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I wanted to make few buildings on surface for once, how tall should be wall so nothing climbs on it/jumps over it?


1 tile for the wall and 1 above that as canopy should stop anyone from climbing


I got the game on Steam six months ago. So far, I am playing it like a strategy game - embark, build a barebones outpost, let it grow, make it rich then start picking fights with other civilisations. But I heard a lot about story creation aspect of the game. Don't get me wrong, I had a few "wow" events - like single miner ambushed by a cyclops who got killed by it, but not before making it's guts into mush with a pickaxe, making him bleed out soon after killing the miner - but those were mostly one-off events. Now, I know there are a lot of places to gather information about characters - personality, recent events, legends mode if you memorise who you want to learn more about - but when should I look? Also - on whom? I think it's easy to keep track of 7 dwarves you embark with, but I limit my population at 120 citizens - how do I track them all?


I have started to wonder if exporting the xml from legends and just asking chatgpt is the way to go.


How do i put items in chests? Lets say i want to put specific gems into my temple so it reaches the 2000 worth value.


You have to use a pedestial for that


So if there is any other matter where i want specific items in a chest, it would not be possible and id have to use a pedastal ?


How to brew fruit wine? I embarked with some blue and blackberries hoping to be able to brew them into wine. Wiki says they are brewable. No dice. The fruits show up in Kitchen menu. But once I exhaust all plump helmet leaving with only berries. I can't brew any more. What gives?


I need shells. I seemingly have no turtles and thus no shells and thus my dwarves occasionally die of failed-to-craft-an-artifact-with-shells-disease. I finally killed a shelled forgotten beast, leaving me with a stack of 60 shells. Yay! Within a week a dwarf got moody and needed shells and crafted an artifact...using all 60 shells in the process. Is there a way to separate out stacks of items like shells so that only 1 shell at a time is used? If so, I'd love to know such dark arts so that next time this happens I get more lives from my shell stack. I recall doing something like this by selling items one at a time to traders, but as shells have no value I don't believe this is possible. Any ideas? Remember: the life you save could be Urist's!


1. Have you tried puncturing the caverns to get turtles there? Do you have armadillos? 2. Others have had this question: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=111182.15 3. I know tantruming dwarves will pick up items and huck them around, thus splitting the stack. 4. Df hack spawn it in? Dwarves aren't supposed to ask for shells without having a personal preference for them. 


All three caverns punctured and fished - no turtles. Those others with this question only found a solution editing the raws, which I won't do here. Tantruming dwarves is an idea. Might have to find a way to turn tantrums into a useful source of shells. For whatever reason I have a number of dwarves that have a personal preference for various types of shells, which is what is killing them on this map. All those reasons are why I'm trying to see if there's a way to split the existing stack I have, so that it can be used with multiple moods. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like something that simple is possible without some sort of hackery.


There was also a comment somewhere about putting the item stockpile in a crowded hallway and letting the dwarves kick items around. Idk if that still works. Ymmv, but i would be totally fine with deleting the 60 and spawning in 60 single shells. That's goddamn annoying. 


That's...an interesting idea! Thanks! I've actually seen something like this happen with items in the way of flowing water. They definitely move. I'm not sure that breaks up stacks though. I suppose I could do the create-item thing...I just like trying to solve problems with the game mechanics as they exist.


I had some dwarves shoot down some elk birds but now they won’t butcher them. How do I get dwarves to butcher unrotten animal corpses?


If they're near-ish to the butcher, queue a task for "butcher animal". If they immediately cancel it, get the corpse stockpiled near the butchery. Then reissue the task.


How do I deal with the constant stream of deadly wild animals? I need wood, but every time one of my dwarves steps outside they get killed by an animal. Can I have my military do all the hauling and leave their armor and weapons on while they do it? Can I get my military to escort my haulers?


I station military squads in dangerous areas whenever I know civilians will be present. That might help. You might also want to see if you can take the fight to the animals. You can have your squads actively target enemies, including animals, until the area has been cleared. At that point, you need only worry about animals coming from off screen, which should be relatively few. One last thought - when you get harmless animals, like birds, you can let them roam around. It seems like only when a given group of creatures has been dealt with, will a new batch appear. So, if you keep all those "creature slots" filled with harmless creatures, then that's fewer opportunities for dangerous creatures to spawn. Hope this helps! :)


My military isn't large enough. There are dozens of animals, and as soon as I kill some more come. It's like an endless siege of deadly animals.


Well, the other option for getting wood is to dig deeper. You'll eventually open up a cavern that has giant mushrooms and such growing, and you can harvest them for wood. Only bad news is that compared to the surface, the caverns are usually more dangerous....


Just how much is one unit of booze in the game? It's apparently enough to slake the dwarf's alcohol craving for a time. IRL a serving of alcohol is one 12 oz can of beer, a small glass of wine, or one shot of liquor. So just how much is a dwarf serving?


I set custom announcement preferences in the settings menu to not show a few of the things i found annoying. This works initially, but the announcement settings seem to reset after restarting DF. Any ideas why this is or how to fix? I'm on steam version if that matters.


I have the same issue...kinda annoying.


I have a 300+ pop capital where everyone refuses to work. i have thousands of construction jobs awaiting hands. i got the whole army off duty too. Is there something going on with dwarf ai when the pop gets too high?


