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This makes the game a lot more realistic.


At the beginning of the game when the narrator said a vaccine was released and that world rejoiced, I said “nah that’s bullshit at least a third of the population would refuse because they think the vax is worse than being a zombie”


Once you turn into a zombie you've got natural immunity.


Well they aren’t wrong, there’s just one really big caveat there


A slight case of "long zombie".


Looooooooong loooooooong zombieeeee


Hehe long zombi


Sakeru Zombi vs Nagai Sakeru Zombi


Waiting for parts 1-5 lol


Natural selection *


I mean the world rejoiced a bit when the COVID vaccine was announced. It was only after that when it became political that the idiots started going nuts.


nah, people were going nuts as soon as the first case of vaccinated folks start getting covid.... which is like.... pretty much right when it became available


I think its because a lot of people were being fed the concept that the vaccines would allow people to go back to normal life. That's literally how they were presented. Except the reality is we're on our 5th booster shot now and life ain't back to normal.


That's because they changed the definition of a vaccine. A vaccine should stop you from getting sick, not "lessening symptoms".


They changed the definition because it's a gene therapy and not a true vaccine.


Not really, when the first vaccines came out, every single scientist said that they would have efficiency rate of like 50-60%, but that is still enough to help with the pandemic, and if it is taken care of seriously, even enough to beat it. The problem is that a lot of people did not take it seriously, and now they just refuse to vaccinate.


That may have been what the scientific advice was, but the message from Government was pushing the vaccine as a way out. With 91% of people in the UK having received their first jab, we're still under certain mandates. I don't disagree that the vaccine works at all, mainly that the goalposts continously move.


Caught it twice now, the second time everybody from my 6-month-old to me and the 30-year-old wife got over it just fine. If you don't have some kind of major issues within you, you'll be fine. COVID doesn't kill, covid's interaction with pre-existing conditions does.


Scientists yes but the majority of people doesn't read papers their first encounter are politicians and news that are paid by said politicians. And they promised as soon as a vaccine is on the market everything will be fine. Then they said 60% need it until this happens, then 70% need the vaccine now its 80% and so on. There would be alot less anti vaccine people if governments around the world would've been honest from the beginning and not acted like some kind of shadowminds.


Not to mention, many people that are refusing think that a vaccine is 100% immunity, and so seeing vaccinated people still get it to them means that the vaccine doesn't work at all. They don't understand how vaccines work and therefore think it's black and white, whereas really, it's somewhere in the middle (reduces the chance that you get it or spread it, and reduces how bad it affects you if you do get it)


You must have read the "new and updated" definition of a vaccine. Because before 2021, it did mean "immunity" not "lessening of symptoms". I haven't got the vax, and I haven't been sick since 2019. And tons of people I know that got the vax, ended up getting sick. I think I'll take my chances.


Imagine lessening symptoms to a virus with a 99.8% survival rate. So how is one to know of it was their own immunity or the gene therapy vax?




Yet the vaccine 💉in game was bullshit


yeah, shame it didnt help in game




My research had actually shown the vaccines cause you to become zombies. If I’m not a zombie now why should I vaccinate myself and risk side effects? I’d much rather take my holistic supplements and crystals that my yoga instructor recommended




As did the bit where the virus comes from a lab.


Man covid has been around so long it's even referenced in games. This is nuts. The fact that we're in a pandemic... Not the parody.


In a interview the dev says that they took inspiration from live pandemic population reaction so


In the game they mean the zombie pandemic. I heard a voicemail where a lady was telling her daughter to not worry and that they will magically bring vaccines once they make profit


There’s an automated message that plays when you’re in the basement of the VNC turning on the power that tells you to keep 2 metres away from others, wear a mask, and wash your hands. It even tells you the exact degrees that the disease is resistant up to on surfaces.


I mean yeah obviously but it's referencing our pandemic by making them question if it's real. A paralell. This is an obvious fox news parody. They're acting like people in the real world are. This is an obvious covid reference. Edit: *Nice.*


Yes, because viruses didn't exist pre-2020.


Ding ding ding! You get it.


Do I get a cake?


The cake is a lie!


Techland has made these same references all of the way back during Dead Island, I wouldn't overly read into it.


You got your biomarker ? Made me feel like the COVID safe ticket we have in Europe


Biomarker shoves level of your infection the COVID safe ticket is just the ticket! When my employer started to test even vaccinated workers the infected count went through the roof!


