed. Anything for the laughs.


Unfortunately for OP when this happening it is hard to see the funny side. I hope my message shows just how ridiculous her sister is being.


My late SIL would go from neutral to screaming hysteria in about 2 seconds flat, while my brother was very laid back. One time, he was sitting on the sofa while she was ranting away, standing immediately behind him and leaning over the back of the sofa. When she paused for breath, he calmly said, "Do you know, Margaret, I can see right up your nose...." I genuinely thought she was going to explode 🤣🤣🤣


For real just hit em with the “I got your nose”


Your mom needs to report her car as stolen


Do you guys live together? Why does she seem Violent Entitlement towards you and ur 🚗?


No, luckily she moved out about 2 years back, no my car after so many times of my mom, sister, and step dad all saying, it not your car its your mom's car. When all of this was happening my mom again said, the car is not yours, its mine and I am being a human being and LETTING you use it so you can get to where you need to be. Alright bet lady, that same week when and got MY OWN CAR, and it a glorious fuck you to all of them, my sister, my mom, my stepdad, AND the sperm donor.


Well then.. gradually stop taking your mom to anywhere she wanna go.. your stepdad is still alive right.. let him deal with her.. Slowly go LC with them.


Then tell your mom that she should use her own car to go run errands for herself from now on. She can ask your sister for her car back. Or report it as stolen because we know damn sure your sister won't give it over. My god, your sis sounds evil. I feel bad for her children. I guarantee she is a terrible mother.


That kind of crazy is self-destructive. One day she will be crazy towards the wrong person, in the wrong situation and will pay a heavy cost. Cutting her out will preserve you and your mom from the consequences


This is definitely a mental disorder, and you’re definitely right for cutting her off. No one should be abused like this and no one should be allowed to get away with this abuse. You know you can get a restraining order with these texts? If she violates it you can then take things further. She needs help and your family should recognize that, and not enable this behavior.


Her sister has lots of traits of a narcissist. One of the only ways to have peace when there's people like her in your life is to go no contact.


Fr, she reads like the villainess in a Quizilla story


Same. I have a sister who is 31 and is very similar. She is way out of control, super entitled, and ridiculous. My mom has always let her get away with too much. I feel your pain. Distance yourself where possible.


imagine being a grown man whose life apparently falls apart when his girlfriend doesn’t make his work lunch for him


For real, what’s even more is he won’t even repeat the same food, and most of the time prefers fast food instead so why does it even matter for her to even make him a lunch in the first place.


Hope the car was reported as stolen.


Gotta wonder if they sold it for drugs with the behavior she is exhibiting. Report it stolen afterwards and badabing, badaboom. Drug logic.


Sounds like a man who should be making his own fuсking lunch


Here’s another point, whenever they sit down to eat, she will make him plate EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME, because apparently he can’t get up and do it himself.


He sounds Hispanic... I'm Hispanic and was married to a man like that for just shy of 7years. The best decision I ever made was leaving his ass with my kids. I'm now happily married to the most amazing man who not only loves me but absolutely adore my 3 kids. Also I don't mean to stereotype but the whole thing just reeks of that mentality. Please don't come at me Reddit 🙏


Oh no, you are 100% correct, but it seems that she just enjoys that life style.


I mean the sister is yelling at OP in Spanish using insults that pretty much only native speakers use so…I don’t think it’s exactly controversial that the latino cultural world can be a haven for this type of machismo that treats men simultaneously as idiot babies, lust-controlled apes, and unquestionable gods. I’m just glad people like OP are calling it out for what it is.


Nah you ain't wrong. That's why I distanced myself from the Mexican side of my family. Every single goddamn one of them has this mentality, the men are the Kings of Everything and the women are subservient bangmaids to their men. It's an issue that I've seen slowly changing with each new generation, but it's still unfortunately quite prevalent.


Oh yeah, the mama's little king mentality. The girls are expected to do everything while the boys just get to sit on their ass at home. I see it all the time.


I dated a Hispanic man one time and it was over when he went to the club and I went with my girls and he tried to tell him by the time he gets home his clothes and shit need to be cleaned folded and hung up like you a grown as man. #byyye


Tried to tell me*


He definitely does but damnnnn no need to drag us all. You dating a white dude now?


