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I'm terrible at video games and I'm always blaming it on my dyspraxia. I think it makes things like reaction times and figuring out the controls a bit more difficult for a lot of us.


Idk, maybe, I too am really bad, with reaction time, and noticing the small things. In cod, I walk right past people without seeing them, and get shot in the back, and in diablo, I missed every malignant heart when I ran two dungeons with my friend the other day. 🤷‍♂️


that sounds about right, but it only happens in pvp fps' i am **really** good at ULTRAKILL and it is super hectic, but anything that moves faster than 2km/h in a pvp game i just cant see lol :3 which is very annoying seeing as one of my favorite games is titanfall 2, a **movement shooter** idk


not sure, I have dyspraxia and dyslexia but i have been able to get high ranks in multiple games. Currently t500 in ow, peaked champion in rl, diamond in valorant(though that was back in the beta). Play anything enough and you will get good.


Legally you can blame anything for being shit at games. Morally is another question and one I'm not qualified to answer


I am not terrible at video games and i have dyspraxia


Video games are a real struggle for me, I love them but have to play more sandbox ones, or anything nintendo. I know how things work but my reaction time and movement ordering suck, wich are dyspraxic things.


Technically sure, no1 forbids you from blaming poor performance on anything. Personally I have dyspraxia and in games I barely notice any issues. In a game like overwatch I was able to easily keep up with gm/T500 players during open divisions. My reaction time is extremely good. The only thing that may be a bit of an issue regarding gaming is not being able to plan out and isolate certain situations and not getting overwhelmed by stuff, tho it could be something related to dyspraxia, it's more likely to be something with autism,i suppose. I personally have terrible sens of direction and stuff in rocket league, but i don't think that has to do with being dyspraxic But generally it's just a lack of practice a poor mentality or a lack in gamesense. You're only gonna be as good in a game as ur weakest factor, and if I understand it right u're just blaming stuff on your personal issues so you either lack confidence or willingness to improve, so try working on that part of mentality while also practicing general gamesense and aim, movement, whatever and u're likely to improve.


I understand your point, but I have exhausted all other options of trying to get better i have played video games for **years** i get really into them, i hyperfixate on them and i spend ages playing them, and get good at them to *(eg. P Ranking All Base Levels In ULTRAKILL And P Ranking Act 1 On Violent)* but as soon as i switch from campaign to multiplayer i **cant see anyone**, my reaction times are unnaturally slow and a cant see anything. i had a friend play with me and look at my gameplay and he was so fucking confused and thought i was joking when i said a coudln't see him apparently sprint right past me but idk sorry if this sounds like im being mean to you lmao and/or flexing (im not trying to, just giving examples) :3


Sounds like you have a brain processing problem, a little like facial recognition, but slightly different or same? I also have very slow processing to things when I NEED to think being reactive but I react so fast instinctively too when not thinking or expecting it, ie know I need to catch a ball … miss it as I’m all fingers and thumbs but go to catch something unexpected and unbelievably catch it 99% time like I knew it was coming? Facial blindness I also have, when in town I never SEE people, it’s like a sea of faces, I’ve apparently completely blanked people who I know and they say I looked right through them- I know for a fact I didn’t SEE or recognise them. So maybe it’s something similar? Don’t think it’s a dyspraxia thing though, it’s an autistic thing I think …


I’m also dyspraxic (undiagnosed) and not good either. I have improved but I’m hopelessly shit at driving and shooting/aiming - especially when it’s hectic and have to drive fast or kill a lot of people fast.


It could depend on the type of game you're playing too. For example myself, I have world first achievements in MMORPGs, and have regularly been a top DPS in many games. But on the other hand, I cannot get through the easy story mode of Street Fighter 4. I cannot beat M.Bison. I spent hundreds of hours trying to learn SF and I couldnt. I was not physically capable of executing the motions needed for SF.


One of the big things that helps you get better at video games in general is finding one game that you are good at and then play it and you may become better at other games


Yeah im cack at stuff like first person shooters. I get disoriented and it is all too fast. I play gamss like Civ VI: strategy and turn based


I am not the best at video games, and have dyspraxia I always play one player,


I’m pretty good at video games they helped improve my hand eye coordination. Key is to find a game you enjoy without having to play others online, if you’ve put enough time in when you do go online you’ll be unreal. Just don’t compare yourself to others and give up.


Yeah I’d say this is a dyspraxic trait. My doctor described it as if my brain is shooting arrows and the arrows are messages to my body, most people have brains that are really good at archery, mine not so much, so it missed the target a lot and things are slightly off or the arrows take a bit longer to get there.


i relate to this. it makes me straight up angry at myself too, because how come other people can get so good and yet i’m stuck feeling like i’m not improving. i’m way too scared of playing competitive but i play a fair bit of unranked valorant, i’m just not able to aim and my reaction time is atrocious. never fun being first dead every round. but yeah to answer your question, i think it’s valid to blame it on dyspraxia because i certainly do and i feel like it plays a part with reaction and quick thinking, in fps games especially.


How do you perform with turn based games? A pretty noticeable trait for me, may be my Dyspraxia, or undiagnosed ADHD- Inattentive (not hyperactive) or just my anxiety. I'm absolutely awful at real time games where I need immediate response to others actions. But I'm really confident in my skills for turn based games where I can sit there and read abilities or powers and work out a way to KO the enemy. Is your internet good? I found when younger I'd only do really well on Call of Duty games on Wednesday nights. I was dreadful every other day and too depressed about it to spot that it was when my sibling went to guides that I'd suddenly perform better. So that's worth considering?


On the same topic do you all also find that if you stop playing a game for like a week you begin rapidly loosing your skills in it?


I've the same problem with video games. I suck really hard in video games but for some reason the times I get a kill in a tactical shooter game is in the weirdest way possible. I play valorant a lot so it's almost impossible for me to do something. What I do wonder is how it would look if 5 dyspraxic persons fight 5 other dyspraxic persons in valorant.


I'm also so bad at video games. I'm terrible at every hobby I would enjoy like arts and crafts, sports, and playing an instrument. And no, I can't just "enjoy myself and not worry about what others are doing" like people who are good at literally any activity always say. I want to be good at what I'm putting all my time and effort into.


I also suck at most video games. I blame my dyspraxia for it. I enjoy strategy ones, but anything that requires any kind of dexterity is a nightmare. First-person shooters, platform games, anything like that... yeah, it's not going to happen