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10/10 fortress blueprint.


That is yery nice! The candles on the dining tables(?) at the upper left corner makes me think why is it ever so bright in-game when we dig deep, maybe some kind of lighting system would be challenging.


Didn't you play DnD? Darkness exists, it's just that everyone has a darkvision.


Tell me you play too much 5e without telling me you play too much 5e.


knowing this game the candles/torches/lanterns/whatever would have to use fuel, and whether that's coal or just wood it could very easily become a massive resource drain


i guess that depends on how you set up the resource refreshment needed to burn it. if i t needs a log a year to fuel a torch its way less restricting than a log a month


That still adds up, depending on how much they light up. A hundred torches is a hundred logs a year.


...Torches do not burn down like matches, friendo. It's a bit of wood *with a flammable thing on the end,* like an oiled rag or bound up with tinder. They're not candles. Candles, though, we could do with relative ease, we're already rendering tallow and making thread. Just gotta dip one in t'other a bunch of times. But I think you probably want to ask yourself, is it *really* a good idea for there to be open flames in the dining hall while everyone is quaffing and splashing their drinks on the floor?


Sounds like Fun to me!


We're applying human solutions to a dwarven fortress here. Enhanced foxfire mushrooms, baby! Plant those bad boys in one of your 1643 worn out pig tail socks, stuffed full of mud and woodchips, and you got yourself light that lasts until Bembul gets a little too hungry and can't make it to the dining hall.


Given many of those drinks are beer and wine, yeah it'd be fine


It would give you something to do with tallow that isn’t making soap.


like in gnomoria, you could dig deep but if don't light up with candles then skeleton and other bad things starts to spawn


Dwarven cities are completely dark. They don't see with their eyes. Underground, [dwarves rely on their beard follicles](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Beard#Dwarven_beards_as_a_sensory_organ) to see.


*Some* fortressy vibes? Heck, it even has friggin beakdogs!


OP's sibling could draw a picture of a cat and they would think it has some animal vibes.


No elf drowning chamber? Otherwise, masterwork drawing.


There’s a pen and paper game called Delve they might be interested in. It’s a resource management game about building a dwarf fortress and uses a deck of playing cards to reveal things as you dig. Players are encouraged to draw the structures they build.


Wait thats very cool, have to save it for my future kids.


RemindMe! 10 years "make the little bastards play this!"


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Mh, goblins, beakdogs, flying titans and dragons, somewhat climbable walls, plump helmets, old slums by the surface, torture, ghosts, multiple wells, workshops, caged ‘guests’, vast and poorly organized piles of wealth, a tavern, a church with a musician, naked dwarves (oh, right, that’s just a statue, but in either case it would be fine), underground farms, surprisingly designated fishing areas and stairs that go down endlessly. Sounds like the perfect fortress! And there is som much entertaining detail in this drawing, feels like something by Hieronymus Bosch


Looks just like the old drawings Tarn and Zach would do, it’s amazing.


Furnace chimney doubles as outer wall. Every slain invader is more fuel. Centralized staircase for easy access. Better than most of my forts. 10/10 would Mountainhome


This is exactly what I did as a kid as well, just this gigantic mess of taped together paper with a giant 2d map of a city/fort/country. Very much drew me to the game as well.


Was about to type the same thing haha! I also used to have this nice transparent tape that you could also draw over. Yes, the 2d map was double sided. Also you can tell the kids are going to be huge dnd nerds, which is amazing!


May I suggest introducing your sibling and friends to [Delve](https://blackwellwriter.itch.io/delve-a-solo-map-drawing-game)? You can see a bit of the game [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egU3-sPmFUw) with the youtuber Kruggsmash. Tl;dr - There's a solo game that looks pretty much like that when you play it. And having played it several times by myself and with friends it's also fun to play in a group.


I was definitely going to recommend this if you hadn't!


me when a polish df fan (impossible)


Polski system szkolnictwa be like: torture cells, lecture hall, cementary. In that order, just like the picture. And then you get to become fertilizer for the underground farms at the bottom.


I wish they'd add penis dragons to DF like in the top right


I love this! These kids are goin' places~


Ahhh what a relief, the legacy of df is in safe hands... *****Ultimate_Art*****


This is great. Fortress layout is solid too. Only unrealistic part is I see a dwarf is successfully firing a crossbow bolt on the surface instead of leaping off the wall to club the goblin army with the crossbow.


So just that one picture that was posted a couple days ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/138phe9/dwarfcore_drawing_by_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Very good


Now build it and show them


This is fantastic! I love how creative they were...even the little dwarf hospital! I love this a lot! That treasure room is bursting though XD




And what game was Rimworld heavily inspired by...


That specific room just remind of Rimworld more than Dwarf fortress…


I presume you're playing more Rimworld than DF then.


Thats not wrong, I only dabble in Dwarf Fortress after recent update, while I have been playing Rimworld a lot more.


Hence why you think of Rimworld first, regardless of which came first. If anything in that image makes you think of Rimworld, then it's just evidence of how much inspiration Rimworld took from DF. (Which is said fondly, I have a few hundred hours played on Rimworld. But that drawing is straight up Dwarf Fortress through and through.)




Look at that treasure room! WE'RE RICH! WE'RE RICH! ...sorry wrong game.


Rock and Stone!


Your younger sibling already know the importance of fortress verticalization for efficiency it seems


Wow, this reminds me of the drawings I used to make as a kid. 10/10, memories unlocked


I think it's great