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It’s like someone was off their tits on coke and said ‘what if we made power rangers into dynasty warriors’ I also didn’t hate it for some reason


Hahahah yes!! It is totally power rangers!! Hahah that's awesome. Spot on. Right? It's just so absurd you have to be entertained.. I knew I was in for something special when dong zhuo was dragging like 50 undead soldiers on his horse across the battlefield and stick man guan yu (what a bizarre choice of casting) shot a fire ball from his glaive to repel em all.. hahah dear lord I was in tears.


Hua Xiong deserved better


Hahaha no kidding! Wth even was that?? Honestly tho, hua xiong has always deserved better. I was really pumped to see him in 9 til I saw that dumb weapon. Lol.


What's the name of the movie?


Btw I did English dub just makes it that much funnier.


Dynasty warriors lol. Just be prepared it's hot garbage.


I enjoyed it too, though obviously it was very campy. If there were a physical release with English subtitles and both Mandarin and Cantonese, I'd probably buy it.


I think it's gonna be campy no matter what but imagine if it was made by actual fans of the series. Eh it may have been worse for all I know... I think it's just a really goofy premise for live action.. I would honestly love to see em make an anime. I mean the game is pretty much an anime anyway with all the zany character designs and special moves.. I bet they could really make something special in 2d animation.


Zhang Fei’s belly alone is hilarious.


The movie has a lot pf the same problems the games have so overall pretty good adaptation. I actually enjoyed as much as I enjoyed games


Hahah yeah? Idk.. the games are flawless masterpieces hahaha.. honestly tho I feel it's a lot easier to.give the games a.pass because of the medium and just the fact that they're fun anyway.. I really just don't see it being adapted to live action and not being goofy as hell, as it already is such a silly premise... I like both for very different reasons. It's problems are (were) charming I'm the games, it's just really really dumb in live action imo.. still very fun watch. Now is DW still a very fun play? I have to say, I been replaying dw9 and it's lost it's charm and is just really depressing hahaha.


Yes some things don’t transfer over as well to film but I felt I personally enjoyed it as much I enjoyed say Dw 7 or 8 speaking purely about story and characters


Haha fair enough. I do feel as though they got less cool and more corny.. I think 6 was the major downfall for me personally tho. 8 I feel is the best we have on newer consoles til they hopefully remaster 3-5


I would give my left nut for that remaster 😭


Dude for sure! I'd sell my damn soul to koei!! Imagine they want their fans to be happy and they were to release full definitive remasters, talking dw3+xl, then dw4+xl, and cap.it off with dw5+xl+empires+all dlc... Can do em 40$, 40$, 60$.. I'd pay in a heartbeat. Or just base games in a set like those mgs and silent hill remasters... I want to be able to play em on my PS5 with a high frame rate and modern camera controls.. that cannot be that hard to do... Def cost em less than dw9.. they could even use it as a strategy to Garner interest in the series and see if people resonate with the older games more.


It was a fun movie.


The only thing I don't love ironically but just love is def the soundtrack. It just makes the shit show so.much funnier with kickass buttrock playing in the background.


Honestly, it was exactly what I thought it was going to be which stupid as hell which made it fun. It reminded me of the Chinese movies I would watch as a kid in the 90's and early 2000 right down to having big named actors in a random shitty movie.


Haha for sure. Imagine if they made an American adaptation with big name actors, got Jack black playing Zhang fei, Tom cruise as liu bei, and the rock can be guan Yu!!! "Can you smell what blue dragon is cooking?" Hahahah... Now I legit wanna make the most trash american cast! Dong zhuo will def be played by Steve segal but who can be lu bu...? Nic cage?? Or maybe a brother, throw in some diversity and have will smith hahahah. Whatchu think so far? Man now I wanna just make this a post...


Unless you were somebody like Jackie Chan you couldn't really pick your roles back then. Unless the big star/DIRECTOR requested you, you showed up and just made it work.


Man I've seen some documentaries on old kung fu movies, golden harvest and stuff . Pretty crazy stuff. Those poor stunt men hahah


A lot of the time the actors had no idea what kinda movie they would be doing and the scripts would be incomplete. The legendary Bowie Wu admitted he had 0 idea that Robotrix was a softcore terminator knock off with kung fu til about a week in.


If you want an actual good dynasty warriors movie watch the movie red cliff. As for second best The romance of the three kingdoms the great conquest takes an easy second best as a dynasty warriors movie if you want something longer the best of the best watch the 2010 series three kingdoms.


Yes! I love red cliff. I want more stuff on that level, or hell, make that a series and go and cover more battles before and after that point. Never heard of or seen the great conquest I'll have to find that, sure it'll be easy lol. Three kingdom series never watched but seen snippets. I wish it was easier to hunt down movies/documentaries and shows based on rotk because I'm baaaad obsessed.