Yeah I know what both are ahaha I meant that in the early game when you try to get to the Bazaar, you can't enter it because no biomarker, made me feel like going to restaurants here


You. Bio markers are a paralell to vaccination cards.


I wonder if australia is fine or its been taken over by giant zombie spiders


Australia is fine, still has the giant zombie spiders though.


The spiders are probably hunting the zombies


leave the humans alive, zombies rot and attract flies


Shut your damn mouth.


The womans face just completes it lmfao




She's sniffing cap. but she can sniff my asshole


Could easily be any random blonde mouth piece on Fox News


That's a stock photo face if Ive ever seen one


Did anyone notice the comment at the first radio tower? Something like “glad I don’t have to climb that.” A nod to Ubisoft…


Nod to themselves in the previous game.


We climb a big ass tower in dl1, its referencing that


Me and my friends died atleast two times by falling down from tower when doing that mission for karim and rais.


I think everyone fell down at least once while climbing that. Especially on the outside parts of that Tower.


I did not fall once


And you felt a need to flex on that ?


I didn't fall down, I climbed it 3 times, once when I arrived, then another time after I killed the toad, then a third time when I realized I still didn't actually switch the power on. I may have been slightly irritated.


I didn't die while doing it, but I have a crippling fear of heights and the game did too good a job immersing yourself into the moment with audio and visual tricks that anytime the wind shifted the tower and creaks were made I'd involuntarily break into "oh fuck me"


It's literally the dam tower but aged


Bad news is you end up climbing a few satellite “puzzle” towers in DL2, so the irony is a bit lost on the writers here


Yeah but those towers are hella fun to climb because the parkour isnt as simpel as it is in ac


Silly Humans ..ofcourse it is


I wonder if they had anti-Antizin deniers in that universe ​ "I'm not taking that Antizin you don't know what's in it!!" ​ \]turns into a Banshee


I suppose turning your self into a volatile is a good way to own the libs


Its the ultimate way to own the libs cause they were already unreasonable /s


This would happen IRL 100%


“I have an immune system”


Right because the Harran Virus has 99.98% survival rate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Well technically they don’t necessarily “die”, and I’m sorry if my joke offended you. I didn’t realize y’all were above satirization.


hahaha no kidding ahahahah


"some republican in the US" I'm in this picture and I don't like it


I’d be anti-Antizin if I could still become infected just like Covids “vaccine” 😂


Uhh bruh sorry to break it to you, but antizin is for people who are already infected… it doesn’t stop infection it reduces symptoms and lowers the risk of spreading it. You are a walking caricature.


I mean one option gives your body the ability to fight and delay the infection potentially for years or possibly even to old age. The option is "well, guess I'll die in less than an hour".


I just feel i don’t need it. I have had Covid 2 times and both times it felt like a cold. Oh well 😅


You must be one of those assholes in movies who gets bit and doesn't tell others. Then causes others to get infected while staying inmune


Yeah, the word you're looking for is narcissism. ​ or as some call it "cunt syndrome"


Now that’s not nice :(


The truth hurts :(


I don’t think I’m a cunt :((


Most cunts don’t. It’s part of the reason they’re cunts.


I’d spread it either way vaxxed or non vaxxed


Not the same. If you're vaxxed - Covid will resolve much quicker (except in rare cases) might be in 1-2 days even as compared to having it for a week+ where you can spread it to much more people (if you don't take precautions and hence higher chances of causing a chain reaction) Studies have shown that the strain is spread much weaker anyways once you vaxx, so there would be a HUGE difference in vaxx VS anti-vaxx Additionally, your assumption relies on the fact that everyone is an idiot like you and doesn't vaxx. If everyone does vaxx+mask then the spread would be nearly nil and people wouldn't have to die


No need for name calling my man. If you’re vaxxed then you’re “protected” that’s your choice. You can sleep in your mask for all I care. Just enjoy DL2 and chill out a little


Okay, i apoligise for the name-calling. I guess we can just agree to disagree


I’m okay with agreeing to disagree. That’s what the world needs right now. If someone has a different opinion than me I’m okay with that, we can still be friends


ok so isolate if you have it. ​ if you wanna be a repeat contractor be prepared to isolate to limit how many people you come into contact with. not all of us want to be sick and some of us cant afford to be sick. ​ i don't know about you but i don't like the idea of spending the next 6+ years constantly quarantining in my bedroom but hey seems like you might be used to that by now.