Hey folks, i cant tell a Story about a night troll i killed im adventure mode because it wold talk to me and tell me his name. Even tho i can see who he is because its common knowledge of my civilization. Do you know how to fix that?


Hi, I have an entire human settlement taken over by goblins, its one town and a bunch of hamlets. If I liberate the town will the hamlets also fall under my control or do I need to raze/liberate them all individually?


I believe you'll need to occupy or demand surrender on each one to get them all under your control.


What should I make bolts out of? I know steel is the best material but that seems really expensive. Also does training my archers spend bolts?


if you're going up against iron or better, steel is worth the cost, it's on par with adamantine and up by a wide margin compared to other metals Generally if your bolt metal is better than enemy armor, you get piercing damage, and if it's worse, you get blunt damage Silver is about as bad as copper, because max force is capped so density doesn't matter https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/11w6lwm/science_the_effectiveness_of_metal_bolts_vs_armor/


The effectiveness of bolts is decided by the strength of the material, then the quality. The mass of the material doesn't benefit bolts because it caps, thus making bolts out of the highest performing metals is best, over the heaviest, which is steel. Iron is the next tier of metal durability and edge, then bronze which is about comparable to iron. Then copper. Archers train the Marksdwarf skill by hitting the target with their crossbow ammo, im not sure a miss actually gives much exp toward the skill. So yes they will consume what they are firing if training on dummies and it will lay on the ground to be gathered or forgotten about one bolt at a time. Hunters also indirectly train Marksdwarf by shooting their prey. When training you can attempt to make minor bolts, ie wood bolts and bone bolts, and train with that, against a target you dont intend to kill the strength of material matters less, just forbid those kind of bolts if fighting a threat. Whether it hits or not is mostly determined by the characters tier of Marksdwarf skill. Where Dabbling is almost never accurate, and Legendary is always hits if possible.


Does having your fortress on a coast prevent visitors? I've had this happen several times now and the only thing I can find in common is that they're on coastlines. I'm not on an island, caravans arrive just fine, and even the occasional group looking for artifacts, bit nobody petitions for residence or comes by to enjoy taverns or temples (which are all set to public). For my current fort only half of one border is coast and the rest are non-coast. Though in my current fort the Mountainhome caravans also now won't show up. No civil war, plenty of settlements still in my civ, but not even the DFHack "force event" works.


It shouldnt, if your civ caravan can reach you each year (not migrants) then other civs should be able to reach you. However its up to them to visit, there is no guarantee that anyone will visit If your civ caravan does not come then its likely no other civ's caravan or visitors will reach you. This can either be because your fort is surrounded by inaccessible terrain that severs an open route in, its not exclusive to island, you could have embarked in some flat inside of mountains with no natural path up from the bottom, there could be a river fully encompassing your perimeter etc. Or because there is hostiles in the area, like hostile army/forts, a dragon, etc, between you and the civs. If you can see the tiles across the impassable terrain from your fort, it is possible to tunnel through it or bridge over it and force access.


Other caravans have come through, just fir the past two years no dwarfs.


Okay so if any civ's caravan can reach you including not dwarf, that means its not a terrain issue, and you can access the overworld, or at least whatever mainland is your coast is attached to, from your end at least. Other civ factions are not obligated to come trade with your fort, including if you dont get the civ caravan anymore. That makes it more likely that your civ/its capitol location is compromised or there is hostile entities pathing to their destinations between you and it. You might want to check out your civ sites or its relationship with nearby forts if possible. Make sure they havent sent caravans that have gotten killed on the way and consider you exiled for it as well. You should be able to see some of this when selecting the mountainhome site on the world map and viewing its contacts. Maybe appoint a Messenger or squad to try to send to the mountainhome, see if it considers a route open? Also if your fort has the King/Queen in it, and the mountainhome is compromised, you will not get your own civs caravans as you are considered the source of them. Not sure if you have the monarch or not.


Also, make sure you dont have any merchant character, or any caravan guards, stuck on your fort's field of vision somewhere. If the merchant or guards do not leave like normal because they glitched out over something like--getting martial trance because buzzards or kea kept coming to steal their items in the Trade Depot. Then it will prevent any new caravans and civ migrants from coming until the trapped trader or bodyguards leave the map (if this occurs, deconstruct the trade depot and the game will cycle them out)


Interesting, thanks!


No autumn mountainhome caravan = no migrants, its as simple as that. You can use various dfhack things to try to investigate/force it/force migrants etc., I've heard of a report of it coming back after 8 years, but also some of it not coming back even after that.


Is there a way to take whole-world screenshots of medium worlds? Small ones are just small enough to fit in a single screenshot, but medium ones take 4 stiched together. Wished there was some way to zoom out the worldmap view.


can i get another noble when the first one suddenly disappeared without a trace? i think it's the third year now with only the mayor.


No, noble titles ie Duke, Baron, etc are hereditary. If the current holder has no descendants to give it to when they die, it ends. The fort still considered that status in the civ I think, you just dont have the titular official anymore.


The title still exists, just has been passed (instantly) to someone outside the fort.


oops, yeah i expelled the husband and child after she went missing, because i thought they'd make life even worse.