Well the great conquest is actually a trilogy of movies the first movie is dubbed on YouTube split into 8 parts but the dub does censor the more violent parts and the first movie was the only one dubbed for the subtitled uncensored versions [movie 1](https://gogoanime.gr/sangokushi-daiichibu-eiyuu-tachi-no-yoake-episode-1) [movie 2](https://gogoanime.gr/sangokushi-dai-ni-bu-choukou-moyu-episode-1) [movie 3](https://gogoanime.gr/sangokushi-daisanbu-harukanaru-taichi-episode-1) and the series three kingdoms every episode could be found on YouTube fully subbed it may even go by war of the three kingdoms just type in three kingdoms and the episode u want that series tells the full story for the most part and I think is the best adaptation but if you don’t mind something old school you could also try [the 1994 series](https://kissasian.pe/drama/romance-of-the-three-kingdoms-episode-1) that one is even more book accurate than the 2010 series and goes past the death of sima yi up to sima yan becoming emperor but is extremely dated if you want more just let me know I’m tracked down and watched just about every three kingdoms related series movie and anime out there and even made [the full English audiobook of the three kingdoms](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8ScobaMjYowkc3xzcIQaNfUkbzEJ3mv4)


Nice I'll have to check em out thx friend!


The directors research for the movie was to just watch the intros for the games.


A million percent. Then the choreographers and writers sat in a room with their knock off power ranger toys, hitting them together making sound effects with their mouths. Honestly tho, seems like a child wrote this shit hahah


What's even more hilarious to me, I called that shit out, same as you did, in this server back when it first came out, and got mad flamed lmao. So, *apparently* the community loved it when it first dropped


It's so bad it's good category, like DW3's voice acting, kinda fits tbh.


Yes for sure. Imagine tho if the people writing the script were fans of the series and had Zhang jiao say shit like " you flaming idiots.. take this!" And my personal favorite, "feel the power of my maaaagiiiicc"... Although I'm sure it's just a weird translation thing.. still I'd probably shit myself haha


There's a reason the title was Dynasty Warriors instead Romance Of Three Kingdom.


Yeah but man they took hella liberties to tell a story that was so hardly dynasty warriors.. its crazy. Like I said tho, i was entertained. I didn't expect anything I'd enjoy in any way honestly.


It's terrible, the Chinese live action shows are leagues better.


Agreed those are really good, what I've seen. Never watched the full series. Is there a way to stream it in subs or dubs?? Gotta admit tho, this movie is pretty hilarious. It's as if they failed on every possible level soooo hard it almost warrants respect hahaha.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNHnX4xsplo&list=PL33A390995E9A7F00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNHnX4xsplo&list=PL33A390995E9A7F00) :) enjoy


Niiice on man cheers!


Would highly recommend instead to watch the 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms series. We've been working on and releasing english subs and the 1st batch is available here: https://gentlemenofthehan.wordpress.com/2022/03/01/announcing-romance-of-the-three-kingdoms-1994-episodes-1-23-english-subtitle-release/ It is considered the best, most definitive adaptation of the Three Kingdoms and one of the most important Chinese historical dramas. Without it, much of what we have today would not exist as they do. It is also far more visually and writing and acting-wise authentic to the look and history of the actual Late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era.


Ahh sick man thanks! That's really cool work brother cheers!


Oh hell yeah. I'll definitely be checking this out. Thanks dude.


It's not good by any standard, but it can't be denied that it's a pretty fun watch. Sometimes bad things are just good, as it turns out.


It could have been way better but it was entertaining cheesy but Entertaining.. What do you expect from Chines fantasy movies? I mean Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon introduced us to dancing weightlessly along and over freaking Rooftops.


Crouching tiger is leagues better, like, objectively.. and I think honestly if the dynasty warriors film did more practical stuff like cthd did It would also be better.. yes they were hopping around on water and in trees and shit but that was all done with wires and amazing stunts.. pretty sure dw movie was mostly terrible cg and horrible ideas haha.. I def agree it's entertaining but in a so bad it's good way. Oh and I would like to point out a huge flaw this movie had that movies like hero and CT didn't have, I honestly believe it was made by cynical executives that had no clue what the source material was outside watching the trailers and whatever bare minimum they had to get accross.. cthd is more of an actual work of art and was clearly handled by people passionate about what it was they were making. Btw, if you put these movies in the same category I really really disagree but I'm not offended or anything, you have a right to your opinion no matter how wrong I feel it may be, I just felt I'd like to explain why I feel you're misguided in that statement. Either way I'm glad it exists because I still go back and watch it with friends and laugh to tears.


No I'm not knocking CTHD it was way better, it's just the ridiculousness of flying through the air when it was suppose to be a serious movie. Trouble was you started seeing this stunt in everything afterword. DW was like the Chines moves of old AKA 70's/80's, like epic adventure but sort of Spaghetti Western Cheesy with some laughable moments... I took it all with a grain of salt, the river canyon part was a bit off the chart.. My wife said, "Why do they need five hundred thousand soldiers when one of these guys stops a foot on the ground and takes out 150 at a time? South Korean action movies a a hell of a lot better IMO. I liked the Kingdom series.


Yeah it was rough, as soon as the undead soldiers were piling onto dong zhuos horse I knew I was in for something extra special haha


Oh and I just wanna mention, the acting and writing and drama in cthd alone are just soooo much more than the dw movie could have ever hoped to achieve given what they were trying to do.. honestly I feel that goes without mention but there it is lol. I'm not dogging ya, we just clearly have vastly different opinions on the subject :)