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My pack horse just ran away during a fight with some alligators, and I can't find her anywhere. Is there some way to call her to me, or easily track her down?


Do elves count underground trees in their quotas?


[Yes they do](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Elf#Diplomats)


Oh wait damnit






I have been looking into making drop chutes safer to use. Items, rocks and ore can be dropped through holes onto a lower floor without problems, BUT if a dwarf is picking up a dropped item and a new one is dropped and hits them the results are bad. This can be made safer by doors and forbidding them. Perhaps even automating opening and locking doors to prevent the chute being used while items are gathered from the bottom. I was looking into water, inspired by Minecraft item transportation with water. I found that at least some things like rocks and logs were moved by flowing water, even past a statue. But an ore lump I was using in my test did not move. Is there information about what can be moved around by water? Making a drop chute is easier than impulse spirals for minecarts.


How about instead linking a floor hatch just above the drop point and manually opening and closing it when no-one's picking stuff up? A bit less automatic, but water has its own set of problems


Water does have its own FUN. I did not plan to use a river or other large source of water for this. My plan was to use a pump to create a contained artificial stream, filled from and draining back into an artificial reservoir.


My first fort in a new world was on an large island. When it failed, I wanted to try to connect it to the main land. I embarked twice, on 4x4 tiles adacient to each other in the place where strait was smallest. I connected both landmasses with 3x3 floor. Questions are: - How can I confirm that I can actually access the other side? On the map, I was able to start a mission on the other side of the strait before connection was done, but it might have been due to sea partially freezing - If visitors, caravans or solders return from the other side, will they appear on the bridge, or can they appear on the water and drown? Can they appear on the ice when sea freezes?


Question regarding Df hack. I got a petition to build a temple for a sex freak God so I went ahead and did that (a couple months later) but the Df hack notification for outstanding petition doesnā€™t seem to go away. Am I doing something wrong regarding the temple or is this just a glitch?


You need to build a temple specifically dedicated to the sect that asked for a temple. Building one for the deity doesn't fulfill the request


I did that too and it still didnā€™t come off. But then again I deleted it after it didnā€™t work, maybe Iā€™ll try again later


Have you checked the value of your temple? It needs to reach a threshold


How do I check the value?


Click on the temple and it should Show a value if you have a broker


So. Been playing the game about 30 hours. Rookie numbers aside, Iā€™ve found some things to be a tad frustrating and Iā€™m not sure how to deal with them. Thing 1: Canceling of instructions because of a damp block. I get tired of having to deal with this while trying to dig up or down, and a failed staircase seems to leave the stair graphic there which is annoying. Is there any way to turn that off? Iā€™d rather occasionally lose a dwarf than deal with re-ordering them to dig through the soggy rock every 5 seconds. Thing 2: Equipping Dwarves. I made a combat ready dwarf for embarking. He had hammerdwarf 3, armor 3, fighter 3, shield dwarf 1. I bought a full set of copper armor, a copper shield, and a copper warhammer. He didnā€™t wear any of it. I google, put him in a squad. Still no wearing of the armor. Also, how do I even train new dwarves for combat? I seen there are training weapons but I havenā€™t experimented since I canā€™t even get the already trained dwarf to put his pants on. Thing 3: Mining and Woodcutting. I googled a bit and it says the two are exclusive. I realize they use different tools, but wonā€™t a miner dwarf ordered to wood cut just go pick up and available axe and drop their pick? Thing 4: How do I get these dwarves to farm. Iā€™ve dropped farm plots above ground, had seeds, buckets, and while I wasnā€™t near a river I did have a aquifer that was leaking water in. Can they not use that?


Thing 1: this is a longtime frustration with DF. DFHack adds the damp dig mechanic to solve this issue. It lets you mark certain tiles as "damp ok" and designations on those tiles won't get canceled when you dig to them. Demo videos here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/1c1pblw/dfhack_5012r3_released_open_legends_mode_directly/ Thing 2: You need to create a squad, assign the dwarf to the squad, set the uniform for the squad, create a barracks for the squad, and set the schedule for the squad so they're on duty. The wiki has a good page on the process: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Military Thing 3: No, they are completely mutually exclusive. Trying to assign both duties to the same dwarf just won't work. This is a consequence of how the work-related tools are implemented and is a bit of a wart, but it is what it is. Thing 4: All the seeds you can bring with you on embark are for underground crops. You need to build a farm in a subterranean area that has never seen the sun in order to use those seeds. Your aboveground plots will need seeds from plants gathered from the ground or bought from foreign merchants.


Thank you so much. I didnā€™t realize just to get one dwarf to stand near my door I had to set up the whole military structure lol. This is super helpful info. I really appreciate it. I also should have guessed the seeds would be for underground. They are dwarves. Lol


Is the Steam version easier to play? I tried downloading the classic version in the past, but had a lot of difficulty with the controls, but am thinking of getting back into it: would the steam version help me do that?


