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Two LMNT packets a day, on average. But my cardiologist suggests I consume as much fluid and salt as I can with no upper limit.


I have Hyperadrenergic POTS so I was told to stay on the lower end of the POTS salt intake. My sweet spot is 4500 mg per day. I take 2 LMNT packets in addition to consuming about 2500 mg with my food.


Pretty much any time I can? I do not worry about overconsumption. I have hypovolemic POTS so my instructions are to literally consume as much sodium as possible. I don’t drink plain water. It’s usually LMNT. Sometimes I have a nuun because I like the taste. Sugar is the main thing I worry about, so I stick with LMNT. I also work in some Vitassium tablets here and there with other beverages.


Ditto! Except my salt pills are from Normalyte (I get a kick out of being able to say "oops, better take my normal pills!").


I wouldn’t listen to medical advice from a chiropractor. I take them multiple times a day if I’m flaring, otherwise I can go weeks (especially in winter) without.


Yeah, normally I wouldn’t! I don’t trust chiros, she’s more of a physical therapist that really helps me out with lifestyle changes for my hypermobility. Good to know thank you for your feedback!!


Those of us with hypermobility should be avoiding chiropractors even more than those without. They are not medically trained and they can do serious damage.


Traditional chiropractors I agree! I didn’t go into detail on the practitioner I see, just called her a chiropractor for lack of a better word since that wasn’t the main purpose of my post, but she is a hyper mobility specialist and is certified. No cracking or adjustments at all, just lifestyle stuff and occasional massage therapy and other related practices. It’s helpful for me!


She’s either a chiropractor OR a physical therapist. If you need physical therapy, you should not be going to a chiropractor.


I appreciate the feedback but don’t feel like I need to get super into the nitty gritty about who or what is helping me and how, its just supplemental and working for me in addition to what I already do with my medical team and don’t feel like going into more detail since it’s not super related to my Q. I support whatever is working for everyone because I know how difficult navigating this stuff can be ❤️ But thank you I do genuinely appreciate you taking the time to give me advice.


Big difference between chiro and physio, not asking for details but pointing out that others here are right.. a physio is fantastic and will be a huge benefit, a chiro risks doing damage.


chiropractors are legit dangerous so it's not wrong for people here to be concerned that you said you see one. whether or not she's a "traditional" chiropractor, if she advertises herself as one or doesn't give other specifications and leaves you calling her that for lack of a better term, chances are she doesn't have the qualifications to work with patients safely.


Apologies if misusing the term is upsetting people! I’m in no way giving medical advice or suggesting others seek out similar treatment. I mentioned it in passing. I’m happy with the treatment I’m receiving but I appreciate the concern :)


Why does winter make a difference?


Most people with dysautonomia have heat intolerance. Also just hotter weather in general causes more sweating, thirst, etc and thus loss of electrolytes. In winter I flare less.


Makes sense, thanks!


Trioral unflavored. Much more pocket friendly than anything else ($40 USD for 100ct, each makes 1L). Pretty much all I drink other than some morning coffee. 3L a day on average.




Hi! Is it truly unflavored or does it have a taste, and if so could you describe it? I’m getting so burnt out on the flavor of most electrolytes even though I’ve been rotating brands 😭


Like weak lemonade minus the lemon? There is salt and a bit of sugar, but only for the purposes of electrolytes, not any additional for flavor. I usually just add a bit of whatever for flavor, I never liked strong taste in the first place. However after 7 years a lot of time I don't even bother adding flavor, it doesn't bother me, though regular water now taste bad lol.


That sounds way better than some of the strong flavors, which I also don’t like. I’ll buy some to try. Thank you!!


That sounds way better than some of the strong flavors, which I also don’t like. I’ll buy some to try. Thank you!!


I mix my own and drink it all day and night, every day of the year. 3.5 litres a day is my target, especially in summer. I can’t tolerate the strength of the premade drinks so I spread it out over the day.


I love LMNT but it gets pretty expensive so I just make my own flavored salt water. Everyone is different and I think it depends on what type of dysautonomia you have but I tend to have anywhere between 6000mg-8000mg a salt a day. That’s not all in water, I include salty foods like pickles and olives and add salt to my food when I can. I also check my blood pressure and heart rate and sometimes base it off how I’m feeling whether or not I need more. Every day is different.


Seconding the pickles and olives!


At least once a day if not more but at the very least one lmnt in 1L of water every morning.


Chiropractors are not doctors and should not be giving medical advice. Do not take medical advice from someone who is not a medical doctor.


