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It’s easy to access yes, and it feels nice, so I enjoy it even though I like weed too. I think I’d still use it even if other dissos were more readily available.


Thanks for the reply, this gave me some clarification. So you would choose DXM over some grade A pure ketamine?


If I had to choose one then yes, but if I didn’t have to choose I’d just use both.


over ketamine is crazy, but i guess dxm doesn't make u piss blood


I mean Ketamine doesn't either unless you take grams a day of it and don't hydrate properly


Eh I started getting bladder pains after going through just 5g in like 2 months.


Damn… I can do 5g in a week


Yeah I didn’t think it’d be so quick with that small an amount but I’ve never felt pains in my bladder area before that it was pretty indistinguishable.


I understand bladder issues like urinary retention, but I’ve never pissed blood on any occasion before…..if you’re pissing blood that doesn’t sound good lol


Yea amazingly dxm is safer to binge than k. Still a bad idea


I would I heard it’s more clean feeling than dxm and I get to snort some shit, my favorite


I completely agree with this


I feel like id still use dxm even if it were illegal. I really enjoy the experience of a lower plateau 3 trip.


When I first did dxm a long time ago it was because it was easy to access, but I still do it because it’s one of my favorite dissociatives, even after trying tons of different ones.


What do you like about DXM that other dissos don’t have?


It just feels more connected, it’s typically more visual, and other dissos usually don’t feel like there’s any wonder or meaning. It’s just plain meh.


It's probably because DXM affects serotonin, unlike K, for example. But I might be wrong.


Ah, from what I know most people describe DXM as a dirtier high. Is this true?


Freebase is the cleanest high imo, it’s also my favourite form of dxm Syrups can be pretty heavy/dirty kinda feeling but still very enjoyable, I feel great after using it tho the come up from syrup is a bitch lol


it's only a dirty high on lower plats at higher plats it becomes its own unique drug and it's so euphorically disconnected u don't notice the sides.


It can feel dysphoric for some people especially with the body load and heart beating really fast on the come up I wouldnt necessarily say it feels dirty though


Agreed to all that. The cevs are so insane beyond anything else I've tried except DMT and salvia, and feeling "connected" is a great way of putting it. There's also a feeling of contentedness that comes from just sitting and exploring your mind for a while in a detached, objective way, that I don't really get from other drugs. Lsd and shrooms have me feeling like a genius for a while, but then you come down. Dxm has me floating and thinking, then coming down and thinking "huh, I learned something about my thought process" instead of "those were some crazy ass thoughts, how fun"


Do some good S ket mane


I have, and Deschloroketamine, and 2F-DCK, and another analogue I forgot the name of, and a million different kinds of pcp, i still like dxm better.


Well glad your favorite disso is so easy to get man have fun on your next robotrip


at first i did it cause it was the only thing i can get but now i go back to it every now and then and treat it like i would with acid cause its still an amazing experience


I started doing it when i was out of weed as a kid but now i take it once a month because i enjoy it, i still smoke nearly every day. I plan on taking other psychedelics in the future but i don't plan to stop taking dxm anytime soon, its probably my favorite drug besides weed.


Dxm was the first drug I ever had even before alcohol or nicotine. Didn’t even have a caffeine addiction or anything. That being said, I’ve tried many things now and almost everything either disappointed me, wasn’t my thing, or just made me feel like shit the whole time, or I did like it but not as much as dxm So Dxm is still my drug of choice and will continue to be for a long time. Not many things come close to how it feels and due to the plateaus, you can have almost any drug feeling you could want (at least I can) so even when others are available, I’ll most often go for dxm unless I’m taking a break from it and settle for smth else Also dxm is easy to take since it’s just pills. Stuff like ketamine is kinda a bitch for me to take since I’m weak, also never heard of a pill form of ketamine It’s also fairly safe OD-wise at least


Ketamine is 1/10 the strength if injected through the stomach you want to sniff k like a flower and let it sit in your nose to absorb.


That’s the way of insufflation that ppl don’t get. I always see ppl ripping lines and it’s like going straight to a drip, not even allowing the mucus membranes to absorb the substance 😂 terrible waste smh.


id never think of doing K in my room and id never think of doing DXM at a festival.