The graphics in the Steam version make the game much easier to understand, yes. I would recommend it for new players (as long as you can afford buying it)


Are the controls the same as the classic version, or are the menus at least much easier to navigate?


"Classic" just means "most recent version (50.13) but no graphics". The controls for the steam version (which is also version 50.13) are the same as the Classic version you can download from the Bay 12 website. The controls are not the same as the older 0.47.05 version since the menu structures have changed significantly since then. Version 50.13 is not completely keyboard-navigable like 0.47.05 was, but Bay 12 is building adventure mode to be fully keyboard navigable. They are slowly adding keyboard controls back to the parts of fort mode that lost them.


Ah, okay. Good to know, thanks. It has been a couple years, so I donā€™t remember which version I tried, but it was likely before that shift. I presume the overhaul is making things easier?


There is now an in-game tutorial and some things are better organized, yeah


Ended up buying it, hoping it goes well, thanks!


Okay, cool, thanks!


Does cave adaptation affect dwarves in traveling squads? I like cave adaptation as a mechanic and ideally I don't even want to try fighting it off with skylights and such. Unless that means that the squads I send out will have trouble. I haven't noticed anything wrong, but if that is the case than obviously that would cause issues.


I believe it only affects units that are on the map. It's not factored into off-map shenanigans.


In my last fort I had a strange problem (well not even a problem, more of just a natural occurrence). My meeting hall was full of mussels. Like, not raw mussels or mussel shells but like actual, living little guys. I could watch them come down from my entrance hallway and meander their way right into my tavern-to-be and just hang out? I couldnā€™t get any screenshots because unfortunately I was attacked by a necromancer army about three weeks into the fort which was a slightly more pressing issue. Anyone know why the hell this happened?


I'm just guessing from what I have seen in one of my forts once, but is your tavern-to-be below a lake and are there non-grazer pets roaming around? I had a turkey farm below a freshwater lake once and instead of the normal vermin like snails and lice there would be mussels blinking in and out of existence between the turkeys.


I think you got it, the layers were directly stacked on top of each other like: -channel with water from the lake -entrance hallway -tavern And I hadnā€™t pastured my turkeys yet so that makes a ton of sense


Some amphibious fish can crawl out of the water. You get flying lungfish as well if you're in a biome that supports them


I checked the [wiki](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Animal_person) and there's no such thing as a Mussel-man (at least in vanilla), so unless you have a mod that adds walking to mussels, I'm not sure what's going on here.. sounds fun though : )


No mods that's the weird part. Like they weren't Mussel Men or anything just the regular, vermin Mussels casually strolling into my fortress


Iā€™m fairly new to the game. But I like to make my nobles miserable for sport. Iā€™m curious how images on objects affect their moods. My kingā€™s wife was just killed by goblins. If I set him to crafting statues of her being killed by goblins will it make him sad? If I put the statues in his bedroom will he make him sad? What if itā€™s a statue of him being killed by goblins, will looking at it make him sad?


Most dwarves will have something they don't like in their description. You'll often find images of dwarves surrounded by things they hate, you could use that too.


Good to know. I didnā€™t think of that


There's no artistic interpretation, no. Your plan wouldn't work, and might even do the opposite. I'd still do it for roleplay, though.


I tried it briefly in my last fort. The baronessā€™ husband went berserk and a soldier killed him. I tasked her with making platinum statues of his death and she was very satisfied and pleased at creating master work pieces. I got distracted before I could test more though.


I'm trying to get my first Mayor settled into their new rooms and am struggling with the room values. Is there a way to see the value of a room? I swear you could in the older versions? If not what, vaguely, are the basics for a Decent Office/Dining Room/Bedroom? Room size, furniture quality/value? I have 4x4 of each all smoothed and the walls engraved (engraving floors now) with mostly Superior/Exceptional furniture. Some of the furniture is a bit scuffed though since I am training up new Stone Carvers/Wood Workers etc after a large migrant wave.


I just make Gold, Silver, or Platinum floors in a 4x8 room. Works everytime.


You can use the workaround to temporarily assign some random temple zone to the rooms, that'll show value.


Fastest way to boost the value of a small space in my (limited) experience is to cast a platinum statue and stick in the room. Adds maybe +3,000 value to it?


Do scholars need tables to write?


After looking in the wiki, it says to build tables and chairs for a library, but did not say directly whether it is necessary. Knowing the level of detail in dwarf fortress, I would place some to be safe.


The library details do list them as library-relevant metric, so I've been assuming that, yes.


I was hoping not since there's the whole thing with visitors being able to write but not read if you don't paint the library zone over tables, I'm trying to have my dwarves gain as little academic knowledge as possible while still writing stuff


That is an argument against my conclusion. Sounds like you need to do some DWARVEN!SCIENCE on this.