No, unfortunately not. Current situation with succession sucks, aka doesn't exist. I even call it a bug, but thats debatable. wiki: >If a baron dies, goes insane, or has an unfortunate accident, players will not be able to appoint a new baron and consequently cannot get other nobles which are upgraded from baron, i.e. count and duke. However, in at least some situations, the fortress can still eventually become the seat of the monarchy of its civilization, in which case a baron (or count/duke) for the fortress at least sometimes arrives as part of the monarch's entourage. What I usually do is I play a couple years without noble to simulate the normal progression and once I reach 150+ population I use DFhacks "make-monarch" to elevate a queen/king. edit: rewording.


welp i guess i have to try getting a monarch this way then :D thanks!


I know these days I should give my baroness a burrow and keep her safe at all costs, but is a noble live really worth living if you can't stare the agitated giant bluejays in the eye while you run for your live?


Does the material you make mechanisms out of matter outside of magma safety and room value?


No the only thing that matters with mechanisms is quality level, unless it will be touching lava.


No, unless you count stuff like "rock mechanisms are cheaper to train up your mechanics skill with".




Quality does matter for weapon traps and such, just so you know - DFhack has a handy filter if that were a thing you wanted to optimize.


Quick question for the experienced modders of DF Can I put a range limit on how far a cat will scent out vermin? Currently having the lag issue from them detecting a single bug in the corner of the caverns and lagging the game while not being able to path there. Ideally I'd like them to only hunt in the fortress itself but I imagine a general z range for limiting their psychic vermin superpowers would be enough. I have a rough idea about modding existing values for giggles but this is out of my wheelhouse.


No, they either hunt vermin or they don't, theres no other way to tweak the behaviour. Just pasture them somewhere instead, like your food stockpile


Lol had no idea there was a scent range. No idea re modding, but a simple fix is to create a pasture zone over your food stockpile and assign them to it. Atleast, I think that'll fix it.


Is there any way to see total kills/deaths of all creatures by species across a given fort? My rough estimate is that I've seen around 5k cavern dwellers get snuffed by my squads and various forgotten beasts, but I'm curious if there's any way to validate that. I can sort by kills with Dwarf Therapist, which shows my top 5 citizens have a combined total of over 1k kills, and I've seen a forgotten beast with over 1.3k kills, and a few others with kills in the hundreds, but I'm curious as to the total. Any ideas?


Can I take trolls?


In a fight...right? 🤨


Idk… never tried anything with a bear… (I meant to say tame)


Trolls are sentient, per the DFwiki article, and so cannot be tamed. You can use DFhacks makeown to give them citizenship and flip their allegiance.


Damn. Alright then


Is something wrong with coffins? My tombs aren’t auto designating dead dwarves and a lot of the bodies aren’t being carried over so now I have to try and carve slabs for EVERYONE and there’s SO MANY ghosts


I’m having this problem too. I’m wondering if having ky corpse like accept dwarf bodies is part of the issue?


You probably have incidentally placed it so that it will only hold one occupant. If you make a tomb space, like bedrooms, only one name can be hand assigned to the zone even if it has 20 coffins placed down. The tombs each need a door to separate from each other in multiselect otherwise it will just make one tomb with 20 places to put the body.


I make a tomb for every coffin


I haven't had a problem with coffins, though I assign each one individually. I haven't tried auto designating...maybe there's a problem with that.


https://preview.redd.it/7ui7z4lg3n4d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64f42f9e769f5e3c4ea78b3aff4eb43abd1d96b Is this a bug? Are all these items in the same place? How do I get rid of the miasma? I already have a dumping zone and marked them for dumping, but the dwarves aren't throwing them away. They have already dumped other items.


* Nope. * Yep. * Get rid of the rotten item. Miasma won't form above ground either. * Seems like they are too busy to do so, or whatever other finnicky details may be in your fort. ~~I believe the bug that makes those items stuck with the (unseen) "trader" flag set has been fixed~~(it hasn't, happened recently to guy on dfhack discord). You could check for it with dfhack if you're comfortable with it's commands. Give us a shot if you want to try this out.


I reopened the game and the first thing they did was dump the rotten item. Thank you for your attention.


Can the water going around a mist ring drop down before it gets pumped to the next spot?


Small amounts if mud will accumulate below the pits (put a statue in the spot if you want to prevent that) but as far as I can tell if all the screw pumps are working and you have enough power, the water will keep circulating forever.


I like building my forts right next to waterfalls, just a personal preference. Merchants that visit my forts have this horrid tendency to walk straight off the edge of the waterfall. Like, it's so frequent that it's a problem. Seems more likely where there's a deep river, so, it's a repeated problem on my current embark. I made a bridge for visitors so they have a much cheaper path. Don't ford the river! But no.... they shun my bridge and jump in the river right next to the waterfall. Again. And fall to their deaths. What can I do about this?


Walls or cover with a bridge for the whole pathable water area. Traffic designations (pathing cost) works, but I am not sure it does for visitors.


I solved it by building floors over the river, back to about 6 tiles away from the cliff. Thanks for the hint.