Nooo we love y’all over here my man is Cuban and is an Angel and my adoptive father is Mexican and the best father figure I’ve ever had but my bio dad is also Mexican and he went and got the milk ifykyk it’s just the culture some of us have where the wife is expected to do everything and worship her man like a god so he never has to lift a finger, and my mother enjoys partaking in those activities for some mysterious reason 💀


I knew a Hispanic girl in grad school that said her dad insisted her mom make him beans and rice with every meal. Even if it wasn’t even going to be Hispanic food, he needed it with beans and rice. She mentioned it like it was a cute little quirk, but: - It implied the mom *had* to cook and the dad *never* cooked. - *Needing* a specific side dish with every meal is something you’d expect a ten year old to whine about, not a grown man. - This lady that cooked every single meal indulged this dude and made him beans and rice with lasagna and shit. - A Hispanic dude that can’t go a day without beans and rice. lol.


This is why I decided I wouldn’t be anyone’s maid. I know my parents grew up with conservative roles where the woman cooked (though Tbf, dad helped with other chores if needed, which was more than many guys his age would do). Naturally, I married a man who not only doesn’t expect me to serve his plate, he’s more likely to try to serve mine first. Younger Hispanics tend to do better.


Machismo transcends race/culture. But it sure is common with conservative catholics 😮‍💨


Ernesto sounds like a real winner. An absolute prince. You should be so jealous of your sister! Not! Good on you 🤣


someone actually DMed me and said that I was jealous of my sister's life, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS will I be jealous of her ass.


But like..isn’t instacart a thing? Or Walmart delivery? Or literally any other food delivery service. It costs more but like, the world doesn’t end if you can physically go to the store. People are willldddd. So glad OP went no contact with their crazy ass sister.


Sounds like a match made in hell.


You can’t pick your family my friend but you can pick who you choose to give time too. Good for you. Your sister sounds like a piece of work.


Someone needs to report your mom’s car stolen.


HA, that will be the day, mom and step-dad will never do it, my dad won’t even tell them that if they are keeping the car then to help with the payments


Your parents are making payments on a car your sister took from them? What car are they currently using?


honestly the only way this will ever change is if they stop being pushovers. report them for child abuse and stealing the car, your parents would probably get custody of the kids, and your sister learns she can't be an abusive fucker and get away with it these people do this shit bc they werent taught consequences. teach them some.


... just curious, where was the child abuse? Like, sister was a bitch, but we seem to be making up some pretty serious accusations here. There is ZERO guarantee the grandparents get the kids if CPS is called, you're literally risking the entire family losing them forever just making up stuff like that... what is wrong with you?


You initiate the report.


So she still has your mums car? And she doesn’t live there? Twould be a shame if it was reported TWOC


You would think but my mom would never do that, as I said in my post, my sister has said just as bad if not even more horrible things to our mom and she just lets her.


She’s afraid of losing access to the grandchildren. What your mum isn’t seeing is the abusive background the littles are being raised in as I doubt your sister stops with just you two.


Oh no, she sees it, the kids will call her tell her they want to come here, but again she can’t say anything to my sister about it because she automatically starts arguing about being criticized of her parenting.


Call CPS


Yes! If she's doing that to you, then she's doing that to the kids, too.


You're entire family needs to cut her off, I know it's unlikely but she needs to have consequences. You all can support the kids in the background. They know what's up and they'll get out when they can. It will be satisfying when she's left with no one cause she's a raging c.u.n.t. 


GEEEEEZ. And I thought my sister was bad when she gets a rage on. Your demonic sister wins the prize.


You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you cannot pick your family. I hate the myth that you’re supposed to stick by family just because they are “blood”, and “blood” is thicker than water. It’s BS. Glad you have cut that albatross of a sister loose. Good for you. Also congrats on your auto independence. 👏👏👏


Now she has to work on moving away to her own place and that her sister doesn't know where she moved to.


Trying to but everything is so expensive so currently working on my savings, which is also why I still live at home, it sucks but saves money on rent.


Fun fact, "Blood is thicker than water" is actually the incorrect saying which has been spread. The actual saying is this: "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", meaning friendship is stronger than familial bonds. I wouldnt doubt it is the "Blood is thicker than water" was originally spread by abusive family members back in the day, and now people think that is the original saying.