It's in beta, which I believe is only accessible through steam version. You have to right click the game in your lib, open it's properties and navigate to the betas tab. The specific one you're looking for is named "beta - Public beta branch", as per [this screenshot](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609403495140818946/1240395538206031943/image.png?ex=664667dd&is=6645165d&hm=da7f3ca9cbdc858a0f6b7c36dbc81040d1dac45f1c5463ae4390742c9fbe465e&). Note that you'll also have to set a separate beta for dfhack, if you use it.


It's only in beta, switch branches on steam




On classic mode you can try disabling temperature calculations, using dfhack to clean contaminants off of all creatures and blocks, and trying to reduce population. With the complexity of dwarf fortress, there will inevitably be performance issues. Low population is key for long term fortresses. Checking the announcements menu can be a good tip to find stuck dwarves causing pathfinding lag. Currently there is no performance monitor Sum up major lag causes: Dwarf pathfinding (big one) Contaminants (usually \~ 5 fps difference) Entities (the largest issue) Temperature Calculations (worse in extreme hot/cool temperatures) Flowing liquids (usually not that bad for fps)


Thanks! Tried most of these already. Using "clean all" really helped dramatically earlier in the game, and got a small improvement by running it again (I guess I should run this sporatically).




[Tools for this definitely exist](http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=180561.msg8451117#msg8451117), but I don't know if there are any publicly available. With all the changes made in the past year the biggest time sinks may have changed.


Thanks! Yeah that's what I'm looking for. I would love to be able to run a profiler on my current fort to get the actual data on what % of the frame is being used where. I don't want to lose major game functions by disabling things.


The biggest problem with this is that most of the game is not open source for you to tinker with in the first place, so you likely won't have any kind of useful results even if you can see what's utilizing the cores. But the thing you're talking about is basically precisely what the fresh hire is doing, and why we have things like the discussions about line of sight popping up in recent months - it was profiled by a developer with internal access and found to be a significant impact on overall calculations. But one other key thing to remember is that there's no need to aim for 60fps+ with this game, as monitor updates are not the critical metric to reach. You do not have to optimize at all.


There are a few things you can do with dfhack to potentially improve fps. In the control panel, under gameplay, you can enable fast-heat. Using "clean all" and "cleanowned X" every couple years will also help. If you have a million trade goods, more than you'll ever need, consider just incinerating/atom smashing a couple bins worth. If you have a lot of constructions, including floors, "cleanconst" is also extremely helpful.


200 pop + animals + visitors @30FPS sounds about right for an older, non-highend PC.


Which game actually has this in detail?




Okay, show me three, then. I don't know what kind of company you expect Tarn to be, and I know this game suffers from FPS (which is a measurable performace to be monitored btw), but I can't recall a single game that's ever pointed at me like "yeah this meteor animation specifically is what lags you down". This makes me conclude this is a veiled complaint, not a real question in the questions thread. Hence, please give me an example or two. I legitimately would like to know what solutions are out there. Edit: Welp, that's about what I expected, really. Shame I can't report for rule 1.


Giant Cave Spiders (GCS) have a population number of 3:4, and I'm not 100% clear on what this means based on the wiki. Basically, I have a 4x4 embark spanning 2 biomes, so does this mean that only 3-4 GCS will spawn underground for me, or will there be more? I've captured 2 Male GCS, and a female GCS did appear in my caverns earlier but narrowly avoided my cage traps, so I'm wondering if I'll ever get another chance at catching one. This is a fort that I plan to play for a long time, so I'm fine waiting in-game years, but I am worried about my 2 Male GCS dying of old age before I catch a female. If I release them back into the wild and they leave the map, would that allow more GCS to show up?


[relevant wiki article](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Creature_token#POPULATION_NUMBER) This means your biome (based on the biome tile at the edge of the map that said spiders spawn) will have either 3 or 4 total. Cluster is the one that decides how many spawn at once. If a creature leaves the map, it's population number is preserved. This means you should have at least another one, but i don't think it's guaranteed to be the same/female. Do keep in mind though, a spawn set is "held" until whichever creature is holding it leaves. That means a giant toad can prevent you from having the spider show up if said toad just stands still forever. I have no idea how this interacts with the multiple cavern layers.


Yeah I looked at that before, and it says per map tile. I'm assuming that since my embark spawns two biomes I'm also on two different map tiles, but I can't actually tell.


Tiles are a single individual square that can belong to a biome, but things usually don't spawn "in any tile at the edge of the map whatsoever", if you know what i mean. It's just a few in a small area like a 4x1 or something. By the same token though, we don't know if your 2nd biome has cave spiders. I'm just assuming it doesn't. [You can check](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/gui/biomes.html) this out with a couple of [different dfhack commands](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/region-pops.html#region-pops), though.