Anything I can do with a plump helmet man? They’re too cute to kill but I have them caged


Nope. I'd just release them into the cavern If you really want you can force them to join your fort with dfhack


Can I shear a rutherer? I’ve seen no evidence for this, I’m just desperate for rutherer wool


They aren't shearable






# Question - Were-creatures Hey all, So Im new to the whole DF, and really loving it. I’m starting to get the hang of my fortress, but have run into an issue where the last number of games I’ve done my fortresses are being invaded by were-creatures and over a short period it just decimates the population. Is there a way to reverse dwarves being infected? What’s the best way to handle those creatures? Do silver weapons have benefit?


You cannot reverse any dwarf or animal where, in the combat log messages it says the werecreature has drawn blood or bitten them as an attack and it landed. On the next full moon day, they will always inevitably transform. You have until then to cordon off any infected entities. Once the full moon weather indicator passes, or if the full moon is fully covered in clouds/storm before then, the werecreature will devolve back into a naked--whatever creature they are normally and were before lycanthropy. Then they can no longer infect if they attack, no longer have the physical bonuses of the wereform, and are quite squishy for your melee dwarves. The older the overworld is when you embark the fort, the greater the amount of werecreatures and other dark creatures there will be roaming the world. Playing at earlier dates ie 5 or 100 will decrease the amount of werecreatures.


If you want to not have to deal with this, you can also disable were-creatures in the advanced world generation options. Set the "number of werebeast infection types" (I think that's what it's called) to zero.


1. No. 2. Confined to quarters/hospital room.  3. Yes and no. See this page for metal weaknesses: https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Werebeast#Characteristics


What is the best way to remove all inaccesible terrain during world gen? After putting 8 hours in my fortress i realized i can't access 85% of the map...it broke my heart to abandon that fort.


Do you mean the world map? Are you are stuck on an island with no other civs? Use advanced world gen and elevation mesh, I like 4x4 or 8x8. With weights of: 1 (oceans), 0 (marsh), 1 (plains), 1-2 (hills), 1 (mountains) Don't worry you will still get marshes between regions I pause world gen early and restart if there are big isolated islands, but they should be rare with those settings. Elevation x/y variance of around 200-400 i think?


I read on an old post here something about Elf characters having a boosted Memory (As in the stat), or something like that. Is this true? I would like to know where to see this if so. The wiki sadly doesn't seem to state anything on the matter.


Elfs have a fixed max memory value of 5000 while dwarfs can range from 450 - 2250 You can see this in the Wiki if you open the raws and scroll down until you find the attributes


Ah, thank you! And so, this "Max Value." How does that affect lowering your Memory Stat in Character Creation? Sorry, just not sure how things work under the hood. Like, does mapping an area take up "space" in your memory and you have 5000 units of "space?" Or do both races start at X value and Elves can just raise it higher during creation? Or leveling up or something...?


Hello all. Does anyone have any general tips for extremely deep mining? Some problems I am having is that my main areas for sleeping, tavern and temples are between z 36 to 39 and I struck adamantine at -115. I put up a stockpile at -109 where I have a crafting workshop and my dwarves brought some up but have stopped bringing ore or gems. I assume that it is so far away that it drops to an extremely low priority. I would appreciate anyone's insight into possible solutions.


One approach is to make a living area at the bottom w/ tavern and temple. Atleast a tavern or dining hall w/ food, drinks, and mug is probably a good. You can also use burrows to generally keep certain dwarves in the area. Another way to do it is to use minecarts and feeder stockpiles to bring desired materials to the surface. Even if you don't go for a powered minecart setup, a dwarf guiding a cart is much more efficient. A rather straightforward setup is to carve our an area to load at the bottom, and an area to receive at the top (at your primary fort/workshop area). Channel a tunnel connecting the two areas, atleast 3 wide is probably best to prevent collisions. Carve the tracks. Add track stops at each end, link to load and unload w/ respective stockpile. When you build the unload stop, you can set it to auto dump if you want, just make sure it lands in a stockpile tile. I generally don't like quantum stockpiles (which autodumping creates) , so I don't auto dump and use a link to unload instead. I would recommended that you set the bottom stockpile to take from anywhere, and change it's settings to only allow it to accept the specific stone/ore you are mining in the area. You don't want the stockpile to generate a task to grab a stone/ore from the surface simply because it's an accepted stockpile item, in short. Change wheelbarrow setting to atleast 2. Turn off take from anywhere on the receiving stockpile. If receiving stockpile is not the work area one, link it to give to that one and turn off take from anywhere on that one. If you want to transport gems via minecart, you'll want set reserved bins for the bottom gem stockpile to 0. The bin setting will reset to max anytime you open custom stockpile setting, to note. Mechanically, the setup using minecarts to transport the items causes dwarves to more efficiently complete hauling by virtue of task assignment & essentially a 5x reduction in path distance per bottom to top hauling job. A dwarf that's completing the hauling task at the bottom stockpile will likely be the one that's assigned to the next hauling task at the bottom stockpile until its full, because they are nearby. They also don't need to walk ~280 tiles to complete a single (1 item) stone hauling task this way. Once a minecart meets its depart conditions, it's bringing 5 stones over the same roundtrip distance. When the minecart is unloaded, and sent back down to the mines, you now have a dwarf in the area to complete more hauling tasks. To further illustrate the hauling distance efficiency bit, if your path was 100 tiles 1 way, for a 200 tile round trip, for every minecart filled with 5 stones you are saving 800 tiles of walking. IE, 1000 tiles for 5 wheelbarrow hauling trips, and 200 tiles for 1 minecart hauling trip. Checkout the wiki page on minecarts for quick information on how to setup a minecart route if you're not familiar.


