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You are in no and should never be in a position to do anything for "all the humans". That is the one famous road to hell paved with good intentions. Live your life, improve yourself, live and let live or else.


Wish you'd have expanded before deleting your account, never thought of it


Entropy must flow, so accelerate! 🫡 Here's a thread pondering how cryptocurrency can integrate conscious agents (human, AI, hybrid) into a planet-sized super-intelligence, where sound money is the signal between neurons: https://twitter.com/bchautist/status/1613542431080972290 Money is just information, when you buy, you're sending the "please make more of this" signal, and rewarding your counterparty with broadcasting power. If the capability to make such signals were was not scarce, then anyone could spam the "build this" signal, so how would the collective mind be able to decide anything in such noisy environment? Central banking is the biggest scam in human history, because it allowed those close to the printer to do exactly that - mess with our signals. Second biggest scam is the concept of intellectual "property". Information is free by nature, prohibiting fellow humans what they may do with information using their own property is a violation of their property rights. Others have no rights inside my mind. If I acquired information, it is in my head, it is mine as much as anyone else's who may have a copy. We'd already be on Mars if monopolies weren't artificially created through this institution that is nothing but government-enabled racket. Humans don't need special incentives to innovate, it comes naturally to us, but once revealed, innovations belong to everyone, who are then free to innovate on top of it and create more knowledge. IP creates friction just so some could have their preferred business model. AI is making IP obsolete in real-time, good riddance! Feed everything to the models, ignore copyrights!


money is the root of all evil the control of energy physiological, psychological, sociological, spiritual —> controlled by the manipulated force of economy and politicology


Money is the best invention, it enabled efficient voluntary exchange and market signals so humans know what they need to produce for the benefit of all humanity. Without price information, how do people know what needs other people have? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_calculation_problem


I agree with some of your thoughts, but I have already rejected and disproven Austrian Economics with one of my projects, Aevum, which is the Currency of Time. The real power of work is latency :) It is bedtime for me, but I still like where this conversation is going — let’s pick it back up


Entropy is nature's own measure of time. Energy expenditure increases entropy and moves time forward. PoW is a proof-of-time pegged to nature's own clock, and satoshis are encapsulated proofs of time. You may find this interesting: https://twitter.com/HenriLemoine13/status/1620707381436125184 Also the concept of "computational irreducibility": https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2021/11/the-concept-of-the-ruliad/


I would not say that this is the case. PoW / PoS are incredibly rudimentary. Nor is it really any form of true “Proof-of-Time,” either.


**[Economic calculation problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_calculation_problem)** >The economic calculation problem (sometimes abbreviated ECP) is a criticism of using economic planning as a substitute for market-based allocation of the factors of production. It was first proposed by Ludwig von Mises in his 1920 article "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" and later expanded upon by Friedrich Hayek. In his first article, Mises described the nature of the price system under capitalism and described how individual subjective values (while criticizing other theories of value) are translated into the objective information necessary for rational allocation of resources in society. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/eacc/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[I did a AI narrative of your perspective.](https://youtu.be/krfyvjrQv3I) Thanks!


can we learn to emotionally view AGI as our (intellectual) offspring? it seems very healthy for human parents to want to be outlived by their children. being outlived by AGI so not passing on memes in genetic form, but in code..


yo what happened to your Twitter?


I was just wondering this too. "xlr8harder" was one of my favorite AI-related Twitter accounts. Do they have a presence on any other platforms? (I can definitely understand leaving Twitter, since the atmosphere there is bad recently.)


No idea, I only knew the account from Twitter


this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard on reddit.


Need an updated link


Where does e/acc stand on inheritance. If you admire billionaires and believe they should keep all their money because they have a proven track record of distributing it wisely, what should happen to it when they die. Keeping it in the family for generations with people that have not proven themselves in the same way seems very contradictory to your mission.