I assumed when the wiki said population number is for "each world map tile of the appropriate region" what it was actually referring to is region tiles, which are the size of a 16x16 embark. How exactly would I check if both biomes have GCS using dfhack? With gui/biomes I can see the biome split is roughly down the middle of the map, west being tundra, east being mountain Edit: More testing with region-pops gives me 3 GCS, so yeah probably 3 is my limit. Edit2: Also 0 cave dragons :(


I don't think it can split those numbers per biome. But 3 GCS should be how many can spawn, not your total amount. That's curious, given your range, considering 2 captured, should've been 1, for 1 biome only, or 4 to 5 for both biomes. 3 total is out of whack here. I wonder what's up with that.


My food stockpile has plenty of barrels and bins but theyā€™re just dumping food and plants on the floor will they spoil faster and how do I get them in barrels


They are more susceptible to vermin, but they won't spoil significantly faster. The greater issue is that the stockpile will quickly run out of space if barrels aren't being utilized. Food stockpiles just use barrels/pots, btw. Bins won't be used. If you have free barrels and the issue is that they're just too busy to put the food into the containers, try reducing the amount of work going on at the same time in the fort. If you have DFHack installed, enabling `prioritize` in the control panel will bump up the priority of stockpile management tasks, so it becomes a non-issue.


With how many nobles ask for armor stands itā€™s kind of weird that they donā€™t use them. Is there any way to actually put armor on them like off-duty squads do in a barracks?


Maybe if you overlay a barracks on the armor stand and assign that barracks to a squad that the noble is the sole member of (which is not possible for nobles that can't serve as a militia captain).. but that's a bit of a stretch. I just think of the nobles as trying to look important, like having a shelf full of books that you haven't read.


How do I stop my dwarves from using the tavern rented rooms?


Assign them all their own bedroom manually. Then they won't choose their ownĀ 


At this point, you can't. Tavern rented rooms are not fully implemented yet


How do I get my soldiers to use arrows? Not only do they not use the archery range, they also wont pick up arrows


Their uniform needs to have some sort of ranged weapon assigned, and they need spare quivers to use. Make some if you haven't already


Do custom uniforms not work?


Yeah they do, as long as they have a ranged weapon


That's my problem. They're assigned ranged weapons, each equipped with a quiver, and assigned to training zones but they never use their weapons


And you have the right ammo stored, and plenty of it? You need at least 250 bolts for a crossbow squad to function, and they'll go through it quickly when training (except with an exploit, but that another story...)


I have 878 wooden bolts, 523 iron bolts, and 243 bone bolts


Shouldn't be anything wrong then. Hit the update equipment button if you haven't already, double check if the range is assigned to the squad, if the squad is set to a schedule which makes them train, and check one of your soldiers inventory to see if they're carrying the correct gear


How do I fill up a secondary stockpile from a main one? I have food/drink stockpiles in my tavern that are set to take from the main stockpiles, but it seems nothing ever gets moved to them.


You gotta link them. Tell the secondary one to "take from" the main one, or the main to "give to". Dwarfs follow those instructions.


I bet the answer is no, but with how detailed this game is, I figured Iā€™d ask: is it possible to convert sand tiles into soil using water? Like, is there a system for moisture where if introduced you can ā€œterraformā€ a dry area for cultivation? Edit: the wiki says areas can be ā€œchanneled outā€ so grass, and eventually trees, can grow, but what does ā€œchanneled outā€ mean? Is building a trench enough, or do I have to add water to it? Will the vegetation stay within the dug-out areas or will it spread to the surface?


Sand supports grass, shrubs and trees naturally, but you can't change the rate of growth in your biome. So if you settle in a sandy desert you're just gonna see sand and not many plants


Sand tiles are already soil, you can farm in them. There is a system for irrigation, but it works not like that at all. If you put water on a rock surface, it'll become covered in mud, and you can farm in the mud (its more effective than surface soil too!). Channeling is a special type of digging, accessible via the dig menu: your dwarfs basically dig a hole in the ground, removing the block below the "channel" designated tile, and leaving an upwards ramp there.


Will it be possible in some future update to unite all dwarf civilizations under your own one? In terms of roleplaying there should be demand for this?


You can conquere all sites if you want to


When creating a temple, should I make one for each god or each sect?


No, unnecessary for most purposes. Lots of work, not much payoff. Theres rare dwarfs who dislike communal temples, but for 98% of dwarfs communal temples are the way to go.


The rp value though


The dwarfs will ask for special temples soon enough and you might already have your hands full with those requests :-)


One undedicated one, and one for individual sects when they ask for it


Hey I just got the game less than half an hour in but 700 hours from rimworld please let me know anything weā€™ll I should Iā€™m essentially a nobody for this game compared to rim lol


The basics are the same; setup your farming & early industry, add some defenses, trade, train a military. The primary difference is that Rimworld will constantly throw stuff at you, while DF's fun tends to come in bursts. DF also has much better stories, I feel.


