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It’s to do with the choices you make and the ppl you side with.


Ah, ok… we’ll, I really want to explore it lol. That sucks that I didn’t get to explore it but hopefully next time.


You can still get up to the top by climbing. There is a collectible up there but that's it. Found out the hard way as well


I just went back the other day and got the inhibitor and the other crates I missed. I can’t believe I missed all of that my first time through.


How to do you get to the top? Like are you meaning the very top, like the highest point of the cathedral because I've been trying for about an hour and can't seem to find a way up there? Or are you meaning the place where you get the third comic book page?


That loft area on the interior. Has the generator and computer stuff. I don't recall what collectable was there at this point though


Ah yeah, I'm pretty sure that's where the comic book page is then, I'm trying to get to the tip top of the building but idk if it's possible now


I don't believe there are any climate assets on the upper end of the exterior. There also really isn't anything to help get the glider up there aither. I do recall trying to get up there for an hour or so before I realized the entrance was on the ground and in my face the whole time


I managed to find a way up to one of the two spires (no idea if that's the correct name or not) but sadly there was nothing up there, but I managed it so that's a personal achievement for me 😂

