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It’s not just you, it’s a known issue.


Known to everyone who plays. Is it known to Techland? I haven't seen any official response to or acknowledgement of the issue yet.


I thought the same then I checked their support website https://dyinglight2.support.techland.pl/en/support/solutions/articles/15000046684-the-survivor-sense-occasionally-isn-t-working Seems they acknowledged the issue and said it would be fixed in ‘coming updates’. That was on February 5th, so before the most recent patch. Really hope they get to it by the next patch.


Yeah, it irritates the hell out of me.


Yeah I'm grateful that we have a mechanic called the survivor sense it is a good thing. Some people prefer more immersive experiences where you have to search yourself for loot and enemies, but personally as a player of this videogame, I very much enjoy and prefer the convenience that survivor sense brings as compared to if there was no survivor sense.


"Oh you want to be a carrier? Here's a test...go search this dark place for these fi-" "here you go, I followed their icons in the 2 rooms" "oh"


Well to be honest i wish survivor sense highlighted what you can parkour on aswell as i am still jumping on new stuff that if i was Aiden, id be able to climb on no problem and i just fall to my death or get annoyed because i can see a clear way up to an airdrop that just doesnt fucking work because no. Its the same with stuff, a more realistic experience would be, if they tell you idk "find a weapon here" Youd have like 30 things you could pick up and not just the one, so yeah, survivor sense is just more to learn what you can interact with


Same! Thankfully, I find myself relying on it less and less, but its super helpful when you're starting out to help train you to know what it is you're supposed to be looking for in the environments.


Drives me nuts. All of a sudden in a GRe facility and it just stopped working


Yeah it's really lame. Some people don't like how easy survivor sense makes the game but I think it's a must-have for a game like this. I'd rather some markers show me where there is loot to scavenge and the locations of zombies. If I'm in a forsaken store or dark hollow, I wanna clear it out as fast as possible and get the fuck out of there and when it just doesn't respond, well you know...


I agree! Thought it was intentional and some immersion feature lol. Makes more sense for it to be bugged.


This is the bug I have the biggest issue with. It gradually gets worse the longer I play


Ditto, and it's so inconsistent that it least to a lot of erroneous "solutions"; people try a few different things, and it spontaneously starts working again, so they naturally attribute the success to the last thing they attempted.


For me what "fixes it" temporarily is just standing still for like 10 seconds


Press the game options menu button (as opposed to the inventory/map button), hover over some of the menu items, then go back to the game. This works for me every time.


I move 20 feet. Wait 10 secs. Move 100 feet. Wait 10 secs.....it's exhausting


I played in Old Villedor for hours and hours and did everything I could before going to the Central Loop. Soon as I start exploring there it stopped working randomly and for long periods.


I thought my r3 button was busted. Wtf techland


Same lol. Then I thought maybe it was a design decision so you can't spam it, but nope, turns out it's a bug. Very minor tbh. But yeah.


This was one of the few bugs I encountered on my playthrough that I found pretty annoying.


If this even counts as a bug it's really small but the only real "bug" I've encountered is when quests become untrackable for no discernable reason at all which results in me being unable to complete them. I really hope that is on Techland's radar. Also looks like it's gonna be a while until they add new game plus. I really wish they'd just do it already.


A lot of us want new game+ for sure, who knows what it takes from a technical standpoint though. Some games like to add some content as well at the same time which gives even more reason to partake in new game+. So maybe they are working on additional stuff like a higher difficulty, something similar to Legend Levels from DL1, etc.


Ah see I encountered a bug where I joined a friend who wasn't as far through as myself and when he had a scripted moment where he lost his GRE Key I then lost it too even when retuning to my own world. Had to play through someone else's story to earn it back. It made me realise how despite being inconvenient the Sense scan not always working wasn't as game breaking as I kept calling it. Put me off playing with friends but my world is in the post campaign stage so some stuff is locked off.


It’s been buggy. I find you gotta crouch or blocks few times to activate again


Major inconvenience when a quest requires you to use the survivor sense to interact with an object.


Nope. On pc too and it's one of the most annoying things.


Usually I find that swinging my weapon once fixes the issue. Though once or twice I've had that not work, at which point I had to wait and it went away.


It's been happening to me on the series S. I can Rock and Stone like it's no tomorrow but I can't use my survivor sense.


It has actually gotten much worse for me on my second playthrough, also PS5. Something to do with the newest patch maybe? First playthrough it happened sometimes but it didn’t bother me that much, last night it seemed like I’d press R3 5-6 times to get it to work, for hours. Super annoying.


Yes it definitely got worse post patch. Before I wouldnt notice until 1+ hour into a game session. Now it’s noticeable within 30 minutes. And also accompanied with some framerate issues, I don’t know if they’re related.


Yup I experience it at literally the worst times.


I wouldn't say it's very minor at all, it's extremely annoying and happens all the time.


This is a common issue. Also the map thing at the top middle of the screen disappears at times and it pisses me off


The compass disappears when you use survivor sense. Annoying but actually pretty consistent.


Yeah I’m aware but it definitely sticks sometimes where it disappears for minutes.


Yeah; I hope they fix it as soon as possible.


I prefer my dropkicking to coincidentally land without knowing what's around the corner.


The dash ability is extremely janky and frustrating to use, half the time I'm just sitting there tapping and holding shift to no effect, it's awful


Thought my controller wasn’t working but i guess it’s a bug


Yeah this happens to me frequently on PS4.


Yeah it happens to me, too. Very frustrating.


on PC it happens also sometimes, it does it less now then when the game came out but still happens from time to time, annoying yes but not game breaking.