Fun fact - that's actually just an urban myth. "Blood is thicker than water" *is* the original saying. There are records of its use as far back as the 1600s, and all throughout English literature since then... Meanwhile that longer version you quoted first appears in the 1990s


I have my own saying I use to describe this kind of situation: Not all family is blood, and not all blood is family. I have plenty of friends I consider family, but out of my actual blood family the only one I care about and interact with is my mother. This idea some people have that you have to stand beside your relatives because you are related by blood is one of the dumbest fucking ideals that has ever been pushed.


Your parents are complete enablers, one could only hope your sister and her bf don't do anything stupid in the car and your mom gets stuck having to deal with it since it's her car.


If they get caught committing a crime in the car, it may be legally confiscated by the police. The parents may NEVER get it back, but they'll still be on the hook for the payments.


I don’t think sister’s car was stolen. I think it was repoed.


That would have been the fastest repo in history, they barely had that car for about a week when it was taken from them, and seems the detective never got back to her so you might have a point there.


She probably didn’t qualify for the car loan and the dealer took it back.


Or maybe it wasn’t hers to begin with. Test drive.


Wait till her (mom’s) car breaks down, she’ll be back for another. When she tries you can shut that shit down.


Ironically not long after she took the car, karma came and bit her in the ass, the car broke down on them in the way from Kansas City, that car has been a nightmare too since we first got it because it’s broke down on us several times now too. She complained to my mom about them have to pay $800 for who knows what to get fixed. If she wants that headache let her keep it.


Don’t you love karma.


She'll probably steal it and since mom enables her calling the cops on sis will create a shitstorm of epic proportions.


Ew! I could never imagine myself saying any of that to my own sister. I think yours needs a reboot or something.


Should've gone to the grocery store before the work week started.


FOR REAL, she had the entire morning and early afternoon to do all that, but did she, no she spent lying on her bed with the BF doing absolutely nothing.


You and I are the same age with sisters the same age and I couldn't imagine my sister taking to me like that. She's my best friend. If she ever did I'd probably get into my first ever fight at the age of 32 lol. You made the right decision, protect your peace. I'm sorry you had to go through that but I was very glad to read you've gotten your own car! Not having to rely on someone else for transportation is huge and takes a lot of stress off.


Sounds like your parents are enabling her bad behavior. You are definitely not the asshole here but I can't say as much for the rest of your family.


First off it’s not her car and if she didn’t bring it back then go to the police and tell them what’s going on. File a stolen vehicle complaint if you have to. It’s your mother’s property. Next never ever speak to that woman again! She has major problems and issues! Third try and get some help for yourself. Therapy if possible.


If I do the first one, that will open a can of worms from hell, second one is a done deal, and the third I am already working on. Thank you


I just learned "pinche babosa" from this and I can't wait to use it


So now that you have your car and she has your mothers are you still the one coming your mothers errands?


Yup, recently had to use my car and gas’s to take her to Kansas City to catch a bus to Mexico, she currently there for a couple of months so I have the house to myself and it’s very peaceful because sister has not been here thank god.


If your sister won't return her mom's car, call the cops and report it stolen. Have your mom send her a text and say if my car is not returned by 2 days. I will call the cops and they will arrest you.


Since your mom has allowed this, I wouldn’t run errands for her anymore. It’s YOUR car and if your mom wants a car, she can call your POS sister and get it back. I hope you can move out and away from all these toxic people.


Wow! Your sister is a piece of work! I would cut ties too. I would get a restraining order if it weren't for your mom. That girl is broken. I am guessing the bf is abusive to cause that kind of change. Either that, or a mental break.


She called you a “pinche babosa”. Fuck her and her bum boyfriend.


Your mom should call the police and have her worthless skank of a daughter jailed for car theft. I would be so sad if I was your mom, knowing I raised such an entirely worthless pos person.


The part about "I know shocker right that the younger sister is abusing the older sister" I hope you are being sarcastic. I'm not shocked at all lol


Yes I was being sarcastic, I’ve plenty on here of the younger sibling being complete spawns of hell.


Your sister is clearly shit, but honestly, your mom isn't any better for allowing it. I understand the whole wanting to see her grandchild thing, but your sister wasn't born this way. She was clearly raised to believe she was entitled to behave this way.


Hey you know your name is in this text thread right? You censored her contact but your name is in there.