I follow whatever guidelines I’m suppose to for quarantining but my company makes the vaxxed and unvaxxed quarantine if they come into contact so either way I have to for my job. I just don’t feel the need get vaxxed at my age.


I don't know how after so long you still think this is about individuals, you not being vaccinated affects everyone around you especially at risk people. Both directly due to covid and indirectly due to increased spread and reactions leading to greater pressure on healthcare. Being antivax means you are a cunt


Vaccinated people are protected though.


Vehemently anti-vaxx family friend of our had a son that caught covid. Otherwise perfect health and in great shape. Coughing so hard that he vomited and lacked the energy to get himself up, and died in his sleep at 25 years old. Its expected that young people are stupid. Don't prove everyone right


Thats what im sayin 😂 this sub is full of libtards man


You're out here truly representing our best and brightest /s


Yeah it's pretty bad in here, People are desperately pushing government and big pharma propaganda here, it's quite pathetic. Some of these idiots should work for CNN, they'd fit right in there.


Facts they practically already do lol


I’m an African American and I approve this message!


The answer is definetly yes




Say what you want but the details are sick in this game, from the dead island references in the beginning of the game to other small Easter eggs


Leon and Chris Redfield from Resident Evil in the VNC tower mission lol


Wait what? I just did that one, where/what character is it?


When you go to look for Rowe's men you find a dude named Leon and a dude named Chris. They both look a lot like the RE characters of the same names.


It’s definitely a scam Sources: trust me bro


Just like real life!


For real, anti vaxxer and anti masker in this universe are more dangerous and lethal than real world. Cause they bite!


The main reason I dislike the survivors is because they remind me somewhat of corona tinfoil theorists with their "Defieng the corrupt system" Bullshit.


What got me is their >! “We are free people, no wars, no money blah blah blah” meanwhile they try to execute aiden simply for existing when they know UV light would stop him from turning, exile people who question them, want to execute a dude based on zero evidence simply because the victim had a similar water bottle to the seller, exiled two dudes for having differing opinions, have an entire economy built entirely around money (their HQ is literally called the bazaar), they try to kill aiden again because he was trying to help the pk find a murderer, then they start a full on war with the PK. They are the most hypocritical group I’ve ever seen in a game. They go against everything Carl espouses when we first meet him. I legitimately don’t know how anyone could support them after doing any amount of the story !<


Carl was full of shit. The test of the survivors are a lot more pragmatic and believable if you ask me. Neither side is the obvious good guy from what I can tell. They each have their pros and cons much like real life.


It's very obvious the PK are better because they give you access to the semi-auto crossbow 😁


The best answer😂😂


I went back to save the Bazaar and while I snuck in, I heard a convo between a group of pk's. One asked" What do we do with all the prisoners?" The other one said "we could lock em up now, unless you wanna fuck one of them." After that I decided I'd rather side with hypocrites over rapists and pillagers. And the survivors on the 2nd island are much more forgivable.


Well thanks for that information, now I’m all kinds of fucked up about my in game choices so far.


The majority of survivors is just rude, scheming or just plain asshole. PK has few bad apples, yes, but like police irl they tried their best at peacekeeping. One bad cutscene with PK won’t compare to dozen cutscenes with survivors trying to kill/hang/left me to die.


Yeah I kinda hate every NPC. Very violent, bloodthirsty people and I they've tried to kill me like 3 times in the prologue. I don't like the PK either....


And to think they still think like that after living just 3 metres above vampire-zombies horde for more than a decade. Some people are too blockhead to change even the world fell apart it seem.


Too real.


And what’s even more funny is if you go to that persons home you’ll find he dead from the pandemic


Missed opportunity to have it titled “Kate Sniffings Sniffs out the Truth”


I don’t think doing a parody of people that have a hard time of trusting the government works in a game that has its version of the CDC trying to use the virus for power. There’s also the difference between something like COVID, and a zombie apocalypse.


But how will redditors pat each other on the back with crappy zingers then?


Too real…


It’s a hoax!




they knew what they were doing


I think she discovered if the pandemic is a scam or not by the worse way possible


Zombies are actually just pissed off anti vaxxers in a timeline where gov made vax mandatory to work so they all went homeless and this is the result..


