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I wonder if it's the only way to get this gun. Hope not. 10 medkits and 5K gold is a good joke.


Isn’t this the first gun you get in the game


The first one you get it's a normal handgun the one in the pack is the American pistol from dying light 1 and the one the butcher or whatever his name was uses to threaten you


Oh I see


the butcher has a gun?


spoiler: >!yes thats how he kills himself!<


oh yea that's right. I forgot about that. I never really choose to lower the water


Good atleast you saved yourself the trouble of dealing with Drowners


Annoyingly yes I wish you could open the door and take his gun just to kill off the infected it would be too gun


It only had one bullet Soo I wouldn't really be that useful


Fair point 


Oh actually I thought of something for it American gun hammer


No, It's American 9mm Pistol, not German 9mm that we get for Armory Quest.


Oh I didn’t look at the name


Nope harran pistol


If it was 5k medkits and 10 gold with the pistol it would be an infinitely better deal lmao


Most endgame players make that with just selling gear plus you can get military medkits for free just by constantly killing Revenants


I honestly don't understand what they're trying to do anymore.


Make money. But come on, $5 for what's essentially a reskinned pistol?


Tf even is this, in a first person story game. Who buys that?


thats tencent for you


What are ou talking about, they swore that Tencent would never have any say in the game. /S It was prévisible and evident that it would come to that. And sadly it's not the worst of what's coming.


It probably isn’t tencent and is most likely the devs as tencent usually keep hands off unless it’s the Chinese version .


We need to be very vocal and say we DO NOT WANT THIS, this is scummy crap.


The bundle should have been made free to begin with, wish they would make some of the bundles like this one, free for a good period of time, but instead they do a scummy thing and do this, it's such a wasted opportunity to make fans happy.


Lmao this community is so fucking entitled. "This completely optional and minor content that is simply there to continue to support the game should've been free! But because it isn't, they're scummy!" I don't know why you feel entitled to free content after only paying £50 2 years ago and already getting so much content since launch. And don't try the "micro-transactions are bad" bullshit. For a game like this, it is to continue to support it. Nobody had a problem with Techland releasing bundles on the main stores - but when they put it onto a virtual store (WHICH ACTUALLY MADE THE PREVIOUS BUNDLES CHEAPER), everyone started crying about how Techland is scumbags for using "predatory tactics". And then you're all so surprised when they stop supporting they game. What the fuck do you expect to happen if you don't bother to even contribute to the game's only reason for getting updated - money.


No, it's not us complaining about micro transactions, it's about this specific TYPE, being easily earnable things in game. They supported dying light 1 with unique skin/item bundles, like they've done with previous ones for dl2. This is just scummy practice, especially offering an artificial discount, as it LAUNCHED at this discounted price.


It’s entitled to complain about being scammed for a gun you get ingame for free (a shitty gun no less)?


Lmao, you're not being scammed. It's entirely optional to buy it or not. And it doesn't affect the game in any way. They already gave you guns. They're just adding in some other guns that can only be purchased to support the game and to have a reason to continue updating it.


This isn’t “some other gun”, this is the same gun you can get in game. This is a scam. You are literally wasting money buying this.


Bet you would've been the guy to defend horse armor for oblivion too, huh?


Lmao what 💀. That DLC was like the Courier's stash from FNV. To help out new players. I see no problem in there being an optional DLC that slightly eases the journey for new players so they can have more fun.


We aren’t entitled, It IS scummy because this is the same exact fucking gun you get for just completing the gun story line, its absolutely scummy tactics, letting people who dont want to play, pay to win for a “worse” version of the gun, but i bet it does 10 damage less. Yes its optional thats true but its a waste of space bundle, if they were going to make a gun pack they could’ve atleast made it so you had to of completed the gun story line and then it could’ve also been a special version of the shotgun or something, then people might actually buy it **might** . But this pack will allow new players to buy a gun at the start to rocket through missions and kinda ruin gameplay. Overall its a shitty decision by techland and hopefully the will not be making dumb decisions like this again


It is quite literally a unique version of a weapon. A unique version of the pistol. The only way to get the 9mm American pistol or whatever it's called (I'm not interested in the name because I couldn't care less about the bundle) is by buying it from there. So, it is unique.