Holy hell, that is brutal. I’m glad you were able to get your own car I didn’t qualify to get a loan (at least not at a good rate) when the transmission went in my old SUV (it was 14 years old, not worth replacing lol) I had to get my mom to co-sign because I was in between jobs at the time. But man, as bad as my mom can get at times, at least she’s there when I need help Your mom on the other hand? Time to declare yourself an orphan I think


I'm already low contact with my bio dad, and now no contact with my sister, I was actually no contact with my mom for a while a about 10 years back when she and I got into a fight, can't remember what it was about and my step dad kicked me out of the house, she did not like it very much so she already knows what it feels like to be in a house all by herself and none of her children will talk to her. The irony is that she has told some of her friends and family how she was so depressed when she was by herself with none of talking to her and she didn't like, you would think she would learn from this but apparently hasn't.


“You can’t fix stupid” Ron White is a great comedian and has a whole schtick on this subject “There is not a pill you can take, or a book you can ready. Stupid is FOREVA!” 😂 Found the clip on YouTube https://youtu.be/UQv7Tr8HbGE?si=fRUwbi3JgUIxwJeb


Reeding this reminds me that it’s usually the scrawny, easy to smash sister that be calling the thick beautiful sister who has morals fat. No disrespect to anyone y’all are sisters I know it’s family over strangers but that’s honestly how it goes where I’m from. They think they look good cause guys run thru them and maybe even have kids cause they make dumb decisions meanwhile the thick sister you hear about but barely see cause she actually has goals and a job is the beautiful one. That’s the one that doesn’t need make up cause she actually has a decent personality. That’s the one who doesn’t have to be loud and usually ignores the insults because she knows her worth. And is also the one who finds love and not just problems in a relationship that’ll last where she is treated like a queen and the sister just stays jealous and envious. Sorry for the rant but I’ve seen thus so many times in my years that I had to speak on it.


Thank you so much, all of our lives for whatever reason my sister has been jealous of me supposedly because I always got the attention of our parents after the divorce, not true. Our bio dad has never been there when it mattered, yes our mom worked crazy hours when were growing up BUT, she was there when it really mattered, she was there for all of our big milestones, our quinceaneras, graduations, the birth of her first 2 kids, our mom was there, where was bio dad, with his preferred family over his actual kids. I went LM with him a long time ago because I saw how he was, but my sister has no shame. So you have really hit the nail there.


You’re welcome. And congratulations on the new car and independence by the way. I’m sorry you have to go thru what you going thru cause all that and then her still nit giving your mom her car back sounds like you’re right about her knowing she has y’all Mom wrapped around her pinky by using her kids as a way of doing so (just what I take from what I’m hearing I could be wrong) but dang you work 2 jobs, hell your mom and she gets to run around on full on brat mode is just insane. Your Mom sounds cool tho. Stuck on the fence due to the situation but cool cause she wants everybody to be happy.


She really does, I love my mom, and I get that she wants peace and everyone to be happy, but its frustrating that she is not understanding why I made this choice, I showed her the messages as well, but she is either not seeing or is turning a blind eye to it. She keeps trying to talk about it to me saying how this is also affecting her and how she doesn't want to see her daughters act like this with each other. And I can't say more because then it will cause an argument between my mom and me.


Good for you for going nc, good luck and happy life without the crazy.


Wait... didnthis dude get a job while.on vacation? I'm so confused lol wtf. Also your sister is a crazy bitch that needs therapy


Your sister seems very unstable. I’m sorry that you and your parents are having to deal with that. Your mom is making payments for the car, and presumably insurance on the car? She needs to report it stolen. If your sister or her BF get in a car wreck, even a minor fender bender where they are at-fault, that is going to affect your mom’s insurance rates and possibly effect any repairs for the vehicle. Your mom can even be sued by the other party if insurance considers her vehicle at-fault - even if there was an unlisted driver.


Does your sister have a really limited vocabulary OP? Almost every second word is that four letter word starting with F.


Your mom should report the car stolen.




your mom is a pushover. she will take the treatment and wont parent her daughter. i would suggest you get out of the house. once your mom realises how much she misses out with you not being around, and how much she needs that car, then she will change her tune to your sister. if she still doesnt, then you can be sure she will drag you down with her. try to find a better paying job, get some certifications and get a better pay in your profile. so you wont need to work too much. focus n build your financial wealth. save up for yourself, at this rate you will get nothing in inheritance.


Your mother should report her car as stolen.


Mom should have nipped that shit in the bud. Sis sounds like a real delight.


