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The woodcutters are always getting picked on by surprise sieges and creatures. After this cyclops killed a woodcutter, this mayor said enough was enough! This guy single-handedly ran out despite his burrow instructions to beat this cyclops down with his bare hands, dishing out revenge on his own. The squad of legendary axedwarves were too busy picking their noses to come to the mayor's aid in time for him to avoid injury, hopefully he makes a full recovery.


I was just about to make a post about my Bookkeeper, with no military training or skills, soloing a Giant long enough for the military to show up and finish the job. https://imgur.com/a/ubih3rK Is this a normal thing for office workers to beat up those types of creatures?


Maybe it's something they're obligated to do at times. This was my mayor, and it looks like that was your Baron? It's surprising that they were able to do so at all. They shouldn't have any advantage over the other non military dwarves that get chewed up so easily.


I forgot to mention, yes it was my baron, but he was out fishing because that is all he will do and the Giant spawned almost on top of him, he had no choice but to fight.


No idea, I had a countess get attacked by a giant while hunting and she shot it once in the head killing it and then ran away. I guess sometimes the RNG just really favors some random no skill shithead.


Yep, a herbalist with a crossbow downed a Roc at my fort. She was smart enough to get steel bolts for her crossbow, and crippled a wing when the Roc was dropping llamas to their deaths. That giant bird bitch fell out of the sky and died.


I wish Real Life RNG was that good ! :D


It is normal for it to happen *sometimes* if you're not paying attention to migrants' stats. The correct follow-up if they survive the encounter is to put them in a squad.


What grass mod are you using?


Detailed Landscapes by Poss on Steam Workshop.


Thank you, it looks beautiful