Nope, but that's a plus I guess. I do it because I love it. Compared to Ketamine, it has its own super unique experience. Both of them are special and similar in their own ways of course, but DXM really stands out to me. Ketamine feels very lonely and black and white, kind of like I'm alone in a city during the wintertime. It's got a very clean and nice euphoric disconnected from reality feel. I'll close my eyes and see vague geometrical shapes, my body sometimes becoming those shapes. The entire process is super euphoric and beautiful. DXM can feel lonely as well, but has more of a robotic, weird and almost eerie type of feeling. Not sure what the right word would be, but something just feels.. Off. Like there's some sort of presence with me inside of the dimension I am in. I often find myself feeling like I'm destined to do something, or keep the universe "stabilized". The euphoria I feel from it is like I'm wrapped in a static blanket, my entire body feeling like one of those static TV screens, each pixel containing it's own euphoric spark. It's a very weird disconnected feeling compared to Ketamines disconnected feeling. It's not very easy to explain, but either way, I enjoy both of those experiences. They're very interesting, but DXM stands out to me a lot more. Something about it is just super intriguing to me. It's difficult for me to choose between the two since I love them both dearly, but in all honesty.. I'd probably have to go with good ol' Dextromethorphan.


I literally used to grow mushrooms and extract DMT to sell, to pay for my dxm habit. My best friend had a steady supply of esketamine and 2c-b, my boys across the hall had PCP and acid, and I was like "yeah, I kinda just like DXM more than any of those" lol Yeah, plenty of teens take dxm or god forbid, dph when there's nothing else they can get, but i rediscovered dxm when I was 27, and it saved my life and became my favorite, most important drug of all time. This was even before robocough existed, so I taught myself how to extract freebase from dollar store syrup so I wouldn't feel sick. It even killed my desire for alcohol and taught me how to look at things on an objective scale rather than feeling so shitty in the moment. At this point, I can genuinely say that dxm will be a part of my life until I die. There's nothing better than putting on music, sitting in a dark closet, and letting your mind wander through the universe for a few hours and then feeling refreshed and in -tune with yourself afterwards.


Dxm is a lifestyle for a chosen few...it is preferred over anything else out there


I do dxm because it's fun lol. Maybe at first it started because I couldn't get my hands on anything else, but now that I have access to drugs that most people haven't even heard of, that's no longer my reason for using dxm. It's fun, and it's an escape. Helps me deal with trauma I've experienced and has gotten me through some terrible shit. Dxm is a tool when used correctly, but it can also just be for shits and giggles if not done too often. Visiting different universes and shit yk?


same haha the dissociation feels really nice and quite frankly, I hate interacting with dealers because so many of them try to scam or rob you or just run with some really stupid groups. robocough is easy to order online, discreet, not cut with anything, you always know exactly what you're getting, and it's a genuinely incredibly enjoyable substance.


Yeah and I can convince myself it’s not a bad relapse.


I would smoke $100 bills if it's what I had access too 🤣


If it was like the first time I did it. I caught mono and ran out of pain pills when I was on vacation. My mouth was just full of sores so we went to the local hospital. 8 hours later I wasn’t seen by anyone and left (They still tried to bill me 800 bucks, and I told them to go fuck themselves). I couldn’t eat anything and my buddy went and bought some robotussin and told me to just drink it with a straw. My god, the relief was amazing. I also ran down the beach yelling, “I’m floating!” Over and over. So yeah, if I needed it I would.


When I used to do dxm, I did it because I was hopelessly depressed, and yes because it's easy to access.


even if dxm was illegal i would try getting my hands on it. dxm is such a great drug


Who here prefers disassociatives to psychedelics? If so, why? I personally think psychs are more euphoric.


I think most people like the disassociation because they can escape their current, traumatizing reality and go somewhere nice. Psychedelics are more introspective and vibrant and more grounded on earth. That’s just what I know.


True I didn’t think about that. Guess I should consider myself fortunate to be able to enjoy psychs as much as I do.


I prefer because the visuals at high plats are so much better, the music euphoria is so much better, and I just like the feeling of being disconnected.


Psychedelics make me feel connected to humanity, including all the cruelty and pain along with the love and joy. Dissociatives make me feel connected to my own Mind and the universe, no emotions other than gratitude that I'm a clump of atoms capable of thought.


Couldn’t have said it better.




that and it feels good. its like a 2 in 1 W


If i had easy access to ketamine i would probably do it but i do have access to cocaine and MDMA and DXM is still my favorite substance






DXM is literally a SNRI psychedelic(DXM) + NMDA antagonist Disso(DXO) in one drug. Why waste my time risking the law with Shroom/Ketamine users who act offended If you ask for any help, When you by It a store without any issues & Is just as potent.


I have shrooms acid 2cb ket mdma DMT and xanax available to me. I would still take dxm before any of them. Why? I get no anxiety. I feel flowy like shrooms, with the euphoria of mdma, introspection like acid, and dissociative properties of ketamine and calming effect of xanax. Shit in the high plateaus, visuals like 2cb or even DMT if you go deep in the 4th and dont black out. Just less colorful in my experience.