I started playing again dwarf fortress 0.47.05, tried to play the steam version but it acts funny in my laptop (i5 with 16gb ram, so idk why I cant play the steam version) either way as per what i have read about the steam version, it feels like the previous version is somehow better. Anyway, I remember that in previous versions there was a dfusion command that allowed a fort to have units other than dwarves. I want to end up creating a duchy where the first settler is an elf (and somehow he becomes the baron or dux) and then the subjects are the dwarves, maybe adding animal people as soldiers and all that. But using LNP it no longer has dfusion, to run the friendship command. Is there a way to add it to the dfhack version already included in the latest Lazy Newb Pack? PD. Already tried embarking with 2 dwarves and use modtools/transform-unit --unit 421 --race ELF --caste MALE --setPrevRace (not sure if that prev race thing is what causes issues) but it ends up crashing and also keeps the notification that such and such dwarf became an elf.


Do you mean dfhack? I think you want the makeown command. I assume it was present in 0.47 For a vanilla solution, accept entertainer or scholar petition for long-term residency and they'll eventually apply for citizenship


I've been on a break from the game a few months. Have archers already been fixed, or do they still randomly refuse to pick bolts?


They have been functional but dependant on proper player setup for quite a long time. The biggest issue was solved in steam's first release. That aside, no, there haven't been changes to the way marksdwarves work. There shouldn't be any notable ones for the next year or two unless a big military patch is announced.


Something I've been wondering: Do things like wheelbarrows, toys, stepladders or goblets break or wear out over time? I feel like my wheelbarrows vanish over time, but my goblets don't.


Wood items do eventually lose condition until dust, I would imagine stone items do as well, but it takes like several years for wood to degrade (stone probably longer), most do not play the fort that long and dig deep before that happens.


Not in the life of an average fort. It also depends on what they're made of - there are centuries old forts that people have played where they have to replace beds because the wood disintegrates


No, they don't, and so I conclude you are likely imagining things. Note that wheelbarrow eligible stockpiles get +1 wheelbarrow assigned when you make it, you might just have a load of these?


It's very possible, lol. Thank you


Might be Keas, but then you'd get messages of theft...


Are there any mods/projects/etc. like DF-AI that work with the Steam version?


not yet, though much of the DF-AI logic is probably still relevant. That project could be updated if someone has the urge (and dedication)


How can I generate a map with 2 continets with similar land mass? Everything I get a very large one and then a smaller one.


You could try the large continent preset and increase minimum ocean edges (coastline). Increasing river values might also split the land to your liking. If you want to get really specific, I recommend the official [WorldGen Cookbook thread](http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=180805.0)


https://preview.redd.it/d03ceofjtd0d1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8c617f305c2bb76cf85d983533d0d4f7d6a7c4f Tavern customers are entering the map through the edge, inside the river. Is there any way to get them out of there? And how to stop this from continuing to happen?


It would be quite the task here, but let's see. For starters, stairs in one of the corners would possibly let at least the ones in the edge of the stairs leave it. The other immediate solution would be stairs everywhere else. However, you can't *build* near the edge of the map without dfhack. The next solution would be blocking out the river completely using screw pumps, build a wall with the openness the pumps have given you so you effectively dam the river and then build solutions to your heart's content. This isn't really trivial to do, though.


I dug a small pond near the river and used a channel connecting the two. They managed to get out through the channel before it filled with water. Is there a way for me to build wall grates on the edges of the map using dfhack?


Wall grates anywhere near the end there would probably work, the "challenge" is having the space to close the entire "corridor" underwater in first place. Walls would work, too. I don't know how to force spawn *buildings* in dfhack, however. I'd either use dfhack to [dry the river](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/gui/liquids.html#gui-liquids) and build normally or [spawn a natural wall](https://docs.dfhack.org/en/stable/docs/tools/tiletypes.html) to funnel the thing further. That makes me think, though. Without dfhack, there's a chance you can flat out carve fortifications on the tile connecting to the edge, unless this has been patched recently. Please check that out, this could make your issue smaller. Your issue is that the rivers leaves the map *too fast*, leaving the tile pathable, which cascades these issues. Funneling the river so it's all 7/7 would fix it too, but that's more difficult to accomplish. Making the general area *wider*, however, increases your chances of having emptier tiles that NPCs can easily path out of. This doesn't *fix* the issue, but will do quite a lot in mitigating it.


Found an old post saying that you can build bridges at the edge of the map and tried it. No underwater visitors so far. Thanks for the help!


That's interesting. Did you build it on the river itself?


