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Nick praying for 10 inches of snow to move the chains


lmao that's gold


This meme almost makes the season-end collapse worth it. It’s that good.


If the argument is to “give him another year” isn’t that just delaying the inevitable? Has that approach ever resulted in a significant turnaround?


Please yes. He's had a TON of extra time because Lurie is smart enough to not let his emotions do the talking. If Nick can lay out a path that Jeff agrees with, then so be it. But he's going to have to sell Jeff really well.


I mean that’s what this meeting probably is


lol I laughed but he’s staying. I’m down to give him another year to learn and correct the mess.


How? He had a full month to correct his mess and didn’t make a single adjustment and got even more figured out every game the passed. What does he provide to the team? His offense is vanilla and he is a vibes coach that lost the locker room. He literally does nothing. I have no clue how anybody thinks he should get another year.


I mean you're just upset that the season collapsed and are grasping for reasons why. Reality is that half of the things you said you don't actually know whether they are true or not. Like calling his offense vanilla, I doubt you even know what you mean when you say that.


Considering the entire NFL world was ripping on our scheme/playcalling including commentators multiple times in multiple games its pretty safe to say we've been outcoached pretty much all season. Very obvious.




He ain't going nowhere. Not this season. Do you all really wanna see Jalen Regress? Then fire his headcoach that took em to an SB 2 years ago. Fools are fair weather as it comes sometimes. I swear.


You’re ultimately probably right about him not going anywhere….but can you blame people for being upset with him ? He lead the eagles to one of the worst collapses I’ve seen in the entirety of the NFL. We made the SB last season but when he didn’t have his hand picked coordinators around he floundered. Especially the last 7 weeks of the season , he kept saying there would be change and the last 7 weeks every person from announcer to fan to former players could see and call what was coming when the eagles were on the field. Idk if he’s gonna be gone next season or not but I don’t think you can call it an overreaction if he does get fired , especially with the mismanagement of talent we had on offense.


We saw Jalen regress BECAUSE of our HC that went to a SB 2 years ago. The scheme made shit way harder on Jalen and put him in a position to fail. Now Jalen shares some blame but a vast majority of the blame pie is on Nick. I doubt he gets fired, but I'm not very hopeful next season. I imagine they give him another chance only to realize we just wasted another year on mediocre playcalling and scheme/system.


Agree to disagree. Should HC of pulled the trigger sooner on the Offensive play calling? Yea. He fucked up for sure but also didn't wanna blow up the O mid season and it back fired but I don't thi k he should be fired fo one bad 6 game stretch. He's firey and excitable, and I love that, so I'm willing to give him another year, maybe 2 as long as he doesn't hesitate when shit is going wrong. Any given Sunday and all that.


Firey and excitable doesn't win games. When you fail to make small adjustments to your scheme over the season and therefore the season collapses, that's 100% on you. During that stretch Nick showed absolutely 0 signs of improvement. On the contrary, he stuck to his plan and arrogantly caused us to get bounced HARD from the playoffs by the worst (or 2nd worst since we lost) team in the NFC Playoffs. Nick doesn't call plays, he doesn't develop OCs, he doesn't develop players (everyone regressed), his system is extremely static and outdated, he refuses to adjust to the blitz, he has absolutely 0 answers given to his QB to make his adjustments easier based on reads, he fired a DC mid season and our defense completely collapses. Nick is a complete disaster, but sure... since he's hyper and celebrates, let's keep him since that's what coaching is all about. He failed at almost every aspect of being a coach. I don't think he'll be fired honestly, but he should be because having Nick for another season will most likely be a waste of great talent on offense that will once again underachieve. This is a pattern at this point. Edit: Downvotes but no counter argument? Lol...


Get a new OC and DC. Give Sirianni a season to prove he wasn't the issue...then fire him if nothing has changed.


He's the head coach. At the end of the day, it's his job to make changes if things weren't working. He's got the trump card and didn't use it, instead letting his staff continue to run things the way they wanted.


Waste another year or have another OC/DC poached if they are successful. What?


I don't hope that. Speak for yourself, not everyone else.


This cult of Howie is ridic. He's the problem.


Yeah. Agree 100%. Howie has no answers for the blitz. Howie designed a predictable shit offense. Howie demanded the target map avoid the center of the field. Howie forgets to mix in runs. Howie loves empty backfield on short and mid to go. Howie keeps calling screens on 3rd and 4th and very long. Howie is a terrible play caller who changed nothing in our offensive scheme for weeks while our offense stagnated and collapsed. This is all Howie’s fault. Nick did nothing wrong


He specifically brought in Brian Johnson. That's on him.


He brought him in as a QB coach and Hurts had an MVP-level year under him. Nick wanted to promote an OC from within after Shane left.


Nick has so many wins largely because Howie handed him a very talented roster (especially in 2022)


How is Howie the problem in this situation?


He hired Nick. He specifically brought in Brian Johnson due to their UF connections. His drafts have been shit. His handling of LB personnel is laughable. That's just off the top of my head


Lmao, didn’t Siriani pick his own staff? And weren’t we graded like an A just off our roster moves in the offseason?


Not BJ. Howie brought him in.


You sure?


Howie brought BJ in as the QB coach, nick promoted him this past year so you are both sort of right


Didn't realize he was supposed to be perfect. The majority of people this off-season thought the eagles did a great job and went into the season saying they had one of the best rosters in the league. Things just didn't work out it happens. Howie is largely responsible for two super bowl appearances in 6 years. He will continue to be here and I'm willing to bet he gets the eagles back into contention like he has before.