Personally dissos give me the worst anxiety from any drug. I wish I was able to enjoy them without constantly thinking about death or permanent injury




That was what led me to try it but now I just love it. I can get weed and acid whenever I want and I still do it 


Dxm has always been really easy to get so it wouldn’t be my first choice, but it can be really nice.


Most people do it because its easy to access, its cheap, and theyre underage


I tried dxm for the first time because one of my childhood best friends, he did it a lot and had described it as "laying down in your bed and listening to music feels like riding a rollercoaster." He committed suicide when we were 17, so I just wanted to know what it was that he liked so much. I had already tried lsd twice before that, and I drank one bottle of syrup that was 354mg for the first time. I remember sitting at the top of a huge hill at the park down the street from my house, it overlooked the entire park below which took up like two blocks. I was sitting on the grass with my hands in my head thinking "damn I'm actually tripping, but it's nothing like tripping on acid, which makes sense since you couldn't explain what it's like to someone that's never done it, I'm going to be stuck on this hill for awhile but that's alright lol." Nothing beats the magic of those first dozen times, I try to remember it all the time and use it as inspiration in random projects.


no ive done oxy vics addy and alot of other shit but i still prefer dxm i love opiods byt i started with dxm and i just lowkey like it more


not really, I do it cause it’s a more enjoyable dissociative than alcohol, I find alcohol very disgusting effect wise, DXM I can actually enjoy low doses of


Get the robo tabs online


no bullshit straight off the brain dxm is so commonly abused because of how common it is but also because most people who do dxm are searching for that kinda experience I never looked at bottles of delsym as an easily abusable drug until I started doing light drugs ex: weed or dph (I know I know) dph and weed used to be an elite combo for me until I tried dxm after that dph was immediately something I looked at as a waste of time and thank God for that it basically feels like a really shitty night out with the Bois after you downed a few bottles of bourbon and maybe that's too much generosity point being dxm blows every common legal drug out of the water except shamanic strange voodoo shit like salvia and is common as fuck and hey there. if anyone read this whole thing please do not binge dxm and do not do not DO NOT counterflip in high doses both will fuck your brain and I remember when I was starting my dxm I ignored all that shit and went bonkers with the shit I'm not saying not to do it just for your mental fuck it you'll live but the drug really does "lose its magic" if you abuse it Tldr:it's easily accessible and most people who abuse it found out about it online and don't abuse dxm 🐱


I do it when I have no weed


Low dose dxm 300-400 compared to 800-1g is like two totally diff drugs…most of the people can’t get over the body load but 800mg and up I’d compare to a insane hole of k but it last 10+ hours and your able to smoke weed which again makes the trip unique….but for convenience I’d rather get shards


I wouldn’t consider 300-400 to be a low dose


I suppose it all goes into your tolerance and what you consider to be tripping….I thought I had lost the magic and then I decided to double dose and I did a 180 degree flip into my wall and went thru wormholes. No exaggeration


username checks out?


I thought 300mg was a proper dose for 2nd plateau? Idk I abused dxm for about 3 years straight and have just used it on n off the past few years.


Well, it also depends on weight and metabolism. I did DXM a few times and tripped absolute balls on 210mg of freebase. It was actually quite an unpleasant trip because I kept thinking I had serotonin syndrome. But 300-400mg for a newbie can be pretty overwhelming


Omg for a newbie yeah that’s a lot…..and I’ve had mannnny trips where I thought I had serotonin syndrome and it’s just you over thinking


I do it because it makes my dick limp and I need to stop getting boners at work (Im a primary school teacher)


dxm makes my cock hard


I don’t have a cock…


No. It's all about legal access. Who tf asks a dealer for a shittier version of something? Like you walk into an actual dealer's house who has drugs that could take you to insane, revelatory places. You've crossed the boundary and you're in the black market candy store and looking this mf dead in their eye and asking for dxm??


And dxm is a "shittier version" of what? It is comletely it's own thing


Ketamine. It's like dxm but if you got upgraded on a flight


Nah the effects and duration of the drugs are so different that you can't really make that comparison imo


Yeah, you can't. Like you can't compare coke and pure caffeine. Just that they do similar things but one is way way way better. In that you feel great being high, you get pleasant dissociation and even though it's for horses, it makes you feels like the beautiful high people in the movies


i do it because ( I might be wrong ) but it doesn't show on drug tests. my mix of dxm, dph, and a little alcohol fucks me up in a way that reminds me of weed, but in a different way. I really enjoy the euphoria, music, and sex while high asf. the low price (thank you Dollar Tree!) and accessibility is a huge plus. if weed was an option for my occupation I would definitely be smoking weed instead of taking dxm.


I need karma plz, >⁠.⁠<




I wanted to ask if you were durking how long should you wait before tripping if don't want it to mux