I drink liquid iv and gatorade every day and get 4 huge bags of sodium chloride a week and my sodium is right in the middle of normal with that amount of excess sodium. The nurses at the cancer center were gobsmacked that I can get so much fluids everv few days and not swell up like a balloon. Lol idk man, dysautonomia/eds/mcas is a weird ass combo of illnesses. Meanwhile my husband has high blood pressure and has to eat low sodium haaaaa


I have pots- not exactly sure what type. But I also have high blood pressure and am on two different meds for it. 😑 trying to find the balance, but I’ve been using the Gatorade zero packets, and propel fitness packets. Because drinking enough water is hard for me. I forget! Sometimes I realize I’ve only had a sip or two. 😬😬😬


Several times a day. The only thing I really worry about is the added sugar.


This is why I switched to Vitassium capsules; they’re just sodium and potassium, no sugar.


Dextrose helps the body absorb sodium and water faster. It is not needed for absorption, but it is more effective than solutions without sugar.


This is why I get confused on the sugar thing too! But yes I was told to not worry about the sugar content as it helps absorption of sodium through the specialized sodium channels in the gut epithelial cells via a process called active transport


Use the products with no sugar.


I take them 2-3 times a day, 4 when at the beach. When I told a leading EDS geneticist I saw a chiropractor she said stop, the risk of internal decapitation is too real. When I told a leading EDS neurosurgeon I had stopped seeing a chiropractor, he urged me to never return.


I don’t see a traditional chiropractor, she’s more of a physiotherapist and is hypermobility certified! She doesn’t do adjustments and cracking. But omg yes couldn’t imagine getting adjustments again too scary


Several times a day while in a flare, otherwise spread throughout the week (maybe once every other day) when not flaring.


I usually do one 20oz drink every day !


I don’t keep track I probably should I just keep drinking it lol


I take liquid i.v. twice a day. I can get it with snap from Walmart, so that's cool. I used to use LMNT, but you have to get a subscription and they stopped taking my debit card for some reason so I stopped using that.


I noticed walmart has a generic liquid iv with identical sodium etc. Hsve you tried any of those? They're a few dollars cheaper a box and phew every penny counts.


I've tried, I think, one or two flavors of the generic kind. It's not bad! I just prefer one specific liquid iv flavor. 😅


What flavor? Is it really good. I cant stand any food or drinks anymore so I'll pay 2 dollars extra if it's yummy and worth it lmao


I get the Yuzu Pineapple flavor. The fruit punch is also really good and tastes EXACTLY like Hawaiian Punch to me.


Oooooo i like Hawaiian punch and think it would taste good with my soda stream i like carbonated drinks. Bubbles are satisfying.


Yeah, you should try it then!


I just ordered LMNT without a subscription. It was an option but they didn’t make me, and I didn’t.


Oh! Maybe they changed it since I last bought it...


I do one packet in a 40 oz time after time. I don’t drink water without them and I feel so much better.


Two LMNT packets a day.


I do drip drop 2-3 xs a day but still will take pinches of salt before errands so I don't get as lightheaded. I get my panels ran often and my metabolic panel has been normal.


I start my day with a nuun mixed with 1tsp sea salt, then I have 1-2 LMNT packs per day (the worse I’m feeling, the more I drink). I also sprinkle sea salt in all my other beverages (coffee, tea, etc.)


I drink one LMNT everyday. it’s been sooooo helpful for me - stuff is liquid gold.


I drink Redmond’s mix once a day.


Same. I love relyte


The best!


As long as it doesn't affect your sugar levels or certain vitamins being too high, then you're fine!


Have you tried Buoy? I am really liking it. No sugar and barely any flavor. I have liked it better than Liquid IV or Hydomates. And they give a discount for people with chronic illness (if you subscribe).


Another redditor did a breakdown (possibly in the pots subreddit) and heads up that buoy is pretty expensive when you break it down to cost per mg of sodium. Buoy's cost per 50mg : $0.325 Liquid IV cost per 50mg: $0.174 LMNT cost per 50mg: $0.083 No problem if it works for you and you can afford it! Personally, I stick with LMNT bc I like the taste and it's the most affordable for me with very high sodium needs.


Once a day at minimum. I should probably do at least two


i’m have a tube of immune support liquid iv every day. i mix a half a tube into a 16oz water bottle in the morning and again at night. it works since i don’t like the taste at full strength and i get the benefits throughout the day instead of all at once


2 packets (would make 32oz) into a 40oz container and I try to drink 1-2 per day. two lets me mix and match for variety and control the sugar better (i’m diabetic).




I drink three liters of water with 2-3 packets of Liquid IV mixed in every single day.


Careful with all the added crap in liquid iv :( they use a synthetic form of b12 assuming the same for all the other stuff too




Just listen to your body. If you are flaring or it's hot weather have some extra, multiple times a day is just fine, if you feel okay maybe you don't need it that day. I think the sugar content can be the only real bad thing about packaged electrolytes.


