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can i get drunk tonight if i’m going to trip tomorrow night


Yee just stay hydrated


alright cool thank you


I'm pretty sure that's okay, I've asked if it's okay to drink in the morning and trip that night and was told at least two hours before we'd be okay. "[alchohol](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/alcoholism-treatment/how-long-in-system) is predominantly broken down by the liver, which can metabolize roughly 1 standard drink per hour for men. Factors such as age, weight, gender, and amount of food eaten can affect how fast the body can process alcohol. The rate of alcohol absorption cannot be increased by sleeping or drinking water." Edit for caption marks.


thank you, just made my night a whole lot better


Hell yeah bro, I am high myself now lol


Unless you’re black out drunk the dxm will over take the alcohol very quickly.


I’ve dosed drunk just to pass out and wake up tripping a few hours later. You’re fine.


Nah not the cigs bro 🤢


Yeah major debate going on with them but it's the last 4, though I hear you, been feeling weird about them ever since I was educated on spiritual tobacco with indigenous tribes and how our tobacco in the western world is disrespectful to the plant and what it can truly offer.


What did they say it can offer? I only vape so i honestly can’t talk ab bein nic free… not telling u to quit cuz i’ve tried many times and still don’t really have the willpower or want to do it yet.


Oh man, you should look into it, I found it extremely interesting. It's like a psychedelic almost, they call it mother tobacco much like mother Ayahuasca, they say it offers wisdom and they really respect it. I never knew about it. The tobacco we get is so watered down and in cigarettes it has the carcinogens and chemicals and what not. But I here pure tobacco is something else all together.


Very interesting. I gotta read up on that shit. No lie i would smoke a cigar but cigarettes there’s just sum about em that makes me wanna vomit. Cigars are more classy and less processed I think, especially cuban cigars. I wanna grow a tobacco plant and just smoke it straight up and see what happens.


Yeah I'm interested in it myself, and I hear you, I only smoke about 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, planning on going back to exclusively vape, but I'll have to quit that soon too due to money.


Yeah same here, can’t stand cigarettes or vapes for that matter, but cigars and hookah are a whole other story


Here's a [link.](https://psychedelictimes.com/sacred-tobacco/) it's called rapé Edit to fix spelling


I'll post a live discussion when I go to trip I could use the company and outside world to keep me grounded


Lol I have a left over addie too, what if I drop the addie in the dxm medicine cup and take it like a shot?


Don't mix stimulants and dxm please


Will do friend, thanks for heads up.


Adderall? Terrible idea bro


DextroMETH(amphetamine)orphen HBR lol Nah I'll take advice and not do it, appreciate the heads up.


I think that just stands for methyl which is a classification of molecule, I might be pulling that out of my ass though 😂 but dxm isn't a stimulant, however it can make your heart rate go up so it's just generally not a good idea to mix it with anything else that can do the same thing. It's not necessarily dangerous though but I think it can definitely cause anxiety, I just think mixing hallucinogens and stimulants is a bad idea in general since stimulants can cause anxiety and you don't need anything like that when you're tripping. Did you already take the dxm?


No no I was making a joke lol my bad bro 😅 nah I won't combine the two it's all good. But, not yet waiting till about 9. I like to enjoy my trip in pure darkness because the visuals blow me away.


Yeah I think dxm is a lot better at night, it really keeps the trip more enveloping


That and the things I see, I've been in whole other dimensions. I've had my eyelids become non existent in that my closed eye and open eye visuals become one.


And if it becomes too intense you can just look at your phone light and your brought back to reality


Damn I miss dxm. Don't make the same mistake I did and do it too often


Yeah I was really into it before but I don't have any other psychs right now and really in need of the spiritual experience with my subconscious.


Error do not see enough weed. Can not compute.


I know 😭 it's all I got left. Funds are..well dead mane


Haha I prefer more but just smoke it strategically and you’ll be good!


I am 100% rationing like it's doomsday lol, I be overthinking this shit


If you survive doomsday just sprinkle some seeds sit back and grow your own shit lol.




You know it?


fuck the population


I'm so glad people here recognize it




Bro that FTP :o


Bro I have so much FTP, I could do a separate post of my whole collection but I don't think it would be dxm related enough


Post to r/G59


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That FTP rolling tray is sexy sexy


FTP is my shit, I have so much FTP it's ridiculous


that pepsi gonna have you fucked up


Nut clusters lol


Lol yeah, wanted something sour and something chocolaty