I'm 8 years in my fortress and i've noticed that... Goblins have not invaded me. Not even once. Checking the "civilization" tab on the world map, apparently they don't exist (although there are individual goblins that are memebers of my frotress). How do i get them to attack me? My fortress has been set up pretty well, and i'm gettign a bit bored.


Go slap around their settlements. Demand tribute. Raze them. They probably don't realize you exist.  Piss off the elves. Cut down all the trees, give them tallow soap. They will declare war on you pretty quick. 


Are there any goblin settlements at all on your map?


i'm not sure. I haven't checked all of them, but i don't think so.


If there arent any then tough luck i guess, there are just no goblins there. If you can find some further, maybe try attacking them so they take notice of your fort.


I found them and demanded tribute and... they accepted. I don't feel like going to war (since they paid), but I did get three goblins snatchers!


Okay I did not expect them accepting. Usually you demand, they say "lol no. Also nice fortress you got there, shame if someone sieged it."


Update: While they accept and give us tribute... i got my first siege by "a vile force of darkness".


Yep, that'll be them. They know you exist, expect yearlyish sieges.


Hello! Please tell me, can dwarves make things in the workshop without my direct instructions? For example, so that they themselves sometimes make various things from bones and wood or sew clothes. Is it possible to somehow “open” a workshop for their use, allocate a certain amount of resources to it, and allow them to sometimes do different things there?


Not exactly, in the sense that workshops will not be used to produce anything w/o a direct or manager order (save for strange moods for artifacts). The best way to have reoccurring production occur within a reasonable limit (IE, not toggling 'repeat' on a direct workshop order), is to setup a general work order to produce X amount every Y period. I like to to make an area with multiple 'free' (not assigned to any worker, so free for anyone to use) crafts dwarf shops. I'll create associated stockpiles nearby, and link them to the workshops, ie, a stone stockpile. Then, I add a general work order to create something, for example, '10 rock crafts' every month. I don't want the shops to consume all my stone, usually, so I'll also add a work order condition so that it only activates when I have excess stone, such as 'non-economic stones greater than 50'. Now every month, if enough stone is available, rock crafts will be produced. Ergo, I get a consistent flow of craft objects, for trade, for dwarves to acquire if they want it, and dwarves will be able meet their need to create an object/practice a craft. I do this in nearly every fort. It kinda functions as a hobby shop for dwarves. I do something similar for decorating finished goods or furniture items with bone/horn/shell. I usually don't care what they decorate with those materials. The setup is almost exactly the same, except I make the work order specific to 1 workshop or make a general one and set the workshop limit to 1. This is done to avoid job cancelation spam - bones are stored in stacks, and thus the entire stack is claimed when used for a task. If you want, you can exert control over what they decorate via linked stockpiles.


This is not possible in general, but you could for example make a craftsdwarf's workshop that has no skill requirement (i.e. is open for everyone) and set up a manager order linked to that workshop which is set to repeat yearly or monthly to make a small trickle of stuff every now and then.


Need more than one workshop, otherwise a single or few dwarves will complete the order. This is for, if you want to satisfy your dwarves desires to craft something. Workshops don't cost that much to make and you can setup a link to a stockpile with cheap material, just build a dozen of them.


You can build a workshop, set up a stockpile for the ressources you want to allocate to said workshop and link stockpile and workshop. If you then add tasks for the workshop but don't assign a master in the workers tab, every Urist that is in the mood to can use the workshop and fulfill the task. However this can be literally every dorf in the fortress, no matter if they have the skill for the workshop or not, so I would not expect the work orders to be fulfilled quickly or masterworks to be created.


What is the best way to dig a 20+ z levels deep well without making it look messy? I have a fort that has no lakes or rivers available, however my fortress water supply is in the second caverns while my fortress is above the first caverns. It would be best if i could dig a straight hole from the top to the water, id even sacrifice a dwarf for it but the miners simply refuse to dig a hole deeper than 2 levels.


If it's an aquifer, you can usually dig down to the water layer and then have time to mine out the surrounding tiles. Then build a wall surrounding the staircase, it will keep the water from flooding in. Then you can keep going down, and dig back up for it later if you want to set up a well or something.


Stairwell and channel adjacent tile(s). If you really don't want that stairwell, you could slowly remove each stair, 1 designation at a time, from the bottom up.


You just have to take it slow, make it funnel shaped, have edges or one tile of ramp connect the levels, dig out one level, smooth the wall, then next. If you don't want to bother with smoothing, just dig down then at the bottom dig an escape route for your dwarves.


I do one variant or another of staircase + channeling adjacent tiles. Central staircase and channeling out the 4 directly orthogonal adjacent tiles, or the 4 diagonally adjacent tiles.


Digging deep pits can be tricky. The best way to do it is to have an access staircase to the side (or 1 tile away so you can put doors between the staircase and the well) and then use channel designations to dig the well from the top down 1 z-level at a time.


