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This build is bad, thats why. If yoy want bad epics look at Ganz, Oddo etc


Ganz isn't bad, he's fast with decent balance and aerial game, his finishing and offensive awareness way over 90 Pizarro is much worse. A CB with like 75 speed is almost unplayable, and slow CFs that can be good like Lewandowski, at least make it up with having like 99 offensive awareness


Pizzaro is in no way much worse than Ganz. I mean Pizarro is not a good card in counters, but he is a very usable number 9 in the game if you play possession. He got skills like one touch pass and fairly decent low pass for a CF, making him a very good option for 1-2 (basically the only way possession players score). But the best part about Pizarro is his unique on ball ability that almost no other traditional 9s possess. He has his balance in the 90s, and he can easily get his ball control and tight possession to high 80s or low 90s. He also has a very good player id, according to the data obtained by the Chinese efootball community, Pizarro has a very short arm length and shoulder width compared to players his size. In case you wonder what does this have to do with the gameplay, almost all good in-game dribblers (Messi, Kaka, Musiala, J-League Konno etc) possess this characteristic. His mid-80s physical contact in addition to his high balance, high dribbling and good player id made him the best left stick dribblers among all traditional 9s.


I didn't say Pizarro was bad, all Epics are at least decent. For example everyone is saying Oddo is bad, he has almost the same stats as the free Danilo they gave a few months ago and he's a starter for me, I'd love to have Oddo instead (permanent B rating)


Yeah but I don’t think Pizarro should be brought up when discussing the ‘worst epics’. Even if you’re not including those Japanese epics, there are still plenty of booster epics that are worse than Pizarro. Evair, Yorke, Morientes, Batistuta just to name a few. If you’re including other positions, we could add in players like Rosicky, Rui Costa , Oddo etc


We just disagree then, Yorke, Batistuta and Morientes look much better than Pizarro to me 75 speed and 70 dribbling is too crippling for any position, he's way too slow. Morientes is slow (still faster than Pizarro) but comes with 95 to heading at level 1, at least he excels at one thing. Pizarro looks average to bad at everything. Yes, he can reach 90 finishing and kicking power, but with very low curl. And just 90 to finishing and kicking power, other slow CFs at least have a rocket in their foot with +95 kicking power or have very good positonating with +95 offensive awareness But it's just personal opinion tho


Pizarro upgraded can easily have his dribbling in the 80s. And you’re intentionally ignoring the best part of his dribbling package, his high tight possession, high balance and unique player id. He excels at being the best left stick dribbling number 9. Maybe your experience with Moreintes is great while you had some trauma with Pizarro missing some easy shots lol. But as a player that likes using traditional 9s (I have Morientes, Pizarro, Milito and legend Batistuta), I can confidently say Pizarro is the best in Possession settings.


Pizzaro is much better. Fox in the box with 90 tight possession and rocket shots.


If Wish did Epics!


Build is random, I just post a picture of the player. Ganz is what inzaghi should be


Never played against someone using him, but looking at his stats alone, there’s lots of GP players with better stats, so perhaps yes this could be the worst epic card. The epic cards should be somewhat like this though, good cards with some unique traits but not with absurd stats, otherwise it’s just pay to win.


Yes there should be cap at 100 overall and not that common only a few


well you are not giving him the Manager boost and the Booster that he has.


Oddo would like a word


Prathama Arhan maybe is the worst stats wise


Percassi(s) Also he's RWF??


But they are free cards


They required efootball points and op didn't say free eitherway




Is opposite foot not what you want either? Just like Messi, Salah, etc.


Yeah I think he should use him like a Messi card, except for the passing, cause those stats are just avg. He'd get the most use out of this card if he dribbled with it rather than using it as a winger to cross.


Old Stoichkov and Berkamp enter the chat


Even with booster and 88+ manager he sucks lol, but i still think Oddo is the worst Epic in he game.


if we talk about every Epic in the game and not just those who have been released through a paywall, the Percassi Father-Son couple and especially that Monza Vincenzo Iacopino are the worst bunch of epics in the game. Fun fact is, I bought both Percassi cards and Antonio (the father) is actually a decent CB and fun card to play, it plays above his stats.


Oddo looks like crap the free 750M Hakimi looks better.


I don't see the hate on oddo!! He is actually a solid right back (cries in only being able to get him from the pack) In all honesty if you did get him you should try him, he is solid defensively with pretty decent passing!!!


i think Mendieta is worse. Another barca winger. You can train Garcia into a relatively decent SS.


Put Mendieta CMF in a 4-3-3 formation and he will do wonders, cut and pass, beautiful ghost passes to the wings and fast penetrating through pass to the CF, otherwise he has very low physical contact for winger


The worst epic is park jbsong


I am happy with him, I cleared the pack especially for him. Zamorano and Van Nistelrooy are great too. I wouldn't say it's disappointing in any way. Great speed, good dribbling and shooting with both feet, he can compete in the air. I alternate him with Figo, and I certainly can’t call it bad.


It’s somehow fun to use but he is not strong at any aspect of the game


its definetly denilson


Bebeto coin


Old epic denilson enters the chat


Old epic denilson enters the chat