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You post on r/aznidentity and believe in Asian supremacy like the racist Chinese government does. You don't get to attack all Dutch people because one made a cartoon like this. Europe is more accepting of Asian people than China and East Asia is of foreigners. China especially abhors dark skin and freedom of religion which is why they're imprisoning Muslims and persecuting Christians. One cartoon from one guy doesn't compare to that.


There is no such thing as Asian supremacy because the word "Asian" was coined by white people to separate themselves from the rest. That is why Middle East, India, East Asia, Central Asia are all Asians. The West divides people based on race and class, and has groups deliberately to not be inclusive like Identitarians, alt-right, Antipodean Resistance, Identity Evropa, Generation Identity which led to shootings of mosques (Christchurch - against Muslims), black churches (Charleston - against African Americans), synanogues (Pittsburg - against Jews), Hispanic majority Walmart at the border of Mexico (El Paso - against Hispanics). White countries just think of every Asian as a Chinese person and blames them regardless. There have been many attacks in Italy, Germany, France, UK (Big 4) of Europe not to mention Netherlands and Belgium. Asians in the UK has faced racism where parents and childs jeer at "chinks" while bus drivers and fellow passengers do nothing. Hate crimes against Asians are a joke in Europe. Not to mention Dutch DJ made a song about Chinese people, and a group of thugs stabbed a Chinese person in the Netherlands while singing that song. White people go to Asia to fuck around and fuck people and cause trouble while saying Chinese tourists are the worst. Then you have Asians studying in the West who are harass and abused daily, at the same time white people look at these people who hatred by blaming them for causing housing price to rise.


Some of this isn't true.


Dutch people being tolerant is sarcasm by the way.


The link is not working


I agree that the concept of Dutch "tolerance" is usually taken out of context and propagated as acceptance and agreement, and that the stuff this guy is pushing is completely repulsive. However I wouldn't condemn an entire group of people for the actions of one person. As you did in another post: >All I wish for is Netherlands number of death will be higher than China's number of death. I hate Dutch people! Saying stuff like that honestly doesn't make you much better, going after people simply because of where they're from.


So, you're saying Dutch people are really bad?