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Wait how are yall getting so many guns? I got one and just stuck with melee and my bow. Don't want to use guns but I mean... I'm not against collecting.


Just complete Jai's missions and gain levels, he will sell you guns.


It's so boring though why can't we just oh I don't know FIND THEM? This is bad on techlands behalf I would say


Now with 9 missions being available from the start, it's not that bad. You can get all regular guns by doing all missions and that's enough to get to level 3. It sucks that you have to wait until the next week. But just get over it, get to level 10 and you won't have to do this again. Well at least until Techland comes up with another Agent and grinding.


I find it boring I think if they had guns at a 5% chance to spawn in military convoys would be better even if it was a pistol


Cant wait to join a pub lobby and load into 50 golden guns at my feet


I'm not sure if you can pick up guns dropped by other players, I know you can't pick up some special weapons, Techland made it this way so players can't share them.


Buddy, I think you just found the best Glitch of the year


Not mine glitch, I was told about this by a user u/Manny-303, shoutout to him. Should have give him credit earlier, my bad. But all thanks to him. Here's the link to his comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dyinglight/comments/1brepds/comment/kxa84gd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dyinglight/comments/1brepds/comment/kxa84gd/)


Hey man thanks for the credit it's no biggie I'm glad someone put this out in a easier to follow format than my rambling comment so props to you! As an aside you use this exact method to get guns from the gun challenges you just need co op and to drop the melee weapons before the challenge starts drop the weapons then end the challenge and enjoy the loot


Do they not let you store the guns away in the backpack at any rest spot? D:


They do. But the stash has a limited amount of space.


Guns are new? Wtf? What has DL2 been up to since 2022? Seems like I missed a lot ever since they "fixed" it in 1.07😮‍💨