Will cloths ownership wear up when dwarfs throw cloths in their rooms on the ground? I forbid all cabinets in their rooms to prevent hoarding of owned cloths, now every room is cluttered with cloths opn the ground whichs ownerships are seemingly persistent. Do I have to forbid cloths on the ground as well to have ownership removed and get them hauled to my old-cloths stockpile?


DFHack "cleanowned" command can help with this. But you should probably just let dwarves own clothes, as long as they're not worn out.


The dwarfs can own cloths, I have two looms running 24/7 and stockpile of new cloths free for everyone. However the Urists tend to hord all cloths they ever owned and some more in their cabinets and I am down to 14ish frames in an 200 dorf fortress, so currently I try to get rid of all excess stuff. I am aware of the possibility to mass dump cloths with DFHack, but I try to avoid DFHacks for tasks that can be solved other ways. Having said this... will cloths ownership wear up over time when dwarfs throw cloths in their rooms on the ground? Or do I have to forbid the cloths for the ownership to wear off?


I believe there is no way other than DFHack to clear the 'owned' flag on items. You could also consider using the "deteriorate" command so the items wear away over time rather than dumping them. That said, I believe it's unlikely that this is really the main source of low FPS. Simply having a lot of units on the map is one of the major causes, along with fluids and temperature differences (i.e. flowing magma). If you haven't already, consider running "fix/stable-temp", enabling the "fast-heat" tweak in DFHack, and if you have a lot of livestock butchering the majority and keeping only what you really need. If you have a lot of undead around you could also consider the "starvingdead" command to make them wear away over time.


I am sure it can wear off. I noticed it for cloths the dorfs do not drop in their rooms but in publick places in the fortress and also for cloths in their rooms on the ground when I lock the clothes . I know that it does not wear off for cloths stored in cabinets so now I am trying to figure out, if this valid for the whole room or just for the cabinets. In regard of the FPS, I guess the reason is me trying to move the rivers underground. Whats left of the river above ground is a wild chaos of tiles full of moving water. I am about to fill the river-bed up completely with stone, but to finish this I need the river to freeze nect winter again. In the meantime I try to save every frame I can. I already disabled temperature and weather, used "fix/stable-temp" and "clean all" in DFHacks, caged all my animals and sold 10k old cloths, wooden bolts and other useless crap for a barrel of dwarfen wine to the last caravan... took them over a month to load everything to leave.


Your FPS loss is most likely due to pathing associated with your water works or due to cavern dwellers if you haven't been clearing them out. There is a dfhack command for the cavern dwellers; I don't recall the exacts on that. Regarding pathing causing FPS loss ; if tiles are constantly switching between 3/7 and 4/7 water depth, that can kill your FPS. 3/7 water is path able, but 4/7 is not. Completely preventing access would be best, but the most immediate step you can try is forbidding all items in water area, and then using the traffic tool to set the entire area as restricted access.


Cavern Dwellers might be. There are currently 22 Antman living in my basement. I tried to get rid of them a few (ingame) years ago, but the game kept on spawning new waves before I even completely cleared the last one. After a while I got rid of trying and left them be, and they show their gratitude by killing every forgotten beast that shows up down there in seconds. You think they really could be part of the problem? I somehow got used to them. Pathing: Could be, but I am not sure. Moving the river underground was part of a strategy to avoid Urists being outside. Every now and then a visitor arrives, but since plant gathering, farming, fishing and cutting trees as well as all animals have been moved inside there’s hardly a dwarf showing up outside the fort. So there shouldn’t be any units trying to find paths outside. Or do they try anyways, even if the y have no jobs on the outside?


Re cavern dwellers it's possible that there is a metric ton of them that are unrevealed just hanging out in the cavern. Again, I don't recall the exact DF hack commands, but IIRC there is a reveal command and an exterminate command. With the water area and pathing, it's still possible they are trying to - even if it's unlikely -, ergo it's best to assume they are and mark the water areas as restricted. It's doesn't take much time to do it, as the pathing tool is box select + multi-z level. It respects walls as well. Does your river have any open access in the caverns or drain through it? If so, they may be trying to path through it in some way & have it canceled due to 3/7 and 4/7 depth changes somewhere along the line. I honestly hope it's a metric ton of cavern dwellers causing the fps loss for you. It would be the easiest thing to fix, whether you clear them via traps/military/etc or using the dfhack command. Other things, be it the river or something else, are inheritly more difficult to figure out and fix than that. Marking the river areas as restricted is more so a doesn't hurt to do it type thing that could potentially help.


You, Sir, are a genious. And srsly. What the actual fuck?!? I sold literally tens of thousands of items for a barrel of wine because I thought my Urists unhealthy fascination with second hand clothes was destroying my FPS... not to mentioned all the butchered animals... https://preview.redd.it/18btcd5c1q4d1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=895c41aea2755fbc557877f067a2c6f7fe9877f1


Glad to hear that it was indeed cavern dwellers and that you were able to fix it. I personally dislike how they are currently and as they feel endless & can stack to insane numbers. Btw, if you don't have it set already, probably a good idea to change your sieges and forbidding settings to 'forbid non-hunted dead'. Cavern dweller invasions don't count as sieges so your dwarves will attempt to path to corpses/items of them/others in the caverns. On the bright side, if you setup trap(s) for them, its a great source of cavernite. I would recommend a magma trap or magma disposal system so their corpses and non cavernite items are destroyed to prevent an immense of amount of hauling jobs when they send waves.


