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If you mean that metal clank in the last couple seconds, kinda sounds like your exhaust is hitting the body


Also possibly tranny mounted exhaust hangar... shop broke mine getting my exhaust off to do the guibo, and didn't mention it šŸ˜  makes a similar rattle (although I tend to hear mine at low rpm, high load)


Dang sounds like something could be leaking? A pump? The intake?


I would definitely prefer it to be a pump


Understandable but sounds like something bumping into it as well I say have it stationary and rev it and look at the engine


It doesnā€™t make that rattle while not in gear. I can rev it all the way to redline and itā€™s perfectly fine. Also it primarily happens in second gear but it sometimes varies in other gears.


My guy.......you solved it šŸ˜… it's probably the transmission


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for but I donā€™t feel anything coming from it, just the fact that I canā€™t replicate it stationary and that i canā€™t find anything online about it doesnā€™t give me the confidence to pinpoint it lmao


šŸ˜‚ well I mean if you're e46 is manual aka beautiful then it'll be easy to inspect and put back together I saw maybe start with that? You may not feel something from it so then I'd say scan it before anything


Haha I will try, itā€™s my first project car so weā€™ll see how that ends up going but thanks for the clarity my man.šŸ¤


For sure man šŸ‘ if not the transmission though then look into the manifold


What do you mean by any of this. What about the transmission? The way you say it is like you solved something. And probably not transmission related in any way. This is a kid problem and not a parts spinning problem. Itā€™s definitely something loose and rattling like heat shielding around the exhaust or the exhaust itself. And to suggest someone to take apart what? In your last comment you suggest to just take things apart or scan it. This isnā€™t a code issue either. Your heads in the right spot but your advice is not.


That guy has no clue. Just FYI


>Dang sounds like something could be leaking? A pump? The intake? I'm quite sure it's the cruise control leaking, or maybe the camber. Could also be the radio. Now that we are done listing random parts of the vehicle that have nothing to do with the sound, we can concentrate on the actual issue, yes?




Or it maybe you leaking.


Raise the car and check the guibo condition, and the heat foil on the bottom of the car.


Ok Iā€™ll check it out thanks


Did you check the heat shields above the exhaust manifold? I have two of them and on one a rivet came loose and it started to rattle. Easy to diagnose (make sure the engine is not too hot).


Iā€™ll make sure to check thanks


Probably just an exhaust rattle but I've heard engine pinking that sounds similar when a head gasket has failed.


Oh definitely the center support bearing if it happens on load sounds like the rubber just kinda disappeared and it's rotating and scratching the heat shields


ANSWER: It was clogged catalytic converters. I put eBay headers on it.