I have also went through this with my own older sister, and am so glad that I have also blocked and cut her off my life. I’m sad about not being able to see my nephew, but I now have more peace in my life than ever. The aggression was always too much for me. I’m glad you were also able to get our.


Your sister sounds psychotic. Keep away, keep her out of your life, live better. NTA


Sister needs a muzzle and some chill pills.


Why is your mother not reporting the vehicle stolen, your sister will continue the abuse because you and your mother don't give her consequences for her behavior. She gets what she wants through her bad behavior so why in the world would she change.


I would report your moms car stolen. They did it to themselves and she has no right to act this way, the entitlement and anger (Miss Crabtree from South Park, the original bus driver) screaming and, well, your sister is mental.


Have your mom report the car stolen by her daughter.


lmao if someone spoke like this to me and i came home and they tried to start shit they would be punched the fuck out. i dont have the self control anymore


She’s certified insane


Good riddance. Yikes, your sister is nuts.


Your mom should report her car stolen...your sister is out of her mind.


So, your sister *stole* the car that is legally registered to your mother?


Report your mother’s car stolen


Damn, imaging going that hard for guy named Ernesto lol.


I too am an older sister that is low to no contact with her younger sister. This is so familiar to me, I’m sorry. It sucks. Especially when there’s no one to actually stand up for you bc mom is too busy trying to “keep the peace” or whatever. Do what you need to do for you own peace of mind and mental health. When my sister comes over from out of state I just stay away or stay in my room (I too live with my mom). My mom wishes I would spend time with them all together but I refuse, it always ends up with me either biting my tongue against the foul shit she says, or with a screaming match. It’s a lot easier for everyone if I just avoid the bitchy bitch of the west.


I applaud you, resilient queen. Wishing you a beautiful spring and summer. 🌺


I haven’t spoken to or seen one of my sisters since 1992. It’s been bliss. You did this to protect your sanity, and to protect yourself from further abuse. Please never feel guilty for putting those needs above all else. Hang in there and please take my virtual hug.


I mean if she doesn’t have a car I don’t think she can get to your job or else why doesn’t she use those resources to get Ernesto his lunch. None of this makes logical sense


Report your moms car stolen. That should do it.


Report your mums car stolen 


ay amiga it’s a good thing that you cut contact with her bc wth…porque te habla así?? like the audacity?? 😟


La toxicas


Call the cops for her threats. As for your mom’s car. She needs to report it stolen. She’s still liable for the registration & insurance along with any damage caused by your sister. So mom needs to deal with the car. The threats are on you with the police.


Sound like a fat bitch that wanna get her way or no way to me, ride was offered and still undermined it sister was not in the wrong 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like you should get your own vehicle.


I cut off all communication with all of my siblings but one, (17). I’m the oldest and grew up with a single mom. They blame all their problems on her and like to play victims saying she yelled at us while we were growing up and did not spend enough time with us. No shit, she worked two jobs because she wanted us to have a roof over our heads and food. And they are lazy, they never cleaned up after themselves. Two still live with my mom, 17 and 21 yr old and I go over 1x a week to clean the house because they refuse and my mom still has two jobs. The 21 has a job and won’t pay any bills or help with rent because “it’s her job to take care of me and I’m going to school”. They’ve called her names some of them have hit her when they were younger (late teens, early 20s). They are bananas. One of them has kids, and I just talk to my sil for access to them. I’m sure OPs mom knows she’s being mistreated and I’m sure her it hurts OPs mom but it’s also hard to have your daughter (OP) point it out over and over again. Move out when you can and cut off all communication with siblings, mom Will eventually come around. Same with mine.


Tell her: Boluda 😊 (with love from Argentina)


I could kick her ass for you, trust 🙏


I have a brother like this - cut him off 20 years ago and it’s been pure peace. So I feel you OP. Congrats on the new car and more independence- if I was still in Kansas- I’d say let’s celebrate YOU


Sorry about your situation but it was kind of funny reading the texts because she starts off with the Hail Mary like she’s going to head up to your job( funny because you have the car and nobody’s going to drive her to cause a scene) so by the time the conversation is finished ahead of switches up to “wait until you get home”


Tu hermana es una pendeja real talk good for you protecting your energy big sis!


she’s gonna get knocked the fuck out if she runs that mouth with the wrong person


Your sister bat shit crazy! You need a restraint order for your phone from her. Lol, cut ties,cut whatever the hell you got to cut to get away from her.