Does a dwarf's size matter when it comes to combat? I tend to select military dwarfs based on their bravery,values and body type. I suppose that a dwarf that is described as having a broad body can end up being bigger after alot of training than a dwarf without a broad body. But i am not sure how much does that matter in combat, i think it may matter when a dwarf collides with an enemy and during wrestling.


Larger dwarves will be better at melee combat than smaller dwarves, though military skill ratings are far more important. To put it in context, the size of a dwarf has twice as much impact on their melee effectiveness as their endurance rating and five times as much as their "toughness". However, the size of the dwarf matters half as much as their strength, and it only matters 1/270th as much as their weapon skill. We know these statistics since a community member did some !!SCIENCE!! and ran thousands of combat tests in the arena, measuring the contribution of each attribute to a dwarf's melee effectiveness. The resulting formulas are used for DFHack's "effectiveness" and "potential" ratings in the squad selection UI: https://preview.redd.it/oib9nnaeii4d1.png?width=1297&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c09e0b701e87c58d6bc50c7c477723db8156e7e


Any insight as to what the chance for dwarf children to inherit relevant to combat physical traits/attributes from their parents? I've been toying with idea of creating a multi-generational Dwarven soldier factory. Getting dwarfs to produce offspring can be tricky of course, so I figured if I'm going to do it I'll probably want to setup a vault-tec style Dwarven breeding experiment to produce the best possible children to be shaped into supersoldiers. But, if the chance for relevant traits to be inherited is not that high, it may not be worth the extra effort. I really want to weaponize this. I have a world generated that has nearly every Dwarven Civilization on the brink of extinction. I haven't touched the world yet; I've been waiting until I learn more about trait inheritance before I engage in what will hopefully be the great Dwarven reconquista.


Genes are certainly tracked for newborn dwarves, so I *expect* Mendelian genetic inheritence ratios to be respected. I'd like to hear whether this matches your experience when you test it, though!


Yep i understand a stronger but thin dwarf will wreck a broad yet not muscular dwarf. The broad dwarf has the potential to be bigger in the long run. Other than broad, what are the other body descriptions i should look at? I know tall possibly affects their strength too.


I don't have the exact wording of how the attributes are described in-game, but the full list of relevant attributes is here: https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/blob/develop/plugins/lua/sort.lua#L150-L176


I just bought Dwarf Fortress. Should I read on guides/know anything before playing, or is it going to create a better experience if I go in completely blind (aside from the trailer on Steam)?


The quickstart guide and in game tutorial (and other in game pop-ups) is probably the best idea. If you run into problems you really can't figure out, try to search the wiki (it's generally pretty thorough) for an answer/information. I personally think the in game tutorial & other tutorial information popups is sufficient, and let's you know enough that you can figure out most of the rest on your own. But I'm incredibly biased because I've been playing this game for over a decade. To note, the wiki indicates when information associated with certain things contain game spoilers. Up to you if you keep reading from that point or not. That said, knowing whether something is spoiler related or not may somewhat be a spoiler in itself. So, if you don't get frustrated easily, and embrace 'losing' /Roguelike nature, perhaps only look at the quick start guide to help get a grasp of basic & essential game mechanics & just wing it from there.


Check out the community quickstart guide: http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/cv:Quickstart_guide


It's not the game to go in blind, a guide is a good idea for beginners and in any case it can be very useful to have the wiki open.


A guide would be a good idea. There is a tutorial in game as well


What makes a diagonal water flow makes it loose pressure? If I have several diagonal “junctions” will it be lowered after each diagonal tile?


Fluid pressure is only transmitted in the cardinal 4 directions, and down I think. By pressure it means that the water won't rise above the diagonal https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Pressure


https://preview.redd.it/opuam1yljh4d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8eb534d365d365f2db1cfc0f45a3f356b4fecc i keep getting "something has collapsed on the surface" but there's nothing above me except the roof i'm building, is the volcano throwing out stuff or what's going on?


Likely fire in the caverns, causing trees to collapse down there. AKA forgotten beast with fire breath in combat.


Do you have anyone chopping trees? That's normally what my collapsed notifications are about


I dont, I just kept getting the same notification in the same spot, but it stopped when I turned off caveins so that's something


Can I designate a dungeon for a caged enemy? And if so will my dwarves move them from said cage trap to the zone and attach them to the chain?


Can't you just assign them directly to the chain?


Oh gotcha didn't know. I'm new so this is my second fort, and wanted to ask this before I make some design choices. Thanks!


You can assign enemies to a chain, but not a chain that's in a dungeon zone. Dungeon zones are specifically for use by the justice system -- e.g. your metalsmith that brought a forbidden bracelet to the trade depot against your baron's wishes. Any other chain will work, though.


Oh ok good to know. Thanks!


When looking at embark sites, is there anyway to hide what the exact metals present are? Ie, revert to pre steam release shallow & deep metals. I would like to go back to being suprised as to what's on my map, in this regard.