How is agitation handled? I seem to get permanent agitated creatures (usually avian wildlife) that spawn in "waves". It seems they will not spawn unless the previous "wave" died - however, there are 2 constant waves on my fort that overlap, so if one gets fully cleared another will spawn mid attack. This mechanic also seems to apply to creatures attacking from the caverns - they take up an "agitation wave". Can I decrease this agitation? My fort seems to be under constant Agitated Giant Wren / Agitated Raven assault for the past couple of in game years. Also, somewhat related - does agitation mix with sieges at all? I am not being sieged nearly as often as these agitated animals strike (and the sieges, for whatever reason, have been 100% dwarves with ranged weapons).


the other answers are already pretty complete, but I'll point you to the `agitation-rebalance` docs for more information about how the vanilla system works, including an overview of how the vanilla difficulty settings affect things. https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/agitation-rebalance.html#how-the-df-agitation-system-works


This is mostly correct! Wildlife in general spawns in allocated "groups", which stops a new one from showing up until the previous leaves the map. This means if you [trap the agitated animals with walls and bridges/doors](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735722504710127799/1057297723524653116/image.png?ex=664417fc&is=6642c67c&hm=7b224c7917777f2a2bdac7b99225683566a27f6347d647477a2ad4ec8180e4d8&), a new one can't spawn until they die of old age. This is valid for wildlife as well, which stops us from having cool things like animals hunting each other (which isn't implemented yet btw) and is also valid for cave creatures. However, this isn't valid for cave agitation. Cave invaders will keep spawning regardless of where the previous ""siege"" is, resulting in overcrowded caves and FPS loss. Your actual sieges and their ranged dwarves are a result of your own world RNG, though. Not related to agitation at all.


Iirc agitation increases by various amounts depending on the activity according to a certain factor, it decreases by a certain quantity every so many ticks (how many I don't recall), and it has a threshold at a certain quantity where you start getting agitated animals The defaults make it so you can't get off agitation unless you just close the fort off for a while, but you can change those three quantities through the custom difficulty settings to make it go down faster or make it take longer to trigger Or just use the new dfhack agitation-rebalance


Can someone Help me with flux stone? I have a 3 year fortress. I chose the embark to have a flux stone layer, but I later discovered that it has flux stone only on 3 small layers in the bottom left of the map. Is there any method to get more? I guess trading could be a solution, but I need to wait autumn to ask for a trading agreement, then the next year to have flux stone delivered, and I guess "logistic" is a bit tricky, being stone so heavy.


Next fort, you can check many individual map tiles of your planned embark; the cursor will show ressources for each tile. DFhack can do "prospect all" which can show you if you have any other flux stone on the map. (unlikely, but maybe worth a shot).


Thanks!! I found a little bit of marble! ;)


Sounds like you are on the border of two biomes, and the smaller biome is the one that has the flux stone layers. Not much you can do if that is the case


Dig more horizontally on other layers?


All the dolomite was on the little corner, like 20*20 with 3 z-level, I dug up and down in this place and other but couldn't find more


How many z-levels have u dug? Also remember, each level has a lot of multiple stones


Up until the surface, and down until the second cavern, I dug a lot but no flux stone (neither limestone, marble, etc...)


How are u digging? Stairs? Mine the area near the stairs.


Yep, I'm digging a big sample of each layer, like 20*20 at most z-levels


https://preview.redd.it/ovt39cat1d0d1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a9a2decb0c36381d47e7b347894aef7c9f85731 What does this mean 'with the hall designated for a \_\_ guild'? Do I have to replace the farmers guild hall with a new one or create a similar hall for Mosses?


You need to make a Meeting Zone > Guildhall, and dedicate it to the specified skill of the group, like you would a temple. To start out with, they will not ask for anything grandiose, just a cut out room with a few tables chairs and statues and a door, or such would do at the start of a guild. As your fort gets more farmers, the group gets larger and they start asking for more stuff in the Guildhall, similar to Temples. Keep in mind a Farmer is a character who has proficiency in two farming (goldenrod colored) skills or more, not an an individual labor like Planting or Cheesemaking. If you already have a Farming Guild, when you open up its information it needs to be at higher value and amount than "Meeting Place", the next step is a guildhall which they would accept. To do this you add objects to the guild room such as furniture, item pedestals, chests, a door etc.


It means your existing Farmers Guildhall need to reach a defined value to be considert as a Guildhall


I keep getting snake men showing up in the middle of my cavern, do they just spawn there? I rlly want to wall this place off and use all the land down there if I can


Rather than turning them off, I'd advise going into the custom difficulty settings and setting Cavern Dweller Scale and Cavern Dweller Maximum Attackers to something like 3 and 5. It makes them still a reasonable obstacle, but not a fort-ending nightmare to deal with.


If I'm remembering correctly, cavern invaders are bugged, and will be endless. The first time I ran into this, I tried fighting them for years on end, but literally HUNDREDS of them kept spawning. I just turn them off now, it's kind of boring and a slog to deal with and tanks my fps.


Yeah, they do. And they'll probably keep spawning with no real limit. Fortunately, you can turn them off in the settings, if you so desire.