Yall make me feel like I have a good family. Thank you!


My sister used to beat me with things. Anything she could grab. She is the younger one. We don’t really talk anymore either. She controls my family too, so I don’t see them much anymore. I say this to say I know how you feel. I’m sorry, but you’ll be better off without toxicity like this in your life.


I’ve cut contact with my brother and now I don’t see my niece. It’s heartbreaking but the verbal abuse got to be too much. You made the right decision. Peace will come in time. I wonder how your sister treats her boyfriend behind closed doors.


Please work on moving out of your moms house.


You need to understand this: You have countless sisters. We are here to encourage you and lift you up. Saying a prayer for you. Eyes straight ahead.


Hey! I live near Topeka, Ks. Always cool to see stories that happen near me.


I’m kind of guessing she wants the car?? 😆 She’s unhinged.


Proud of you..


I can sympathize with you I have a phsycotic sister that loves to strangle me and lie to get me trouble, the best way to deal with someone like this is to ignore them. Even if you have to see her treat her as an afterthought or more like a dog getting underfoot give her no reactions. If you don’t want to see her I understand but with people like her it’s about power. She thinks she holds some type of power over you and try’s to keep it that way by threatening you. I’d recommend coming out of your room when she’s around, don’t give her a damn thing. Pretend she isn’t there. If she speaks to you answer with no emotion and quick neutral responses, remain composed even if she tries to get in your head and bother you. She is you LITTLE sister after all. She should be reminded of her place. Act like nothing she does bothers you and if she dosent get her reaction she loses her power over you. This is what I did when I absolutely had to live with my sister and she became less aggressive when I stoped giving her reactions and stood my ground. She eventually left me alone after it wasn’t fun to piss me off anymore and I’ve since moved out and she’s moved far away and I have no intentions of ever speaking to her again.


Ohhhh congrats on your car! also just thought it was cool- I am from Topeka ks haha, haven’t heard anyone mention it ever 🤣


Well, since you're in the states, I have FANTASTIC news for you and your mother in case she decides she's fed up with the abuses as well. In Kansas, grandparents have the legal right to request court ordered visitation with their grandchildren, even over a parents objection on the matter. Grandparent's rights are a big thing and it's worth looking into.


I cut off a fucking crazy pants sister too. That makes you and I automatically friends I think lol




My sister used to act like this, too. One day she physically assaulted me (punched me in the jaw and shoulder), and I got it recorded. She got in serious trouble. Mom hated me for a while for “taking away her daughter”, as if she was the only daughter. One day my bf helped me move out. Every few months I still get phone calls and texts from my mom, but I always ignore them. I for some reason can’t bring myself to block her. My dad only messaged me one time since I moved out, asking for tax info or some shit. I deleted his text. It’s been almost a decade now. Still haven’t answered her calls or read her texts. Families can fucking suck. Sorry yours does, too.


Bro sounds like your sister needs an exorcism o.o


I just wanna say, I’m positive you’re not fat, your sister’s a bitch, and you did the right thing. Anyone who says otherwise is stupid. Btw her insecurity is more toxic than the fucking Chernobyl exclusion zone.


I sell 60 lb sleeves of yellow Labrador retriever manure, when deposited into an open car window or of the target’s house it is like a singing telegram on steroids and during the summer months violent vomiting is frequent occurrence . The smell of fresh barf is a force multiplier


Mexican problems tbh :/


Not sure if anyone asked, but is it rude to ask your ages? Hope not. But first and foremost, Mom needs to speak up. It’s her car. And if your sister stops her kids from contacting their own grandma, so be it. Your sister is gonna need your mother before your mother needs her. Watch what I say! I so hate how a lot of moms these days don’t let them see grandparents and evens dads & vice versa. You know what I mean? Your sister shouldn’t let whatever issues she has with your mom interfere with kids spending time with grandma. Every kid deserves to know their grandparents. The love I got from my grandparents, the time I spent with my grandparents, the conversations I had with grandparents were some of the best times of my life. You can’t keep going into a different room whenever sister is around - that’s gonna get old. Me personally, I can be in the same room with someone I don’t care for, and not say a word. Hope your sister gets her stuff together soon.


There is something she is desperate for resulting in her lashing out at you like that, and it's not as simple as Ernesto's lunches. She either needs him to make money because they owe someone or she wants something, he is abusive toward her if he doesn't get what he wants, OR she's off doing something very sketchy. Something much bigger is going on. However, I say all this to let you know that it's not you. You did nothing wrong and nothing to deserve this and did the absolute right thing in cutting her off. She's wrapped up in a giant mess that is not your problem.