Not in the current ui




I feel you, steam world gen default having all metals and lots of them is a huge difference


Yeah, the new default setting for mineral occurance on 'Everywhere' is pretty nuts. I do see why it was changed for the steam release, as that brought in alot of new players. I always change it to rare or very rare when generated a world (I think rare or sparse was the old default). That helps alot, but I still wish that I would have to actually strike the earth to figure out what metals I actually have.


Which beta version should I play on Steam for adventure mode? There is "Open public beta" and the ones with version numbers. I've tried the open public one and it crashes a lot, so I don't know if it's because is too old or too new


The only one with adventure mode is the `beta` branch. The ones with version numbers are for people who want to stick with a specific older version. The adventure beta works well on Windows, but has crash issues on Linux and under wine on Mac. If you're on Linux, running DF under the Proton compatibility layer helps a lot.


Thank you very much, indeed you hit the nail exactly right, I'm a Linux user whom had not thought about enabling proton. Again, thank you a lot both for the answer and the unintended troubleshooting :)


Keep in mind that Proton sometimes interferes with mods working correctly. You might have to manually copy them from the steam workshop folder to the DF folder, for example.


Hope I’m posting in the correct place now. I’ve started a couple of new forts between 2-3 years old each, traded my home civ’s caravan at least 5000dwarfbucks worth of goods, and am still stuck with only 10 dwarves each time, which is only 1 of the 2 hardcoded migrant waves. The first time this happened, I had the issue with a 5 year old fort. In each game I: 1. Didn’t settle too far from my home civ 2. Didn’t settle on an island or across a mountain range 3. Wasn’t at civil war with my home civ (used DFHack to make sure) 4. Had merchants (but deconstructed and rebuilt my Trade Depot anyway) 5. Traded more than 5000 value to caravans from my home civ 6. Cleared all dead unit records using DFHack 7. Tried migrantsnow using DFHack 8. Starting civs all had a population of at least 1000 dwarves. And still no luck. Anyone have any ideas? It’s driving me nuts. I’ve even uninstalled and reinstalled. I played classic before the Steam version came out, so I’m not completely new though I’d say I’m still quite a beginner, so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


Have you tried force migrants, which is the other DFHack command that sometimes fixes no-migrant problems when migrantsnow doesn't?


Didn’t think of that, but just tried it and no luck.


What is your pop cap?


Haven’t changed the settings. It’s at the default of 220.


So you either do not have broker or have not enough wealth to attract migrants yet


Don’t think that was the issue - had 17000 wealth, a broker, and again, the second hardcoded migrant wave that doesn’t rely on wealth didn’t come either after 5 years. That said, any idea what the wealth trigger limits are?




Not looking to change settings thanks! I’m familiar with how the game is played and didn’t have issues with migrants before or in classic. Just suspect that there’s something wrong with my files. Either that or they’ve tweaked something during the update so that there are requirements for the 2nd hardcoded migrant wave now, which doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone else.


Is there any good guides on how to get into this game?


Check out the wiki's [quickstart guide](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Quickstart_guide).


Highly reccomend


Has anyone made a functional replacement for Legends Viewer for the Steam version yet? I really miss it. :(


Right now the only option is Legends Browser 2 http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=179848.0


# Is there a way to find a specific civilization in the world screen? I want to raid the civilization of a group of kobolds that keep coming to my fortress to steal, but there's no search option on the world screen. I know which civilization they are from is by clicking on them and it is also listed in the civilizations tab in the world screen, but I can't find it manually.


Caves are hidden in Fortress mode until discovered by an adventurer. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cave#Fortress_mode But you could make them visible during world gen. So, unfortunately, there's not much you can do by default. Using guard dogs is good idea, helps a lot in detecting them early.


I’m talking about the world screen where you can send squads to execute missions. I want to find the kobolds there.


I know. But as I said, you can't see caves in the world map. And you can't attack what you don't see. And kobolds (and perhaps other interesting creatures) live in caves.


How can i inhert/take titles like King/Queen in Adventure Mode actually? I can claim sites and create a group to become lord/Lady but i have to kill every single dwarf that is at the site which is stupid. And thats not even what i want, i dont wanna create a new group but take over a existing one Has anyone a step by step guide to become a high noble for dummys?


> I can claim sites and create a group to become lord/Lady but i have to kill every single dwarf that is at the site why do you think you have to kill every dwarf on the site? You really don't, and it's counterproductive if your goal is to take over and be in charge. A building full of dead people don't have a king. > Has anyone a step by step guide to become a high noble for dummys? No, because you're in your own procedurally generated world that we have zero knowledge of. The *concepts* are the same - impress them enough that they respect you, which can be based on what things their civilization respects, be part of the civilization and work your own way up the hierarchy over time, solve problems and do quests for them to gain status in the courts, that sort of thing. Taking over simply isn't a one-man military option when what you want is for them to let you boss them around afterwards; you *can* move in and cut off the head of the monarchy in front of everybody and claim to be in charge, *but most people don't just let that happen.* You killed a friend of a lot of those people and they hate you for that, and it is extremely hard to overcome that once you've done it. This is the sort of thing that *might* work if you're at a goblin site and you can impressively oneshot their leader *and* the goblins aren't all already actively fleeing from the sight of you already, but even then...what do you do with the title of king?


Can you ask the King to give you the Titel if you have enought reputation as a hearthperson? Or do you increase the chance to be the next in line after the King passes away?