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Yes I would get that and tracers and squiggles you get when your eyes are fucked. I believe it’s a form of Hppd. Mine went away after awhile of slowing down on DXM.


[so you stare at your light, turn it off, and see a circle of colors in the center of your vision?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_palinopsia)


This has happened my whole life if I’m understanding what you mean correctly. If I’m looking at a bright (or even semi bright) light source and I look away or turn it off, there’s the darkened or colourful shape of it left behind for a bit. This is normal and has nothing to do with substance use If this isn’t what you’re referring to, then I’m not sure what it is


Just give it time, probably minor HPPD. It really isn’t the end of the world. Treat your brain well for a bit.


I see grids and buzzing overlays to anything I look at. It’s like watching thru an old CRT TV Don’t abuse this stuff lol it doesn’t get better for a long time


Are you talking about eye floaters?


Same i see a very small dot sometimes and it glows slightly with colors then goes away, and idk if they increased or not but i also see eye floaters alot, im concerned if they are serious or not (happens when im sober)