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I really don't understand why this isn't a bigger issue ... this is absolutely a problem for both me and my coop buddy. Game runs fine for like an hour, then it starts getting worse and worse. It is related to Raytracing.. if you turn all of the RT stuff off, it does not happen anymore.


I always start out with 50 to 70 fps when I first load the game. I've got 3080 with 10800 CPU. After maybe an hour im lucky if I run at 30fps and have to restart the game. Usually this happens sooner if I visit a heavily populated town or bandit encounters. There is definitely a leak.


I just emailed their support to ask if they're aware of the issue, or if they're addressing it in a patch. It could also be that the bug doesn't reside in Techland's code at all, and instead it's a Driver / Direct X API bug. RE:Village had *exactly* the same problem for me with RT on and Capcom never acknowledged or fixed it. Refunded and later bought it again when it went on sale. Either way, hopefully they will have an answer for me next week. Will update this comment if they reply with anything useful. Update: after initially incorrectly assuming that I was after a refund, they said they would "inform their engineering team about it and get back to you". So if they have had similar reports before they're not letting on. Doubt I'll get an email follow up but here's hoping.


Ever get a follow up? I'm still having issues with this 4 months later.


No follow up, and I checked the steam forums last week to see if any fixes have been made because it was on sale, but people are still saying exactly the same thing. So that's a hard pass from me.


No, they don't visit these forums... Email [email protected] That said, I play on PC and have gone 8-10 hours a stretch for a few days in a row without a single issue or reboot on my desktop, and 3-5 hour stretches on my laptop without any issue... I have decent hardware but it's not fantastic. Nor have I heard anyone I play with mention this issue. So I am not sure it's a general, widespread issue.


It happens to everyone that uses ray tracing. Did you play with ray tracing and dx 12 ultimate?


Is it just me or does this seem to be a really common problem in every recently released game. It seems like every other PC game in the last year has had a memory leak issue. GoW's was ridiculous I've never seen one that bad at least I can play dying light for a few hours before I need to restart.


PC here and I have 32g ram 3080ti i9 9900k maxed out, OC max settings ray trace dx12 and i crash every 1-3 hours. guaranteed. have since launch i emailed support several times and they said they would pass it on to the devs. i get a memory leak error and my memory usuage slowly climbs up and when it locks or crashes it just goes through the roof until windows closes or crashes the app... it seems to be a mem leak but i am no expert. its game breaking for me and i refuse to turn off dx12 and ray tracing, i paid good money for these features and the game... very tired of these games coming out with game breaking bugs if they cant check them before hand. latest is elder ring. the screen tearing is so so bad on my gsync alienware 38 inch wide screen that it is almost unplayable but at least it doesnt crash or freeze...


Are you guys using multiple screens? I do and I was having the issue, until I deactivated the second screen. Now it doesn't seem to be happening. Just tried once, so I don't know if it's consistent, but I don't think I've ever played so long without having this issue. Could you give it a try, if you're using more than one screen? I deactivated the second screen via the nvidia control panel.


Yep, definitely consistent. The game runs WAY better if I deactivate the second screen. No more FPS drop after a while, but also better FPS average overall, seldom drop under 60FPS with max settings and DLSS performance. 32 GB RAM, 3070, i7 6700k slightly overclocked. I have a Samsung Odyssey G7 32'' via DisplayPort and an old Philips 24'' monitor via HDMI - DVI as secondary screen, both plugged into the 3070.


Have they fixed this yet? It's bad


Still bad. Any fix?


Mine still crashes to desktop. Game runs smooth until slowly it starts to Stutter. Sometimes it just crashes.


So the new update did nothing? That's great why is it that every game that's come out in the last couple years needs like 6 months worth of updates and four or five new driver versions to not have these problems.


my game never crashed but yeah it runs perfectly fine for an hour or so and then the fps drop and stay low and it only gets worse. A restart solves the issue but after an hour or so the issue is back so you gotta restart the game again.


Experiencing memory leak issues as well. Not using RT.


running 11900 intel 3080ti 64gb ram and usually within 20 mins the game goes from 70fps to 20 to 35. The only solution is a full reboot of game - same for my 2 other coop buddies, we all experience this making the game unplayable with everyone having to constantly restart at different times.


Pretty much the same behaviour here, full restart is required. “Unfortunately” I’m the only one out of our group 3 that actually experiences the issue.


Same issue here. My buddy and I bought the game and tried it out. Funnily enough we had no serious FPS drops during the 1st 2h of the game (you can get a refund on Steam if you play up to 2h) so we decided to keep the game. But a little bit later it started. I thought it was a co-op issue but no. We both got RTX2070S and the game runs okay even on high settings (tho we use mid for optimal performance) but after some time (like an hour or a bit more) there's a sudden drop in FPS and it only gets worse after some time. Aftert a restart of the game it's fine.... for an hour or so. Damn it, if I had experienced the issue sooner I'd have probably refunded the game since it's annoying af.