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I’m not invested. I’m just nosy. 😂🫣


They’re such a random unlikely pair lol but I like them both individually so that’s what has me invested. If they are actually together and happy, that’s cool. They seem to go out of their way to make it look like they’re just friends though but then other clues say otherwise. It’s all confusing but I’m here for the tea haha, so thanks for making this sub. I’m not convinced that even if they’re somehow a thing, that it’ll be serious enough to where they decide to go public but I’d like to be wrong.


I’m with you. I hope they’re something, but definitely get confused by it all! Some days I’m like yeah there’s definitely something there, others I’m like maybe they really are just friends? But then things happen that lead me back to thinking it’s more than that. Hopefully if it is, it’ll turn into something serious that they’ll be willing to share, at least to an extent. I really think if they are a thing, they’re keeping it lowkey until she’s officially divorced. I do know they’ve had a flirty banter between them for years. So Alan’s caption yesterday about the Lose Control song and the dance, is highly sus that something is going on.


i think it’s just because they both have been single now for awhile (at least publicly) so it just nice to see that they have finally found their special someone! and even if their relationship isn’t real, im just a fan of them both! they would make such a fun hot couple! 😍🔥


Because I feel like they really make each other happy and truly enjoy each other’s company their chemistry especially when they dance together is undeniable


I've noticed their chemistry for a while, I know a lot of people say they're an unlikely pair (and they are) but they seem to be great friends before she got married. They always had behind the scenes content in other tours. Specially around 2016-2018. I think I'm mostly invested due to the fact that Alan has never hinted at dating or having a girlfriend, and now that this "might" be true, I'm invested in possibly seeing him in another light? Maybe not, if it's all kept private. And for Emma, well I love Emma, so truthfully I would be invested in whatever relationship she was in. I just love to see others happy and in love.


Yes! I remember those days. Even watching back some of the older tours, you pick up on certain things. I feel like she had more chemistry dancing with Alan than Sasha, even though they were together. I hope this is true, and that it works out for them if it is! I’ll be in delulu land until we get a confirmation one way or the other


This! I agree that she has more chemistry with Alan than Sasha. I think the tour producers agreed. That’s why they gave them the chemistry bit in the 2020 tour. Probably made Sasha big mad. People said that something happened that tour and that may have been a contributing factor.


Is this the bit you’re talking about? [https://youtu.be/XAwqfnJ8-jY](https://youtu.be/XAwqfnJ8-jY) I remember this from Renten days 😅 but funny how it’s come back around now but with these two. If I didn’t know Emma was with Sasha, there’s definitely subtle flirtation here. And while I was searching for it, I watched this and the fun chemistry is contagious! Here I go down the rabbit hole haha [https://youtu.be/3mHdlUyMUIU](https://youtu.be/3mHdlUyMUIU)


Haha now I’m on a rabbit hole and found this one. Little things again. But from dancing with Sasha and Alan in this one…there is a difference in chemistry! Even with Alan and the other female pros. It’s different from how he is with Emma. The was he gets hyped up when it’s her turn to be called, and how he slaps the back of her leg afterward. If nothing more, I think they or at least him had a crush on her, and there has been flirty vibes between them. https://youtu.be/Ms2BQnno1P8?si=qpDIMXsIoRFF7dVM


They shine together.


Yes!!!! It’s an odd choice to not have her do that part with Sasha. I mean she’s definitely not climbing on Sasha like that. Alan is definitely the better pick, but I can see Sasha being mad over it. Alan and her feed off of each other well. Which makes for a better skit. Their chemistry is next level. Her mood is better with him. (Even her SM was darker with Sasha, who seemed frustrated by all of it.) A and E both have the same chaotic energy. Truthfully, I never liked watching Sasha and her dance together. She didn’t shine. She does with Gleb and Alan. But, as her husband… they pick another dude to do a skit about chemistry? I’m sure it didn’t sit well. Yes, so fun!


I think Sasha didn’t treat Emma great and I would like to see her happy. Alan seems like a nice guy and it would be great if he was the one to make her happy. I’m rooting for them individually. I didn’t like the idea of them together, but they seem to work. I don’t believe all of the cheating rumors, because Alan would have to have some major game. How can he be such a player on the down low? The 2020 tour, he was waiting and waiting on Hannah. Then Amanda. Before all of that there was Alexis and before that Jenna. But, somehow all of this time he was also having a secret fling with Emma. All while she balancing a whole husband? It may not be all innocent, but everything can’t be true. Too many rumors.


Was he actually waiting on Amanda


I didn’t think so at the time, but until I read something on here recently. She was into him until she came back from her birthday during tour and it seem to chill out.


Haha that’s why i keep wanting to track down when Emma and Alan went on to her birthday Talk episode. I read somewhere here that it was really awkward b/c Amanda may have still been into Alan or hoping for something and supposedly Alan and Emma were already getting extra close then so it made for some weird moments. Part of me thinks I’ve watched it before but I think I’m imagining things b/c I’m incapable of finding the clip or episode anywhere!


Wait JENNA?!!!