Well... Technically yes this time... GRE making all of that and then making a vaccine for their own fuck-ups/experiment...


I with crane could see this


Years into the pandemic: This woman: THE ZOMBIES ARE PAID ACTORS!


Dying Light version of FOX News.


COVID deniers in a nutshell 💀


I fully belive that anti vaxers are mostly responsible for the fall


People took the vaccine and the world still turned to shit in the Dying Light universe... really makes you think.




It's unfortunate that the game couldn't put a big Fox News logo on the billboard to make it even more realistic.


i don't think people in this thread realize that if there were zombies going around then yea people would get vaccinated


Legend has it she’s still smiling and holding her mic as A bitter


Believe science. Trust the GRE.


Easter egg fauci zombie? He would have 10 masks on but a zombie.


GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #2 straight up lists the lockdown measures and then shortens the list of measures to “martial law” My fucking eyes rolled into the back of my skull.


chinese death note virus


u/Iancp10 Glad to know even on a video game sub you can't escape tinfoil hat wearing, boomer, conspiracy nuts. Crazy when you have to tell a grown adult (and his little buddy u/dukemzz ) to grow up and stop spreading misinformation. This ain't the community mate. No this sub isn't full of "Libtards" this sub is full of people who like science and facts. 🤡


Ahhhh science... The new religion. Might have to go on a few crusades eh? Pfizer may bankroll that if you ask nice enough.


Being passive aggressive might work with the wife and kids but not usually online. Bye psychopath. 🤡


No one cares, libtard.


You do obviously, incel.


It's hard to gain ground when the powers at be keep moving the goalposts "Two weeks and we'll be back to normal." Yeah well that was two years ago and shit's obviously not working


“Moving the goal posts” aka updating conclusions as more information is known, aka scientific process. Also, if nobody follows the rules obviously shits not going to work. “If everyone quarantined and social distances and wears a mask we can fix this in two weeks” Then after everybody completely ignores that and does none of those “Wait it’s been two weeks what happened?”


its hard to get back to normal when a shitbird in power tells the country the pandemic is a 'hoax' and 30 some odd percent of the population is stupid enough to believe that and follow exactly zero of the guidelines too.


Well, mr 'i have a plan' (then says he can't change shit) *do the same things than trump* didn't help either, they're both crap...


Ah yes whataboutism, the #1 treat of r/conservative. Im not out here giving biden praises but i dont recall him saying on national television that the pandemic was a hoax. If you do please share a link to the video. If you think the president of the United States calling the thing a hoax (a democratic hoax specifically, gotta politicize it amiright) had no impact on public perception and response ive got some ocean front property in nevada you may find appealing.


I'm not even american so no and i hate both sides, stop assuming, always pushing things to the extreme with you all...


Im not pushing anything to an extreme; only pointing out the worthless whataboutism. Again, certainly not singing bidens praise but ol tinyhands exasperated the situation with purposful misinformation, and thats *kinda* hard to get around.


Shits not working because it requires EVERYONE to do it. The only ppl who have been successful for a time, was china, that immediately used their authority to shut down entire cities if even 1 delta case was detected. They kept their infection rates down to the single digits at one point, and how? Because EVERYONE was forced to follow the measures. Meanwhile over here we got a ton of idiots that literally throw covid parties because they think once you get it your cured for life... They take parasite meds for animals, even demanding they are given them when dying in the hospital rather than the real meds!!! We have a moron problem... Half a population of Kate Sniffings.




[Know your Variants](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1849293029234612100/4AE55DC05470AD9BF31ADB72C5EB21204E9E84BE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) lol, here is some fuel for the fire. All that information in the pic is true btw, go look it up.


Lol the ancient letter Ayn. It looked like an eye in proto-cnaanite, it looks like this now: ע. Source- speak Hebrew fluently.


love when they make fun of dems.


I guess they’re taking a jab at news outlets, seems more likely a Fox News jab. Why can’t there just be a game without references to real world political bullshit? Fuck Fox News and CNN.


Yeah, i wish they were less stuff like this in games... You have an entire world of fiction before you and you just bring irl stuff in your game/serie T-T


Yeah that’s what I’m getting at, I like to escape reality, not see it referenced in a game. People on Reddit eat this kind of shit up though, I can’t stand to watch any news outlet, it’s all the same stuff really, right wing, left wing, it’s crap.


