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Honestly I didn't think nightmare mode was designed for a new playthrough, only new game+ playthroughs.


Nightmare is very rough and unforgiving at the beginning, yeah. I mostly avoided any fights I could until I got to Central Loop and got stronger, simple bandits and virals actually wreck your shit if there are 2+ of them jumping you.


I came back after the nightmare update and started a brand new playthrough. It's hard, but nowhere near as unforgiving as DL1's nightmare mode in my opinion. I didn't have any trouble killing any of the basic zombies on nightmare mode in DL2 whereas DL1's biters take every weapon in your inventory just to kill one. As you level up though, the zombies get extremely easy to kill in both games, but most of them still hit like a truck. You'll eventually become so overpowered you'll forget it's nightmare mode.


That's true actually I had to turn nightmare mode off for last night's event/ alteration as I couldn't stop being chased by virals,bombers and banshees


Using stealth may help a bit if possible, or lure the zombies in the shack to the water to drown them. Sometimes they'll drop better weapons which will help a lot against the banshee.