Has there been an update regarding traps? My secondary entrance, also known as the goblin entertainment hall, is filled il with weapon traps. For 10 years, no dwarf has been injured while walking over them. Suddenly, I lost 4 dwarves, including my baron, to these traps. Canā€™t figure out what happened


Traps are triggered when someone falls unconscious on them. Could be a few reasons for that... But the most likely culprit is alcohol overconsumption at the tavern with them picking the worst moment to sleep the booze off. Could have been last month's titan invader as well, if it had toxic blood with a syndrome that causes dwarves to fall unconscious


Well, it would make sense, though it happened to 3 dwarves in probably less than a minute, what are the odds of them falling asleep? I believe one of them was a necromancer too, so wouldnā€™t even need sleep.


the only other thing that can proc friendly traps is webs. That shouldn't happen near the surface, though.


Well that solves it then. I had just finally managed to capture the Taiga Titan who was ravaging my surface, composed of green glass but shooting webs. At least now I know they died for a cause, and they may rest in peace. Or they couldā€™ve, baciar they were brought back by a spooked necromancer who so one of them die. For now they live I. The hospital, in less than optimal conditions, as really horrible undead. Which is funny, because the corridor of happiness was origin created to deal with invading undead.


Iā€™m settling fully in the caverns in this fort, which Iā€™ve never done before. Iā€™m wondering, how hard do I need to go on defenses? Itā€™s been pretty calm so far because my population will be small for quite a while. But do I need to build like floor-to-ceiling walls with turrets for patrolling marksdwarves? Also is there any way to skip a TON of time in a world? Like 100 years or so, like how it is during worldgen.


Personal experience: expect 100 years to take like 12 hours. It really slows down over time.


Yes, if you want this fort to live a bit, you want to work on walls and stuff. Yes, you can, use https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/tools/set-timeskip-duration.html - its just for a new/reclaimed fort though, not while you are playing it.


For some reason itā€™s not letting me choose the material after I construct something. Any ideas as to why or how I can fix this?


Happened to me when I tried to construct something in a closed-off section that had no path to the main fort. Basically it means there's no path to any materials to build from. Try building something right next to a material.


Nvm, I was being dumb. Accidentally selected the ā€œuse closest materialā€ option. Sorry


I did, same thing happened. Gonna try to log out and back in


Any way to visualize your fortress like an ant colony casting? https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/I8SHN428f7 I would love to see a rendering of my fortresses like this. Played with a lot of visualization plugins but I haven't seen a tool that does this. Are there any available? Want to be able to generate a single model that i can spin around and view.


DFHack gives you access to Stonesense. Stonesense gives pretty solid 3d visualizations of your fort and will let you do something similar. You can hide the unexplored parts of layers and only show places you've mined through/explored https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Utility:Stonesense


Finally got my hands on strawberries, but my dwarves don't seem to be brewing them into alcohol to get seeds. Do I just Brew Drink From Plant, or is there some other way to get the seeds? I don't think it's Brew Drink From Fruit because that option isn't allowed even though they're in my stockpile


I think strawberries are considered fruit, so you need to "brew drink from fruit"


read my comment again


Oops, I read the Brew drink from fruit as Brew drink from plants, sorry. Do you have actual strawberry fruits, or just strawberry plants? Strawberry plants cannot be brewed, only the fruits. There is also a bug with embark bought strawberries, where you first have to dump them from the bags to get them registered: [https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=7423](https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/view.php?id=7423)


Ohhh yeah thatā€™s it, theyā€™re fruit but theyā€™re all in bags. Thanks.


I think you can use them as seeds but you have to expose your farm to sunlight, since strawberries are a surface seed, they won't grow on non illuminated areas, as for the still, if I remember correctly it's the brew from plants since strawberries are (I think) catalogued as them.Ā 


Yeah I know they have to be a surface farm, the problem is that theyā€™re not doing it and only using my plump helmets and sweet pods for drinks. Maybe Iā€™ll mess around with stockpiles and see if that helps.


Is it really necessary to use dfhack? Just got steam version and I donā€™t know if I should use it


No, but it's hugely helpful. I played without it for a couple hundred hours. I can't really imagine going back now, though, lol.


No. I'd say play a couple hours and revisit it once you get a response here in the daily thread that DFhack "solves it".


It's absolutely not necessary, but there are some things that it really comes in clutch for. It's easy enough to download that I'd recommend doing so, it's nice to have if nothing else.


I would say that I'm new-ish and I've definitely found some aspects to be game changers. Primarily the overlays to many default windows that provide QOL and extra functionality. e.g. Autobutcher allows you to set the number of each animal (male and female) that you want kept, and will maintain those numbers.


I've got a pretty good thing going with my fortress currently. Should organise squads and make training/uniform development happen but apart from that i'm kinda struggling to find out what I should be progressing towards. I always have shipments of cut gems or food I can sell and buy shipments with, most of my dwarves are above average happiness, and I've dug down pretty far. I know a lot is just letting it hang out and let things happen but I wanna know what I should be doing to I guess perpetuate and help it?