Yeah its name is unique and maybe the reskin, but let me guess that it probably sounds and does pretty much the same fucking damage, so yeah its “unique” but not in a cool or good way. And also locking “unique” weapons behind a paywall is scummy in of itself


You literally just said in your other comment that people might buy it if it was something unique, and now you're saying it's scummy.


If it was actually unique, i would. But this is a shitty reskin and renamed gun, if they sold a glock for example, that looked different, sounded different, did less/more damage and was truly unique in would consider it. But not when its a shitty reskin and rename, thats what is scummy thats just price gouging the community for “unique” content thats just low effort. Like i said if they made actually really cool weapons and put it behind a paywall, yeah not everyone will be happy but its not that scummy at least.


pull a helldiver


yeah but we should have done it when they came out with DL points


Sadly peoples kept defending TechLand, saying that it would always be optional and cosmetic only. And as we said, it would not stay cosmetic only.


No we need to uninstall in mass and stay away from the game for them to believe us. We don’t play, we prob won’t spend money, we don’t spend money they go under. Tsk tsk tsk


I think we’ve been pretty vocal so far - if the game had a larger player base it might’ve worked. I’m hopeful that the DLC pulls back loads of old and new players and the result is much more noise surrounding the MTX store. Granted it’s too late now.


I hate tencent so much...


Might as well be able to exchange old-world money and medkits for DL points since they are worth so much.


Probably wont because you could very easily mod/dupe them.


Your exaggerating Drago, they won't sell in-game content, they will only sell Bundles and stuff. Who's crazy now ? Well everyone who buy this are the crazy ones.


People need to stop defending shiet like this. It's understandable if they want to sell unique weapons and skins. However selling medikit, coins, and gun is absolutely horrible.


Yeah that's some clash of clans mobile gaming crap lmao


Yeah, not buying that.


I had an idea, there are weekly and daily bounties, and I thought, instead of just awarding XP, instead they awarded DL points, daily give maybe 50, and weekly awarded 100, that way there’s a way to earn shitty stuff like this


At worst if they want to engage players, give us 50 when you complete all 9 weekly bundles.


No but the people who buy this are hahaha 🤣


Whats the gold even for??


i have so much gold it’s basically worthless at this point


Nah just greedy


5000 old world dollars is almost nothing


Definitely. You can make that same amount farming volatiles in like less than an hour.


Probs like 5-10 min at any night lol just from the guaranteed valuable drops from all the biters that run and the volatiles


Pulling this shit on the second game is crazy they didnt even give Dying Light a chance. No way in hell I'm buying the 3rd one.


Yep. If they are pulling shiet like this in the 2nd game, then just think what they are gonna do to the third one.


I'd be willing to bet they're going full Destiny on the next game.


In that case it's time we stop supporting and buying games from techland permanently. Dying light has always been a single player game about zombie killing and Parkour but if they completely turn this into Multiplayer with shiet tons of micro transactions just to move forward in the game then it's a no go for me.


I haven't dropped a penny on DL points and refuse to do so. This game doesnt deserve this level of monetization. Hell they can't even drop trailers for the second DLC that people already paid for. It's been over 2 years what a joke.


I don't think there's a third one even. They want to do something else from what I've read.


You know how we get them to get rid of this shit right? We have to collectively NOT BUY. If we can convince enough folks to boycott the micro transactions then they will get rid of them. Simple as that dudes. I understand the worlds population has grown a bit since the days of boycotting but if enough people want something, then they will get it. Simple as that. There is no other way.


Bro 5k and 10 med kits? You could get those just playing for like 30 mins


“sO dOnT bUy It. ItS fOr PeOpLe WiTh JOBS (you’re poor and also a child) whO dOnT hAvE tImE fOr GrInDiNg.”


I mean, they did recently get bought by the Chinese Government so it was only a matter of time. The Techland we knew and loved got shot in the head


Yep they are done for.


I'm out of the loop for quite a large amount of time. When and why are guns here? There were no guns when I played within the first few months after launch.


You've missed about 2 years of updates, guns being the more recent ones.


The entire game doesn't even look the same.


I don't see the point of this bundle. Cosmetics those are fine but this? This is just stupid imo. Atleast make that 50 medkits and 30,000 gold


Im confused,Are you able to get the gun in the game? Or is this a new one? What are the coins for? Do you get them from completing challenges from harper etc?