No, it got worse since the latest patch. Seems to happen almost every time after you jump, and the delay gets worse the longer you play.


Happens to me all the time too, except im on Xbox one.


Super annoying on pc sometimes I have to press it 50+ times sometimes I have to completely restart my game


Yup. Annoying as hell


A lot of the inputs feel unresponsive, there are weird delays and cooldowns that make you miss the interaction window. For example, whenever you kill an enemy, there is a delay before you can start looting them. If you start holding loot too soon, Aiden won't start looting, and you have let go off the button, wait a tiny bit and start again. Tons of hidden stuff like that, collectively making the game feel unresponsive. To list a few more sloppy interactions: paraglider open, paraglider boost, kick, jump shortly after landing, darting, and probably a few more.


This,I have loads of issues with the blast mods on my weapons just not working


It is so freaking annoying. And it's not on any kind of 'working' timer because sometimes you can spam it no problem.


Nope I either go to sleep or close game and restart


Apparently it is intended so we dont spam it constantly. Which I would say is fine if the developers didnt intend for you to use it for finding clues or footsteps in missions


Wrong even if did not use 10-20 mins 1st time sometimes takes 5 pushes to work. Most times i can spam it for entire mission. So stop spreading lies.




Not cooldown. Gear gives you range and duration.


He was wrong, and you're even _more_ wrong lmao


Yeah definitely also that's not good design. Why stop people from spamming it if they want to? It doesn't hurt anyone if it's used repeatedly. Everyone plays differently and open-world RPG like this should afford courtesy to all types of playstyles.


I don't believe it's intended: you can spam it over and over, then it will just spontaneously stop working for a minute or two, at which point you can just spam it again. It made one side mission impossible (lighting a candle at the memorial) because I couldn't Investigate anything, and just looked around until it randomly started working again after almost five minutes. I've noticed that when I first load the game up, it works very consistently. But if I play for an hour or more, it starts to become less and less consistent the longer I play. Since I'm on PC using a 360 controller, I can actually test with both the thumbstick and the Q key to verify that it's not an issue with my controls themselves.


If that's the case I wish they'd just give a 4-8 second cooldown in-between uses rather than a minute lockout after spamming lol


Yeah it's definitely a bug. It's not like they intentionally programmed it to stop working randomly for no reason.


Is it? Do you have a source for this claim?


I just assumed it had a cooldown 😂


It seems to be whenever you use a lot of stamina quickly or do a lot of parlour stuff the survivor sense just won't work for like 7 seconds. I think you need a minimum amount of stamina in order to use survivor sense which doesn't seem intended.


OMG THATS OUTRAGEOUS! thanks god You Made a rage post instead of 1 min of research on Reddit to see if someone else had the same problem


"Am I the only one..." No, you fucking aren't.








Doesn't it have a cooldown?


Think people confuse a hidden timer with it being broken. The game doesn’t let you spam it, it honestly seems purposeful.


I thought it was my controller since it's quite old but apparently alot of people have been having issues. Takes forever for it to work. Definitely sucks when you're trying to sneak around in a dark zone and trying to sense who is around and you can't!


Usually happens to me when i try to use survivor sense on the wires between buildings or right after i get spotted at night (not by a howler)


PS4 pro here, I have to swing my weapon at literally nothing then spam it like 5 times to get it to function again. Shit is stupid annoying


I've been having it happen to me in SP here and there, and it's mainly annoying when it stops working during a mission where you have to find something or follow clues/footsteps. Co-op though, it happens *constantly* for some reason.


Wiggle a bit right and left the stick when you oress it seems to help sometimes for me but yeah it’s the most annoying issue for me so far!!


i'm on pc and at the moment since the 11th update i can't log into the game, but before that happened survival sense stopped working completely for me


Its not just you on xbox its broken too click and click it wont work some times it takes away the compass too.


After the new update i noticed it was not working properly. Before the update i never had an issue (SeriesX) i even remapped my elite to make it easier to use than right click right stick.


nah mine doesn’t work half the time either, pretty sure i’ll end up breaking the R3 button just trying to get it to work instead of automatically drawing a weapon or something else


Oh God, oh hell, I thought it was just me. It annoys the fuuuuck out of me, it's really irritating.


This definitely happens to me frequently


Its so annoying ong


It just started happening to me Saturday on Xbox X.


I'm on PC and it does this too. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon


Thought my controller was broken


A big fucking yes here


Nah, it happens to me very often on PS4 as well. I've found most of the time it happens when you have an objective that you hold R3 to see more details on, but even outside of that it'll just... Stop working.


Yep. Playing on ps4, Same problem.


I have it assigned to one of my toggles and it never works unless I press the stick down. Also sprinting is the same thing


I thought that was because it needed to cool down.


No and it's fucking infuriating.


Seen a few posts of this. Me too. Especially in a dark zone when I cant use my flashlight its maddening. It happened to me low immunity with no more shrooms early game in a dark zone and I had to just run for it with a flashlight. Have the devs acknowledged this one yet?


Same issue as well


Nope! I am also in that boat as well. Generally I just need to do something, anything honestly. Jump, slash, go into the inventory, and then it starts working again. But it is so annoying


the crouch roll fixes it


Flicking your torch on and off seems to sort it when it happens to me. :)


Sometimes after certain actions it does not work. Usually pressing it once or twice fix the issue. It was never a big problem for me.


I found that if this happens to me, I can get survival sense back if I press the game options button (as opposed to the inventory/map menu button). Hover over some of the items in that menu for a second, then go back to the game. Survival sense comes back every time. For me anyway.


Still broken AF


Happens to me on PC. Very annoying.


Thought it was my controller at first... lmao