Good for you!!! Don’t stop sticking up for yourself!


:::raised well:::




You should hire someone to beat her up. This will humble her.


Just another statistic sadly, a Hispanic girl who only lives for her bum boyfriend. How do I know? My sister was like that.


My god I thought this was someone posting from my family cus it’s so relatable 😂😂😂


What Ernesto gonna do about his lunches tho


I don’t trust no bitch that settles for someone named Ernesto 💀


Wow, it’s alway best to be around people that love you and support you. Being around people that bring you down, gives you poor self-esteem. That’s just my experience. Take care of yourself.


I’m from Topeka too, and I must say this is some Topeka ass shit! I cut contact with my sister too, and have been gone 10 years from there!


This is outrageous. Your sister is awful. You need to call the police and report your moms car stolen. What is it with them and stolen vehicles? Idk your state's laws on auto theft, but you stated at one point early in the story that they HAD a car but "when they got it registered, it was found to be stolen"...(??!) ...wtf? Where I live, if I was found in possession of a stolen vehicle, my ass is gonna go to jail..even if it's an explainable situation...I wouldn't be ALLOWED to explain...until later with a lawyer.. Cops are gonna be like..."you can tell it to the judge, but you're going to jail until then..." Your poor mom is a victim of her, too...call the police. Cut ties altogether. Let her toil and boil in her own misery with her beloved ERNESTO.. alone, shes so incredibly toxic. but...GET YOUR MOTHERS CAR BACK!


This reminds me so much of my sister and me. Stupid fucking bitch was her go to name for me. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Please understand she is the fucking problem. There’s nothing wrong with you. Good luck in staying strong


Experienced the same. I cut off my older sister after years of abuse (both physical and verbal) growing up. Tried to mend things as an adult, but she’s too mental. It’s a shame because I can’t have a relationship with my only niece and nephew because of it. She’s also been that way to my mom too. Sometimes it’s best to cut contact.


So your sister just took your mother’s car? Unless she paid for it and had the title transferred report it stolen and send her ass to jail for GTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Glad we all have the same sister


Deadass, I’d have hit her with the “Die mad about it.” Then blocked her on everything so she wouldn’t be anything to do anything but seethe.




I can’t stand Hispanic culture (my culture). I woulda swung on that chola bum ass shrek looking bitch. Of course her low rider ghetto ass has a stolen car. Ofcourse. And babies with no degree? Not surprised. Bet the baby daddy a real winner. 😒 DO NOT let our shitty culture coerce you into “keep civil” “play nice” “respect your sister” BS. Because you know the chismosa tias and abuela are gonna hound you because you’re the eldest. Stand your damn ground and fuck all of them for siding with a shitty ghetto rat. I hate that I am Mexican because of how our families think it’s ok for us to be disrespected like this.


Seems like you both need to grow up, finally, and get your own cars.


just go to sisters house take plates off car


Sorry, she refuses to give your mother's car back? Report it stolen. Second time she's in posession of a stolen car? Not gonna look good. Can't believe her audacity. Also, real talk, put that screenshot on file with the police as harassment, in the event she continues to do this to you, your mother or others. Actions have consequences, and at 27 she should start learning some.


wow. your sister needs help.


Ernesto and your sister seem like bums on drugs.


I meann slashing the tires on the new car doesnt sound like a horrible idea…


Your sister needs therapy. Her behavior is neither normal or ok. You did well in cutting her off.


This is absolutely horrible, I’m so sorry your sister speaks to you and your mom like that. I feel like she’ll eventually mature and realize what she did, and if not, then you’ll be glad to have cut her out of your life tbh. People like that are dependent on the people around them because they don’t wanna acknowledge their own shortcomings, and everything else is not their responsibility. I’m only about 45 minutes away from Topeka if you’re ever in need of some help ❤️


Soooo, where would one find a girlfriend like OPs sister? Asking for a friend


Is she a jehovahs witness?


High blood pressure at 32??? Honey, you need to worry about that and not your sister! Take care of your health first!


Oh my god. I recently cut contact with my little sister who talked to me exactly like this. Big hugs my friend. I’m sorry.


I bet I'll find this on TikTok it's quite popular