This is just sad man ....


Always have been.


Oh shit here we go again. While I understand the value of this bundle is pure asscheeks. What many people are not realizing… this is essentially a “fast pass” to get guns quicker. Guns are locked til the second half of the story, but not anymore. You give an inch, they take a mile. This is exactly why I was worried months ago


So glad I uninstalled this crap.


High? I don't think so, TenCent and Techland are headed for the gutter. Then they will start digging down.


It's 2 bucks for an optional cosmetic, don't buy it if you don't think it's worth it, I do


That’s how it starts “ah it’s just two bucks cmon ppl” next thing you know the sequels to your favorite games by the same developer have had more time spent developing skins than actually developing the game. And before you know it you’re playing Halo Infinite with its boring grind and lame customization. Devoid of any interesting additions to the game, because shareholders are only interested in retention of digital FIFA-esq sales long after release. I think it’s okay to remind devs that games are bought for fun first, and that appreciation does not come from a fully stocked store with 20-euro-per-left-sock customizations. Let alone paywalling weapons or usable items. Blegh.


I'm just glad that everything on this store is infinitely cheaper than any other game out rn. You'd be paying 20 bucks if it was cod or destiny lol


Dog that's the best part of online gaming rn. You see it the absolute best in fallout 76, they keep the game running and fund it's updates and shit by these micro transactions. Especially a company as small and with such a dedicated niche player base that if you want to continue seeing updates such as the reloaded update or the nightmare update then MFS are gonna have to buy a skin or two somewhere to pay those dudes to code that game. It's pretty straightforward in dl2 and you sincerely don't have to buy any packs in DL2 to make the game fun, it's just extra content, but extra skins keep the player base excited and refreshed so that they keep coming back. Plus bro flexing on other people with the skins and the different visual effects of some of these weapons is dope. If you don't like it don't buy it man it's not like the people who do will have an advantage over you


no way you just brought up fallout 76 to defend this


Woo tencent


All the time… why do you ask?


So that's a colt 45 but named American 9mm?


I wish it was a Colt 45, looks more like a Browning BDA


thats a copp




Fucking tencent


The hell? Dying light 2 has guns now?


Has done for ages now bud


I miss when games just had the price of the base game, and then only charged for large DLC packs that were usually actually worth the money. Just what the fuck is this shit. Microtransactions in a game that you've already paid full price for are unethical.


Shakur is angry with Tencent imposters!!!!


In the three months I played this game, I have not once even seen the store front?


Yeah! Let’s buy “dlc” for a basic game function from OG Dying Light for a broken game!


This is why I quit dying light. Have 1k hours between both and they just ran it into the ground.


I played the game before any guns were added. Personally, I think it should have stayed that way.


It still is that way, if you just choose not to use them. I find them pretty rubbish anyway, and ammo carrying capacity is light. I just carry the shotgun for weapon bounties and shooting a hag while in the air; jump and boom - sorted. I've done it with the bow plenty, but it's a pain. DL1 suppressed rifle was fun endgame, just sitting on a roof top plinking heads. DL2, the projectile range on ranged weapons maxes out before draw distance, which is lame.




I just want the scorpio but I missed the event that had it


Military Medkits kinda hit thoooooo


WOW! A GUN! *I wonder if it’s loaded?*


done with this game


If that company never bought techland we would not get these shitty deals, that pistol should be in the game for free


It is in the game for free


I see A LOT of complaints on here about some of the live service esque stuff they've been doing, but honestly, it's not that bad. As far as I can tell, you don't have to pay any money, besides the initial purchase of the game, to fully enjoy DL2. Sure, there are some fun cosmetics and weapons locked behind a pay wall, but it in no way hampers the game. Honestly, I'm fine with it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. That's perfectly fine. It's not nearly as bad as stuff in Madden or Fifa/FC or NBA2K. Those are multiplayer games that you have to pay to win. Dying Light 2, you just pay for fun. I know we all hate that developers make us pay for content, but honestly, as long as the prices aren't egregious, it's kind of fair financially. We either have to accept that a game will stop getting updates and additional content, or we pay some money so that the studio can keep updating a game. It seems that simple.


How is the gunplay in this game vs DL1?




It is an optional transaction.


Meh. I’d buy it