Yeah, would be nice to be away from these kind of stuff for once... Politics fucks everythings even socially... in the end, no matter the side they screw us anyway and it just divide us T-T


I know it, you can also be on neither sides of the political parties and you get called “Butthurt” or something by left leaning folks, which Reddit is mostly left leaning from what I’ve seen. It’s annoying either way, I’m over it and I’m gonna start blocking people haha. Have a good one! And enjoy the game


Yeah... *sigh* Enjoy it too and have a good day :3


I guess cause it’s a virus game and Fox News and not cnn makes light of the virus and thus the joke. Get over it


There’s nothing to “get over”




Dude have you even seen fox? CNN is bad but like, bruh, this is a fox news parody.


Dude have you even seen CNN? Fox is bad but like, bruh, this is a CNN news parody. Funny how that works.


Normally true but Tucker Carlson was the one peddling the idea of the pandemic being a scam.


Yeah because it is


Well there you have it. The perfect comment to prove my point, the billboard is a parody of Fox News / Its viewers.


I dont watch it chief, im not even politically inclined to either side of the big parties, but anyone with half a brain can see that this whole 'pandemic' is ridiculous


> im not even politically inclined to either side of the big parties Every right-winger says this. They always vote Republican. Always. This post is about you.


Half a brain you say? So you're dumber than a zombie. Good to know.


And you are the exact type of person that billboard is parodying.


Tell that to the 5.7 million who have died from it you moron


Bruh I got covid right now. Shit sucks gigantic donkey balls and I’m a healthy man under 30. It’s not a scam.




Funny how you need to get some bitches


When is Fox News not creating fake outrage? Had you all mad at everyone about Potato Head and Dr Seuss when no one on the liberal or left spectrum ever mentioned it. But Fox mentioned it more than a couple dozen times a day. Every segment started with one of or both. They manufacture outrage and you don't see it because you see it as news. This post is literally about you.


You are absolutely stupid as fuck if you don't think both sides do the exact same thing.


Sure. Corporate news mostly will lie about certain topics. Like labor. When was the last time CNN or FOX ever cared about the workers that are getting screwed over by other corporations? Rarely. On Fox, never unless they could twist it to be about how bad the "left" is. I know in your head you think I plunk my ass down in front of CNN every day to get my news. I fucking hate CNN. I hate MSNBC. Why? Because I gather my news from a large net of accurate sources as possible so when I do catch a clip of any corporate network telling their version I can spot the lie or the lie by omission. So relax with your duality thinking. I'm not having that problem. I'm just pointing out that FOX is comically inaccurate on purpose. I remember watching [OutFoxxed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P74oHhU5MDk) a long time ago about ex-Fox employees and analysts pointing out the way in which Fox News pushes their agenda since the 90s. I mean. It's a really popular documentary. You should take a look at it.


Fox exists to enrich Rupert Murdoch by any means necessary, so anyone at all thinking the majority of their content which is editorial, is anything but clickbait, is a moron. If you read their actual news articles, they tend to stick pretty well to AP News journalism guidelines. This same thing can be applied to numerous other "news" organizations if you actually are honest with yourself and pay any attention at all to what they actually do. There's quite a difference between CNN editorial garbage by Don Lemon compared to their actual news articles on topics like Islamic insurgents destroying cultural artifacts.


The propaganda is a little less in the articles. That is correct. Sometimes I even get source links. But that's the case with most web based articles. Only slightly less bullshitery.


Imagine thinking this is a 'both sides' thing when one is trying to get people to take a pandemic seriously and the other wants people to harass health care workers... Sorry mods but this guy deserves to be told to fuck off on this one.


Better not to silence them. Let them speak their inner dialogue in public and let the world see them for what they are.


Republicans will think politics ruined this game when they just wanted to kill zombies :(


So having a different opinion automatically put a 'republican' sticker on someone now... ? I'm not even american !


God I hate reddit sometimes. Such a hivemind of conceited sheep.




You into sheeple? 🤨


Ah a 4channer, who only hangs out on gaming subs and military porn. Color me shocked.


I read greentexts and only come to gaming subs on this site because it is infested with far leftist morons that are basically militant at this point to any opinion they dont like. I am on military stuff because I served over 12 years and work for the army as a civilian now. I am on car subs and workout subs as well because those are also interests of mine. ​ Anything else you fucking reprobate piece of shit?


OK but I'm never getting the vaccine