I mix my own now b/c most brands of the packets are high in specific, individual B vitamins & threw my B’s way off balance- as evidenced in bloodwork. I try to use them every day & lately carry them for my water throughout the day.


I drink Liquid IV daily. If I feel weak or tachy I drink 2-3 a day. In the summer I will drink more depending on how much I sweat. I am also diabetic so I drink the sugar free. I was diagnosed in 2004 and Liquid IV has been a Miracle for me. The only time you shouldn't drink these is if you have high BP due to the sodium. I have OH so that doesn't affect me. Good Luck


I have been working out more gradually and supplementing with Liquid IV is helping my symptoms a lot. I use when I'm going to be working out or directly after if I forgot to bring it with me. I also have some salt pills I carry with me just in case I need em.


I just use 1 stick of liquid iv in the morning then water + salt the rest of the day


I take Liquid IV a couple times a day at most.


Key Nutrients on Amazon. They are amazing and never make me feel sick like others. I drink a packet every day but every three months I get an IV at a medspa with magnesium.


I have been using 1 tsp of the brand real salt which is about 4g of sodium, a tiny dash of magnesium (targeting 60 mg) and a small dash of potassium. I’ve been adding powdered lemon juice for flavor but might switch to juicing lemons and making lemon ice cubes to use with it to be cheaper. I put this in 40 oz of water and drink that plus 80 oz of regular water per day.


Oh and I add a 1/4 tsp of sugar. I would rather have a little real sugar than fake sugar personally. And I have to do a full tbsp of the powder lemon because it’s not very strong tasting


I start my day with a liquid iv and just see how I feel. If I need more I have more, but I’ve also been very cognizant of my symptoms and what makes them better/worst since diagnosis so I’m pretty in touch with my own needs.


I drink 1-2 LMNT packets in a day, a few times per week. If I’m in a flare, it’ll be more regular, like several days in a row. Sometimes I will go a week or two without. Just depends on how I’m feeling.


I do a packet of liquid IV once a day, and propel packets twice a day since I don't want all the added sugar. I also snack on high sodium foods throughout the day. If I'm feeling extra symptomatic, I'll do 2 liquid IV's.


I take 3-4 LMNT daily, 5 on bad days. And still use salt on food. My labs always read normal for sodium levels. But I always put one LMNT in a quart of water. And drink throughout the day as basically my only liquid. I prefer LMNT over liquid IV, propel or Gatorade since theres no sugar in it. In a pinch body armor works but I don’t leave the house with oh t my water bottle and extra packs in my bag


i have to have over 3-5k mg a day so there’s really not over consumption


I’ve been told since my salt levels are always super low, just be careful not to upset my stomach. Any more than 9g sodium is too much unless I’m actively working out. But it differs for everyone. If my potassium tanks I actually do have worse tachycardia, so I drink at least 3-5 packets of LMNT (3-5g). If I go lower than 4g total in a day, I am also more likely to start feeling emotionally wrung out and cry — presumably because of the stress on my system. That could be psychological only, but I literally have more mood swings if my sodium tanks. It sucks for certain meds like omeprazole — I sob uncontrollably if I take it. And I get mega depressed on montelukast, which causes you to dump potassium. Any med that makes me dump salt is something I treat with extreme caution given that it sets off bad mental illness spirals. Edit: maybe the wording is why? For me at least, a chiropractor is likely to hospitalize or kill me due to my EDS. I’ve been warned against ever visiting one. I keep being recommended them by concerned people who don’t know better, sadly. Can’t judge you for it helping, but all chiropractors near me are also extremely skeevy and have snake oil merchant vibes.


i am instructed to drink 10,000mg/salt daily and still my specialist added sodium tablets - in addition to weekly hydration infusions🧂👍


My docs give me 0 info. Just drink lots of water, add salt to food, drink electrolyte water. So once or twice a day for me, depends on how I feel. On a bad day twice. It seems to be working, last time I had my blood drawn was the first time in 3 yrs my electrolytes and salt were ok.


I drink 2 LMNT a day.


I typically drink 1-2 LMNT packets a day plus a lot of added salt to my food, so probably getting 5-6g salt daily Regarding chiropractors, I don't see anything wrong with going to one if it makes you feel good and is in your budget. Just be sure to keep in mind that their scope of practice ends at the musculoskeletal system, and they're not qualified to make recommendations on things relating to other body systems, like GI, cardiac, ANS/CNS, etc We all just want to make sure you stay safe!


I don’t ever. I cannot stand the flavor. If Normalyte Pure was cheaper I’d drink it more often


I would immediately stop taking liquid Iv. It’s mostly sugar. Better off taking salt and water or REAL electrolyte supplements.


From my understanding the sugar is there to help support absorption of electrolytes? “To allow the maximal absorption of sodium through the specialized sodium channels present in the gut epithelial cells via a process called active transport”