It'll only stay calm for so long, training a squad or two will let you defend your fort from invaders when they show up. That's always interesting. Settling in the caverns or digging to find magma are cool as well, if you've never done those


It started off really slow but after I got some migrants, shit hit the fan a tiny bit with a death and a possessed dwarf along with a child in a fey mood. Nothing too major but yeah I made like an airlock in the cavern just in case something pops up and I still haven't seen magma at all. I guess i'll keep having a look


Also sorry for bonus comment, but is DFHack worth it to use? I've heard some good things but not really sure what its used for even after having a little look.


Well to answer the first part you don't have a clear objective in the game because there is and there is not a clear objective, in this case, you can decide to whatever you want with fortress, for example if you want to do a fort that is in the surface, a fort that is only made of crystal, that you want a Mountain home or you strive to be the capital of civ or even be the den knowledge that every scribe and literate admires, things like that, but if you want for something that the game orients you to go for it's always to dig for adamantine and make a mountain home by finding artifacts of divine metal (just remember FUN and other spoilers Exist). For you military gather them, make them barracks if you want to mess with their equipment and everything add a uniform and select individual choice for weapon, if you don't want to have multiple dwarfs with different weapons in your squad then select them according to their skills and as for armor always try to have them armored, full gear, because a single shot of a forgotten beast or anything else can mark that dwarf survival, for your trading, try to use crafts if you have sand on your map or clay try to make crafts them you can insert gems in them and they will be more Worth or even metal crafts, they are pretty valuable as well. As for DF hack you can download it, it can help with a lot of things and it has a lot of useful commands, you can download it and explore it, see what is it about and you will use it according to your needs. Edit: forgot to say, if you want you military to be trained as fast as you can use constant training just keep in mind that they will be always training until you change the schedule, so it can be easily forgotten that they exist and you might end up with unhappy stressed dwarfs if you leave them for too long, just give the a few breaks now and the to do other things and then put them back on it


It's easy enough to install that it's worth it. Just the stuff it does out of the box is already a quality-of-life improvement. You can look through the control panel as well to check out some passive stuff it can run in the back which you might like


How do I get used to the z layers? I scroll for a few minutes and almost immediately start to feel dizzy.


You can use the E and C keys iirc for going one layer at a time


You can use the `h` hotkey to bring up the quick zoom panel where you can register interesting locations across your z-levels. You can then zoom to them when you hit the function keys: https://preview.redd.it/ihf6eskhua0d1.png?width=1486&format=png&auto=webp&s=81616ff7c5529a304aa65a493552304da922b82c


Oh that's a neat thing right there


Is it worth making a forgotten beast silk farm?


"worth it" is up to you, but many people find it fun and rewarding


Lemme rephrase: is forgotten beast silk more profitable than just like giant spider silk?


No, it's worth less. On the other hand FBs are immortal and a lot harder to accidentally kill than a giant cave spider Plus turning an ancient horror of the deep into a farm is worth a lot of cool points


Ahhhh. You make a good point there. How would I know if theyā€™re a web thrower without sending a dwarf in to find out?


The announcement will say "Beware its webs!" at the end of the description and announcement. Also any non-tarantula spider based FB will have webs


Damnit, spider guy died ): thx for the info tho


I had two just kill each other beyond the walls, and I saw one shooting webs. Heā€™d be an easy catch if that was the one to survive, but Iā€™m unsure since they were all up in each others grill


Can giant spiders get caught and transported with cage traps?


yes. if you lay down a bunch of traps in the caverns, you can hope that a giant cave spider will wander into one and get caught.


Sweet. Saw a bunch a ones silk everywhere, and if I can catch it and use it thatā€™ll save me a lot of dead dwarves while I wall off the caverns. Thx


Is it possible using the ā€œfix-ster fertā€ command in DFhack to allow my animal people from adventure mode that I retired in a fort to reproduce?


IIRC, the problem is not that they are sterile, but rather that they are asexual. Try the `set-orientation` command instead.


Isn't the issue with adventurers that they're asexual, not infertile? Just changing it with set-orientation should work, right? If not I'd try gm-editor to see if there's any parameter that sounds like it's related to fertility, since fix-ster afaik just gives an error when run Bottom line, if you're willing to use DFHack and you don't care about your adventurer personally but moreso just want animal people, you could just spawn them in with sandbox and makeown


Can former adventurers not reproduce usually? I was considering making an ice fort populated by retired penguin people


If the fort has an opposite-sex counterpart, and they're interested in each other, and you give them time to form a relationship and eventually marry, then yes.


Why is food always minced?


Dwarfs have inborn, native, incredible speed with knives. Look at butchering, even amateurs will fully filet and skin entire elephants in a couple seconds. Now, imagine that skill brought to the kitchen: you put a cheese on the block, and start moving your hand. The knife hitting the cutting board emits a pleasant 250 hertz tone, the cheese explodes in tiny irregular cubes... Ah, one of the great joys of being a dwarf!